Chapter 1,745 Layout

"Qi is the life energy in the body."

Tiansha glanced at Dalong and explained: "Actually, everyone has Qi in their body, but only a small number of people with strong talents and know how to awaken Qi can control it and exert incredible power.

At first, only pandas could master Qi. They were born with strong vitality, so they could easily awaken Qi. Later, Old Turtle and I learned Qi from pandas and spread it widely.

My school is different from Lao Wugui’s school. In Lao Wugui’s school, if you want to awaken Qi, you need to calm down your mind and realize who you are. "

"Who are you?"

Dalong looked puzzled: "I'm just me, do I still need to know him? Master Wu Gui always likes to show off his skills and practice meditation, as if he can't speak otherwise."

Andrew smiled and said: "All tall people are like this, how can I make myself look taller?"

"Haha, yes, that old turtle likes to tell lies."

Tiansha was convinced, and he continued: "I can't learn from the old turtle, so I created my own school. If you want to awaken Qi, it's very simple. Just fight to the death. As long as you keep pushing yourself into desperate situations, and master The method of awakening Qi can awaken Qi.

Little Leopard, the reason why I accept you as my disciple is because you are very suitable for this method. If you can awaken, you will be my real disciple. If not, then you can just die. "


Tiansha's words not only did not make Dalong flinch, but made him laugh: "I like your method, it is simple and direct. I, Dalong, will not die. Before I defeat you, Po, and Master Oogway, I will never die."

"hope so."

Tiansha also laughed, and then the three of them continued to search for Master Oogway, but for two consecutive days they could not find each other at all. Every time they heard of his traces and rushed over, they would find that Master Oogway had already left.

Tian Shaqi cursed loudly, because this proved that Andrew was right, Master Oogway was going to use him as a stepping stone, so that the man named Po could truly become the Dragon Warrior.

Tiansha had no gain, and Dalong had no gain either. Even after several bloody battles, he still failed to awaken his qi. How should I put it, Dalong felt that he was about to awaken, but he was still one step short of awakening.

Compared to the other two, Andrew's gains were quite good. He watched Tiansha use Qi at close range and successfully analyzed his abilities.

In other words, Andrew has obtained the ability of Tiansha and can transform other people into puppets. However, he did not attack Tiansha immediately because he still had to keep him to deal with Master Oogway.

"Damn it, that old turtle, I will never let him go."

Tiansha cursed, and then he turned to look at Andrew and asked fiercely: "Dragon Man, didn't you say before that there was a way to force the old turtle to come out? What way?"

"It's very simple."

Andrew turned to look at the big dragon and said: "Use the big dragon to force Master Oogway to come out."

"Use him? He is just a pawn of the old turtle. How can he force the old turtle to come out?"

Tiansha was puzzled: "Old Turtle doesn't care about his life or death at all. Even if he dies, Old Turtle will give him extra food at night because he is a villain."

Dalong's face is a bit dark, what are you talking about? He said: "That's right, I don't think Master Oogway will care about my life or death, whether he uses me as a stepping stone or not, he doesn't care.

If it's Master Raccoon, this trick will probably work, but for Master Oogway, I'm sorry, he hasn't liked me since he was a child. "

"If Master Oogway is a true hero, he will definitely come to save you, even if you are a villain."

Andrew smiled and said: "If Master Oogway is not a real hero, he will also come to save you.

Master Oogway is going to use Tiansha as a pawn. If your existence will ruin this thing, then Master Oogway will definitely take action and rescue you.

With Master Wugui's strength and scheming, whether he is calculating or not, you will never be able to stop him, Tiansha. He can rescue the dragon very easily. "

Andrew's words made Tian Shaqi's nose smoke rise, and he said: "I am no longer the same person I was before. I can definitely defeat that old turtle now."


Andrew shrugged and said very insincerely. Tiansha gritted his teeth. This guy is as annoying as the old turtle - both of them are old silver coins.

"What should I do to destroy Master Oogway's plan and force him to come out and rescue me?"

Dalong asked impatiently. He really wanted to take revenge on Master Oogway because he had completely believed the conspiracy theory compiled by Andrew.

It doesn’t matter whether the conspiracy theory is true or not. What matters is whether the other party believes it or not? As long as the other party believes it, it is a real conspiracy. If the other party does not believe it, even if it is true, it is still false.

"It's very simple."

Andrew smiled slightly and said: "Abao has not grown to that extent yet, so Master Oogway will not let Tiansha leave the spirit world, which is why he does not show up.

But without Master Wugui, Tiansha may not be able to leave the spiritual world. If you, Dalong, awaken your energy, the two of you join forces, plus a large number of kung fu masters, it is very possible to break the space barrier and return to the mortal world.

