American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1790 Prince Hans

Seeing that the three of them were about to leave, Sanzhu hurriedly shouted: "Don't leave. You just came here and you definitely don't know the situation nearby. I am a local and I know a lot of information that will be useful to you."

Unfortunately, no matter how Sanzhu shouted, the three soldier boys had no intention of looking back. The reason was very simple. The memory of Sanzhu had long been obtained by the soldier boy.

Sanzhu howled in despair. There was nothing more cruel in this world than giving people hope and then despairing.

"There are many kingdoms in this world. On the surface, they are no different from the Western Middle Ages, but there are many strange places."

The soldier boy introduced Van Helsing, Huey, and Andrew who also entered this world: "For example, there is a princess with blond hair who disappeared, a princess who can use ice magic, and a princess who is said to fall into a deep sleep at the age of eighteen. The princess..."

"Why are they all princesses? Boss, is your hobby princess?"

Van Helsing complained, and the soldier boy laughed: "No, my hobby is female superheroes. In short, many of the familiar stories in our world appear in this world, but like the story of the Three Little Pigs, they are all darkened. .

To put it simply, we are in the world of dark fairy tales, and in the future, we may encounter many childhood-ruining plots. "

This is also true. Indigo collects fairy tales on the earth, uses them as templates to design a virtual world, and then uses the power of hell to turn the virtual world into a dark fairy tale and destroy the earth.

There are many benefits to doing this. First, fairy tales have been circulating on the earth. Creating such a world will be blessed by the human spiritual power, making it easier.

Secondly, if humans are killed by characters in fairy tales, they will have very negative emotions. Such souls are more delicious and can enhance the strength of the demon kings. Thirdly, this will help the virtual world become a real world.

Although the virtual world evolved on its own later, these basic settings have not changed. It is still a dark fairy tale world. If it changes, it may be darker and more twisted.

"It doesn't matter, I didn't have a childhood anyway."

Van Helsing smiled and said, he looked like this as soon as he was born, so I asked you if you are afraid?

Huey said angrily: "The devil of hell is so hateful. He actually used fairy tales to kill people. How can I tell fairy tales to my children in the future?"

"Is it possible that you can't marry a wife or have children? Haha, just kidding."

The soldier boy smiled and said: "Okay, let's go, let's go to the nearby kingdom, have a good chat with the king, and then use the king's power to save as many people as possible.

At the same time, I want to gain the favor and support of the world. Only in this way can my artificial intelligence win. "


Van Helsing and Huey didn't waste any time and followed the soldier boy to a nearby kingdom at full speed. This world was too weird. If the humans who were sucked in were not found as soon as possible, they would probably die tragically.

Well, it's more likely that life is worse than death. In this world, death may be a very luxurious thing.

"Is it really a dark fairy tale world?"

Andrew couldn't help but frown while flying on the sea. In fact, he knew the basic settings of the virtual world. After all, no matter how secretive Indigo was, he would not hide his real BOSS, which was Alessa.

If Alessa knows, it means Andrew knows. Needless to say, this point goes without saying. However, because other worlds have been integrated, Andrew is not sure that this world is still the same as before. Moreover, Indigo did not say which fairy tales he wants to integrate.

Therefore, Andrew did not tell Soldier Boy's clone about this matter to avoid any misjudgment. At the same time, he also let Soldier Boy act 100% true to himself, so that the information would not be leaked.

"Dark version? It really ruins childhood. If Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs happened, well, this is the adult version, not the dark version."

Andrew complained, and a drawing board appeared out of thin air in front of him. Then, he rolled his eyes and drew on the drawing board, trying to predict the future of the world.

When Andrew opened his eyes and saw a messy painting, he sighed and scattered the drawing board. It was obvious that the future of this world was chaotic, distorted, and unpredictable.

At this time, a very gorgeous sailboat came towards this side. Seeing this, Andrew appeared on the sailboat out of thin air, but no one noticed his presence.

"If you want to collect the favor of the world and win the hearts and minds of the people in this world, it is best to play the role of a prince, such as Prince Charming who wakes up Snow White."

Andrew secretly thought: "In this way, on the one hand, I can inherit the other party's favor from the world, and on the other hand, I can ask the old king to abdicate, ascend the throne himself, and win the hearts of the people."

What, why not just play the king? Because in fairy tales, the king is not the protagonist.

The real protagonists will only be the prince and princess. As for the king, they are basically used for sacrifice.

Andrew's eyes swept across the people on the ship, and soon settled on a handsome young man in gorgeous clothes. He was suddenly a little shocked. There happened to be a prince on the ship, but he seemed to be a villain.

