American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1837 Harvesting the Fruits

"I don't see how civilized you Zerg are."

Andrew complained, and he asked some more questions. Then, he silently left the Zerg nest and went back to find Aisha. It was time to harvest the fruits he had sown before.

After Andrew left, half of the Insect King lay helplessly on the ground. This was a big loss, even for himself.

"It's really troublesome to have to act with BOSS."

Half of the Insect King cursed, sneaked underground, and continued to erode the magic forest. Although it knew it was useless, it still had to do what needed to be done. However, it would not complete the last step, and would wait for the 'brave' to come and attack it. Just a 'bad bug'.

At the gathering place, although the water horse was successfully rescued, everyone was not in high spirits because the prince, the husband of Queen Elsa and Princess Anna, might have died trying to save the water horse.

Elsa is still in the form of a humanoid insect. She shocked everyone when she first came back. Fortunately, the misunderstanding was quickly solved, and the news she brought back, whether it was the situation in the insect lair or the sacrifice of 'Andrew', made everyone Extremely solemn.

"Tomorrow, I will look for Yato Harun. As long as I find Yato Harun, I will definitely defeat the Insect King."

Seeing that everyone's morale was low, Aisha endured the pain in her heart and encouraged everyone's morale. Everyone was relieved to hear that there was still hope.

This does not include Princess Anna. After repeatedly confirming Andrew's death, this girl fainted directly.

Elsa placed Princess Anna in the house and entered the forest on the mountain by herself, because she didn't want others to see her vulnerability. She was the queen and wanted to lead everyone. If something went wrong with her, what would happen to others?

Arriving at a deserted place, Elsa hugged her head and cried, her heart filled with sadness. She didn't realize that her body was returning to its original state, and at the same time, the surrounding area quickly froze, as if winter was coming.

Aisha can recover her body, which means that the power of rules in her body has begun to awaken. Otherwise, it would not be like this. However, if she were given a choice, she would definitely not choose to awaken in this way.

As the cold spread, the gathering area also began to be affected. Many people were shivering. Xuebao even said exaggeratedly: "Why do I, a snowman, feel the cold?"

But the fire spirit was very happy. Although it was a fire spirit, it liked the cold very much, probably because it could cool it down.

In the frost forest, Elsa didn't know what was happening outside and was still crying. At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "If you keep crying, the people in the gathering place will freeze to death."

When Elsa heard this familiar voice, she looked up suddenly and saw the man looking at her with a smile as usual.

"Is this a dream?"

Elsa couldn't help but murmur to herself, and then, she stood up regardless and rushed towards Andrew. Andrew opened his hands and held Elsa in his arms, and the two hugged deeply.

Elsa hugged Andrew and asked excitedly: "Your Highness, are you okay? Are you really okay?"

Andrew said: "Of course I'm fine. I told you that I have the means to save my life."

"Very good."

Elsa was so excited that Andrew let go of her, and the two looked deeply into each other's eyes. Elsa was a little shy and wanted to step away, but Andrew kissed her.

Elsa's body was stiff at first, but slowly, she hugged Andrew and enjoyed the tenderness brought by Andrew.

After a while, Andrew let go of Aisha. Aisha looked at Andrew with affection and shyness in her eyes. She was about to say something when she suddenly felt something was wrong. When she lowered her head and looked down, she let out a scream. Jumped out like a rabbit and hid behind a big tree.

Andrew laughed, why is Aisha like this? The reason is simple. When she turned into a bug, she took off her clothes. After she transformed back, the clothes did not come back automatically.

That is to say, Andrew really likes Aisha and doesn't want things to progress too quickly, otherwise he might eat her right here.

"dare you laugh?"

Elsa's voice of extreme embarrassment came from behind the big tree. She remembered that she had pounced on Andrew before, and she wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

"No need to hide, I've seen everything that should be seen and what shouldn't be seen."

Andrew said, Elsa was filled with shame and anger, and made a big snowball roll towards Andrew. Andrew hurriedly avoided it. In order to avoid Queen Elsa's murder and silence, he said nothing more and stood aside to wait for Elsa.

After a while, Aisha walked out from behind the big tree. What, where did the clothes come from? Of course, it's the outfit Elsa made with her own magic power, which happens to be the one she sings the theme song in "Frozen."

"Beautiful, Elsa, you will wear it like this from now on, you are so beautiful."

Andrew exclaimed. Aisha was very happy to hear his compliment, and then complained: "No matter how beautiful you are, you can't wear it every day, right?"

"It's okay, I won't get tired of watching it."

