In the virtual world, there were originally a large number of green data codes flashing, but at this moment, all the codes disappeared, spinning slowly like an ordinary white ball of light.

Everyone knows that the virtual world is about to take shape, Sithorn explained: "As soon as the virtual world takes shape, you will immediately follow Indigo into the world.

If nothing unexpected happens, the virtual world will immediately invade the main world network and pull humans into the virtual world. This is the instinct of the world and Indigo's initial setting. "

Indigo created the virtual world just to destroy the earth. Although there were problems later, this basic setting will not change.


Everyone nodded. The next second, Indigo suddenly flew into the virtual world uncontrollably. Then, the speed of the virtual world suddenly accelerated.

"Oh, the indigo is gone."

Alessa spread her hands, and Sithorn was a little speechless. He said: "It seems that Indigo is more important than imagined. If the virtual world wants to be completely formed, it needs his help.

This is a good thing for us. The greater the authority of Indigo, the greater our home field advantage. "

Everyone nodded again after hearing this. It was for this reason. The devil thought excitedly: "This time, we should be able to defeat the Machine Demon King, right?"

At the same time, Andrew's body came to the core of the game space. He smiled and said: "It seems we are lucky. You awaken faster than the virtual world."

"Boss, when has your luck ever been so bad? You are the savior, and everyone in the world likes you."

A tall figure that was no different from a human came out. It was Alice. She had completely integrated with the game space and became the world consciousness of the game space. In Eastern terms, it was the way of heaven.

Alice woke up three days ago. After she woke up, the game space world completely became Andrew's territory. At the same time, Alice transformed into a more advanced life form.

"That is."

Andrew smiled and then said: "The virtual world is about to be born. Alice, be prepared. Once it invades the main world network, you will invade it immediately.

Then, while it is just born, seize the authority of the world, and finally, completely defeat it, occupy that world, and turn the enemy's things into ours. "

"I am now the world consciousness of the game space. Invading a newly formed world is not a big problem."

Alice smiled and said: "However, the other party is also a world after all, and I can't defeat it at once, not to mention that it still has the existence of the god Indigo.

My war with the virtual world will be a long one, BOSS, you have to help me. "

Andrew asked: "How can I help specifically?"

"To put it simply, in the virtual world, you can collect the favor of the world and win the hearts and minds of the people."

Alice said: "The consciousness of the world is a collection of the subconscious minds of all living beings. If the people all recognize me and don't recognize it, then my speed of defeating it will be greatly accelerated.

As for the favor of the world, it is the original power of the world. The more favor you get from the world, the weaker its strength will be. "

"I can understand this."

Andrew nodded first, then asked: "The question is, how do I get the favor of the world? Indigo is the god of that world. As soon as I enter, the other party will most likely mark me as the enemy of the world or something like that.

By then, let alone the blessings of the world, I will probably be struck by lightning while walking. "

"BOSS, don't worry. With my strength, I will definitely be able to obtain some permissions after the invasion. At that time, I will conceal your existence so that the world consciousness of the virtual world cannot discover you."

Alice said: "In this way, you can collect the favor of the world and win the hearts of the people. In addition, I will protect our superheroes. Although they will not be treated well, they will not be discriminated against, just like entering an ordinary world. "

"very good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction and said: "I will send a clone to attract the attention of the demon kings, while the main body will snatch the fate of the natives in the virtual world, collect the favor of the world and gain the hearts and minds of the people."

"Can you still be like this? BOSS, you are indeed more sinister..., ahem, wiser."

Alice said happily: "If that's the case, it would be easier. As long as there is enough favor and support from the world, I can replace the other person in a short time and become the world consciousness of that world."

"When you become the world consciousness of that world, I can easily turn that world into my territory."

Andrew nodded again. He looked at hell and said, "I don't know, what kind of world will that be?"

In hell, the rapidly rotating ball of light suddenly stopped, and then it disappeared. However, the demons were not worried because they sensed that the virtual world was attached to hell.

The Will of Hell was very happy that it had a 'little brother', so it satisfied the little brother's request without any hesitation and sent a large amount of hell's power and negative aura to the little brother's world.

The ball of light, which was originally white, quickly turned into black. Seeing this, the demon nodded with satisfaction. Very good. Although the virtual world evolved on its own, it did not deviate from their original setting.

In the original setting, the virtual world was meant to absorb negative vibes and become a world full of evil. After all, their purpose in creating this world was to destroy the earth.

