American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1818 The dust has settled

"It's indeed a bit powerful, but it's not that easy to beat me."

Maleficent snorted and pointed downwards. The entire ground shook violently and the ice cracked rapidly. At the same time, the surrounding ice walls shook and a large number of ice chips fell down.

Then, a giant plant life composed of countless grass roots climbed up from the ground, and punched the ice wall with a terrifying sonic boom.

Although Elsa immediately emitted ice light, this plant life was extremely resistant to cold air and was huge, so the ice light could not completely freeze it.

Then, the plant life's fist hit the ice wall hard, the wall shattered, and a large number of ice cubes roared out.

This was not over yet. Next, the plant life quickly punched and demolished all the igloos in a short time, and the moonlight shone on Maleficent again.

Maleficent whistled, and Mr. Crow, who had transformed into a lizard dragon, flew over quickly. Maleficent landed on its back, one behind the other with the plant life, and surrounded Elsa who was standing on an icicle.

"Who dares to bully my sister?"

At this moment, an ice track quickly spread this way, and then Princess Anna stepped on her skate boots and quickly slid over, looking at Maleficent fiercely.

Maleficent snorted coldly and was about to speak when a voice came from the side: "Three beauties, can you give me some face and stop fighting?"

Everyone turned their heads and saw Andrew standing next to the Nightmare Beast, asking with a smile on his face. At the same time, the Nightmare Beast lay at his feet, trembling, as if something terrible had happened.

Elsa didn't know what she was thinking of, so she glared at Andrew, and then she said: "The nightmare beast must be punished."

"The Nightmare Beast is a part of the forest kingdom, and no one can take it away."

Maleficent said competitively. At the same time, the previously retreating tree people and monsters all gathered nearby, vicious Andrew, Elsa and the others.

Although Princess Anna felt a little scared, she held a weapon and bared her teeth at the tree people and monsters in provocation. This princess has never been afraid since she was born.

Elsa's eyes were cold. If a war really broke out, she wouldn't be afraid. At worst, there would be a blizzard.

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder between the two sides was getting stronger, Andrew said: "Don't quarrel, the goblin elder is not a good thing, if you die, you will die.

Let's make a compromise. The Nightmare Beast will follow us to the Enchanted Forest and make atonement. When this matter is over, I will let the Nightmare Beast return to the Forest Kingdom. How about it? "

Elsa was a little hesitant, but Maleficent wanted to refuse. Whatever you say, don't I want to lose face?

At this moment, the wings behind Maleficent suddenly separated from her body and flew automatically to Andrew's hand. Then, the wings quickly became smaller and turned into a mark, which was imprinted on the back of Andrew's hand.

Maleficent looked at Andrew in disbelief. Although the wings did belong to Andrew now, how could he learn to control the wings in such a short period of time? How can this be?

With her wings gone, Maleficent could no longer be arrogant. She said, "Okay, if the Nightmare Beast doesn't come back, I won't let this matter go. Let's go back to the forest kingdom."

After saying that, Maleficent stopped talking nonsense and controlled Mr. Crow to fly back, followed by a large number of trees and monsters. This sudden siege officially came to an end.

Seeing the army of the Forest Kingdom leaving, Elsa and the others, as well as Princess Aurora and the others, all breathed a sigh of relief. This lively night was finally coming to an end.

"Anna, leave this guy to you and give him a good training. Tomorrow, we will use it to pull the car. I believe the speed will be much faster."

Andrew shouted to Princess Anna, who immediately ran over excitedly when she saw the nightmare beast's cool appearance.

The nightmare beast looked confused. I, the most handsome beast in the forest kingdom, pull the cart? Are you kidding me?

At this moment, Andrew looked over with a half-smile, and the Nightmare Beast was all excited, and immediately said, My strong muscles are just for pulling the cart. Whoever doesn't let me pull the cart, I will fight to the death.

Andrew was very satisfied with the nightmare beast's knowledge. He took off the magic stone badge and his body quickly returned to its original state.

Then, Andrew walked up to Elsa and said, "Elsa, the matter has been resolved satisfactorily. We can set off tomorrow and continue to the Magic Forest."

"Are you willing to part with your Princess Aurora?"

Aisha snorted coldly: "Aren't we going to have two hugs in three years? You left, how come you have two hugs in three years?"

It was obvious that Elsa had eavesdropped on the previous conversation between Andrew and Maleficent. To be honest, she disapproved of Andrew's methods. Those words did not sound like what a positive person would say.

Andrew smiled and said, "Are you jealous?"

Aisha said angrily: "I think you are going too far. How can you threaten people with such a thing?"