On the deck of the sailboat, the prince wearing a white aristocratic costume was sighing. He was Prince Hans. Being a prince should have been a very fortunate thing, but Prince Hans did not feel that he was very lucky because he had ten Two brothers.

"Twelve brothers, when will it be my turn to take the throne?"

Prince Hans complained that, let alone the throne, he felt that he had no sense of presence in the country at all. No one knew him as the thirteenth prince, and even if they did, no one cared about him.

After all, Prince Hans will never get the throne. When he comes of age, he will probably be divided into a small nobility. If he is lucky, he will have a small territory. If he is unlucky, he can only become a court knight. Well, the kind that just donates money. The kind of jazz you can get.

"I really want to be a king. I heard that Princess Elsa of Arendelle is very beautiful. If she can fall in love with me, hehehe..."

Prince Hans was thinking about it. What he was most proud of was undoubtedly his handsome appearance. If nothing else happened, when he stepped into the territory of Arendelle, a princess named Anna would fall in love with him at first sight.

“Why is this even in the movie?”

Andrew couldn't help complaining and wanted to beat Indigo. He really couldn't imagine what it would be like for Princess Elsa and Princess Anna to turn into evil and kill each other. Please, this movie is about sisterhood, okay?

If Princess Elsa and Princess Anna really go dark, then it would be better if the world is destroyed, because this is a true destruction of childhood.

"Since you want to know the answer, go and see for yourself. Prince Hans, it's you."

Andrew made a decision, and Prince Hans, who was thinking about it, suddenly looked a little dazed. Then, he shook his head and prepared to go back to the cabin to rest. The wind here was too strong, uh, and a little cold.

At this moment, the sailboat suddenly rocked violently due to the waves. Prince Hans accidentally fell into the sea. He was confused at first, then hurriedly swam to the sea and shouted at the leaving sailboat: "Save me, hurry up." Come and save me.”

Unfortunately, the people on the sailboat didn't hear Prince Hans's cry at all, and sailed straight forward. Prince Hans saw this and swam hard in the direction of the sailboat. The problem was that his speed was not fast enough, and the sailboat was getting closer and closer to him. the further away.

Seeing that it was impossible to catch up, Prince Hans had to stop. He couldn't help but cursed: "Such a big man fell into the sea, and you didn't notice it? I am a prince, Farke, and I really have no sense of existence."

Immediately, Prince Hans thought of the current situation and couldn't help feeling a little frightened and desperate. Was he going to die like this, silently in the sea? Could it be that his father found out that his son was dead ten years later?

"What a damn fate."

Prince Hans smiled bitterly. He didn't want to die, but what could he do on the vast sea? swim? It is surrounded by sea and there can be no islands.

"The only thing you can do is to shout for help, right?"

Prince Hans tried every method he could, but it worked, but it was completely useless. He felt that his body was gradually becoming colder, and at the same time, his strength was gradually losing.

Finally, Prince Hans sank toward the sea, and his consciousness quickly became blurred. At this moment, a voice sounded in his ears: "Give me everything you have, and I promise you that you can survive." "

"Here it is, give it all to you. As long as I can survive, I can do whatever you want."

Prince Hans shouted in his heart, and the next second, his eyes blurred, and he appeared in a forest. He was stunned for a while, and he didn't realize what was going on at all.

One second he was in the sea, about to drown. The next second, why was he in the forest?

Immediately, Prince Hans reacted and hurriedly checked his body and found that he was fine and his clothes were not even wet.

"What's going on? A dream? No, I'm not on the ship now."

Prince Hans was very puzzled. He didn't know that the fall into the water before was actually an illusion used by Andrew. He did not really fall into the water. Andrew did this to force him to hand over everything.

If he is a good person, Andrew will discuss it with the other party in a good voice and exchange it with the other party for what the other party really wants. For example, he once gave the Mario brothers a lot of wealth, gave Spawn a new life, etc.

But what kind of virtue is Prince Hans? Everyone knows that this guy is not generally annoying in the movie. Therefore, Andrew did not negotiate sincerely, but directly used illusions to deceive him and get everything from him.

Not convinced? Go to hell and sue me? I don't mind.

"No matter what, at least I'm still alive. As long as I'm alive, there is hope."

Prince Hans thought, and at this moment, he found three houses ahead, one of straw, one of wood, and one of brick.

Prince Hans thought for a while and walked towards the masonry house. With his identity, how could he go to the other two shabby houses? Only brick and stone houses barely fit his identity.

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