American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 173 Mechanical Prosthetics

"Susan, don't be so polite, we are a team."

Gwen smiled and said: "Besides, you don't have to worry so much. Xiaohe said that it can sense the Human Torch, which means the other party is still alive. In other words, the Human Torch has just been kidnapped."

"I hope so. I told him a long time ago not to imitate Tony Stark and show off everywhere. Now it's better. He was kidnapped just like Tony Stark."

Susan said dissatisfiedly that this brother really worried her too much and she hoped he would be safe this time.

Jessica smiled and said: "Maybe it was infected by Tony Stark. Rhodes was also infected last time."

Skye, who was staying in New York, gossiped through the communicator: "It's not an infection. I heard that Tony Stark secretly practiced witchcraft and passed on the bad luck of being kidnapped to others."

"real or fake?"

A group of women were chatting on the plane, and Susan casually asked Gwen: "Spider-Woman, how are you and your boyfriend lately? Are you okay?"


Gwen replied in a low tone, and Susan asked in surprise: "What happened?"

Jessica smiled beside her and said: "Her boyfriend is taking a beautiful apprentice recently. She is very jealous, but because she often puts her boyfriend before her, she is really embarrassed to lose her temper and has to pretend to be generous."

"I'm not jealous."

Gwen retorted dissatisfied: "I trust him, he will never betray me."

"Aren't you jealous? Then who calls to check on you every day?"

Jessica sneered and said, who would have thought that the famous Spider-Woman is secretly just a jealous little girl.

Gwen blushed and defended, "Who checked the police? That was a normal call."

"Yes, normal calls made more than ten times a day."

Jessica said, and everyone couldn't help laughing. Gwen was really cute like this.

Susan was secretly proud that her boyfriend was better, and she would never have to worry about him betraying her - he would not hesitate to give up his powerful angelic power for her. What else could a boyfriend like this worry about?

At this time, Paper Crane flew over from the captain's cabin and said, "Thunderbolt is in the city below."

Everyone looked at the location and said in surprise: "Miami?"

It is worth mentioning that Andrew had long known about the Human Torch's kidnapping, but he didn't do anything more. It's time for the Human Torch to learn a lesson.

Of course, the Human Torch will definitely not die, and the person who kidnapped him will definitely not end well, it goes without saying.

After all, he is also the Demon King's brother-in-law.

In the sky, a group of invisible steel suits rushed towards the Malibu Villa as fast as possible.

"Drawing me out into action while eating, is this your elaborate plan?"

Ivan sneered: "It's so unexpected. Tony Stark must not have thought of it, because even I can't think of it."

"This was not our plan, something happened."

Obadiah said with a dark face: "There is a traitor from the allies. She is rushing to the Malibu villa. In order to prevent the plan from leaking, she and Tony must be eliminated together."

"If you act in a hurry, it is better to kill them directly from the beginning."

Ivan said with a look of disdain: "You guys just think too much, which leads to failure every time. The most important thing in fighting is courage. If you are reckless, you will have at least half the winning rate."

Obadiah scolded: "At least we have thought about it, unlike you, who never thought about it. Also, the failure of the last plan was your fault. Have you reviewed it during this time?"

Ivan sneered: "I'm right, why do I need to review it?"

"Stop arguing. Although this is a hasty action, with the strength of you and your allies, it shouldn't be difficult to kill Tony."

Whitehall's voice came from the loudspeaker: "Ivan, don't be impulsive. The main thing is to kill Tony Stark."

"Don't worry, Tony is dead."

Ivan added in his heart: "I will definitely kill him with my own hands. He can only die in my hands."

Malibu Villa.

Tony, Dr. Banner, and Rhodes were taking a coffee break. Rhodes, who had just arrived, couldn't help but ask: "Did you really work for three days and three nights in a row?"

"What's weird? The most I've ever done was working continuously for a month."

Tony said casually: "I originally wanted to continue working, but in the end, Pepper threatened to cut off my power."

The big green Dr. Banner nodded and said: "It's really not surprising. I often work for several weeks in a row, and Betty often loses her temper with me because of this."

"It's my fault, I forgot, you two are not normal people."

Rhodes complained that one had steel kidneys and the other had the body of the Hulk. It was normal to work continuously.

Hey, wait a minute, are these two guys deliberately showing off that they have girlfriends in front of themselves, who are single?

"It's like we are monsters."

Tony looked dissatisfied, and Dr. Banner nodded repeatedly. They are obviously very ordinary scientists, okay?

Rhodes was too lazy to pay attention to these two guys. He asked: "What are you studying?"

"Studying composite suits to deal with large enemies. Banner has been studying mechas and has rich experience, so I invited him to come over and help."

