American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1806 Take the long term

"For Arendelle and for our goblin family, that prince must die."

The goblin elder said with certainty. He thought for a while and then said: "Christopher, we will set off immediately to the forest kingdom."

Christopher asked in confusion: "Forest Kingdom, where is that? Uh, is it the kingdom of humans?"

"No, the Forest Kingdom, as the name suggests, is a large forest in which many strange animals and plants live, such as tree men, fairies, etc. There is a guardian who is always guarding them."

The goblin elder shook his head: "The guardian turned out to be a forest fairy. However, more than ten years ago, she was deceived by humans and even had her wings cut off by the other party, causing her to fall and become an evil witch.

The fallen evil witch was very cruel. She not only blocked the forest kingdom and killed a large number of human soldiers, but also placed a curse on the king's daughter.

She cursed the king's daughter that she would be pricked by a loom needle when she was eighteen years old, and then fall into a deep sleep forever unless her true love rescued her.

Currently, the princess has fallen into a deep sleep, and the human king is desperately trying to find a way to save her and eradicate the evil witch. "

"True love again? Disney, can you change the routine?"

Andrew heard these words through Christopher and couldn't help but complain. Princess Anna is frozen and needs the power of true love. The human princess is sleeping and needs the power of true love. Can't she be replaced by the power of a scumbag?

"This princess is really unlucky. I wonder if she is pretty?"

Christopher said, and the reindeer looked at him in disbelief. Christopher would never say this before.

"It should be beautiful."

The goblin elder said: "The forest kingdom, and the human kingdom next to them, are not far from Arendelle. Queen Elsa wants to reach the magic forest in the north and has to pass through the border of the human kingdom.

I will send a letter to King Stefan of the human kingdom and ask him to send people to intercept Queen Elsa and ask them for help to eradicate the evil witch.

The problem is, the evil witch is very powerful. Even Queen Elsa may not be her opponent, let alone, I will help secretly.

When Queen Elsa is in dire straits and when the prince is killed, Christopher, you go hero to save the beauty and win the favor of Princess Anna. I believe she will like you now. If not, I will use magic potion at worst. "

"A hero saving a beauty again?"

This time, even the reindeer couldn't help but secretly complain that the goblin elder's head was really made of stone. In addition to being a hero saving a beauty, he was also a hero saving a beauty.

Christopher didn't object, he said: "Good idea, no matter what, I must get Princess Anna."

"Princess Anna must be yours."

The goblin elder nodded, and then he and Christopher rode reindeer and quickly rushed to the forest kingdom. Before they set off, a carrier pigeon carried a letter from the goblin elder to the human kingdom.

The goblin elder had been outside when he was young. He had a wide network of contacts and knew a lot of things.

"Since you are so eager to seek death, of course I will help you. After all, I have always respected the elderly."

Andrew looked at this scene and sneered secretly. However, he did not rush to take action, but thought about whether he could gain benefits from this matter.

The forest kingdom mentioned by the goblin elder should be the big forest in the movie "Maleficent".

"Maleficent" is adapted from the classic fairy tale Sleeping Beauty. However, in this version, because the evil witch is played by a big-name actress, most of the scenes go to the evil witch.

To put it simply, the evil witch is the first heroine, the Sleeping Princess is the second heroine, and the human king is the villain.

The plot of this movie is not complicated. A forest fairy falls in love with a human thief. In order to become the king, the human thief betrays the forest fairy, cuts off her wings, and finally becomes the king as he wishes.

As a result, the forest fairy degenerated into an evil witch. In order to take revenge on the scumbag, she cursed the scumbag's daughter to fall into a deep sleep when she was eighteen years old.

However, due to a strange combination of circumstances, the evil witch's frozen heart was softened by the little princess, and she has been secretly taking care of her and becoming her 'fairy godmother'.

The evil witch thought about lifting the curse, but at that time, she tried her best to release the curse, and even she couldn't lift it. She could only find a prince and let him develop a relationship with the princess.

Unfortunately, after the curse broke out, the prince failed to wake up the sleeping princess with his own hands. Instead, a drop of tears from the evil witch revived the sleeping princess. It turned out that she was the one who truly loved the princess. As for the prince, it had only been a few days. Fucking true love.

In the end, the evil witch and the sleeping princess teamed up to fight the villain king. The villain king fell from the castle and was declared dead. The evil witch and the sleeping princess lived happily ever after - if the second part was not filmed.

"The plot of the second part is really hard to describe in a word."

Andrew shook his head. This is a dark fairy tale world. The story should be different, but the general framework will not change.

"Go and have a look. If it doesn't work, you can also harvest the favor of the world from the evil witch. Alice needs the favor of the world very much now."

