American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 185 Reversal

"A teleportation stone suddenly appeared?"

Nick Fury was very surprised. He thought for a while and asked, "The teleportation stone really works?"

"It should work," Garrett said.

"Then use it, secretly. Besides, you never made this call."

After that, Nick Fury hung up the phone and Garrett rolled his eyes. I knew this would happen.

Garrett took a deep breath and ran carefully towards Killian. This was not easy because there were many desperate warriors on the road. Fortunately, he was lucky and came to Killian's side smoothly.

Garrett did not dare to waste time and slammed the teleportation stone hard on Killian's right foot. Killian was busy attacking Tony and did not notice him at all, and was hit by the teleportation stone.

Then, the teleportation stone flashed with light and disappeared with Killian.

"I'm hiding, I'm hiding, I'm hiding, I'm hiding... Well, why didn't you attack anymore, where are the Kilians?"

Tony was dodging frantically in the air, and suddenly realized something was wrong. He turned around and found that Killian was gone.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what was going on. Obadiah and a group of desperate warriors also looked confused. What happened? Why did Kilian suddenly disappear? How about playing?

Steve thought of something, turned to Scarlett and asked: "Scarlett, did your teacher take action?"

Scarlett shook her head: "My teacher doesn't do things in such a secretive way."

"Huh? Garrett?"

At this time, Tony noticed Garrett sneaking away and frowned slightly. Could this matter have something to do with him?

"Ignore Killian for now, take this opportunity to get rid of the remaining Extremis Warriors and Steel Suit."

Garrett ran to the side and shouted: "Try to capture as many people as possible to find out the details of that mysterious force."


The superheroes nodded and joined the battle one after another. The situation was instantly reversed. The previously proud Obadiah and others were quickly defeated.

In Miami, after the death of the high-temperature giant, the terrorists were quickly eliminated, and the citizens breathed a sigh of relief. The disaster was finally over.

At this moment, a huge figure appeared out of thin air on a street in the northern half of the city. It was Killian.

"Why am I here?"

Killian looked confused when he saw the surrounding scene. He was only a little bit close to killing Iron Man, so why did he suddenly appear here?

"Is it magic? Goddess of Destiny, how dissatisfied are you with me?"

Killian was very angry. He wanted to move, but found that he couldn't move or even blink. This made him shocked and angry. What was going on?

The citizens didn't know that Killian couldn't move. When they saw a red giant suddenly appearing next to them, they screamed in fear and ran away like crazy.

"The high temperature giant is here again, everyone run away."

Many people screamed in shock, and the people around them ran away frantically, wishing their parents would have two more legs.

Two minutes later, Killian found that he had regained the ability to move. He roared and kicked the bus next to him away. The bus exploded in the air, and countless flames fell from the sky, as if it was raining fire.

Fortunately, no one was around, but unfortunately, everyone didn't escape far.

"This matter is not over yet. I, Killian, don't believe in fate."

Killian clenched his fists, turned around and ran quickly towards the sea. He wanted to return to the abandoned oil tanker and kill Iron Man and those superheroes.

Because of his anger, Killian's body was always in a high temperature state. As he ran, the surrounding trees and buildings burned with blazing fire, and some places even exploded with explosions, which was very frightening.

"Run quickly."

When the citizens in the direction of the sea saw Killian running towards them, they were so frightened that they ran away like crazy - most of them ran to both sides, but some people foolishly ran to the front.

"Citizens of the northern half of Miami, please pay attention. Another high-temperature giant has appeared. He is more dangerous than the last one. In a short period of time, he has destroyed several streets."

Luo Shan reported again: "Hulk and other superheroes are in the southern half of the city. It will take a lot of time to get here. In addition, it is still the same. He may self-destruct. If you can leave, please leave as much as possible."


The citizens in the northern half of the city were yelling and cursing. They were thankful that the high-temperature giant was in the southern half of the city. But in the blink of an eye, one appeared in the northern half of the city, and it was even more powerful than the one in the southern half of the city.

Looking at the sea of ​​​​fire on the screen, many citizens fell into fear and despair. Andrew snapped his fingers, and the succubi began to work again.

The succubus shouted: "BOSS, why are you so busy recently? I strongly request overtime compensation."

"Working twice a day is not called overtime, it is called normal work."

Andrew said angrily: "Hurry up and get to work. This is a great gift from the people on earth."

"People on Earth are really good at seeking death."

The succubi lamented that to be able to make demons who advocate chaos and destruction say such words, one can only imagine how good human beings are at seeking death.

Soon, Andrew had more than 100,000 soul contracts entered into his account. He nodded with satisfaction and with a click of his finger, the Hulk and a large group of robots were teleported to Killian.

"Hulk, invincible."

Hulk didn't say anything nonsense, just shouldered the hammer and charged towards Killian fiercely.


