American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 175 Magic Technology

Max waved his hand hurriedly and said: "Don't get me wrong, I am one of my own now."

"Max's nature is not bad, and he has deeply realized his mistakes. Nick Fury asked him to join the Avengers to atone for his sins."

Steve explained - In fact, Nick Fury had been plotting against Max from the first day he entered prison. After more than a year of 'brainwashing', Max was officially incorporated by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Captain, thank you for trusting me."

Max was deeply moved. He desperately lacked recognition from others, not to mention that this man was the famous national idol Captain Rogers.

Max decided that Captain would be his idol from now on, and as for that bastard Spider-Man, let him get away as far as he could.

Scarlett believed in the captain. She put down her arm and asked curiously: "Electric Man, how come you have changed back to a normal person? Well, even your hair has grown out."

"because this."

Max grinned, opened his clothes, and hung a glowing Ark Reactor on his chest: "The current generated by the Ark Reactor is very wonderful. It not only makes me stronger, but also restores me to my original appearance."

The Ark Reactor was purchased from Tony by Nick Fury. With it, Max's strength has greatly increased, and he no longer has to worry about suddenly running out of power while typing.

Hawkeye said: "Here comes another one with a reactor on his chest. Okay, let's set off quickly without wasting time."


At this time, Garrett pushed a big box over and said: "This time the opponent is a steel suit. If you can't fly, you will be at a disadvantage. Take this with you."

After speaking, Garrett opened the big box. Inside were four aircraft that were very similar to the Green Goblin's aircraft.

Hawkeye asked in surprise: "Hey, Garrett, are you guys too brave? You dare to steal Rebirth Group's technology?"

The Osborne Group was acquired by the Rebirth Group, and all technology patents belong to the Rebirth Group.

"Don't worry, I've bought the patent. I heard it's very expensive. Nick Fury came back from the negotiations and smashed the ashtrays."

Garrett smiled and said: "In short, there will be no problems with the aircraft. You can use it with confidence."


Everyone nodded, and then everyone gathered in a circle. Scarlett activated the teleportation boots, and a large amount of white light came out of the boots, covering everyone. When the white light disappeared, everyone disappeared.

"The magic is amazing."

Nick Fury saw this scene through surveillance and couldn't help but marvel, and then added: "It's also very dangerous. SHIELD must understand the magical world."

Outside the Malibu villa that turned into a sea of ​​flames, Dr. Banner lifted a large stone and threw it hard at the steel suit in the sky. The steel suit had been prepared for it and easily avoided it.

"Avoided again."

Dr. Banner was feeling annoyed. At this moment, a group of people escaped from the sea of ​​​​fire in embarrassment.

"You actually teleported us into the sea of ​​fire, Scarlett, thank you for having the nerve to say that you are very good at practicing magic."

Natasha, who was wearing a Mark V suit, shouted: "If I hadn't worn the suit, I might have been disfigured."

"I said that if there are too many people, there will be certain deviations."

Scarlett said seriously: "This time the teleportation was only a dozen meters off. It didn't fall into the sea, get stuck in the rocks, fall from the sky, or fall into space turbulence. It was a very successful teleportation."


Everyone looked scared, so teleportation is so dangerous? The kind that kills people in minutes?

Hawkeye said: "It seems that next time I teleport, I will write a will first."

Natasha struck: "Don't bother, because you have no inheritance at all, all your money is spent on arrows."

"Okay, don't waste time, everyone, hurry up and help Tony. His condition is very bad."

Steve shouted as he stepped on the aircraft, everyone nodded and started to take action.

Tony's situation is indeed a bit bad, he is being besieged by Ivan and Obadiah.

"Tony, you have made no progress at all during this period. You have disappointed me so much."

In the sky, Ivan was madly chasing Tony, six electric whips were waving wantonly behind him, and there was crackling movement all around, which was frightening.

Why does Ivan have six electric whips? Because there are four mechanical arms on his back, his design concept has always been simple and crude, with more weapons and stronger firepower.

"No progress? One-on-one, I promise to beat you until you go see your dad."

Tony ran away in embarrassment while cursing. The six electric whips were really cheating. Thanks to Mark's suit being constantly upgraded, his speed and flexibility were much higher than before. Otherwise, he might have been defeated.

"Tony, your death has come. This time, no one can save you."

