American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1840 Dark Sea

"That's good, Your Highness, when will we set off to Yato Harun?"

Elsa nodded and asked. It is necessary to go to Yato Harun, and the sooner the better, because no one knows when the Insect King will start to devour the magic forest.

If you go too late, you may find the power to defeat the Insect King with great difficulty, and as a result, the Magic Forest will be swallowed up.

"We will set off after breakfast. This is why I asked everyone to gather early in the morning."

Andrew said that he did not say that the Insect King was one of his own and that he could go there anytime because there was no need.

"Okay, I'll go explain something."

Elsa nodded, let go of Andrew's hand, and went to the gathering place to deal with things. She was the queen, so she must be busy. What's worse, the old woman wanted to pass the position of clan leader to her.

After all, the old woman is old. Elsa has half the blood of the Northandra people. She also has powerful magical abilities and excellent management skills. She is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate for the next clan leader.

Aisha could only smile bitterly at the old woman's thoughts. How could she have time to take care of so many things now?

After Elsa finished handling everything, Andrew brought Princess Anna, who had regained her mobility, back for breakfast. Princess Anna was very excited, not only because she had Andrew as her boyfriend, but also because she had found her own future path.

"Sister, I will never lose to you in the future."

Princess Anna said proudly, and Elsa couldn't help but glance at the other party. Although she knew that Princess Anna didn't actually mean that, she still felt that the other party was demonstrating to her.

"I didn't expect you to be so vulgar, Aisha. No wonder no matter how good of a friend you are, as soon as you start robbing men, you immediately turn into an enemy."

Elsa shook her head secretly and smiled: "I look forward to your performance. In the future, Arendelle may need to be protected by you."

"Leave it to me. You will take charge of the palace. I will lead the army to attack the city and conquer a large territory. Let future generations remember the names of our two sisters forever."

Princess Anna said arrogantly. Elsa didn't expect Princess Anna to be so ambitious and couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

After finishing breakfast, Andrew and the other three were ready to set off. This time, they did not take the Nightmare Beast with them, but rode a water horse. There was no way, the Nightmare Beast was a fire attribute, and the sea was really unfriendly to it.

The Nightmare Beast didn't care about this. After all, it was forced to work. It would be better if it didn't have to work. It even had the idea of ​​​​running away, but it was just a thought. If Maleficent saw her running back, maybe she would Pack yourself up and send it back.

Although the water horse is arrogant, he is very close to Andrew and Elsa who saved him, and has no intention of rejecting them. As for Princess Anna, he is very attached to each other.

In order to avoid being discovered by Princess Anna, Elsa did not change the seating order and still sat at the front, followed by Princess Anna, and Andrew at the back.

Princess Anna lay directly in Andrew's arms. Elsa was a little unhappy when she saw this, so she also lay in Princess Anna's arms. Princess Anna did not suspect anything, but was very happy and hugged Elsa tightly.

"This girl."

Andrew shook his head, grabbed the reins conjured by the water horse, and officially entered the dark sea, heading to Yato Harun.

The Dark Sea does not mean that the entire sea is pitch black, but that very few people who enter the Dark Sea can come out alive, so it is called the Dark Sea. Generally speaking, unless there are special circumstances, there is no one at all. Dare to go in.

As soon as Andrew and his party entered the dark sea, the sea gave them a head-on blow. A wave of more than ten meters high hit them hard.

Fortunately, Andrew and the others were not riding a boat, but a water horse. The water horse jumped directly to the top of the wave, and then ran down quickly.

"Water horse, you dance well."

Princess Anna patted the water horse on the back with satisfaction. With the water horse around, they were very safe at sea. This was one of the reasons why Andrew must rescue the water horse.

"I just don't know how long it will take to reach Yatoharun? Your Highness, you prepared the food. How many days will it be enough for us?"

Elsa asked, as for drinking water, that is not a problem at all. With the Snow Queen here, you can have as much as you need.

"I don't need to eat. You don't eat much. Anna eats a lot. If there is no fight, it will be enough for seven days. If there is a fight, it may only be one or two meals."

Andrew said: "However, it's not a big problem. There are fish in the sea. We can just catch some when the time comes."

"That's good."

Elsa nodded, while Princess Anna was very dissatisfied: "Hey, why do you say I eat too much?"

"Because you are lively and active."

Andrew smiled and said: "In addition, if you transform into other creatures, it will consume a lot of physical strength. When the transformation is completed, you will become a professional and a loser."

"You're just a loser."

