Chapter 1,736 Plan

Batman has a big headache. He doesn't like things beyond his control. The problem is that the world is now getting out of his control step by step. This feeling is very bad.

"This world must have its own protective power and cannot rely entirely on outsiders. I originally wanted to cultivate Clark and Diana, but now that Diana is also related to another world, I can only cultivate Clark."

Batman thought with some worry: "The question is, is Clark still the same Clark?"

At this moment, young Barry returned to the world with the help of Andrew. Then, he ran to the Batcave and told Batman that he wanted to gradually unlock the power of Black Flash.

Seeing Batman frowning, young Barry hurriedly said: "There are too many powerful people in the main universe. Without Heavenly Father, there is no way to compete with those people.

Moreover, Batman, if the main universe is stable, our world will be stable. If something goes wrong in the main universe, our world will also not be able to escape destruction. Those demon kings are very cruel. "

"Tell me about the main universe first."

Batman asked after hearing this. Young Barry told the story in detail without any nonsense. Batman took two steps back and forth and said, "I can help you make a plan, but I have a request."

Young Barry asked: "What request?"

"I want Barry to absorb Black Flash's power together."

Batman said: "Barry, you and Black Flash are the same person. He can also absorb Black Flash's power. In addition, Black Flash's power is very powerful. Even if two people absorb it together, they can still break through God."

"I understand. You were afraid that I would endanger the world, so you brought Dali here to share the risk."

Young Barry looked at Batman unhappily and said, "As expected, you never believed me from the beginning."

Batman was not angry at young Barry's words. He said: "To be precise, I don't trust anyone. I must keep an eye on everyone and be the world's last line of defense.

Barry, I don't mean anything against you, I'm just preparing for all possible disasters in advance. "

"Aren't you tired like this?"

Young Barry complained: "No wonder you are so old and don't even have a girlfriend. By the way, if you die, can you leave your inheritance to me?

I'm not greedy for money, I just don't want to waste it. Besides, this Batcave is nice and can be my base. "

Batman felt like he had been shot in the heart. He looked at young Barry with a dark face, what are you talking about?

Ah Fu, the butler hero of this world, was not dead. He handed a cup of tea to young Barry and said at the same time: "Master, I think it's time for you to consider the issue of your successor.

Batman in the universe next door has a son. If you think about it carefully, do you also have an illegitimate child outside? An illegitimate daughter is okay, but in short, there must be an heir. The Wayne family cannot just disappear. "

Looking at Ah Fu who was urging her to get married and have a son, Batman had a headache. I am a superhero, why am I being urged to get married every day?

Batman forcibly changed the subject: "That's for the future, Barry. Do you agree to my terms?"

"Promise, why not agree?"

Young Barry shrugged and said: "However, your plan must be faster. The world next door has a disaster every few months, and we'd better catch up with the next one."

"What a sad world."

Batman complained that the arrival of young Barry is good news. With two Barrys here, even if Clark turns black in the future, there will be ways to contain him. They were too weak in the past. The so-called Justice League is simply Superman and his thighs. Pendants.

In short, everyone in the world of "The Flash" is becoming stronger step by step, and Andrew is happy to see this happen, because these people are all his.

Of course, the more powerful people like Heavenly Father God, the better. There is no doubt about this.

Hell, the motherland man grabbed Billy's head, pushed him to the ground and flew forward quickly. Billy's head rubbed against the ground crazily, he roared, turned into a flame giant, and pressed the motherland man into his chest.

The next second, Billy let out a shrill scream, because the motherland pierced his body directly and came out from behind.

Billy looked in disbelief and hurriedly activated his ability. In the next second, his injuries healed and returned to their original appearance. This was not a self-healing ability, but Billy transferring the injuries to the puppet.

Both Billy and Annie, after breaking through Heavenly Father God, have the ability to transfer damage similar to that of the ancient demon king. Of course, they are not as powerful as the ancient demon king, and some injuries cannot be transferred.

"A loser like you wants to challenge me? Don't think that I can't kill you because you have so many clones. The power of death is specially designed to deal with situations like yours."

The native smiled disdainfully, and then he raised his hand, and the power of death condensed into a black spear in his hand. Billy immediately sensed a fatal threat. This death spear could really kill him.

Just as the people of the motherland were about to throw their spears, at this moment, the voice of death suddenly sounded: "Okay, people of the motherland, the battle is over."

"Death, why don't you let me kill this guy?"

The man from the motherland looked unhappy. He had wanted to kill Billy for a long time, but this guy actually snatched Bejia and Ryan from him.

