American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1763 Transaction

Jason was stunned by Andrew's words, and then he couldn't help complaining: "Sir, are you sure you want to fight Lao Lu? He can't even stand still, okay?"

"I think I should call the police."

Lao Lu also said next to him, and his body even shook to express how weak and inexperienced he was.

"The more you tremble, the more excited he becomes. He is famous for respecting the elderly and loving the young."

The soldier boy said: "People from the Jianghu gave him a poem, punched Nanshan Nursing Home, and kicked Beihai Kindergarten."

Andrew rolled his eyes, why would the clone complain about the original body? Is there something wrong with it?

Lao Lu and Jason looked at the soldier boy in shock at the same time. A bird actually spoke? Jason's mouth was even more open, as if he could swallow an egg.

"Don't be so surprised. It's just a talking bird. It's very common."

Andrew said, Jason and Lao Lu complained at the same time: "It's not common at all, okay?"

"I'm a little pressed for time, so I won't talk nonsense. Drunken Immortal Lu Yan, either start the fight, or I will just take away the Ruyi Golden Cudgel."

Andrew said, Lao Lu was shocked when he heard this. How did he know his identity and the Ruyi Golden Cudgel?

Even when his name was called out, Lao Lu stopped pretending to be an old man and straightened his body suddenly. His whole person's energy and spirit were completely different. He asked in a deep voice: "Who are you and why do you know that I exist? "

"Let's talk about it after the fight. Should we fight here or go to the yard behind?"

Andrew said. Lu Yan hesitated and turned to look at Jason. Jason was looking at him in shock. Why did Lao Lu become so tough?

"It's time for you to leave."

Lu Yan said to Jason. Jason was about to speak when Andrew said, "He wants to stay. I have something to ask him about."

After saying that, the soldier boy flapped his wings and flew onto Jason's shoulder. Jason was stiff and extremely nervous.

"It's none of his business."

Lu Yan said angrily: "I don't know who you are, but not involving innocent people is the minimum morality for martial arts practitioners."

"Innocent person?"

Andrew laughed and said: "I originally wanted to deal with his affairs after fighting with you. Since you said so, let me talk to him first. Don't worry, I won't be violent. I am a civilized person. "

Lu Yan mocked: "Civilized people? I can't tell."

"You'll see."

Andrew smiled. He walked up to Jason and opened the box. Inside was a box of US dollars, which added up to about 1.5 million.

Jason's breathing immediately became rapid. In America, everyone knows the value of money. This one and a half million can make Jason's life undergo earth-shaking changes.

"what do you mean?"

Jason swallowed and said, "Even if you sell me for parts, I'm not worth so much money."

"Don't worry, I won't sell you."

Andrew smiled and said, "As long as you say a word, all the money in this box will be yours."


Jason was overjoyed, and then he asked suspiciously: "Could this be counterfeit money?"

Andrew said: "You can check it yourself. There should be a money detector here."

Although Lu Yan didn't know what Andrew wanted to do, he instinctively felt something was wrong. He hurriedly said: "Jason, don't be fooled. This may be dirty money. Moreover, the money is all in cash and you can't spend it."

Lu Yan's words made Jason wake up a little. Just as he was about to say something, Andrew took out a document and put it on top of the money and said: "I have laundered the money. You won it in the casino. There are complete records. You don't have to." Worry about any issues.

I even paid the taxes for you, and you can get the full amount of money, and then you can do whatever you want. "

"You can do whatever you want?"

Jason's eyes were full of desire. If he got this money, he would be able to improve his family's life, and at the same time, his own life, and he would no longer have to worry about tuition fees.

In addition, you can also hire people to fight those guys who bully you every day. If you have money, this will not be a problem at all.

To get the money, all he had to do was say a word. Is there anything easier than this?

Lu Yan wanted to say something else, but Jason took the initiative to ask: "What do you want me to say? Let's say it first. If it breaks the law, I won't say it."

"Don't worry, it's not illegal at all."

Andrew smiled and said: "Jason, just say that I am willing to transfer my destiny to you."


Jason didn't know why, but Lu Yan's expression changed. Although he didn't know if this sentence would work, he couldn't let Jason's fate change, because Jason's fate was to be a Skywalker.

Jason will return to the past with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, save the Monkey King Sun Wukong, defeat the Jade God of War, and let the Jade Emperor reappear. Only in this way can the world restore order and peace.

Not only that, Jason is also responsible for revitalizing Kung Fu.

In addition, the reason why Lu Yan can survive until now is because Jason tried his best to grab the Immortal Wine for him in the past. If this matter changes, Lu Yan may disappear on the spot.

Therefore, without saying a word, Lu Yan directly shot at Andrew. Andrew shot him in the air and launched the shot from across the mountain. Lu Yan flew out directly, broke through the door and fell into the warehouse.

