American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1753 Own People

Chapter 1,752: One of Our Own

"No, you have to sit in a cave for five years to reach the threshold of cultivation?"

Everyone was dumbfounded. This was completely different from what they imagined. Where would they find the cave now? Even if they really found it, how could they have five years to give them? Not even five days.

Master Raccoon was too lazy to talk nonsense and told the six people about the cultivation method in detail. The six people were confused and wanted to calm down. They could understand this, but how to figure out who they were?

Master Raccoon didn't say much. He explained the cultivation methods clearly and asked everyone to go back and recharge their batteries to prepare for tomorrow's decisive battle.

In the palace gate city, Sithorn said to Prince Shen: "If nothing else happens, those kung fu masters will come to stop us tomorrow. In other words, tomorrow will be the time for the decisive battle."

"I've been waiting for a long time."

Prince Shen held a musket in his hand and said excitedly that this was the firearm he had made together with Sithorn and the others in the past few days.

The rules of each world are different, but Prince Shen has invented the gunpowder of this world, so it is not difficult at all to make a musket, as long as someone provides ideas.

As for the Gatling machine gun, it's not that it can't be manufactured. The problem is that there is not enough time. After all, outsiders have only been in this world for a few days.

Sithorn asked, "How many muskets have been made?"

"Not many, only a few dozen. The assembly line you mentioned is not realistic now. It can only be made by hand."

Prince Shen said: "If it weren't for the help of the invincible master, I might not even have dozens of them. Speaking of which, the invincible master is really a born master of casting."

The Invincible Master is a native of the motherland. He named himself. His ability is high temperature, which is perfect for making firearms. There is no need to light a fire, just grab it with your hands, and it can come in any shape.

When the people of the motherland heard what Prince Shen said, their faces were as dark as the bottom of a pot. You are the natural casting master, and I am the best in the world, okay?

Billy sneered beside him. He was happy with anything that made the people of the motherland unhappy. General Zod watched all this with cold eyes. He was not interested in anything else except the revival of Krypton.

"A few dozen, plus those artillery pieces, are barely enough."

Sithorn nodded first, and then said: "Prince Shen, if you can give us another group of people, our chances of winning will be even higher."

"No, what I want is to rule the world, not destroy it."

Prince Shen shook his head. He was not a kind person, otherwise he would not have massacred the panda village and invented the evil cannon. The problem was that Sithorn and the others could not be too powerful, otherwise, they would easily turn against the enemy.

"forget about it."

Sithorn didn't say much. Prince Shen remembered something and asked Billy: "Can your ability really prevent those wolves from being controlled?"

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, they will never betray you again."

Billy smiled and Prince Shen nodded with satisfaction. In this way, all conditions are ripe for the decisive battle to begin.

"After tomorrow, this world will be mine."

Prince Shen looked into the distance with a complicated expression. He wanted to prove that he was right, but unfortunately, the person he wanted to prove was no longer there.

After the meeting, Sithorn asked Death: "How many people have been captured?"

"Basically all the indigenous people from the nearby villages have been captured."

Death said: "Let's kill them now and increase our strength as much as possible. The Machine Demon King hasn't appeared yet, and he must be holding back his big move."

In the past few days, Death has secretly sent mummies to the surrounding villages to capture people and increase their strength. People like them will not really obey the orders of Prince Shen. To put it bluntly, Prince Shen is just a pawn for them to use.

When the Machine Demon King and the others are eliminated, Prince Shen will be the next to die.

"Very good. This time, from the same starting point, and in such a short time, I don't believe that we still can't defeat the Machine Demon King?"

Sithorn nodded with satisfaction. In Eastern terms, they are the Demon Sect, while the Mechanical Demon King is the righteous one. As we all know, the Demon Sect's early progress is always faster than that of the righteous sect.

In a large mountain not too far away from Gongmen City, Alessa, who looked like a little rabbit, stood on the edge of a cliff. She looked left and right, and when she saw no one was around, she immediately jumped down the cliff.

At this moment, a big black flaming hand flew over from a distance, grabbed Alessa, and took her to a hot spring regardless of her struggle.

Then, the flame hand merged into Alessa's body, and Alessa fell directly into the hot spring and turned into a drowned rabbit.

There was a black phoenix in the hot spring. She leaned elegantly on the edge of the pool and said lazily, "Why do you think you can escape from my hands?"

Alessa emerged from the water and said angrily: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

After Alessa came to this world, she practiced qi on the first day, and achieved great success on the second day. She was full of confidence and prepared to go down the mountain to kill. As a result, she accidentally ran into this black phoenix. After a battle, she became The other party's prisoner.