Killian's eyes narrowed, and he grabbed the wall next to him with his big hand and pulled hard. A large number of bricks and stones hit Hulk with flames, and Hulk hurriedly swung his hammer to explode the bricks and stones.

Killian took the opportunity to kick Hulk hard. At the same time, he shook his head violently, and a large number of high-temperature spikes were densely shot at Hulk.

Compared to the high-temperature giant, Killian is not only stronger, but also smarter.

Seeing this, Hulk directly threw the Adamantium alloy hammer in his hand at Killian. With a bang, Killian's teeth flew everywhere and fell to the ground, melting the ground.

At the same time, Hulk was kicked by Killian's big foot and flew out like a meteor, crashing into five houses in a row before stopping.

"Good opponent."

Hulk was not surprised but overjoyed. He climbed up excitedly and rushed towards Killian with a rumble, the ground under his feet shattered crazily.

In this way, two big monsters fought in the city, and the surrounding buildings continued to collapse and burn. In a short period of time, this originally prosperous street turned into a ruin, a burning ruin.

Fortunately, most of the people were rescued by robots, and of course, they all signed contracts.

For those who didn't sign the contract, Andrew will give them a second chance. If they still don't want to, then he can only wish you heaven.

"Fight slowly. Wherever they hit, I will collect the souls."

Andrew drank tea leisurely. In this battle to the end, Hulk must win. The reason is very simple. Hulk can keep getting stronger, but Killian cannot.

In addition, Hulk's physical strength is almost unlimited, but Killian will get tired and tired. You know, he has never replenished his energy after becoming a giant.

This battle is only a matter of time.

Abandoned oil tanker, with the efforts of the superheroes, the situation was completely reversed - a large number of desperate warriors died in the battle, and several Hydra steel suits were damaged.

"Shet, this situation can actually be reversed? What's going on?"

Obadiah couldn't help but curse. He gritted his teeth and prepared to retreat with the remaining Hydra soldiers.

When Tony and others saw this, they immediately surrounded him. They would not let Iron Overlord escape again.

Tony shouted: "Obi, surrender, I will prepare a luxurious prison for you, and I will also move your toilet to the prison."

"Can you please stop bringing up the subject of toilets?"

Obadiah cursed, and while calling other Hydra soldiers to come to his aid, he appealed to Whitehall for help: "Whitehall, find a way to save me."

"Obadiah, you can't escape, just blow yourself up."

Whitehall said calmly, and at the same time, he ordered other Hydra soldiers to escape. If they couldn't escape, they would explode directly.

"What, you want me to blow myself up?"

Obadiah said angrily: "Whitehall, come and save me quickly, otherwise don't blame me for telling everything."

"Obadiah, since you don't want to be decent, then I will help you be decent."

Whitehall said disdainfully. The next second, Iron Overlord's system was locked, and then the self-destruction program was started.

"Shet, Obadiah, do you need to be so desperate?"

Sensing something wrong with the energy fluctuations, Tony's expression changed and he hurriedly led everyone back.

"Whitehall, you can't do this to me. I have made meritorious deeds and shed blood for Hydra."

Obadiah shouted in horror. It is worth mentioning that because the suit was controlled, his voice could not be heard outside.

"Then make another meritorious service, long live Hydra."

Whitehall smiled slightly, and the next second, the Iron Overlord exploded, turning into a ball of fireworks in the air.

Obadiah, die!

Seeing Obadiah's death, Tony couldn't help but sigh. After Howard's death, Obadiah had been taking care of him. The two were like father and son. He never expected that it would end like this.

It is worth mentioning that the so-called love between father and son is actually just Tony's unilateral belief. In fact, Obadiah has always hated Tony. Not only is that guy arrogant and arrogant, he also always causes trouble for him to help clean up.

If Tony hadn't laid golden eggs, Obadiah would have killed him long ago.

Putting all this aside, after the Hydra soldiers escaped, the Desperate Warriors were completely in dire straits.

"Let's die together."

Many desperate warriors chose to die together, and rushed towards everyone with a red light on their bodies. Everyone quickly killed them or knocked them into the sea.

Boom boom boom... The Extremis fighters exploded one after another, causing heavy losses to the SHIELD agents. Even Dr. Banner was injured again. Fortunately, he can heal himself.

Of course, not all Desperate Warriors are so extreme. Some Desperate Warriors choose to kneel down and surrender, and are closely guarded by Garrett agents.

At this point, the battle on the abandoned tanker almost came to an end. Rhodes flew next to President Ellis and untied the rope for him while saying, "President, I'm late."

"It's good that you can come, those bastards are going to shoot me on live broadcast, Shet."

President Ellis cursed that it was a good thing that none of this came true, otherwise he would really die with his eyes open.

"Those people are not going to end well."

Rhodes hugged President Ellis and said, "Your Excellency, I will take you back to Washington."

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