American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1760 A great victory

Before Tiansha could breathe a sigh of relief, Andrew's palm silently stamped on his chest. Then, he started to fight the cow across the mountain, and the powerful energy bombarded Tiansha's heart. Tiansha screamed and fell straight down.

Andrew was not polite, and with a clasp of his hands, the evil spirit turned directly into an emerald zombie.

Tiansha, who was once the strongest person in the world, was defeated and became Andrew's puppet. As for the puppets on his body, they still remain puppets. After all, Tiansha did not really die.

The surrounding kung fu masters were stunned. They knew that the Dragon Warrior was powerful, but they didn't expect it to be so powerful. Tiansha had almost no power to fight back and was completely crushed by the Dragon Warrior.

After a brief silence, thunderous applause erupted around him. Not only the Kung Fu masters were applauding, but the people of New York were also applauding. The people of the motherland looked unhappy and a little envious. He once had such a reputation, but now, these The reputation no longer belongs to him.

Andrew waved to the kung fu masters, and then turned to look at the battle between Po and Da Long.

Generally speaking, Dalong is completely in the upper hand. He has understood Qi after all. It is very difficult for Abao to resist because he does not dare to be hit by Dalong - Dalong will hit the cow across the mountain, and every qi force will hit him. Inside the body, causing huge damage.

"Abao, you have learned about the state of tranquility before, but have you forgotten it so quickly?"

Andrew said: "Let go of the fear in your heart. You have thick skin and thick flesh. You will not die even if you are beaten several times. Moreover, hitting a cow from across the mountain will not be more powerful than a cannonball."

The reason why A Bao has not been able to enter a state of calmness is very simple. He is afraid of Dalong shooting cattle across the mountain. After hearing Andrew's words, he suddenly realized, yes, I am not even afraid of cannonballs, why should I be afraid of shooting cattle across the mountain?

Thinking of this, Abao quickly calmed down and entered a state of calmness. Just at this time, Dalong launched an attack. He accurately grabbed the opponent's wrist and threw him away.

The dragon rolled in the air, kicked the side of the boat, and used its strength to pounce on Ah Bao. Ah Bao turned around to avoid the dragon's pounce.

Then, with the force of rotation, Abao's elbow hit the dragon hard on the back. The dragon screamed and hit the deck hard.

Before Dalong could react, Abao grabbed his feet and threw him into the sky. Then, he kicked Dalong hard in the air, sending Dalong flying several meters and falling into the water with a splash.

"The clumsy panda can actually perform such a flexible volley kick. This is the magic of kung fu."

Andrew nodded secretly, raised his hand, and the seawater flew back to the warship with the dragon. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of seawater, looking at Abao in disbelief. He actually lost to him again?

"I don't have any energy and I lose to him. If I have energy, I still lose to him. Isn't this energy awakened in vain?"

Dalong looked at Abao unwillingly, and wanted to fight again, but the pain in his ribs prevented him from getting up. It must be said that the panda race still has great advantages, with strong strength, thick skin and thick flesh, and natural Combat material.

"Dalong, stop fighting. You have just mastered Qi and are no match for Abao."

Master Raccoon felt a little sorry for his adopted son and couldn't help shouting, give Dalong some time and he will become stronger. Of course, Po is also making progress.

"I surrender."

Dalong glanced at Master Raccoon with complicated eyes, and said to Abao: "But I won't end like this. One day, I will return to the mortal world from the spirit world again, defeat everyone, and become the best in the world."

After saying that, Dalong flexed his little finger vigorously, activated the wizard's finger, and disappeared among the petals in the sky, but he went to the spirit world.

Obviously, Dalong was worried that Abao would kill him, so he 'committed suicide' in advance.

"fair enough."

Master Raccoon nodded. Dalong went to the spirit world, and there might be another time to see him again in the future. Of course, the probability is not too high.

Andrew touched his chin, going to the spirit world? Didn't I tell him just now that there is a super fierce woman over there in the spirit world?

"Okay, the enemies have been dealt with."

Andrew clapped his hands and said: "Wolves, sail the boat and return to Gongmen City as quickly as possible."

"Yes, go back quickly. I don't know what's going on over there in Gongmen City?"

The Storm Bull hero reacted and shouted hurriedly. The other kung fu masters also remembered this incident and joined forces with the wolf clan to return home together. As for before, everyone was attracted by the kung fu battle and completely forgot about this incident.

After the battle, the scene in the New York sky changed back to the previous rotation of the three worlds. The people were a little disappointed. At this moment, the scene switched to the spiritual world. Everyone just saw the big dragon being kicked out by a phoenix in black clothes. He couldn't help but laugh, this big dragon was really unlucky.