Fortunately, the other party did not kill her, but only made her a servant. Although Alessa was unhappy, she did not want to end her journey in this world too early, so she endured it. However, as soon as he had the opportunity, he ran away.

"If you weren't still useful, do you think you could survive until now? Monster Queen Alessa."

Black Phoenix sneered. Alessa was shocked when she heard this. He asked: "You are not a native of this world, but you are from the main world? Er, where are you from?"

"Of course I'm not a native of this world. Besides, I'm from my own side."

Dark Phoenix said: "I won't kill you, I will do tricks on you to make you betray your identity, and then take you to hell and replace the real Queen of Monsters with you."

"This is impossible. My body can sense my situation. If it finds something is wrong, it will cause me to self-destruct as soon as possible."

Alessa said, and Black Phoenix said: "Why do you think I didn't take action until now? The connection between you and your body was cut off by my Phoenix Fire the moment you entered the hot spring.

In addition, the spell that your body cast on you to immediately self-destruct once the connection is interrupted will also be burned by the Phoenix fire. "

Andrew told Annie the method of cultivating Qi. If Annie knew it, it was equivalent to Dark Phoenix knowing that after she came to this world, she practiced Qi as soon as possible, and soon awakened and gained the ability of Phoenix Fire.

There is no doubt that the power of Qi is closely related to the original power of these Father Gods.

"My connection with the main body has been severed?"

Alessa was startled and hurriedly sensed her body, but she didn't sense anything. Her expression suddenly changed drastically. She gritted her teeth and prepared to self-destruct. She had too many secrets that no one could know, and this consciousness could never be independent.

Unexpectedly, Alessa's body was immediately covered in fire as soon as it lit up. Black Phoenix smiled and said, "I'm sorry, your life and death have been in my hands from the beginning."

Alessa's heart sank. She was in trouble now. She only hoped that the main body could find a solution. In fact, Alessa's main body was worried about this matter. However, she did not tell the devil what happened, but asked for help urgently. Andrew.

"Dad, my consciousness has lost contact with me."

Alessa said: "Although I have made some back-up moves, magic and other abilities cannot be used in that world, and my opponent is very weird, so those back-up moves are probably useless.

It's troublesome now, but it's okay now, but after a while, that consciousness will most likely awaken itself, and by then, our secrets may be known to others. "

If it weren't for the Kung Fu Panda world, Alessa would have had many ways to solve the problem even if the connection was interrupted. However, the rules of the Kung Fu Panda world were too strict and Alessa couldn't get past them, so she couldn't do anything at all.

"My dear daughter, don't panic. It's not a big problem. Once your consciousness becomes independent, the arrangement I made in your consciousness will start and erase everything."

Andrew's calm voice sounded: "The arrangement I made can still be used even in the world of kung fu, because it is the power of destiny."

Alessa breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then complained: "Dad, you are indeed an old silver coin, and you actually manipulated my consciousness."

"To be precise, it's manipulating your soul. This is a necessary protection method."

As Andrew spoke, he sensed Alessa's consciousness. Even he found it very difficult to sense the other person, and the connection seemed to be absent.

Even so, through the power of fate, Andrew still got some information. His expression suddenly looked a little strange, and then he said: "Well, good daughter, don't worry, that's your little mother, one of our own."

"Little mom?"

Alessa was a little confused. Where did such a terrifying little mother come from? Also, how many baby mothers do I have?

At the same time, Alessa's consciousness received the message from Andrew, and she suddenly looked at Dark Phoenix with a strange expression.

"Your expression is not right."

Dark Phoenix looked at Alessa and said: "You should be frightened, not speechless, but no matter what your expression is, it doesn't matter. Under the influence of the Phoenix Fire, you will be independent in less than three days.

At that time, you will be my subordinate, and I will use you to control your body, thereby mastering a hell demon king. The battle in hell is very important. "

Alessa blinked and said, "Well, little mom, you don't have to go through so much trouble. We are our own people. If you have anything to do, just give us whatever you want."

"Little mom?"

Even Dark Phoenix, who had seen the world, was stunned. At this time, Andrew's figure was reflected in the depths of Alessa's eyes. Although it disappeared in an instant, Dark Phoenix still noticed it.

Dark Phoenix raised his hand, and a ball of flame flew from Alessa's body back to her. Then, she asked unhappily: "Are you that bastard's daughter? Didn't he say that he hates children the most?"

Alessa was relieved when she regained contact with her real body. She smiled and said, "Mom, I am adopted. Dad asked me to tell you that you are welcome to this world and he will come to you as soon as possible."

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