American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1862 The truth of the past

Hearing the voice, Elsa and Princess Anna turned their heads at the same time. When they saw the figure who was speaking, Elsa couldn't help but exclaimed: "Grandpa."

That's right, King Runard is Elsa's grandfather. He wore a king's uniform and said coldly: "Order all guards to come with us to the Magic Forest."

The general of Arendelle asked in confusion: "Why, the Northandra people have always been friendly, so there is no need to be so guarded against them, right?"

King Runard said: "The people of Northandra worship magic, and they cannot be trusted."

"Not trustworthy?"

Princess Elsa and Anna were shocked when they heard this. Didn't their parents say that Arendelle and Northandra were very friendly, and their grandfather even built a dam to commemorate their friendship? Why is it now untrustworthy?

King Runard continued: "Magic makes them arrogant and arrogant, and they don't even respect me as a king. They must pay the price."

"You're just afraid of their magic."

Elsa shouted dissatisfied, and Princess Anna nodded in agreement. Although King Runard was their grandfather, they did not think King Runard was right.

At this time, King Runard and the general walked towards the lower part of the square. Elsa and Princess Anna followed without any hesitation. They wanted to find out the truth of the year. Moreover, this matter may have something to do with Elsa's life experience. relation.

Andrew shook his head. These two girls were really reckless. Fortunately, he followed them. Otherwise, they would definitely turn into ice sculptures and then be swallowed by the existence hidden in the dark.

While following the two women, Andrew quietly took out the River God Gem and ordered: "This is Yato Harun. I will integrate you into this glacier now. Can you try to become the master of this glacier?"

"BOSS, I will never let you down."

The river god said excitedly that once he becomes the river god of Yato Harun, his strength will skyrocket, and more importantly, he will gain a certain degree of freedom.

Then, Andrew quietly placed the River God's Gem into the ice wall aside, and the River God's Gem quickly integrated into it. Then, the River God activated his own power of rules and wanted to become the River God of Yato Harun.

It went smoothly at first, but soon, the River God was blocked. He said to Andrew: "BOSS, it's a bit strange. There are two forces deep in Yato Harun. I didn't dare to go too deep to avoid being discovered by them.

These two forces, one seems to be the power of Yato Harun itself, and the other is very evil, as if it wants to devour everything. They are fighting, so they did not find me. "

The reason why the River God is so cautious is because he can't defeat either side. This is normal. He is just a wild monster at best. How can he defeat Yato Harun's consciousness and the hidden master?

There were other people in Yatuo Harun. Andrew didn't know it at first, but Yato Harun would resist the river god. He had already guessed that this was why he had to come in person.

"River God, I am transmitting my power to you now, so you can quietly erode Yato Harun. Remember, do not be discovered by those two forces."

As Andrew spoke, he used his own power to amplify the rules of the River God's gem. The River God was overjoyed and immediately began to erode Yato Harun, gradually turning Yato Harun into his own territory.

In order to avoid being discovered, the River God moves very slowly. He can stay in a river for thousands of years. It goes without saying that patience and caution are no problem.

"That mysterious existence is probably a seriously injured Insect King. It is the Insect King who said before that he does not need demon supplies. He is eroding Yato Harun to restore his strength."

Andrew secretly thought that this Insect King, like half the Insect King, wanted to swallow special energy to restore itself. However, Yato Harun was more powerful than the Enchanted Forest, so this Insect King would take longer.

"He didn't stop Aisha and I from entering, probably because He was fighting with Yato Harun's consciousness. However, He will definitely not let us go. For Him, we are a great supplement."

Andrew snorted coldly, and while helping the river god erode, he gradually followed Elsa and Princess Anna down.

As more and more scenes appeared, Elsa and Princess Anna gradually figured out what happened back then. The dam was not a symbol of friendship, but was used by King Runard to deceive the Northsandra people.

"The existence of the dam will gradually weaken the soil of the Magic Forest. When the time comes, the people of Northandra will come to beg me."

King Runard said arrogantly: "I will annex the Enchanted Forest and make it our territory of Arendelle. More importantly, the people of Northandra will surrender to me."

Elsa couldn't help but shake her head. Princess Anna had a more violent personality and scolded directly: "I didn't expect our grandfather to be a bastard."

"What grandpa did was indeed wrong."

Elsa sighed, and the two of them continued walking down while crossing their arms. The reason why they crossed their arms was because they felt very cold, but they didn't care about it. They just wanted to see the truth now.

King Runard's calculation was very good, but the Northandra people were not stupid either. The leader of the Northandra people discovered some clues and went to King Runard to discuss: "Your Majesty, there is a problem with the dam, the water flow is too fast. It takes away a lot of dirt.”

"My friend, don't worry, we will definitely find a way to solve this matter."

King Runard smiled, and then, while the patriarch was praying to the forest, he pulled out his sword and slashed at the patriarch's neck.

