American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1846 Confession

Andrew touched his nose. Where did he offend Aisha again? But having said that, the petty Elsa is quite cute.

The matter ended here. Then, everyone left the big crab, returned to the wooden boat, and set off again to the island where the goddess of the sea was. Currently, that island is occupied by the great demon Eka, who wants to return the heart of Tefiti. The goddess of the sea needs to defeat the big devil first.

By the way, the name of the ocean goddess is Tefiti, and the so-called heart of Tefiti is the heart of the ocean goddess.

In the dark sea, it was already morning, and the sun shone on the sea, filling it with thousands of golden lights.

"When the dark sea is not angry, it is no different from other seas."

Andrew rode on the water horse and said with a smile, but Princess Elsa and Anna did not respond. Andrew said helplessly: "Your Highnesses, why are you angry? Give me a reason and let me die happily?

I didn't do anything to apologize to you just now, right? "

"Why did you send the treasure to the Forest Kingdom? Did you want to give it to that woman?"

Princess Anna asked angrily, and Elsa also asked in her mind: "Your Highness, you are so greedy. It's not enough to have our two sisters, and you won't even let Princess Aurora go."

"That is to say, as long as I don't go to Princess Aurora, you will agree to the three of us being together?"

Andrew asked with a smile in his mind, and Elsa snorted coldly: "Of course I don't agree. Also, don't you think we should give us an explanation regarding Princess Aurora?"

Moana saw Andrew and the three starting to quarrel, and looked over excitedly. Such dramas are rare. As for Maui, he is constantly changing. He wants to regain his feelings as soon as possible and transform back into the powerful demigod to impress everyone. .

Andrew thought for a while and controlled the water horse to stay away from the wooden boat to avoid being eavesdropped. Moana was very dissatisfied. What's so great about it, this princess doesn't even bother to listen? The next second, Moana couldn't help but look towards the water horse, really wanting to hear it.

When he got to a deserted place, Andrew even chased away the water horses. Then, he asked Elsa to create a piece of ice and isolate the surrounding area with her ability.

After doing this, Andrew stood on the ice and said to Elsa and Princess Anna: "I have been lying to you about something."

"You lied to us, what are you doing? Don't tell me that you already have a wife?"

Princess Anna was stunned. Elsa turned out to be fine. After hearing Princess Anna's words, she immediately turned around and looked at Andrew in shock.

"What nonsense?"

Andrew said with some guilt that he did not already have a wife, but already had a wife. He said: "I have always told you that I am the prince of this world, but actually I am not.

The me in your eyes is actually different from the me in other people's eyes. "


Princess Elsa and Princess Anna were dumbfounded. Such a thing was really beyond their imagination. Princess Anna couldn't help but ask: "Your Highness, are you kidding me?"

Andrew raised his hand, and a shadow appeared in front of him. In the shadow were the eyes of Water Horse, Moana, and Maui. Then, he magnified the reflections in these people's eyes.

Princess Elsa and Anna exclaimed at the same time, because the figures in the reflection, although wearing the same clothes as Andrew, were completely different people.

"This is me in their eyes. Only you two sisters can see my true appearance. In fact, I borrowed that person's identity. I am not the prince of your world."

Andrew said that only Elsa, Princess Anna, and Princess Aurora know his true appearance among the natives of the entire virtual world.

"That means you're not a prince, you're a wizard or something?"

Princess Anna asked curiously. Yes, her main emotion was curiosity. She didn't feel like she was being deceived, and she didn't feel disgusted because Andrew was not a prince.

In contrast, Elsa heard more meaning, and she asked in shock: "This world of yours? Your Highness, do you mean that you are not from our world?"

"To be precise, it's not."

Andrew said, and then, without hiding anything, he explained the main world and the virtual world in detail.

Princess Elsa and Anna were stunned. The amount of information was a bit too much. Their brains were about to burn. Is this just a virtual world? His Royal Highness is actually the savior?

In addition, this is a dark fairy tale world, so the world is full of all kinds of weirdness? All this is too fantasy and bizarre, right?

"Your Highness, are you lying to us? You must be lying to us, right?"

Princess Anna couldn't help but ask, and Andrew said: "Although I really want to say yes, but unfortunately, it's really not this time."

"It can be this time." Princess Anna complained.

Andrew smiled and said: "Whether you believe it or not, what I said is true. The reason why I went to Yato Harun is to find out some things in the past of this world, so as to confront those demon kings."