Obadiah laughed, he was still wearing the Iron Overlord, and the machine gun fired wildly, making Tony completely unable to fight back.

At this time, four of Tony's unmanned suits have been destroyed, and the rest are in danger. There is no way, there are too many Hydra soldiers, and the firepower of the unmanned suits is not as good as the steel suits.

"Captain and the others are in New York. It will take at least half an hour to get here. With the current situation, we simply cannot last that long."

Tony hesitated, preparing to escape, or in other words, make a strategic retreat.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared behind Iron Overlord, and then, two dazzling electric currents hit Iron Overlord's back fiercely. Iron Overlord's system became extremely chaotic, and the display screen flashed randomly.

"Electric Man?"

Tony was surprised, why did the Electro appear here and help him fight?

"Mr. Stark, your Ark Reactor is great."

The Electro continued to attack Iron Overlord while shouting. Obadiah cursed and turned around to shoot at the Electro.

The Electro smiled disdainfully and teleported to the other side to continue the attack.

At the same time, Steve flew up with others, and he shouted loudly: "Tony, Rod, we are here to support you."

Tony asked in surprise: "Why did you come so fast?"

Seeing Steve and others, Ivan, Obadiah, Severn was stunned at the same time, and shouted in disbelief: "This is impossible, there is no reason for you to come so fast? This is unscientific."

"It's not scientific, but it's magical."

Hawkeye fired pulse arrows at a group of steel suits. The arrows exploded in the air, and a pulse wave swept across the surroundings. The suits...well, nothing happened to the suits and they continued to fight in the air.

"Shet, those bastards have upgraded. I hate opponents with high IQs."

Hawkeye cursed, switched to other arrows and continued the attack.

"You arrived in time. Be careful of those guys with red light on their bodies. Their body temperature is extremely high and they can even split steel suits with their bare hands."

Tony hurriedly reminded: "Natasha, you must not let them get close. They will tear your clothes off just for fun."

"Like playing?"

Natasha was dumbfounded, and she said angrily: "Tony Stark, return the money."

"Sorry, it's not a quality issue, no refund or exchange."

Tony replied while gritting his teeth and rushed towards Ivan: "Ivan, let's have fun, and I will let you know that you will never be as good as me."

"Very well, I will let you know that you are actually nothing."

Ivan grinned and faced Tony head-on. In order to kill Tony, he had prepared many tricks.

Although Ivan does not have a steel kidney, he has nothing else to do and has been concentrating on research, making progress no less than Tony.

"High temperature man?"

Steve stepped on the aircraft and flew towards the red-lit Severn, sighing: "In the future world, there are really everyone."

"Captain, you used to be my idol. It was because of you that I joined the army. As a result, the country abandoned me."

Severn was very excited when he saw Steve. He immediately controlled the jetpack and rushed over. He shouted: "This country has no glory, it should be destroyed."

"Since you once regarded me as your idol, I have the obligation to teach you a lesson and make you a good person again."

Steve raised his shield to block Severn's high-temperature fist, and then he punched Severn hard in the face. Severn flew backwards several meters, his face lit up red, and his injuries quickly recovered.

"Captain, it doesn't matter who teaches whom. You shouldn't have climbed out of the ice cellar at all."

Severn rushed over again and fought with Steve in the air.

At the same time, Natasha kept shooting at a steel suit with an energy gun. The Hydra soldiers were furious. They fired back and started the thrusters to rush towards Natasha.

Without saying a word, Natasha immediately turned around and ran away downwards, with the steel suit chasing after her.

Soon, the steel suit chased him to the side of the road. At this moment, a green figure jumped out from the hiding place and pushed him to the ground.

"Natasha, well done."

Dr. Banner was very happy and shouted while smashing the steel suit hard. Natasha made a happy cooperation gesture and continued to deal with other steel suits.

Natasha has always known how to use external forces.

"The Iron Suit is really bad."

Scarlett, who was wearing a red suit, shook her head, and the armor on her right arm transformed into a crossbow.

Then, Scarlet injected magic power, and a crimson crossbow arrow quickly formed.

"Fire Rune, Compression Rune, Tracking Rune, Acceleration Rune, when mixed together they become Tracking Explosive Arrows."