This scene happened to be seen by the guardian of the clan leader, so Northandra and the Arendelle people fought. This is the truth of that year.

"That's it, I understand, I completely understand."

Elsa shouted: "What summoned me was the Magic Forest. The existence of the dam made the Magic Forest weaker and weaker. Therefore, the Magic Forest summoned me and wanted me to save it."

Princess Anna was trembling with cold as she asked: "Why you, sister? Also, the four spirits all obey the orders of the Enchanted Forest. Wouldn't it be great if the four spirits could just break the dam?"

Aisha didn't know why, but she believed that her induction was correct. At this moment, Andrew said: "Because you, Aisha, are the fifth spirit."

"Am I the fifth spirit? The mysterious fifth spirit that the old lady said?"

Elsa was stunned for a moment, then reacted and said: "Yes, I am the fifth spirit. The Magic Forest sensed the crisis, so the Fifth Spirit reincarnated into the Arendelle royal family to save the Magic Forest.

Therefore, I will definitely return to the Enchanted Forest. This is my destiny. I will not only break the dam, but also succeed as the leader of the Northandra people and help the Northandra people develop.

This is why the Magic Forest won't let the Four Spirits take action. It's waiting for me. "

"What, sister, you are the fifth spirit? No wonder you can do magic, but I can't."

Princess Anna suddenly realized, and then she asked another question: "Hey, wait, why did the Enchanted Forest bring disaster to Arendelle?"

"If I guess correctly, the Enchanted Forest just wants to drive away the people in Arendelle, because once the dam is blown, Arendelle will be washed away."

Andrew said: "But the Magic Forest was eroded by the power of the Insect King, causing chaos, causing the reminder to turn into a disaster."

"That's how it should be."

Princess Elsa and Anna agreed with Andrew's judgment. At this time, Elsa finally reacted and shouted: "Let's get out of here quickly. If we don't leave, we will be frozen."

"I feel like I'm frozen."

Princess Anna said while running out, in fact, if it was Elsa at the beginning, it would be impossible for her to persist for so long, but after Andrew's training, Elsa's strength has become much stronger, so she can persist until now.

Elsa was about to run out together. At this moment, the surrounding cold air suddenly surged. Princess Anna and Andrew instantly turned into ice sculptures, and Elsa's body began to freeze from bottom to top.


Elsa screamed, hurriedly using the power of rules to fight the cold air. The freezing speed quickly slowed down, but it only slowed down and did not stop.

At the time of life and death, Elsa's potential exploded completely, and her understanding of the rules of ice and snow rose like a rocket. Therefore, the freezing speed became slower and slower. If this continues, it won't be long before the freezing will stop completely, or even disappear.

The question is, how could the masterminds allow this to happen? A figure similar to an avocado suddenly appeared and said excitedly: "I thought it was just three delicious snacks, but I didn't expect it to be a big meal.

A potential seed that may become Heavenly Father God, haha, if I swallow you, it won’t take long for me to regain my strength. "

"Insect King? Why are you here?"

Aisha asked in shock. The Insect King was stunned when he heard this, and then smiled: "You should have met my brother. We all look similar. It doesn't matter. Your fate is to be eaten by me anyway."

After saying that, the Insect King opened its mouth extremely wide and swallowed it towards Elsa. Elsa had to fight against the cold air and couldn't resist at all. She could only watch the mouth getting closer and closer.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, Anna, I can't save you."

Elsa's heart was filled with guilt and despair. At this moment, a hot flame spear traveled through space, transcended time, penetrated the Insect King's body, and nailed him to the ice.

The Insect King let out a shrill scream and hurriedly transformed into the form of the sun to resist the flames. Then, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the attack, where he found a violent figure whose entire body was made of magma.

"You want to eat my wife, have you asked me?"

This magma giant was none other than Andrew. He had known for a long time that the Insect King would launch a sneak attack. The reason why he did nothing was because he wanted Elsa to improve herself in the crisis and strive to break through to Heavenly Father God as soon as possible.

On the other hand, it is to lure the snake out of the hole, lure the insect king out, and then attack him secretly. In this way, you can guarantee to defeat the opponent 100%.

If it were anyone else, it would be difficult to sneak attack the Insect King. After all, the Insect King has Wade's dangerous intuition gene, but Andrew has mastered both the rules of space and the rules of time. As soon as the Insect King's intuition appeared, his body was penetrated. The only thing he could do The best thing is to move the key slightly.

Even if the vital part was slightly moved away, the Insect King was still severely injured. He was already seriously injured, but this time, the injuries were added to the injuries.

"His Royal Highness Prince."

Elsa was overjoyed to have escaped death. His Royal Highness was as reliable as ever. She continued to fight against the cold, trying to get out as soon as possible and help Andrew fight together.

After all, that is the Insect King, and Andrew may not be able to deal with it alone. He has to help. Our Queen Elsa has always been very proud and has a strong sense of responsibility.

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