Princess Anna gave Andrew a dissatisfied elbow. Andrew didn't take it seriously and said: "Elsa, please pay attention to whether there are sharks, whales, big octopuses, etc. in the sea. If there are any, let Anna touch them. .

In this case, if we encounter any problems, Anna can turn into a sea creature and help us. Although she can also turn into a water horse, it is not enough. "


Aisha nodded, and then the group of people rode water horses and moved quickly on the sea. No matter the waves or the storm, they could not do anything to them.

The journey at sea is destined to be very boring. Princess Anna's character has never been able to sit still. Therefore, she kept talking to Andrew and even had some intimate actions. That is, she could not see Elsa's face, otherwise she would be very surprised. , because Aisha has turned into a dumpling face with anger.

Fortunately, Andrew can communicate with Elsa mentally. He said to Elsa in his consciousness: "Elsa, accept it earlier and make it clear to Princess Anna earlier, so you don't have to suffer anymore."

"What you think is great, but I haven't agreed yet."

Aisha snorted: "Also, find a way to stop that ADHD person. I have never found her so annoying."

"Turn into plastic sisters so quickly?"

Andrew laughed and said: "Ana actually said so much on purpose and acted so intimate on purpose. She wanted to use this method to tell you about my relationship with her, and at the same time, she wanted to stop me from pursuing you.

Unfortunately, she doesn't know that you were the one who came first. "

"This girl."

Elsa shook her head after hearing this, and the resentment in her heart dissipated a lot. Of course, she and Anna were true sisters and would not really be angry with each other.

"Do you really want to do what that guy wants? I'm so unwilling."

Elsa was a little confused. As a woman, she had thought about what her future husband would be like countless times, but she never thought that her husband was also Anna's husband.

"Okay, Anna, take this time to carefully sense the rules in the water horse's body. We are not just out for an outing. We are also on a mission to save the world."

Andrew said that Princess Anna was not ignorant of the overall situation. She nodded after hearing this and began to communicate with the water horse to sense the rules.

The water horse became enlightened faster than Andrew imagined. It used its consciousness to say to Andrew: "Maybe it's because I was caught by the insect king before, and my heart is full of fear and uneasiness. It may also be because the insect king used me to invade the magic forest and let me Sensing the source.

In short, I seem to feel the rules you mentioned. Using the power of the rules, I can affect the surrounding seawater. However, I can only use some of the power of the rules now. "

"That's enough. As long as you find the door, won't it be a matter of time to push it open?"

Andrew smiled and said that he was in a good mood because he successfully found traces of rules from the water horse.

The water horse sighed: "That's right, no matter what, I want to save the magic forest, and at the same time, I will not be captured again. The feeling of being a prisoner is so terrible. I thought I would be eaten by the insect king."

"Maybe it really will."

Andrew smiled and said, no matter what, this is a good start. Princess Anna is also very happy and understands the rules as much as possible.

The water horse does not need to rest, so it keeps running forward. Even if the sun sets and the moon rises, it is still running.

"You haven't arrived this far yet? I remember in the movie, Elsa arrived at Yato Harun not long after?"

Andrew narrowed his eyes. The reason why he hasn't arrived for so long should be the reason why Yato Harun is unwilling to appear. A mysterious place like this is not fixed. Otherwise, Andrew would have discovered it long ago. Only if it is willing to let you find it, you to find it.

"Is there any way to shorten the time? There are constant battles outside, but there is no time to waste?"

Just when Andrew was thinking about how to find Yato Harun, Aisha, who was observing the surroundings through the ice elf, suddenly said: "Your Highness, there is someone in front."

"Is there anyone?"

Princess Anna, who was studying the rules, was awakened. She kept looking forward, but found nothing. She asked: "Where is there anyone? This is a dark sea, and there are actually people?"

"You can't see that they are very far away. It's a small wooden boat that hasn't capsized yet. It's a miracle."

Aisha said: "Your Highness, do we want to go around?"

Andrew hesitated and said: "Don't go around, go find them and ask them why they are here?"

Princess Elsa and Anna were surprised, and Princess Anna asked: "Your Highness, shouldn't we be racing against time to find Yato Harun? Why are we looking for them?"

"I think Yato Harun is not too far away from us. The reason why we haven't found it for so long may be because we are missing something key."

Andrew said: "Since you happen to meet them, it means you are destined to go and ask them. Maybe you can get some clues from them."

"That's true."

Aisha agreed. At this moment, the situation in the distance changed. She said: "A pirate ship is coming. It's strange. They don't seem to be afraid of the reputation of the dark sea."

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