"Because it's easy to use. The goblin elder should have said bad things about me in front of Maleficent. Therefore, no matter what I say, Maleficent will not agree easily. Only this method can make things happen as quickly as possible." Speed ​​is over.”

Andrew said: "Besides, I don't really plan to do anything? Do you think I will stay here and become the new king, and then hold my wife every day and study how to have children?"

Hey, how does it sound good? "

"If you really think it's good, just stay and be the king here. This is much better than following me to fight for your life. Helping me is not your obligation in the first place."

Aisha turned her head and said coldly. She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt a little blocked in her heart.

Andrew smiled and said: "It is indeed better to be a king here than to work hard. Unfortunately, you are not here, so I still choose to work hard."

The first half of Andrew's words made Aisha's heart sink, and the second half of Andrew's words made her face blush. She said, "That's nonsense again."

Although she said this, Elsa was greatly relieved and even cheered a little.

At this moment, Andrew added: "When I finish fighting for my life, I will come back and be the king."

Elsa turned her head and stared at Andrew in shock. Andrew laughed when he saw her expression. Elsa became angry and threw a snowball at him.

Andrew caught the snowball and said, "Thank you Queen Elsa for the reward. Well, Anna should be about to fall. You go take care of her. I'll take care of the rest and try to set off early tomorrow morning."

Before Andrew could finish his words, Princess Anna, who had been so fierce before, shook twice and fell to the ground. The reason was simple: her magic power was exhausted.


Elsa hurriedly used ice escape to teleport to Princess Anna and supported her. Then, she used the method taught by Andrew to help Princess Anna recover.

Andrew smiled, returned to the castle, and saw Princess Aurora being surrounded by a group of people. The people seemed to be persuading Princess Aurora, and their voices were very loud. Princess Aurora should be refusing, shaking her head repeatedly.

"His Royal Highness Prince."

Princess Aurora was dizzy by the words of the group. When she saw Andrew coming, she hurried over. The group of people hesitated when they saw Andrew and did not dare to follow.

They had clearly seen the previous scene of Andrew tearing the evil witch apart, so naturally they did not dare to offend Andrew.

Princess Aurora asked: "Your Highness, have everything been settled?"

Andrew nodded first, and then asked straight to the point: "Everything has been taken care of, Princess Aurora, do they want you to inherit the throne?"

"Yes, but I don't want to inherit, and I don't have the ability to inherit."

Princess Aurora nodded. Because of the curse, she had been away from the castle since she was a child. She didn't know how to manage the country at all. Basically, she was an outcast princess.

"But you have to inherit."

Andrew said: "You are the only heir to King Stefan. If you do not inherit this position, the generals in the kingdom will fight fiercely because of this position, and many people will die.

In addition, this matter is not something you are willing to give up. Others will not let you go, because as long as they grab you and force you to be their wife, they can legitimately inherit the throne. "

Princess Aurora was dumbfounded. Based on her life experience, she could never have imagined so much: "No way?"

Andrew nodded with certainty: "The bad thing is, yes, whether it is for yourself or for the kingdom, you have to become the new queen."

"The problem is, I don't have the ability."

Princess Aurora said unconfidently, and Andrew smiled: "No, you have this ability, because you are Maleficent's daughter, no one dares to touch you, unless they want to face Maleficent's anger.

Moreover, Maleficent will definitely give you some help in terms of force. By the way, as the queen, you can also help the forest kingdom so that humans and elves can always maintain peace. "

"I like peace."

Princess Aurora nodded happily at first, then looked back at those people and said fearfully: "Your Highness, I still feel that I cannot bear such a big responsibility."

"trust yourself."

Andrew looked straight at Princess Aurora and said, "I believe you can do it."

Andrew's gaze gradually calmed down Princess Aurora's uneasy heart. She gritted her teeth and said, "Then let me try, uh, Your Highness, can you stay and help me? If you help me, I will definitely be able to Be a good queen.”

Having said this, Princess Aurora hesitated for a moment, and then said shyly: "What Queen Elsa can give you, I can give you too."

Elsa, who was taking care of Princess Anna outside, was furious when she heard this. This woman was so shameless. Even with her character, she couldn't help but get angry.

What, why can Elsa hear it? Of course it's because she's eavesdropping again. Our Queen Elsa is fine except for this.

Princess Anna took a breath, and when she saw Elsa getting angry, she hurriedly asked: "Sister, what's wrong?"

Elsa didn't want to say it at first, but she didn't know why, but she said in a strange way: "That Princess Aurora wants Her Highness to stay and help her, and she also said that she can give me what I can give."

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