Andrew thought to himself. With this thought in mind, he didn't do anything more and waited quietly for the situation to develop. Anyway, he could control Christopher at any time and chop off the head of the goblin elder with one knife.

"Your Highness, you smile so sinisterly."

Princess Anna looked at Andrew and complained: "Are you thinking of some harmful means?"

Andrew raised his head and said, "Am I that kind of person? I'm just thinking, how can I get you two to accept me?"

"What you think is beautiful. I think you should continue to think of harming others."

Princess Anna snorted coldly, and Elsa was also speechless. If you only chase one, you may not be unreasonable, but if you chase two at a time, who can accept it?

"Okay, let me think about how to harm you two?"

Andrew laughed, and Princess Anna rolled her eyes. At this time, they were staying in a cave. Princess Anna and Elsa were wrapped in blankets, and Andrew was making a fire in the middle.

"You guys go to bed early. We will set off as soon as the sun comes out tomorrow."

Andrew said, and Aisha said: "Your Highness, you stay awake for half the night, and I'll stay there for the rest of the night. Just wake me up then."

"Sister, you rest, I'll keep watch for the rest of the night."

Princess Anna hurriedly said after hearing this, while Xuebao cautiously approached the fire and said, "I'll guard it. Snowmen don't need to sleep. Uh, wait, I seem to need to sleep? Then the question is, am I a snowman?" ?”

Elsa laughed dumbly, raised her hand, and made a snowy cloud on Olaf's head to prevent Olaf from being melted by the fire. Olaf was overjoyed and ran around next to the flames. He liked the warmth the most.

"No need to bother, I will take care of everything."

Andrew shook his head and said: "Queen Elsa, there is no need to argue with me. I have been unable to sleep since I was a child. Even if you take my place, I still can't sleep."

"Is there still such a problem in this world? Your Highness, you are so pitiful."

Princess Anna sighed, and Andrew looked surprised: "Princess Anna, do you really believe it? If you had known, I would tell you that I have a disease that requires me to be kissed by a beautiful woman once a day, otherwise I will die."

"You lied to me again, and who would believe such a low-level lie?"

Princess Anna gritted her teeth, and Andrew smiled: "Princess Anna should believe it, Queen Elsa, what do you think?"

Aisha pretended to think about it and said, "Maybe."

"elder sister."

Princess Anna was furious, and the three of them had a quarrel for a while. Elsa also forgot about the vigil, and she and Princess Anna were wrapped in blankets and slept next to the fire. Princess Anna was still holding Olaf.

Andrew looked at the sleeping sisters, smiled slightly, took out the River God Gem, and analyzed it carefully.

There are two main rules of the River God. One is bondage. Once you enter the territory of the River God, you cannot leave unless you complete the process. Before, the white horse was not really trapped in the stop of time, but was trapped in the ultimate bondage.

Not only was Baima's body restrained, but his consciousness was also restrained, so he could not move, as if time had been frozen.

Another rule is the test, that is, the test of the golden snowman and the silver snowman. However, it is not a test of greed or honesty, but a test of whether you know how to give up.

Only by giving up can you pass the test, leave the river, and gain freedom. If you don't give up, you will be swallowed by the river god.

"The second rule is more troublesome. Focus on studying the first rule first. Only rules can fight against rules."

Andrew secretly thought that even Heavenly Father God like them could not easily get away from the rules. This can be seen from the fact that Sithorn and the others are still racing with the tortoise.

The three of Sithorn gritted their teeth and looked at the turtle in front of them. They had already imagined nine hundred and ninety-nine ways to cook the turtle in their minds.

“So much time has been wasted, and what’s worse, continues to be wasted.”

Death cursed and asked the other two: "Sithorn, Seth, have you figured out a way to break the rules?"

"We've thought of it a long time ago, but it's useless because we've missed the time to crack the rules."

Sithorn sighed: "Now, we can only wait for the hare to wake up and come over to chase the tortoise. Only in this way will the tortoise reach the finish line. If the hare doesn't wake up, the tortoise will never reach the finish line."

Death and Seth cursed at the same time, but they had no choice but to pray that the rabbit would wake up soon. They didn't know that under normal circumstances, the rabbit should have woken up long ago. The reason why they didn't wake up was because someone didn't want the rabbit to wake up.

"I let you scold me every day, but you continue to stay here and don't affect this baby's experience of fairy tales. This fairy tale world is really fun."

Deadpool in a red uniform took a brick and brutally smashed the sleeping rabbit into a vegetative state. Well, no, it was a vegetative rabbit.

Then, Wade threw away the brick and left excitedly, going to various fairy tale worlds. It was so fun. For example, he played Prince Charming before and was beaten up by the princess.

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