American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1734 Sweeping the End

Chapter 1,733 Sweeping the End

Looking at the farce on Bruce's side, the Ghost Rider laughed dumbly and quietly made a mark on Grace. Of course, this was not because he was interested in Grace, but because he felt that the child in Grace's belly was a bit strange. What a coincidence.

Then, the Ghost Rider raised his hand and pushed the moon back to its original orbit. Then, he took Van Helsing, Starlight Annie, and the people of the motherland and teleported to hell.

In the hell battlefield, looking at the densely packed demons, the Ghost Rider laughed, and a cool motorcycle burning with hellfire appeared out of thin air next to him.

Then, the Ghost Rider wasted no time, got on his motorcycle, and rushed forward quickly. All the demons he passed were ignited at the same time.

Of course, the target of the Ghost Rider is not an ordinary demon. His target is the demon king of the Power Demon Alliance. He dares to take advantage of the situation and make it impossible for you to come back.

Andrew (the real body) directly gave up his two opponents, Alessa and Hera, and rushed towards the Power Demon Alliance. At the same time, other demons from the Machine Demon Alliance no longer fought the demons from the Demon Alliance, and all pounced towards the Power Demon Alliance.

Van Helsing and Starlight Annie instantly saw Andrew's intention and immediately followed them towards the demon kings. As for the people of the motherland, although he was very reluctant, he still followed them. After all, he didn't know if the live broadcast was still there.

As long as there is live broadcast, the people of the motherland are perfect superheroes.

Seeing the actions of the Machine Demon King Alliance, Alessa and Hera were a little shocked. Sithorn smiled and said: "It seems that the Machine Demon King wants to hurt the Power Demon King Alliance to prevent such a thing from happening again in the future."

"The question is, what should we do?" Alessa asked: "To help the Power Demon Alliance?"

"Alessa, you are still too naive. Haven't you seen that the demon king of our alliance has taken the opportunity to retreat?"

The devil shook his head: "Even if you order them, they won't help. It's more likely to add insult to injury."

Alessa was stunned, turned to look at the other demon kings, and found that they were retreating frantically, not even caring about their own army.

This is normal. In the past, with the temptation of the earth's soul, the demon kings fought desperately to enter the space vortex. But now, not only is the space vortex closed, there is no need to fight anymore, the opponent's reinforcements have also arrived. At this time, there is no need to fight again. Run, when will we wait?

That guy, the Mechanical Demon King, is extremely cruel. If he doesn't run away in time, he might die.

Therefore, as soon as they saw the demon kings of the Machine Demon King Alliance leaving the battle, these demon kings immediately ran away. After discovering that their target was the demon king of the Power Demon King Alliance, they, uh, ran faster.

Are you kidding me? This is hell, should I play watch and help with you? Of course, he took advantage of the Power Demon Alliance to contain the Machine Demon Alliance and escaped quickly.

Some demon kings even go directly to attack the castles of those dying demon kings and make a fortune. You are going to die anyway, and I will help you bear your wife, beauty, and wealth.

This is the reality of hell. In their eyes, the unity of mankind and the overall situation are nothing.

"You ran really fast, Hera, why did you run away too? Wait for me."

Alessa complained as she followed Hera to retreat from the battlefield, and no longer mentioned helping her allies. In fact, they were not true allies at all.

When the demons saw the demon kings running away, they hurriedly ran with them. However, the demons of the Machine Demon King Alliance were a little embarrassed. After all, they had betrayed the Machine Demon King Alliance before.

"Will the Mechanical Demon King take us in again? If not, why not just run with the Demon Alliance? Anyway, it's the same as fighting in the army, no matter where we are."

The demons secretly thought, and at this moment, Andrew shouted loudly: "What are you still waiting for? Come over quickly and besiege these demons together."

"Machine Demon King, we are here."

The demons were overjoyed when they heard this and immediately surrounded them. Andrew's words meant forgiving them. Of course, this is normal. This is what hell is like.

These demons are good cannon fodder, and they also bring their own weapons. They only need to provide food and cannot waste it.

The demon kings of the Power Demon King Alliance looked at the demon kings surrounding them and asked with fear and anger: "Mechanical Demon King, what do you want to do?"

"What to do? Of course I'll kill you."

Andrew sneered and said: "Come on, whoever kills gets it. Look at the last look. I was robbed because I was not good at learning. Don't blame others."

"No problem, whoever kills gets it."

The demon kings nodded one after another and looked at the demon kings opposite them as if they were looking at lambs for slaughter.

The demons are also very excited. They like this kind of win-win game. Hey, if they don't swallow human souls, it would be good to swallow some similar souls.

"Aren't you afraid that our Power Demon Alliance will completely fall to the Demon Alliance?"

A demon king shouted loudly, and at the same time, he sent a message to Alessa, Hera and the others: "Come back quickly, and we will destroy the Machine Demon King Alliance together. If we die, no one will come to help you next time."

