American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 183 Fierce Battle

Hulk didn't get enlightened, but met a real opponent.

Hulk's previous enemies were too weak. He didn't need any skills at all. He could just go over and smash them randomly. The problem was that this trick didn't work on the Indominus Dragons. Whether it was strength or defense, the Indominus Dragons were stronger than the Hulk. .

During that time, Hulk was taught how to be a human being by dinosaurs every day. In order to win, Hulk began to learn how to fight and how to use his brain.

Hulk is never stupid, he just doesn't like to use his brain. After all, he is also the personality of Dr. Banner.

After a while, Hulk seized an opportunity and rushed behind the high-temperature giant. Then, he jumped up like a cannonball and jumped behind the high-temperature giant's neck.

"Cervical vertebra, vital point."

Hulk grinned, holding the Adamantium hammer with both hands and slamming it down hard.


The high-temperature giant let out a shrill scream, and his huge body fell to the ground with a rumble, kicking up a lot of dust - his cervical spine was smashed by the Hulk.

If it were an ordinary person, the cervical vertebrae would be broken and he would not die but would also be seriously injured, but the high-temperature giant had been injected with the Extremis virus, and the wound lit up with a dazzling red light and recovered quickly.

When Jessica saw this, she hurriedly shouted: "Hulk, be careful, he will heal himself."


Hulk jumped on the back of the high-temperature giant and swung the Adamantium alloy hammer hard, bang bang bang..., the high-temperature giant's spine was broken by him one after another, and the recovery speed could not keep up with the speed of his destruction.

The high-temperature giant knew that he was finished. A flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he crazily increased the temperature in his body, wanting to die with the Hulk and half of the city.

The high-temperature giant came to the United States to do this.

Seeing the high-temperature giant's body glowing red, the girls were shocked and hurriedly shouted to Hulk: "Hulk, he's going to blow himself up."

"I said, I know."

Hulk said impatiently that before coming, he specifically asked Andrew for information about the high-temperature giant - what the master of imitation taught, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

Why do these women always think of themselves as the fools they were before? You are super smart now, okay? You can even play brain teasers with Taskmaster.

Hulk didn't waste time. He jumped off the Thermo Titan, grabbed the Thermo Titan's body and threw him into the air. Then, he raised his hands to catch the Thermo Titan whose body temperature was getting higher and higher.

"Hulk, angry."

Hulk recalled the anger of being beaten by the Indominus Dragon, a green light flashed in his eyes, and his body suddenly swelled.

Then, Hulk shouted loudly, using both hands and feet at the same time, he lifted the high-temperature giant high into the sky, and the ground beneath his feet shattered.

Under Hulk's brute force, the high-temperature giant rose into the sky like a rocket. Then, he exploded with a roar, and the violent shock wave swept away the clouds in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a scorching wind blew in the city, and some people even became unsteady.


Hulk clapped his hands in satisfaction, and his body quickly returned to its original shape. Then, he glanced proudly at the women in the air - I, Hulk, am not only very powerful, but also very smart.

Andrew laughed dumbly. Hulk had initially mastered the power of anger after receiving "special training" from a group of dinosaurs. However, he was still a little far from what Andrew expected of him.

Andrew's expectation for Hulk is to be the angry god. Only in this way can he be qualified to be the vanguard general of rebirth in hell.

Jessica gave Hulk a thumbs up: "Hulk, you are still the best."

"Well done, Hulk."

Others also applauded Hulk. Hulk raised his head and carried the hammer to deal with the remaining terrorists.

In fact, Hulk doesn't like those terrorists at all, but they come and smash a few before going back.

"Let us quickly deal with the remaining terrorists and end this disaster once and for all."

Susan shouted, and the superheroes nodded and continued to deal with those damn terrorists.

The heat giant is dead, and it's only a matter of time before the Miami disaster is finally put to rest.

At the same time, the battle on the tanker became more and more intense, with shouts of death and screams everywhere. Both SHIELD and the Extremis fighters suffered a large number of casualties.


Severn looked at the stalemate situation in the field with a very ugly face. The current situation was very different from what they had expected at the beginning.

The Extremis Warriors are stronger in number and strength than SHIELD. Logically speaking, they should have the upper hand. However, because of a woman, a woman in a red suit, the situation took a turn for the worse.

This woman's spiral crossbow killed at least hundreds of desperate warriors.

Bang, a shield hit Severn hard on the face. Severn screamed and retreated repeatedly. His face was covered with magma-like blood, dripping to the ground, and even the deck was burned through.

Steve took the opportunity to attack and said, "It's not a good habit to be distracted while fighting."

Severn opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of hot blood at Steve. Steve hurriedly raised his shield to resist. Severn took the opportunity to swing his fist and smashed the shield. At the same time, he shouted loudly: "You are all going to die."

This was a secret signal. In the cabin, the Desperate Warriors who were monitoring the movement on the deck turned around and shouted: "Send out the self-destruction warriors."


