American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1798 Disaster breaks out

Andrew smiled and said no more, because as Elsa's tears fell, Princess Anna's body began to thaw. To put it simply, he made a time lag and successfully obtained ownership of Elsa's soul.

Then, while erasing Elsa's memory just now, Andrew thought to himself: "Fortunately, Elsa is not Heavenly Father yet, otherwise it would not be so easy to deceive her."

Princess Anna's resurrection made Elsa overjoyed. At the same time, she finally understood that love can dissolve everything, including freezing.

Elsa raised her hand, and a large number of ice and snow particles flew out like cold wind. Wherever they passed, whether it was the frozen sea or the heavy snow on the house, they all melted, and even the flowers bloomed again.

"Elsa, I knew you could do it."

Princess Anna shouted excitedly, and Andrew also smiled and said: "I also know you can do it, Queen Elsa."

"You also know? Hey, wait a minute."

Elsa was stunned for a moment, and then the surrounding space began to collapse. The three of them returned to the room, and Elsa completely woke up. It turned out that everything just now was just an illusion.

In contrast, Princess Anna is a little confused. Why has the surrounding suddenly changed? Then, when she saw Aisha next to her, she immediately put the matter behind her, as long as her sister was by her side.

"Your Highness, thank you for your illusion. I have successfully mastered my magic power. Love is everything."

Aisha saluted gratefully to Andrew. Her eyes were full of admiration. He was really amazing. He designed such an illusion that was almost exactly the same as reality and helped her successfully master her abilities. It was really amazing.

Then, Aisha asked: "But, Your Highness, you added a lot of your own personal goods to it, right?"

Elsa was talking about the long skirt and the song. To be honest, she was a little shy.

Princess Anna also woke up at this time. She said angrily to Andrew: "You are so disgusting. You actually added the drama of being the leading actor to yourself and lied to me."

"What did I lie to you about? Haven't you already made a lifelong commitment to me?"

Andrew looked confused, and Elsa looked at Princess Anna in shock. With your relationship with the prince, you shouldn't be so angry, right? It was love at first sight for you two.

Princess Anna blinked, not knowing how to answer. She couldn't say that what she said yesterday was just to stimulate you and make you angry, right?

Elsa wanted to know that it might turn her into an ice sculpture. She said hurriedly: "What makes me angry is that he actually arranged the matter between me and him to a villain. It's so disgusting."

Before Andrew and Elsa could say anything, Princess Anna hurriedly changed the subject: "Sister, can you bring Olaf back? I like it so much."

"as you wish."

Elsa said dotingly, she raised her hand and turned, and a ball of ice and snow particles flew outside, but it was to go to the mountain to find Olaf - Olaf is a small snowman that Elsa and Princess Anna once made, because Princess Elsa The magic has life.

"Elsa's magic is really powerful."

Andrew secretly thought: "Not only can it be turned into clothes, but it can also enlighten life."

In comparison, casting an ice castle is nothing. After all, the ice ability can be shaped in the first place.

After doing this, Aisha hesitated and said to Andrew: "Your Highness, I will definitely complete what I promised you. I wonder when you plan to go home?"

Andrew looked at Aisha with a look of disgust, you are crossing the river and burning the bridge too quickly, aren't you? At least let me have lunch.

Aisha felt a little embarrassed when she saw Andrew's expression. It was indeed not very kind to do this, but Andrew, the bastard, was also unkind. She had thought that the other party just wanted to take advantage of her sister, but it turned out that the other party wanted to take it all.

How can I bear this? If Andrew hadn't been kind to her, Elsa would have thrown him out of Arendelle.

"Sister, won't you leave him to fight the disaster together?"

Princess Anna hesitated and asked. To be honest, she was really reluctant to let Andrew leave: "It's strange that I don't want to let him go. I just haven't taken revenge yet. When the revenge is over, he will get as far away from me as possible."

Seeing Princess Anna's plea, Elsa became more determined to get rid of Andrew. She said: "No need, I have mastered the magic power now. No matter what disaster, I can fight against it."

Before Elsa finished speaking, the main city of Arendelle suddenly shook violently. The streets outside kept undulating, as if an earth dragon was rolling underground. Many people fell because of this, and what was even worse was that many houses collapsed with a rumble.

This was not over yet. Outside the port, a huge waterspout appeared out of thin air, easily sucking in the ship and smashing it into pieces. Then, the waterspout headed towards Arendelle with unparalleled power.

This is still not over. Many buildings and trees in the city suddenly burst into flames, and Allendale quickly turned into a sea of ​​​​fire.

Elsa, Princess Anna, and Andrew hurried to the balcony. When they saw the miserable condition of Arendelle, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Earth, water, wind, fire, disasters in the mysterious forest broke out."

