"Of course I know. If I hadn't kept Indigo, he would have been killed by Superman. Superman deserved not to have a girlfriend, and he was so cruel to beautiful women."

Wade nodded first, and then said as if you are coming to praise me: "Thanks to me, Indigo only survived. This is all my credit."

Sithorne and the other three snorted at the same time. Are you kidding me? The virtual world was created by Indigo. How could he die so easily? Unless the consciousness of the world completely dissipates and Alice takes over the virtual world, it will be difficult for Indigo to die.

Sithorn asked directly: "What is Indigo's current condition? Can it be recovered?"

"Of course, Indigo was sealed somewhere by me and Superman. As long as the seal is broken, she will be safe."

Wade nodded. When he saw the three people's eyes, he said hurriedly: "Don't count on me. That seal requires me and Superman to work together to break it. I can't do it alone."

The three of Sithorne wanted to beat Wade to death. Is there anyone who would cheat one of their own people like this?

Death asked with a black face: "Wade, is there really no way to let Indigo out? Without Indigo, the world consciousness cannot compete with Alice, and it won't take long before Alice will completely defeat him.

At that time, the world we have worked so hard to create will become the trophy of the Machine Demon King. In the words of the Machine Demon King, we will become the captain of his transportation team. "

"It's always been the case. What's the problem with doing it again?"

Wade asked in confusion. Sithorn and the other three looked at Wade with dark faces at the same time. What are you talking about?

Facing the intimidating looks of the three men, Wade smiled awkwardly and said, "If Heavenly Father God joins forces with me, we should be able to release Indigo."

"Father God?"

Sithorn and the others frowned. Currently, the only Heavenly Fathers in the virtual world seem to be Wade, Long-haired Superman, Alice, and Indigo.

"Hey, wait, there are still those five insect kings."

Sithorn thought of something and said: "We can cooperate with them to rescue Indigo, defeat the Machine Demon King, and the Zerg thing, eh, Zerg?"

Sithorn was stunned and hurriedly contacted his main body. Sithorn's main body turned to look at the Zerg master and said with a smile: "Friend, you hide it deeper than anyone else. It seems that you want to join this bet."

"Look first, look first."

The Zerg master smiled and said nothing at all. Sithorn's body did not force him to do anything at this time. As long as the other party enters the game, he will definitely become their ally, because that person is really terrible.

In the virtual world, Sithorne continued: "The Zerg definitely want to get rid of Wade and Superman's pursuit, so they are very likely to cooperate with us.

Moreover, we can help them go to the real world, but the virtual world cannot satisfy them. "

"Let's talk first. I can help you release Indigo, but I will never help you deal with Superman. Those are my brothers, my dearest relatives and friends."

Wade said righteously, Sithorne and the other three looked at him, but this time, he did not flinch. Although he was not a good person, he would not do anything to harm his friends, unless that friend robbed him. His woman.

"Okay, you don't need to take action when we deal with Superman."

Sithorn said: "However, you must help us contact the Insect King. As for convincing them, I will do it. It is not difficult."

Wade suddenly became embarrassed and looked up at the sky, as if there was a cow flying in the sky. He suddenly had an ominous premonition of death. He asked: "Don't tell me, you don't know where the Insect King is? Haven't you always Are you hunting them down?"

"I have indeed been chasing them, but I encountered something along the way. I wanted to solve it first, but it hasn't been solved yet."

Wade said with a guilty conscience, Sithorne and the other three were completely speechless. Being allies with such a guy was truly a blessing earned in eight lifetimes.

"You were having so much fun in this world that you forgot about yourself, right?"

Death gritted his teeth and said: "If I guess correctly, the main reason why you beat the rabbit into a plant rabbit is to prevent us from discovering you and disturbing you from playing games, right?"

"Just for such a stupid reason, you trapped us here for how many days?"

Seth went crazy: "Do you know how important these days are? This is a time when every second counts."

Even Sithorne had the urge to cut Wade into pieces at this time. This guy is so deceptive.

Wade said with an aggrieved look: "What nonsense are you talking about? I told you, haven't you heard the story about the rabbit hitting the tree by itself and waiting for the rabbit?"

Sithorne and the three of them snorted coldly at the same time, and said: "It seems that we can't count on you anymore. Stop talking nonsense and quickly recover the rabbit. As for the insect king, we will find it ourselves. Sithorne, inform Alessa. Motherland Let them go find the five insect kings."

"Okay, but the killing cannot stop. Without the help of Indigo, the consciousness of the world requires a lot of souls. Moreover, if Alessa and the others suddenly leave, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of the Machine Demon King."