The researchers immediately opened the hatch at the back, and there was a group of miserable-looking terrorists there. Seeing the hatch open, they asked excitedly: "Is the time up?"

"We're here, come out and inject the medicine, and then complete your mission."

A flash of contempt flashed in the researcher's eyes, and he ordered loudly. The terrorists did not feel any fear when they heard this, but were full of excitement. They could finally complete their mission.

Then, the researchers began to inject unstable desperate drugs into this group of terrorists, and the terrorists' bodies lit up one after another with red lights representing high temperature.

This unstable Extremis drug is a by-product of the Extremis virus. After injection, as long as the user is emotionally excited, it will explode immediately. In addition, even if the user is not emotionally excited, it will explode an hour later.

On the deck, Gwen suddenly stirred and whispered in a low voice: "Everyone, there is danger in the cabin."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this: "Is it a violent creature?"

Gwen said: "It's not a violent creature, it's other dangers, related to explosions."

Garrett immediately ordered: "Electric Man, go inside the cabin to deal with the danger. Remember, you don't need to hold back."


The electro-optical man immediately followed the wires and entered the cabin. Soon, he found the terrorists who were injecting desperate drugs and instantly understood what was going on.

"Want to self-destruct? I'll help you."

The electro-optical man snorted coldly and fed a large amount of current into the cabin's electric light. The light exploded with a bang, and then a beam of electric current was shot towards the terrorist who had just been injected with the desperate drug.

The terrorist was instantly electrocuted into an explosive head. The pain and fear caused his body to lose control, and a dazzling red light lit up. The expressions of everyone present changed dramatically at the same time, and they fled frantically, but it was too late.

Boom, the terrorists exploded, everyone and everything in the cabin were destroyed, and then, the fire began to spread crazily inside the cabin.

The electric man nodded with satisfaction and reported: "Sir, it's done. All terrorists are dead."

"Well done, Max."

Garrett breathed a huge sigh of relief. Fortunately, Gwen sensed something was wrong, otherwise, everyone would be in danger.

"What happened?"

When Severn heard the explosion below, his expression changed. Did those idiots mess up? Blow yourself up?

Could they be any stupider?

"The opportunity has come."

Seeing that Severn was distracted, Steve rushed forward with his shield and slammed Severn against the container behind him with a bang.

Severn yelled and grabbed Steve behind the shield with his red hands. Steve dwarfed and rolled to the side with the shield.

Seven was about to give chase when he suddenly sensed something. He lowered his head suddenly and found an energy grenade hanging from his waist.


These were the last words Severn left in the world. With the next breath, the energy grenade exploded. The violent energy directly destroyed most of Severn's body, leaving only a few remnants scattered on the ground.

It is worth mentioning that most of the things on Severn's body were reduced to ashes with him, except for a special small metal box that was safe and sound.

"I already told you not to be distracted."

Steve shook his head. He had been waiting for a decisive opportunity - if he could be killed, he must not be crippled.

At this time, Steve noticed the small metal box on the ground, walked over, picked it up, opened it, and found two potions inside.

"Two potions? One of them must be a violent potion."

Steve thought for a moment, then used the communicator to speak to Tony alone: ​​"Tony, Severn has a violent potion on him, and Killian probably has it on him as well. I'll go up and help you right away."

Tony said: "No, I can handle this guy."

"you sure?"

Steve raised his head and asked: "Besides the battlefield between you and Killian, there are scattered parts of the suit. At least three pieces of your suit were dismantled by Killian."

Tony said: "This is my plan, do you understand? In short, you go deal with the others, and I will deal with Killian."

Steve hesitated, but decided to climb up to help. After all, the violent potion was too dangerous and should not be taken carelessly.

On the steel frame, Killian smashed Tony's head while shouting: "Tony Stark, you are not qualified to fight against me now."

"Has anyone ever told you that you're a long-winded person?"

Tony snorted coldly, raised his hand and fired the pulse cannon at Killian. Killian turned around to avoid it, and slashed Tony's chest with a hand knife like a sharp blade.

Tony hurriedly backed away, and then, a small sonic cannon popped out from his shoulder, and sound waves hit Killian layer by layer.

Killian was impacted and was forced to stop in place, his muscles fluctuating rapidly.

Sonic cannons are a technology already owned by the Stark Group. Back then, Tony sold two of them to General Ross so that he could use them against the Hulk. As we all know, they were dismantled by the Hulk.

During the last Dinosaur Island incident, Tony was inspired by Howard's small sonic cannon and installed one on his shoulder.

What, plagiarism? How can something done by a scientist be called plagiarism? This is called learning.

"Do you think this thing can deal with me?"

Killian blocked the sound waves with both hands and opened his mouth to spit fire. At this moment, various suit parts from the ground suddenly flew up and wrapped Killian around him.

Then, the suit exploded with a roar, and a large amount of debris fell into the sea of ​​​​fire below amid flames and black smoke.

The whole process didn't even last a second, and Killian had no time to resist.

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