However, the original plan was for the devil to 'pay' himself to darken the virtual world. Now it has become the will of hell to pay. It's really great. Saving a fortune is equivalent to making a lot of money.

"The virtual world is about to take shape."

Sithorn said: "Billy, General Zod, Alessa, you are ready."

As for the people of the motherland, they are currently on Earth, preparing to act with the superheroes, and then look for opportunities to eliminate them all.


Alessa and others nodded. It didn't take long for the virtual world to take shape. The first thing it did was to invade the earth's network. This was the basic setting and the wish of the world itself.

The earth's network was invaded, and the financial market instantly became chaotic. At the same time, all networked weapons started on their own and were ready to be launched.

Although nuclear bombs are not among the categories of these weapons (Andrew has made arrangements in advance), once these weapons are launched, human beings will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

At the critical moment, Alice takes action. She fights against the invasion of the virtual world and prevents the weapons from being launched, while at the same time invading the virtual world.

The virtual world had no idea that it would be invaded, and Alice suddenly took away 30% of its authority. Seeing that Alice was going to continue to invade, it hurriedly began to resist the opponent.

The world consciousness of the two online worlds began to fight fiercely with the earth network and the virtual world as the battlefield. Large-scale problems occurred in the earth network, and the whole world quickly fell into chaos.

When the presidents of various countries heard the notice, they immediately began to deal with the matter, but found that they could not handle it at all, because the technology of both Alice and the virtual world was far beyond theirs. They could not do anything except unplug the power. .

This is normal. We don’t even have artificial intelligence. How can humans fight against the consciousness of two worlds?

As for unplugging the power supply, it is definitely useful for military bases, but for exchanges and other places, how dare you unplug it casually? Human society has long been inseparable from the Internet.

As time went by, even the home network began to be affected. Instead of being unable to connect to the Internet, the network became intermittent. To make matters worse, windows began to pop up on both computers and mobile phones.

"Do you want to travel to another world and see the real darkness?"

This is the content on the pop-up window. There are two options below, one is ‘Y’ and the other is ‘N’.

"There are such silly advertisements these days? Who would be fooled?"

A netizen sneered, controlled the mouse and clicked N. The next second, the page turned into a combination of a large number of 0s and 1s, and then the netizen was sucked directly into the computer.

"Didn't I click NO? Why did you still suck me in?"

This is the last thought of netizens, full of confusion and anger. Where has the trust between people gone?

What netizens don’t know is that whether they click Y or N, they will meet the rules and be sucked into the virtual world.

There are only two ways to avoid being sucked in. One is to restart the computer or mobile phone, and the other is to click the X mark on the pop-up window.

Unfortunately, most netizens did not think of these two methods. A small number of them clicked Y, and most of them clicked N, and then they were all brought into the virtual world.

The Internet has long become an indispensable part of human beings, not to mention that after the popularity of smartphones, many people never leave their phones. Therefore, in a short period of time, a large number of people have been drawn into the virtual world.

This incident would have caused a sensation, but due to network problems, information transmission is no longer as fast as before. The official side has been unable to grasp the situation. Of course, even if they did grasp the situation, they would not be able to do so in a timely manner under such a network. Warn the people.

Fortunately, Alice was there, and she directly attacked the virus spread by the virtual world, preventing it from appearing on the screen. The virtual world was furious and kept upgrading the virus. Unfortunately, Alice blocked them all.

Despite this, millions of people are still being pulled into the virtual world, equivalent to more than half of the population of New York, and this is just the beginning.

Hell, as soon as the virtual world was completed, Alessa, Billy, and General Zod rushed into the virtual world and entered very smoothly.

The devil looked at the three Sithorne unhappily. It was disgusting that these three guys were always hiding behind and letting others charge into battle.

The devil couldn't help but ask: "With such a huge home field advantage, why don't you go in?"

"Wait a minute, there's no rush."

Sithorn smiled and changed the subject: "The artificial intelligence of the Machine Demon King is more powerful than imagined, and it can actually block the attack of the virtual world.

Didn't Indigo say that artificial intelligence is not worth mentioning? The ability in the virtual world should be stronger than Indigo. "

"This shows that the old silver coin of the Mechanical Demon King was hiding his clumsiness before."

Death said: "Fortunately, we didn't let Indigo start in advance, otherwise, he would have discovered the clues long ago. In that case, this time it would not be so smooth at all."

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