Scarlett pointed the crossbow at a steel suit, and with a whoosh, the crossbow arrows shot towards the opponent at an astonishing speed.

The crossbow arrow had both magical acceleration and the mechanical acceleration of the suit itself. The steel suit had no time to dodge and was hit in the chest by the crossbow arrow. The Hydra soldier inside couldn't help but let out a scream.

This was not over yet. The next second, the crossbow exploded with a roar, and the steel suit fell toward the sea below with black smoke and flames.

A moment later, there was a rumble and explosion in the sea, and countless seawater rose into the sky, but it was the steel suit that activated its self-destruct function.

"Magic plus technology is interesting."

Scarlett was so excited that she fired ordinary crossbow arrows at another steel suit. The steel suit hurriedly avoided it, but she never thought that the crossbow arrows had an automatic tracking function and were chasing after him.

The Hydra soldier was about to activate the machine gun to destroy the crossbow arrows. At this moment, an invisible force enveloped him. He was suddenly unable to move and was hit by crossbow arrows one after another.

Boom boom boom... another steel suit was destroyed.

"Confining force field."

Scarlett took back her right hand and nodded with satisfaction. The magic taught by Mr. Wang was really useful.

Natasha's voice came from the communication channel: "Wow, Scarlett, you are so powerful. You destroyed 200 million US dollars in just a short time."

Scarlett said proudly: "I told you, my magic is very good. After all, I was taught by Mr. Wang."

"Didn't you call me a bastard a few months ago? Why have you become Mr. Wang now?"

Natasha complained that she felt a little headache. If Scarlett fell in love with Andrew Wang, it would be troublesome - if he made another mistake while being punished, Andrew Wang would never expect to become an angel again in his life.

The problem is, everyone is still waiting for King Andrew to return to his original form and continue to be everyone's patron saint.

With the efforts of Scarlett and others, the situation gradually began to improve. Obadiah was a little anxious and shouted to Ivan through the communicator: "Ivan, kill Tony as soon as possible, we don't have time, maybe there will be more Reinforcements are coming."

Ivan ignored Obadiah, he only had Tony in his eyes, and six electric whips whipped at Mark's suit crazily, trying to completely smash it into pieces.

Tony was completely ruthless this time, and he struck without mercy, launching pulse cannons, micro-missiles and other attacks one after another.

The two were initially hostile because of the grudges of the previous generation, but now, they have turned into personal hatred.

In a private estate in the suburbs of Miami, an invisible paper crane sneaked into the villa silently with a camera on its back. Neither the heavily armed guards nor the hounds found the crane's existence.

"Susan, your invisibility ability is getting better and better. You can make the paper crane invisible from such a distance."

Over the manor, Gwen stood on the flying skateboard and exclaimed to Susan while looking at the tablet.

In addition to them, Jessica and Colleen are also there. It is worth mentioning that they are all invisible.

Susan blushed secretly and said, "If you exercise more, your abilities will naturally improve."

Colleen agreed: "Yes, I can feel the power of the iron fist increasing every time I practice."

"It's useless no matter how hard I train my abilities. In fact, I don't even know where my abilities came from."

Jessica shrugged. She looked at the guards everywhere on the tablet and frowned: "Aren't the guards in this manor too tight? The White House is just like this."

"The stricter it is, the more terrifying the plan is."

Gwen said: "I sense that there is danger in the manor. Please be careful when you move around."

Everyone's eyes froze when they heard this, and they all nodded. Gwen's intuition was not generally accurate.

"No wonder you dare to kidnap a superhero."

Jessica secretly thought, soon, the Paper Crane came to a laboratory, and took advantage of the staff to open the door, and sneaked into the laboratory quietly, and saw the Human Torch wearing the captain's uniform, looking haggard, or rather He was tied to the bed in despair.

"Great, Jonathan is alive."

Susan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Although Qianzhihe had said that Jonathan was fine before, it wasn't until this moment that she was completely relieved.

"It's understandable to be tied up, and it's understandable to be weak."

Jessica complained: "The question is, as a prisoner, why is he wearing the captain's uniform?"


No one knew the answer to this question. Susan said impatiently: "No matter what he is wearing, we will rescue him as soon as possible."

I wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival. In addition, there seems to be something wrong with the starting point today. I can see your chapter comments and new comments in the background, but I can’t see them on the website or APP.

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