Andrew laughed, Elsa snorted and said, "Because you have other beauties to look at, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Elsa's originally excited and happy mood immediately became depressed. She was so happy before that she forgot that this guy is a scumbag. Not only is there Princess Aurora outside, but he also has plans for Princess Anna.

Of course, Elsa is Elsa after all. Now that she understands her own feelings, she has no intention of quitting easily. She said: "Your Highness, you have two choices. Either you treat me wholeheartedly, or I will become your wife. No matter what happens in the future, No matter what happens, I will never leave you.

Or, just pretend that what happened before has never happened, and we can be friends and good friends. "

"That's okay. I'll go back and marry Anna. I heard that she fainted for me, which is considered very affectionate."

Andrew nodded, turned around and wanted to leave, but Aisha's face suddenly appeared in front of him, full of anger.

"Didn't you say you should leave?"

Andrew pinched Elsa's face and laughed. Elsa slapped his hand away angrily and said, "You bastard, what on earth should you do? In any case, Anna and I can't marry at the same time. for you."

"Then do you want Anna to hate you or even leave you?"

Andrew said: "You have also seen Anna's feelings for me. She is a passionate person like you. If you want me to give up on her, then she will definitely leave us."

Elsa was immediately hesitant. If it were other plastic sisters, she would wish for this, but Elsa and Anna are not plastic sisters. They are real sisters, the kind who can give their lives for each other.

Elsa doesn't want Anna to be sad, and she doesn't want Anna to leave, but what woman is willing to share her husband with other women?

The more Aisha thought about it, the more headache she got. When she saw Andrew beside her, as if it was none of his business, she became furious and kicked him hard: "You're just a bastard."

"It's not my fault that I'm handsome and lovable?"

Andrew spread his hands, looking innocent. Elsa wanted to beat him more and more. How could she like such a guy?

"Let's pretend that our matter never happened and deal with the business first."

Elsa gritted her teeth and said: "Also, let's agree first. Even if I agree to you and Anna being together in the future, it can only be the two of us at most, and absolutely not others, such as Princess Aurora, and that Aurora Princess."

It was obvious that Aisha had loosened up a bit, but the hurdle in her heart still hadn't completely passed.

Hearing Elsa mention Princess Aurora, Andrew couldn't help but laugh, because he remembered the 'green tea' conversation between Elsa and Princess Aurora.

"What are you laughing at?"

Aisha asked fiercely. Her noble and elegant appearance was just a matter of appearance, but her actual personality was a bit fierce. Of course, most people had no chance to see Aisha's fierceness.

"Laughing at someone who was pretending to be good sisters with Princess Aurora while telling her that you had no chance."

Andrew smiled and said, Elsa didn't know that Andrew had heard the conversation between herself and Princess Aurora, and her face turned red with embarrassment, wishing to silence Andrew.

There was no way, this was so different from her previous image. Aisha didn't understand why she said that at the time, but now she knows - at that time, she already had Andrew in her heart.

Andrew was very satisfied that he managed to get this topic out of the way. Then, he took Aisha's hand and said, "Okay, let's get down to business first, and you can take back the cold air first."


Aisha was startled when she realized that the surroundings were surrounded by ice and snow. She asked, "How could this happen? Didn't I do anything before?"

"You are the goddess of ice and snow. If you cry, the world will cry with you."

Andrew smiled and said, Aisha hit him angrily. She knew how to say something nice. She didn't dare to neglect. She raised her hand and a large number of ice and snow particles flew out, taking away all the cold air.

In the 'dream', Elsa had done something similar before, so it wasn't too difficult, especially since she is very loving now.

Soon, the surroundings returned to normal, and even the climate at the gathering place returned to normal. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time they were very curious, what happened before?

"Elsa, have you ever felt that your magic power has changed?"

Andrew asked, and Elsa was stunned. She tried to use magic, and then said: "It seems to have become stronger. It used to take three points of magic power to make the temperature drop, but now one point is enough."

“It’s about developing your potential.”

Andrew talked nonsense without any nonsense, and talked about the rules and Heavenly Father God. Then, he said: "If nothing else happens, because of my sacrifice, you have awakened your own rules ability.

Of course, only a part of it has been awakened, not all of it. If all of it is awakened, you will become the true goddess of ice and snow, that is, God the Heavenly Father. "

Elsa was puzzled: "Becoming a real goddess of ice and snow? Your Highness, where does the power of rules in me come from?"

"We don't know yet, but you must have the power of rules. Don't worry, we will know all the truth when we go to Yato Harun."

Andrew said: "That insect king is Heavenly Father God. Of course, it is the injured Heavenly Father God. If you can completely awaken the power of the rules and be promoted to Heavenly Father God, then we can defeat that guy and save the Magic Forest."

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