Sithorn nodded and said: "It is said that the Machine Demon King is transferring those people, so let him transfer them, and then we will catch them all.

Five Insect Kings, Indigo, Wade, plus us, there is no reason why we should lose this round. "

Seth and Death nodded at the same time, while Wade was the only one with a sneer on his face. It was obvious that these three guys had not been beaten for a while and felt that they were capable, but in the end, there would probably be no difference.

Of course, Sithorne and the others are not blindly arrogant. At present, Andrew only has Alice and Father God. Even if they include the long-haired Superman, there are only two. And on their side, if everything goes well, they will have enough. That’s seven Heavenly Father Gods.

God the Heavenly Father is not a cabbage. With such a huge gap in strength, there is no reason for the Mechanical Demon King to win. Especially, the Mechanical Demon King is not the God the Heavenly Father.

Alice and the long-haired Superman are one against two. How can they fight against seven heavenly fathers?

Wade reminded: "Let's talk first, those five bugs were injured by us before and are not in their prime."

"It's not a big problem. We have plenty of ways to restore their strength. The worst is to sacrifice a few kingdoms. The Machine Demon King mainly protects the people on earth. They would never have thought that we would do something to the indigenous people."

Sithorn said: "In fact, I had the idea of ​​sacrificing those natives from the beginning. Sacrificing a large number of natives can raise our strength to half a step of the level of Father God. By then, we will have a greater chance of winning. .”

Seth and Death nodded at the same time. Beings like them would not care how many people died.

"Wow, your speech is too villainous, isn't it?"

Wade looked disgusted. Fortunately, he was not, well, he seemed to be on their side. Wade knelt on the ground and did a frustrated forward bend.

"Stop acting there and go and revive that rabbit quickly. Why did this rabbit offend you? Stunning it is not enough. How about beating it into a plant rabbit?"

Death kicked Wade away and said angrily. Wade rolled on the ground a few times and got up like a normal person. Then, he teleported to the rabbit and used time to go back and revive the rabbit.

The rabbit opened his eyes in confusion, not understanding what was going on. At this time, Wade said: "The turtle is almost at the end."

The hare was shocked when he heard this and started racing hurriedly. At the same time, the tortoise also started to accelerate. Not only that, the finish line appeared in front of him.

"It's finally over."

The three of Sithorne sighed at the same time. Seth looked at the turtle and gritted his teeth and said: "How to eat it, steamed or braised?"

"That's too cheap. What do you think of live sashimi?"

Death said with hatred, Sithorn shook his head and said: "Although I also hate that turtle, don't you think this rule is very strong? It can be used to trick people."

"Do you want to race the tortoise and the hare and turn it into something like an artifact?"

Death asked, "Can we do it?"

"The three of us can't do it, so I didn't say it before, but with Wade, it should be possible."

Sithorn said: "After the process is completed, let him freeze everything with time, and then we cut the entire area and put it into a small space.

When we need to confront the enemy, we can directly put the opponent into a small space, and at the same time, release the time freeze, so that the opponent can be trapped inside and unable to come out.

In addition, although Wade's method is unethical, it can still be used. As soon as the game starts, we will beat the rabbit into a plant rabbit, so that the enemy can also enjoy the treatment we had before. "

Everyone laughed, this method is indeed effective.

Why not just kill it? Because after killing him, the game will restart. Wade is a crazy guy, but he is still very smart.

When Wade heard the conversation between these people, he couldn't help but shake his head. I wonder if the BOSS can stop these guys? He thought for a while and sent a message to the long-haired Superman: "Let's break up."

"???" The long-haired Superman looked confused.

"For crabs, I personally prefer steaming them."

Somewhere in the dark sea, Andrew said to Elsa and Princess Anna: "Just put a few slices of ginger, you don't have to do anything, just wait for it to cook. The crab comes with its own dipping sauce, which is so convenient.

Of course, if you don’t want to eat it steamed, we can dig out its shell, put all the meat and paste into the shell, and cook the shell. After one bite, you will feel a sense of satisfaction in life.

Tsk tsk, just think about it for a moment, and tears of dissatisfaction will flow from the corners of your mouth. "

"You said I'm already hungry."

Princess Anna wiped her mouth and said, "Can half of it be steamed and one side of the shell roasted?"

"It's so big, of course it's ok, and there are more types."

Andrew nodded, and he asked the half-frozen giant in front of him: "You said that, right?"

The behemoth shook his head repeatedly, because it was the big crab that Andrew and Princess Anna wanted to eat. The pincers alone were bigger than the big fat man in Maui. Of course, no matter how huge it was, it was just a captive now.

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