Tony thought of something and sighed: "I haven't been able to find that mysterious force. If nothing happens, we will face the violent dinosaurs again in the near future."

These words made the atmosphere in the living room suddenly become solemn. The battle a few months ago was really desperate.

Rhodes nodded and said: "It's time to study it carefully. If we want to protect the world, we can only rely on ourselves. Although the Peace Knights often help us, their behavior patterns are too weird and cannot be understood at all."

Thinking of the sudden disappearance of the Peace Knights at a critical moment, Tony couldn't help but snorted, and said: "Their behavior is really weird. As far as I know, they are helping people install mechanical prostheses for free."

"Helping people install mechanical prosthetics for free?"

Dr. Banner was stunned. He was either in the laboratory or in the laboratory and knew very little about outside intelligence.


Tony showed a few holographic projections, and then he pointed at the people on them and said, "They all have mechanical prostheses, which cannot be seen on the surface because of the artificial skin.

I checked and found that those mechanical prosthetics were perfect and worked just like real bodies.

In addition, in addition to mechanical prostheses, the Peace Knights also have products such as mechanical internal organs and mechanical eyes. In terms of technology, they are a big step above us. "

Dr. Banner looked at the holographic projection and said happily: "This is a good thing. For many disabled people and patients, this is equivalent to regaining their lives."

Tony nodded and said: "It is indeed a good thing, but they are not kind. Anyone who dares to have the idea of ​​these prosthetics will be humanely destroyed by them."

Rhodes added: "They have eliminated several organizations. Now everyone knows that you can't think about those mechanical prostheses. The Peace Knights will not talk about relationships or feelings with you. Just shoot down an energy cannon and everything will be over."

In fact, this is the reason why Coulson installed mechanical prosthetics in the name of the Peace Knights - to shock, so as to prevent the mechanical prostheses from being dismantled by bad guys for profit.

In addition, all mechanical prosthetics have rescue devices on them. Once someone snatches the prosthetic limb or the prosthetic limb is damaged, just press the button and Alice will immediately send a robot to solve the problem.

If the contractor abuses this function, Alice will directly take the contractor to hell - this is stated in the contract.

Andrew's contract has always been honest and trustworthy.

"Mechanical prosthetics have indeed benefited many people. The problem is that no one knows the standards for the Peace Knights to help people."

Tony sighed and said: "A few months ago, I saved a top surgeon named Strange. The demon invasion incident caused his hands to be disabled and he could no longer be a surgeon.

He was very unwilling and spent all his money to heal his hands. Unfortunately, it was in vain.

After learning about the mechanical prosthetics, Strange has been looking for the Peace Knights, asking them to help heal his hands or replace them with mechanical hands, but the Peace Knights ignored him completely and heard that he went to the East some time ago. "

Dr. Banner nodded and said: "That's the problem. They are unreliable. No one knows when they are willing to help people and when they are not."

Tony and Rhodes nodded in agreement at the same time. Rhodes remembered the purpose of coming today and asked: "Tony, have I finished upgrading my suit?

Recently, a group of terrorists have become very arrogant and want to teach the United States a lesson. President Ellis asked me to deal with them quickly. "

Tony said: "I only have one suit called War Machine here, not one called Iron Patriot."

The three of them all laughed. Iron Patriot was the name given by the president, and it must be said that it was quite embarrassing.

At this time, Jarvis sent a prompt: "Mr. Stark, we have a visitor."

As Jarvis prompted, he projected the scene at the door in front of the three of them.

The visitor was a beautiful and knowledgeable woman. She seemed very anxious and her forehead was covered with sweat.

Tony glanced at it and said, "It looks familiar."

Jarvis prompted: "Maya Hansen, biologist, she had a special relationship with you on New Year's Eve in 1999."

Dr. Banner was speechless: "No, Tony, you actually asked artificial intelligence to help you remember your ex-girlfriend?"

Rod also complained: "Tony, how many ex-girlfriends do you have?"

"Not an ex-girlfriend, just one night."

Tony stood up and went out to greet Maya Hansen. When Maya Hansen saw him, she hurriedly said: "Tony, I have something very urgent to tell you."

Tony was startled: "Urgent? Don't tell me that I have a ten-year-old illegitimate child."

Maya Hansen sighed and said, "It's worse than that."

Tony's eyes widened: "Are they twins? Let me pause, uh, are they a boy or a girl?"

Maya Hansen was speechless. She was about to say something when Jarvis prompted: "Mr. Stark, there are three armed helicopters approaching your villa. They are not military helicopters."

While speaking, Jarvis projected the armed helicopter into the living room. Dr. Banner and Rhodes came over immediately when they saw something was wrong.

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