American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1826 Searching

While Aisha drank the soup slowly, she asked: "Your Highness, even if we gather the four spirits and all the animals, we can't defeat those bugs, can we do it?"

"Of course."

Andrew said: "If it really doesn't work, in the worst case I will use a trick."

Aisha's eyes lit up and she asked curiously: "Come on, your highness, what's your special move?"

"My special skill is..., when I use it, you will know it."

In the middle of Andrew's words, he suddenly became unreasonable. Elsa was very dissatisfied. However, she was not Princess Anna, so she did not pursue the question and continued to drink soup.

Soon, Aisha finished the soup, and then she asked: "Your Highness, I really want to see what life experience I have that even I don't know about?"

"You'll know, come the wind."

Andrew snapped his fingers, and a tornado about the same size as a human appeared around him. Aisha was very surprised. Could it be the wind spirit, one of the four spirits? When did His Highness find it and become so familiar with it?

"Elsa, release cold air into the tornado."

Andrew said, and Aisha followed suit. After absorbing the cold air, the tornado moved quickly, leaving lifelike ice sculptures of characters wherever it passed.

Finally, Wind Spirit flew back to Andrew. Andrew nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well done."

The wind spirit was very happy. Fallen leaves were flying around Andrew. It was the wind spirit dancing. However, Andrew was a little speechless. Can't these guys clean up?

Everyone was naturally alarmed by the great movement of Fengling, and gathered around to check the ice sculptures. Soon, Princess Anna exclaimed: "Isn't that daddy?"

"Prince Annar? Yes, that's Prince Annar."

Matthew looked at one of the statues and nodded repeatedly. Elsa walked over in surprise and analyzed the contents of these ice sculptures with Princess Anna and the others.

Soon, they figured out the story contained in the ice sculpture. In short, it was this: when the dam was built, the people of Arendelle and Northandra suddenly went to war for unknown reasons.

In the melee, Prince Anar was in danger and almost died. He was rescued by a Northandra man, and then the two escaped from the enchanted forest together.

"This is dad, this is mom. It was mom who saved dad in the first place."

Princess Anna shouted, and the old woman said in surprise: "It's Eduna. No wonder I have always felt close to you two sisters. It turns out that you are Eduna's daughters, and you are also from Northandra."

Princess Elsa and Anna were stunned. After living for so many years, they knew that their mother was a Northandra, and at the same time, they had Northandra blood flowing in their bodies.

"In other words, we are actually our own people?"

Matthew was speechless. After fighting for more than 20 years, he found out that the prince married a Northandra man. What kind of thing is this?

The two groups looked at each other, and finally laughed. It was a speechless laugh, but also a funny laugh.

Elsa sighed: "It seems that we are destined to be here, because we have the blood of Northandra people in our bodies."

Princess Anna nodded in agreement, and Andrew came over and said, "I didn't lie to you, did I? In addition to this, Fengling also told me another thing."

"What's up?"

Elsa asked hurriedly. She didn't care about what Andrew said before, but she couldn't care less now. After all, she really didn't know her life experience.

Andrew said: "The bodies of your parents are also in the Enchanted Forest."

"What? This is impossible. They were killed in the southern sea."

Elsa shouted in disbelief, and Princess Anna was also stunned. How come in a circle, her family has so many connections with the Enchanted Forest?

"I did not see Prince Annar again in the Enchanted Forest."

Matthew said that he had already guessed the death of Prince Anal before - if Prince Anal did not die, how could Elsa become the queen?

"Wind spirits don't lie. Your parents' bodies, as well as the ship, are all in the Enchanted Forest."

Andrew said: "It has told me its location. Let's go and check it and we will know whether it is true or false."

"We'll go right away."

Elsa and Princess Anna said in unison, Andrew nodded and said: "Okay, the three of us will go together. Olaf, you stay here first, we will be back in a while."

"No problem, just in time to accompany my new friend."

With Fire Spirit lying on Xuebao's head, he said happily. At this time, Andrew seemed to hear something and shook his head: "Wind Spirit, you can't go with us. You need to protect us here."

Although Fengling was a little disappointed, he didn't say anything. This gathering place was very important and nothing could happen.

Matthew shouted: "Your Highness, it is too dangerous outside, please allow us to follow and protect you."

"No need, we are flying in the sky and can come and go more flexibly."

Andrew walked to the side of the Nightmare Beast and patted it gently. The Nightmare Beast's wings grew again. The Nightmare Beast looked at Andrew speechlessly. Transform it if you want, and restore it if you want. What do you think of me?