"This disaster should be considered over, right?"

Someone asked online, and another person replied: "Probably not. Don't forget, there is another world that we haven't figured out what's going on. That world is the modern world, and no one knows what trouble is hidden."

The man before said: "That's true, but it's not a big problem. After all, Director Tianjian is already here."

"Of course."

The people nodded one after another. Now that Director Tianjian is here, they can just wait and watch his performance. It is indeed not a big problem.

"This time it should be a holiday, not a disaster."

The people are completely relieved. If Director Tianjian shows up late, disaster will occur. If Director Tianjian shows up early, disaster will turn into a holiday.

People in New York ignored the boss's order to go to work and began to enjoy the disaster vacation that only New York can have. Seeing this, people from other places rushed to New York - wanting to see whether Director Tianjian would pay benefits this time, that is, let people Everyone travels to another world.

The Disaster Countermeasures Bureau and the superheroes also breathed a sigh of relief. However, they still continued to do the patrols that should be done. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected.

On a small island in the sea, several dead sharks washed up on the beach with a group of people, it was Death and others.

Even a Kung Fu master cannot have unlimited physical strength. Fortunately, Death can control corpses. He directly killed several sharks that wanted to devour them, and then controlled their corpses as transportation to escape to the island smoothly.

"It failed again, why am I not surprised at all?"

Seth complained, Death shrugged, saying that he was not surprised, Billy and Alessa secretly complained, are you accustomed to failure?

"This time, Sithorne was a little too impulsive. He may have been suppressed for too long, but when he suddenly saw an opportunity, he forgot about it and lost his vigilance."

Death said: "He forgot what he once said. When you think you can win, you have failed."

"I'll have Sithorne carve this sentence on his arm and read it once a day."

Seth said, Alessa, a native of the motherland, Billy was speechless, is it necessary to be so serious?

"It is very necessary. You are still young and don't know how terrifying the Mechanical Demon King is."

Death shook his head and said: "Without saying this, Seth, do you think we should commit suicide immediately and give up this game, or continue to fight?"

"Why kill yourself? We are safe now."

The people of the motherland shouted dissatisfied and said: "Suicide is to prevent the consciousness from falling into the hands of the Mechanical Demon King. The Mechanical Demon King is a master of curses. If the consciousness falls into his hands, it will become a sharp blade that cuts at us."

Sithorn suffered a big loss this time, because the Machine Demon King had an extra card against him, and he might give him another eye.

If we still have hope, then of course there is no need to commit suicide, but if there is no hope, we must avoid greater losses. "

Alessa complained: "Are these thoughts a bit too negative?"

"Everyone who is not negative is dead. How do you think we, the Anti-Machine Demon King Alliance, rely on to survive until now?"

Death said, and Alessa and the three of them complained in their hearts at the same time: "It's because of Gou that they have survived until now."

"There is still a chance."

Seth thought for a while and said: "The Central Plains is so big and the communication is not developed. We can go to some remote places and increase our strength through killing. When we are strong enough, we can fight back.

However, the Machine Demon King may improve his strength faster. After all, he can turn people into puppets. There are many scum among Kung Fu Masters. He can turn those people into puppets in the name of justice.

With every additional puppet, his strength becomes stronger, and we may not be able to catch up with him. In other words, who is the villain? His methods are more evil than ours, okay? "

"No matter how evil something is, as long as it is in the name of justice, it will be accepted by the people."

Death said: "How do you say that? There is no need to follow the rules of the world when dealing with bad people."

"That makes sense."

Seth laughed and said: "In addition, after this battle, the reputation of the Machine Demon King Dragon Warrior will be spread all over the world. At the same time, Abao, the protagonist of the world, will become his little brother?

In other words, he will receive a lot of favor from the world, and when the time comes, he can easily find and control the space passage. "

Death asked: "That means we don't need to stay?"

The people of the motherland, Alessa, and Billy all frowned. It would be too cowardly to commit suicide like this, right? It's better to tie explosives before and see if you can die together with the Machine Demon King.

"If this world only has the main material world and the spiritual world that we have discovered, there is really no need to stay."

Seth nodded: "The key is that there is another dimension in this world, which is the modern world that appears in the shadow. Let's find a way to find that world and see if there is still a chance?

In that new world, there will probably be disasters that can be exploited. "

"Modern society? Great idea, do this."

Death's eyes lit up and he nodded in agreement, and no one else objected. It was better than committing suicide.

If it were other people, they would definitely not be able to find another world, but Death and Seth both exist in multiple ways. From their perspective, they can find it as long as there are clues.

This is also true. Seven days later, Death and his party found a space crack in a valley. Then, they all entered the space crack and headed to another world.

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