"Pull him down, do you think I'm stupid? If we go back, you will be the ones running away."

Alessa sneered: "You can die in peace, we will take over your belongings."

The demon kings were so angry that they wanted to say anything else. Andrew led the demon kings to attack, and the war broke out again. Unlike before, this time, the advantage was on the side of the Mechanical Demon King Alliance. It was only a matter of time before the opponent was eliminated.

As for the previous threat from the Demon King, Andrew didn't care at all. Not to mention that the Demon King of Power would 99% not take action. Even if he did take action, so what?

"The death of these demon kings is not a bad thing."

Sithorn looked at the battlefield and said: "On the one hand, we and them are enemies to begin with. On the other hand, the Machine Demon King killed the demon king of the Power Demon King Alliance, which might make the Power Demon King Alliance turn towards us.

Even if they don't turn to us, they will definitely not ally with the Machine Demon King Alliance again. "

"It's just a pity that I can't get a share of the pie. Several demon kings can increase their strength a lot."

The devil said regretfully, and all the devils sighed together, yes, what a pity, Alessa rolled her eyes, you really deserve to be devils.

Billy ignored other things. He stared at the screen and asked Death: "Death, it seems that the people of the motherland have betrayed us?"

"To be honest, if he rebelled, I would be a little happier, but unfortunately, he didn't. He is completely one of his own, even though he is now fighting for the Machine Demon King."

Death complained that none of his concubines were reliable except Thanos.

"This kind of untimed bomb must be dealt with in advance."

Billy said: "I suggest that the people of the motherland be made into puppets. This way, on the one hand, this combat power will not be wasted, and on the other hand, it can ensure that he is obedient."

"Puppets have no development potential. The upper limit of the motherland is very high. Billy, if you want to kill him, you have to rely on yourself."

Death shook his head, and Billy was a little disappointed. However, the situation now is much better than before. At the very least, he is now also the God of Heaven, on the same level as the people of the motherland.

"Fellow of the motherland, I will definitely kill you. After I kill you, I will consider my future path. With you here, Bejia and I will never have true happiness."

Billy thought bitterly: "However, Death may not let me kill the people of my motherland. Perhaps, I should be a double agent, walking between the Director of Sky Sword and the Demon King of Hell. Only in this way can I have a chance to kill Dead countrymen."

The Power Demon soon received a request for help from his demon kings. The other demon kings asked: "Power Demon, when will we send troops to save those demon kings?"

This is not the unity of the demon kings, but simply the sorrow of the rabbit and the fox. The power demon glanced at the demon kings and asked in a cold voice: "What kind of troops will be sent? When did I give the order to attack the mechanical demon alliance?"

The demon kings were stunned. Just as they were about to say something, the demon king of strength said: "Instead of thinking about saving them, it is more practical to save their property."

"Uh, Power Demon King Hideaki."

Some demon kings immediately turned around and left in excitement. It was their duty to protect the alliance's property.

Another group of demon kings were very dissatisfied. One demon king shouted: "Power Demon King, we are allies. We still have to do the most basic thing of watching and helping each other, right?"

"This time, they are doing their own personal work. If they are doing their own personal work, they should be responsible for it. If you are unhappy, you can leave the alliance. I don't care. In addition, you can save it yourself, but I have agreed in advance that I will not save you."

The Demon King of Power was too lazy to talk nonsense and turned around to leave. He knew that those guys would not leave because they were just to use him from the beginning. How could they leave under such circumstances?

Although the demon kings were annoyed, they did not say anything about leaving the alliance. Of course, they did not save the trapped demon kings. What a joke, they would not take risks for other demon kings.

"The Demon King of Power is really ruthless, but for the time being, he is the one who has to choose this alliance. We will talk about the rest after the decisive battle."

The demon kings secretly thought that after this incident, the alliance of the power demon kings became more centrifugal. The power demon kings did not care about this, because this broken alliance was originally centrifugal.

"The devil's strength has basically not improved during this period, but the strength of the Mechanical Demon King has been skyrocketing. Even his clone can kill the ancient demon king."

The Power Demon walked to a crimson mirror, hesitated for a moment, and put his hand on the mirror: "I have to become stronger, because I am the strongest person in hell, and the position of the Lord of Hell can only be I'll sit down."

As the Power Demon King placed his hand on the mirror, his body gradually blended into the mirror. Soon, he completely blended in, and his pattern appeared on the surface of the mirror.

The Demon King of Power refused to rescue those demon kings, and those demon kings were destined to fall. The people of the motherland worked very hard. You must know that killing the demon king can greatly increase his death power.

It's a pity that the last one of the motherland was not killed. He was either snatched away by the Ghost Rider or Andrew. The motherland was so angry that he would definitely kill these two guys if he couldn't defeat them.

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