Seeing what Matthew wanted to say, Princess Anna said: "Lieutenant Matthew, don't worry, we will be fine. If it doesn't work out, let's leave that bastard behind and escape on our own."

Matthew was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed. In his opinion, this was just a joke between husband and wife. His Royal Highness the Prince married two princesses, so there must be a lot of conflicts.

Let alone two, even if you only have one wife, your family will be in chaos.

"That's fine with me, but I can guarantee that you two will never leave me behind."

Andrew spread his hands, and everyone laughed. Although Princess Anna snorted, she did not refute. They would definitely not do such an unfaithful thing, there is no doubt about it.

Then, the three of them without wasting time, mounted the Nightmare Beast and set off quickly. In the sky, Andrew said: "Elsa, Anna, the location of the ship is in the south, relatively close to the insect's nest, so this time it is very likely that Encountered combat.

I know you are excited now, but you must be ready to fight. "

"we know."

Elsa and Princess Anna nodded at the same time. Elsa hesitated for a while and asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, do you think they came to the Magic Forest because of me?"

"How could you have such an idea?"

Andrew asked, and Princess Anna also looked at Elsa curiously. Elsa said: "My magic must be related to the magic forest. I remember that before they left, they said they would find a way to find out the truth about my magic.

If they are really here, they are probably here to help me find the truth. In other words, I may have killed them. "

"Oh, so what?"

Andrew asked, and Princess Anna also said: "Yes, so what?"

Elsa asked in shock: "Maybe I killed them, Anna, don't you blame me?"

"You didn't take a spear and force them to find out the truth about magic? They went there voluntarily, why should they blame you? If it were me, I would go too."

Princess Anna held Elsa's hand from behind and said: "Elsa, don't think too much. I believe that your father and mother will never blame you. We are relatives, and it is natural to fight for each other without any care. , and no need for any guilt.”


Elsa looked touched and leaned into Princess Anna's arms. Andrew touched his chin and felt that he seemed a little redundant.

After the two sisters finished their exchange of feelings, Andrew asked: "Do you mind having more relatives?"


The two sisters said in unison, and then they both laughed. Princess Anna looked at Andrew proudly, and Andrew shrugged, not caring. Anyway, sooner or later, they are all their own.

After untying Elsa's knot, the Nightmare Beast gradually approaches the southern area, where it may encounter bugs at any time, so Andrew transforms the Nightmare Beast again.

Andrew put his hand on the Nightmare Beast. A large amount of mist came out of the Nightmare Beast's body and gradually merged with the surroundings. If you don't look carefully, you can't find them at all.

"Is this a chameleon's ability?"

Elsa asked, and Andrew nodded: "Absolutely. It's a pity that I haven't studied magical creatures, otherwise I would be able to achieve real invisibility. From now on, we stay quiet and try not to make any noise. If we really want to speak, we should close to our ears." Bian, say it secretly."

To be precise, they are magical creatures that have not been studied in this world. The rules are different, and the genes from the outside may not be universal in this world.


Elsa had no objection. Princess Anna thought of something and said angrily: "Why don't you bring out two horns for us to use? They won't be gone, right?"

This was obviously a mockery of Andrew giving Princess Aurora the horn. Andrew leaned into Princess Anna's ear and said softly: "Because I like to talk to you like this."


After saying this, Princess Anna's face turned red, and even her ears were red. Andrew told a joke in her ear, and she immediately turned from anger to joy and laughed.

Looking at the two intimate people, Aisha felt a little uncomfortable suddenly for some reason, and then she shook her head. Now is not the time to care about such things.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the location that Fengling told Andrew. No bugs were encountered in the process. I don't know if it was good luck or there were no bugs in this area at all.

This area is very desolate. Although there are trees, there are only branches left. Both the trees and the ground feel gray and lifeless.

Because in the sky, everyone soon discovered that there was a very dilapidated boat in the dry river below. Princess Elsa and Anna recognized it at a glance as the boat their parents took when they went to sea.

"They are really here. They said they went to the southern sea, but in fact they went to the dark sea. Unfortunately, they encountered a disaster and were washed here."

Aisha said with a sad face, and Andrew said: "Dark Sea? That is the only place to go to Ato Harun. Aisha, not your parents, want to go to Ato Harun."

It seems that fate’s guidance is correct. Aisha, you and Yato Harun have a certain connection. "

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