Andrew narrowed his eyes. This disaster was much stronger than in the movie. In fact, there was no disaster in the movie. The reason why the Four Spirits caused all kinds of trouble was to get the residents of Arendelle to leave the city to avoid being flooded.

Therefore, in the movie, no one died, at most a few people were injured, and it was basically nothing serious.

But now, it has become a real disaster, and many people have lost their lives, some because their houses collapsed, and some because their houses were burned. In addition, none of those people who were involved in the waterspouts survived.

"No, this is Arendelle and I will never allow this to happen."

Elsa didn't expect the disaster to be so terrible. She immediately took off her gloves and jumped down. Then, she sprayed cold air with her hands and easily extinguished the flames of a house.

Then, ice boots appeared under Elsa's feet and she quickly glided to put out the fire. When the people saw Elsa, they shouted in surprise: "Queen, angel, save us."

"I will definitely save you. I am the Queen of Arendelle. It is my mission to protect you."

Elsa nodded very seriously. She raised her hands, and the cold wind roared, extinguishing all the flames. Then, she jumped to the port, looking at the waterspout that was getting bigger and bigger with fear and anger.

Elsa took a deep breath, raised her hands, and prepared to freeze the entire waterspout. To be honest, she had just mastered magic and was not sure she could do it, but she must do it, she wanted to protect Arendelle.

"elder sister."

Seeing that Elsa was about to fight the waterspout, Princess Anna was filled with anxiety. She thought of something, turned to Andrew and said: "Your Highness, go and help my sister quickly."

"I can't help. Besides, your sister was just about to drive me away."

Andrew spread his hands, and Princess Anna shouted: "I know you must have a way. If you help my sister and help save Arendelle, I am willing..."

Andrew shook his head to stop Princess Anna from continuing. Then, he sighed helplessly: "Am I the kind of shameless villain in your heart who takes advantage of favors?"

Princess Anna thought for a while and chose to nod. Andrew glared at Princess Anna. Princess Anna smiled awkwardly and said, "You are definitely not. If you are, there are many opportunities to blackmail us.

Your Highness, I know that Elsa's attitude just now was problematic, but please help her and help Arendelle. "

"I didn't lie, I couldn't help Elsa."

Andrew shook his head. There was no one else here. He could use some small magic. There were so many outsiders now, and he certainly couldn't reveal his identity.

Princess Anna was disappointed. At this moment, Andrew continued: "But you can help her."

Princess Anna was stunned: "Can I help her? How can I help her, I'm just an ordinary person?"

"You were once hit by Elsa's magic, and your body turned into Elsa's shape."

Andrew said that in order to avoid being seen as a problem, he could not inject Princess Anna with supernatural medicine, otherwise it would be simple.

"Why does your words sound weird?"

Princess Anna looked suspicious, and then said: "Of course, there is nothing wrong with turning into the shape of my sister."

"That's what you call weird, right?"

Andrew complained, and he continued: "Your body can accommodate Elsa's magic power. As long as Elsa is willing to lend you her magic power, you can use magic power with her.

Of course, not too much at first, only a small part. As you gradually adapt to Elsa's magic, the amount of magic you can hold will become more and more.

Anna, remember, love is the ultimate zombie... uh, I'm sorry, I'm cheating. Love is the only way to control magic. Think of the love between you and Elsa and control Elsa's magic. "

While Andrew was speaking, Princess Anna flew up uncontrollably and quickly flew to Elsa. At the same time, Elsa also heard what Andrew had just said, and even a method of transmitting magic appeared in her mind.

Elsa looked at Princess Anna hesitantly. Of course she was not reluctant to give up magic power, she just didn't want her sister to take risks.

"Sister, we agreed that we will always be together."

Princess Anna took the initiative to grab Elsa's hand and said. Elsa nodded and followed the method taught by Andrew to transfer part of the magic power into Princess Anna's body.

Princess Anna shivered and asked: "Wow, it's so cold, Elsa, is this how you feel?"

"No, it's usually not cold. This is because you haven't gotten used to my magic yet."

Elsa shook her head. When she felt that Princess Anna had almost accommodated it, she hurriedly stopped. Then, she said: "Anna, let's freeze the waterspout together."

"Okay, sisters, work together to protect Arendelle."

Princess Anna nodded fiercely, and then, the two sisters activated their magic together, and the sea surface quickly froze, and quickly spread into waterspouts.

The sea water in the waterspout quickly froze under the influence of the cold air, but was immediately shattered by the strong wind. Seeing this, Princess Elsa and Anna increased their strength at the same time, making the ice thicker, so thick that the strong wind could not break it. .

Finally, with the efforts of the two sisters, the entire waterspout was frozen and solidified in the air, forming a special landscape.

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