"Lao Lu?" Jason was startled and wanted to check on Lao Lu, but was controlled by the soldier boy.

"Don't worry, he's fine."

Andrew said: "Jason, speak, one sentence can be exchanged for 1.5 million US dollars. You only have this opportunity in your life, don't waste your time."

Jason was very hesitant. Lu Yan's attitude showed that that sentence might be very important. At this moment, Andrew suddenly closed the box and Jason was shocked when he saw the green US dollars disappearing.

"I am willing to transfer my destiny to you."

Jason gritted his teeth and said that he didn't know what his fate was, and he didn't know if it would really be transferred, but if nothing unexpected happened, he would never make so much money in his life.

In this case, why not give it a try? After all, this is a very scientific world, and gods, gods, and ghosts do not exist at all.

"very good."

Feeling the favor of the world transferred to him, Andrew nodded with satisfaction. This result was not beyond his expectation. After all, in the movie, except for the final explosion, Jason did not show much sense of responsibility at other times. He was just a Ordinary people.

Moreover, Jason didn't know his fate. In this case, if he was asked to say a word for 1.5 million, how could he not say it?

Andrew pushed the box to Jason and said: "Leave and deposit the money in the bank to avoid being robbed. You also know that your country is full of robbers."

At the same time, the soldier boy flew off Jason's shoulder and flew towards the deep warehouse, where the Ruyi Golden Cudgel was located.

"Yes, it must be deposited in the bank immediately."

Jason nodded repeatedly, hugged the box and prepared to leave, but when he reached the door, he turned to look at Lu Yan who was getting up and said, "You won't beat him to death, right?"

"Please, I'm civilized."

Andrew said angrily: "If I really wanted to use violence, would I still give you money? The water in this matter is too deep and you can't afford to get involved. Leave."

"That's right, Jason, please leave."

Lu Yan looked at Jason, sighed, and waved him away - Lu Yan's memory began to become confused, which meant that things in the past had changed. In other words, Jason was no longer a Skywalker, so he There is no point in staying.

"Okay, Lao Lu, take care of yourself."

Jason hesitated and left with the money. He didn't know what he had lost. Well, it seemed like it was nothing if he lost it?

If you have money, why should you practice martial arts? Isn’t she a yacht model? Moreover, even if you really love kung fu, you can still ask someone to teach you. Of course, your achievements will not be too high, because when you have money, it is more about enjoyment, and few people can practice hard.

This is also a major reason for the decline of kung fu. When life is better, no one wants to endure hardship.

The only thing he lost might be the reincarnation of Jin Yanzi. However, Andrew could sacrifice himself to help him make up for this regret - he would do it himself.

"Now, can the fight begin?"

After Jason left, Andrew looked at Lu Yan and asked. Lu Yan smiled bitterly and said, "My mind is all muddled right now and I really don't want to fight with anyone. How much do you know?"

"I know something. My Qi can sense the future and know the context of the world."

Andrew said that he doubted whether the old guy knew he couldn't beat him and deliberately made excuses to avoid the fight.

"Angry? As angry as the Jade God of War?"

Lu Yan asked in astonishment, Jade War God is proficient in Qi, and his Qi has a petrifying effect. Sun Wukong was petrified by his Qi for five hundred years - these are the plots in "The King of Kung Fu", which are very different from "Journey to the West" Big, it's better to think of it as a different piece.

"Roughly the same."

Andrew said, at this time, the soldier boy flew back with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and then he threw the Golden Cudgel to Andrew.

Andrew caught the golden cudgel, played with it a few times, and asked: "Since you won't fight with me, tell me how to use the golden cudgel?"

"This is not yours, you should return it to Sun Wukong."

Lu Yan said, and Andrew said: "Don't worry, I will return it to him. You should believe me, because you still exist, which means that I will return the golden hoop to the Monkey King, and I will make you live forever." Immortal."

"That's true. In that case, I won't talk nonsense. I'll trouble you."

Lu Yan thought for a while, raised his hands and drew a talisman in the air, and then the golden cudgel lit up with dazzling light, completely wrapping Andrew.

The soldier boy was stunned and hurriedly rushed toward the golden light, but was bounced back by the golden light. Then, the golden light disappeared, and Andrew and the Ruyi Golden Cudgel disappeared at the same time.

"I haven't gotten in the car yet?"

The soldier boy complained. He turned to glare at Lu Yan. Lu Yan shrugged and said, "You can only go back alone. One more person, uh, one more bird won't do."

The soldier boy gestured with his wings and said, "I think it's a pity that Dragon Warrior didn't beat you up before. Now, I want to make up for this pity."

"Just you?"

Lu Yan snorted coldly. He may not be his opponent before, but he was just a bird. He couldn't beat him?

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