"In other words, this world is fake, I am fake, Anna is fake, and your love for me is also fake?"

Elsa asked with a pale face. The surrounding sea water was freezing crazily. It was obvious that she was in a state of agitation. Princess Anna's expression also changed when she heard this. Are we all fake?

When Andrew heard this, he didn't say anything, but stepped forward to hug Aisha and kissed her directly. Aisha's body stiffened, and then the surrounding chill quickly dissipated.

Princess Anna was dumbfounded, what do you mean by doing this in front of me? Hey, wait a minute, isn’t His Highness my boyfriend? Am I being cheated on in front of my face?

Not only that, my sister is also mine, but now that someone has seduced her away, I am doubly raped! I'm so miserable!

After a moment, Andrew let go of Aisha and said: "This world is a data world, I am used to calling it a virtual world, but even if it is just data, it is still real, and it is a life different from flesh and blood life.

So, you are real, your memory, your past, everything about you is real. In addition, my love for you is also real, Aisha, I like you. "

"I like you too."

Aisha recovered completely and said with a red face. At this moment, a familiar big face came over again and said angrily: "What are you doing behind my back?"

Aisha turned her head guiltily, and then realized, what am I afraid of, I was here first?

Andrew hugged Anna with his other hand and kissed her in the same way. Princess Anna struggled at first, but soon took the initiative.

Aisha hammered Andrew, am I still here? Then, she sighed. It seemed that her sisters could not escape Andrew's clutches.

After a moment, Andrew let go of Princess Anna and said, "Actually, before I committed to you, I had already committed to Elsa. She asked me not to tell you first, lest you wouldn't be able to accept it."

Princess Anna's anger had disappeared. She looked at Elsa and asked, "Sister, why did you fall in love with this bastard?"

"Don't you still like this bastard?"

Elsa pinched Andrew and said: "Now that what has happened, let's not run away anymore. The two sisters will marry her together, but no other woman is allowed to join, such as Princess Aurora."

"At this point, there is no other choice. It's not bad for the three of us to stay together."

Princess Anna thought for a while and chose to nod. Then, she thought of something, glared at Andrew, and asked: "Wait, you have been talking for a long time, and you haven't said why you gave all the treasures to the Forest Kingdom? We in Arendelle also need those treasures. .

I tell you, there can be no other women, no more than two of us, this is my biggest concession. "

Princess Anna accepted it quickly. After all, Andrew had been subtle about this before, and she was actually mentally prepared for it.

"Those treasures are not for Princess Aurora."

Andrew said: "I plan to use the Forest Kingdom as the main battlefield to have a decisive battle with those demon kings. Those treasures are war resources."

Princess Elsa and Anna suddenly realized, and Princess Anna said: "Then why not fight in Arendelle? Oh, sister, why did you hit me?"

"What nonsense? Of course, keep the war as far away from Arendelle as possible."

Elsa said angrily: "If His Highness chooses to fight in Arendelle, I will kick him out."

Princess Anna reacted: "That's true, Your Highness, you chose the Forest Kingdom because there are no humans there, right?"

"No, I chose that side because all the people in the Forest Kingdom are soldiers and they are not afraid of war."

Andrew said: "Don't worry, I will defeat those demon kings and take control of this virtual world. When the time comes, I will take you to the main world. There are many fun things there."


Princess Anna asked curiously. She is not immune to fun things. Elsa is actually the same, but she usually doesn't tell and plays secretly.

"of course it's true."

Andrew said: "We'll talk about this later. Our current main task is to find Yato Harun first, and at the same time, improve our strength. Elsa, Anna, I need your help for the decisive battle."

"no problem."

Princess Elsa and Anna said at the same time that whether it was for the world or for their men, they must join the fight.

Andrew hugged each other, very satisfied. By confessing the truth, he successfully made Elsa and Princess Anna become his girlfriends at the same time. It was really great. This level was completely passed.

Not only that, but Princess Elsa and Anna agreed to join the decisive battle. Fortunately for Princess Anna, Elsa will become Heavenly Father God soon and will be a very important fighting force.

"Okay, let's go back. I will tell you about the main world later."

Andrew said, Elsa and Princess Anna nodded at the same time. At this time, Elsa noticed the ice around her and was shocked. She just lost control and actually froze everything around her into ice?

This makes Elsa a little scared. If she loses control again in the future, will she destroy Arendelle?

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