In fact, it doesn't matter to Bejia whether he is from the motherland, but Ryan is his son, and he will not allow anyone to take him away. He wants to raise Ryan and he believes that he will be a good father.

A native of the motherland grew up in a laboratory, so he longs for family affection. However, his thoughts are different from normal people. For example, in order to awaken Ryan, he would push Ryan off the roof.

"I promised before to give Billy three chances, and this is the first time."

The figure of death appeared at the competition scene and said casually: "If he fails to challenge you three times, then I will not stop you from killing him.

People of the motherland, Billy is very helpful to our Director of Killing Heavenly Sword, especially since you are always restricted due to live broadcasts, Billy does not have this trouble. "

The motherland man was a little embarrassed when he mentioned this matter. He hesitated, dispersed the death spear, and said: "Okay, three times. After three times, even if you stop me, I will kill him."

Seeing that the people of the motherland dispersed the death spears, Billy breathed a sigh of relief, and then clenched his fists bitterly. He didn't expect that he could break through the Father God, but still couldn't defeat the people of the motherland. Wasn't his breakthrough in vain?

"Don't worry, I won't stop you then."

Death said: "Currently, the Power Demon King Alliance is attacking other demon kings. Sithorn has friendship with some of these demon kings. You can go over and help them deal with those demon kings, increase combat experience and absorb the power of death.

People of the motherland, if you want to defeat Director Tianjian, you must increase your death power and genetic abilities like crazy. "

"I can understand the ability to enhance the power of death, but what about the genetic ability?"

The people of the motherland asked in confusion: "My genes are perfect, the strongest and best genes in the world."

"After Sithorn's testing, Kryptonian genes are better than yours."

Death said: "Sithorn is thinking of ways to upgrade your genes. By then, you will become more powerful and have all the abilities of a Kryptonian and become a new Superman."

"Kryptonian genes? Isn't that General Zod's strength similar to mine?"

The motherland said unhappily, and Death said: "That's because you have the power of death. If you don't have the power of death, are you the opponent of General Zod?"

The people of the motherland were silent, and Death continued: "Kryptonians have endless potential. People of the motherland, I will not harm you, I will only help you."

"We'll wait until Sithorne studies it."

The words of death softened the attitude of the people of the motherland, and he said: "I will first help the Power Demon King Alliance to deal with other demon kings and accumulate the power of death."

"Go ahead."

Death nodded, but his eyes flickered. Sithorne's real purpose was Doomsday, not ordinary Kryptonians.

Through experiments, Sithorne confirmed that the genes of the people of the motherland and the genes of the Kryptonians are very compatible. If the two are fused, they may be able to create the ultimate day of destruction.

The ultimate Doomsday is not the Doomsday that General Zod transformed into in the movie, but a super Doomsday that can constantly evolve and resurrect. Every time he is killed, he will become stronger and immune to the things that killed him before. method.

If the cultivation can be successful, the people of the motherland will be invincible in this world. Of course, this is not that easy. Sithorn is conducting experiments with the bald scientists of Krypton to strive for success as soon as possible.

Although in terms of technology, Sithorn and the others are not up to par, the technology is not enough, and magic is not enough. At worst, they can make crazy sacrifices, and they can always bring about the ultimate day of destruction.

This is the trump card they use to deal with Andrew.

Unfortunately, the Losers Alliance does not know that Andrew is also researching Doomsday, and his progress is much faster than that of the Losers Alliance. However, the Losers Alliance also has an advantage, that is, they have the best experimental subjects, the people of the motherland. Moreover, they have no bottom line.

After the people of the motherland left, Death said to Billy: "You have two more chances. If you fail again, I won't be able to save you."

"I will cherish these two opportunities. In addition, I will obey your orders and serve you."

Billy knew what Death meant and said in a deep voice. Death nodded with satisfaction and disappeared. Billy cursed and punched the ground hard. He still underestimated the people of his motherland, but no matter what, he must take revenge.

"For the Losers Alliance, both me and the people of the motherland are their tools. They will not help me. If they want to kill the people of the motherland, they still have to ask Director Tianjian for help. He definitely wants to deal with that bastard. "

Billy thought for a while and decided to find an opportunity to contact Andrew and become a double agent.

Not only did Billy want to ask Andrew to help improve his strength, but Huey and the engine also wanted to do it. Then, these two sworn enemies met in front of Andrew.

On the rooftop of the Empire State Building, Locomotive and Huey stared at each other. Their hatred was completely irresolvable because Locomotive killed Huey's girlfriend, and Huey also killed Locomotive's girlfriend.

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