Brother Tiansha, next, you beat Dalong every day and let him challenge those masters with his seriously injured body. At the same time, you tell the story that you are forcing Dalong to awaken his energy.

In this way, no matter whether Master Oogway is a good person or an old silver coin, he will come to save the dragon. "

"Good idea, just do this."

Tiansha made the decision immediately, while Dalong was hesitant. If he challenged the Kung Fu Master with his seriously injured body, he would probably die.

Andrew saw this and said with a smile: "Dalong, the reason why you have been unable to break through may be because the desperate situation is not desperate enough. This method can help you awaken your Qi faster."

Dalong asked suspiciously: "It sounds reasonable, but why do I feel that you want to see me suffer?"

"Am I that kind of person?"

Andrew screamed, Tiansha and Dalong nodded at the same time. At first glance, you look like the kind of guy who will be very happy when he sees others in pain.

"Hey, now that you have seen through it, I don't pretend to be a gentleman anymore. Yes, I just want to see you suffer. Who makes you a villain?"

Andrew smiled and said: "I am the Dragon Warrior, even though I am from the future."

Dalong snorted, with an expression on his face that I had known for a long time. He thought for a moment and said, "Okay, just use this method."

It's normal for Dalong to agree. On the one hand, he wants to gain stronger strength and defeat Abao and Tiansha. On the other hand, he wants to take revenge on Master Oogway.

So, the plan officially started. Tiansha first beat Dalong to serious injuries, and then forced him to fight the Kung Fu master. At the same time, he no longer killed all the Kung Fu masters and let go of several Kung Fu masters as before.

Therefore, Tiansha's plan quickly spread throughout the spiritual world, and the kung fu masters breathed a sigh of relief. Great, that bastard Tiansha is finally gone and will no longer harm them.

As for matters in the mortal world, well, you have to believe in the wisdom of future generations, they will solve it.

"Why did Tiansha and Dalong meet? Didn't I foresee this?"

Master Oogway, who was leaning on a green crutch (a token of the Jade Palace), frowned. In fact, he didn't design anything in particular. He just followed what he had foreseen. The prediction was a happy ending, so why should he do anything more? Wouldn't it be nice to sleep during that time?

"No, we must stop the evil spirit. Now Abao can't even meditate. If he is found by the evil spirit, he will definitely die."

Master Oogway thought secretly: "Besides, Po's reputation is not good enough, and his father does not know his existence. In this way, he will not be able to go to the Panda Village, get help from the pandas, and understand who he is."

To put it simply, the time is not right now. Master Oogway thought about it, took a few good friends, and prepared to save Dalong.

Although Dalong has evil intentions, he is extremely talented and it is really possible for him to awaken his qi.

While Andrew was plotting in the spirit world, Po and others finally arrived at Gongmen City. In addition to him and the Furious Five, there was also a Starlight Annie.

Starlight Annie is basically still in human form, but there are many electrical markings on her body. She meets Abao and others on the way, and they share a common bond, so they come together.

"The gate is closed. The city should be under martial law. We have to sneak in quietly."

Linghe from the Furious Five said: "We don't know the power of the cannon yet, so I suggest that we go to the prison first and rescue Master Meteor Crocodile and Master Storm Bull.

On the one hand, we can increase the strength of our side, and on the other hand, we can find out the power of the cannon. Master Raccoon said that the cannon can destroy Kung Fu, and we must be careful. "

"You really should be careful."

Everyone nodded, and Anne even said: "When you see the cannon, you should avoid it immediately. Its power is terrifying."

"Have you seen a cannon?"

Abao asked in surprise. In contrast, the Furious Five were a little suspicious. Those who have seen the cannon must be from Gongmen City, right?

"I've heard of it." Anne didn't say much. Not only have I seen cannons, I've also seen atomic bombs.

Everyone still trusted Anne, so they started sneaking into Gongmen City without further investigation. Everyone else's sneaking ability was very good, but A Bao's sneaking ability was, uh, how should I put it, no different from walking in openly.

There was no way around it. Although Po had great skills, he was too fat and had no special training. Therefore, even though he tried his best to hide, he was soon discovered.

Prince Shen has a large number of wolves under his command. The leader of the wolf tribe fought against A Bao while robbing metal (Prince Shen's cannon requires metal as the main raw material) and reported the incident to Prince Shen.

"And there are pandas? This is impossible, I have killed all the pandas."

Prince Shen exclaimed that there are only two places in this world where there are pandas. One is the mysterious Panda Village. No one knows where it is or even knows it exists.

The other is a small panda village near Gongmen City. Prince Shen thought that pandas were the only place there. After hearing the prophecy of the Sheep Fairy, he led his troops to massacre that village to prevent pandas from fulfilling the prophecy.

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