American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1705 Digging a hole

"I can be considered your senior."

The cowboy, that is, Andrew said: "You don't really think that after Spawn completes his mission, he will return to hell and get a promotion, right?"

After Andrew appeared, everything around him was obscured, and even the power of fate could not perceive the situation here. In other words, even if someone knew magic such as time retrieval, they would not be able to find out the truth.

Malebolgia can only roughly sense Al's situation and cannot monitor it in real time, so there is no need to worry about what he discovers.

"Senior? Are you the former Spawn? What do you mean?"

Al was stunned and said: "Actually, I don't really believe what the clown said. After all, the demons in hell cannot be trusted."

"You are also a devil from hell. Let's go. I'll buy you a few drinks and we'll talk slowly. Besides, the weapons on your waist are useless. Instead, the red cloak on your body is wasted."

Andrew said: "That red cloak can let you fly, help you resist attacks, and can also be transformed into various means of transportation. It is like an artifact."

"so smart?"

Al became more and more convinced that Andrew was the previous generation of Spawn. He followed him and asked, "You haven't answered me yet, what did you mean by what you said before?"

"The ending of Spawn is not to return to hell, but to be swallowed by the armor on your body."

Andrew looked back at Al and said, "Except for me, all the other Spawns are actually wearing it on you."


Al was shocked when he heard this. He couldn't abandon the armor, otherwise he would throw it away immediately. What's the difference between wearing a bunch of dead people on his body?

Andrew didn't say anything more and took Al into the next room. Then, he threw a bottle of wine to Al and asked, "Do you know the truth about the Spawn suit?"

"The armor given to me by the Demon King of Hell, that's what the clown told me."

Al took a sip of beer and replied. Andrew shook his head and said: "Summon the armor, not all of them, just one glove."

Al hesitated and did as he was told. Then, Andrew took out an instrument from the corner and said, "This is a super-magnification microscope. Use this to check the armor gloves."

"Microscope? Why did it suddenly become so scientific?"

Al complained, but he did not object. He used the instrument to check the armor gloves. After a moment, he was shocked and shouted: "Bug, is this glove made of countless small green bugs?"

This microscope is not an ordinary microscope. It can see organisms at the nanometer level, and those little bugs are at the nanometer level.

"That's right, the demon king you serve is the ancient demon king Malebolgia."

Andrew said: "His body is a bug. He used his original blood to create the prototype of the Spawn armor, and then let a human put on the Spawn armor to obtain his soul.

Human beings' own lives and souls will gradually be swallowed up by bugs and become nutrients for the bugs, allowing the bugs to gradually grow.

When this Spawn is completely devoured, the Demon King Malebolkia will look for the next Spawn. Repeatedly, after thousands of years, the Spawn suit finally matures and possesses incredible abilities.

Al Simmons, I don’t know what Malebolgia wants you to do, but your mission is definitely different from other Spawns, but the ending should be similar. "

"Damn it, it turns out the Demon King doesn't have any good things."

Al cursed and immediately canceled the armor. If possible, he hoped to never summon the armor again in this life.

Immediately, Al thought of something and asked Andrew hopefully: "Senior, how did you get rid of the identity of Spawn?"

"I had help from angels."

Andrew said casually: "Malebogia once attacked heaven, so the angels paid great attention to him.

The Spawn plan has been implemented for thousands of years. If the angels never find out, then they can commit collective suicide to avoid wasting food. "

"It's impossible for a plan that lasts for thousands of years not to be discovered."

Al nodded in agreement, and Andrew continued: "The angel discovered me and originally planned to eliminate me and the Spawn suit together, but the Spawn suit was very cunning and abandoned me and ran away.

Thinking about it in Malebokia, the angels will definitely destroy me. After all, I am a minion of the devil, and I have signed a contract with the devil. "

Al nodded again. He was curious about how the other party survived?

Andrew said: "Unfortunately, the devil Malebokia made a miscalculation. The angel not only did not kill me, but also took me back to heaven, purified the evil in me, and helped me turn back to a normal person.

At the same time, the angel froze the contract between me and the devil. Unless the devil appeared in front of me in person, nothing would happen to me. "

"Angels are indeed kind."

Al was amazed and asked: "Senior, can you ask the angel to help me? I don't want to be a Spawn at all."

"I said before, you are not an ordinary Spawn. The armor on your body has matured. Ordinary angels are no match for it, so they can't help you."

Andrew shook his head: "Besides, Malebolgia has learned a lesson once, and he will definitely guard against this kind of thing. The armor will definitely kill you before escaping, there is no doubt about it."

Al was greatly disappointed when he heard this. At this moment, Andrew continued: "But God can help you."

"Can God help me? I am an ordinary person, why should God help me?"

Al smiled bitterly, he was still self-aware, and Andrew smiled: "In the eyes of God, everyone is the same, there is no distinction between high and low.

Al Simmons, kneel down and pray to God. As long as you are pious enough and pray long enough, I believe God will help you. "

"Is that so?"

Al was a little hesitant, but now he had no other option except this. Moreover, the senior in front of him was from the angel side. He asked himself to pray to God. It must be useful, right? After all, they are from the same unit.

Al said: "I will pray, hoping to get rid of the devil's control and change back to my original self. This is enough."

"Is this enough?"

Andrew laughed and said, "Are you sure it's enough? Let me deduce your next fate.

God hears your prayer, is moved by your sincerity, and fulfills your wish. You turn back into that handsome black man, and then you go home.

Your wife Blair will definitely be shocked when she sees you, but she loves you and I believe she will give up her current husband and be with you for you. "

Hearing this, Al couldn't help but smile on his face. He also believed in Blair's love for him. Of course, if Blair gave up on him, it would be okay. After all, he still had a daughter, which was his daughter and no one could take it away.

"Then, Jason found out that you were fine, and sent his men to assassinate you. A bomb was planted in your home, killing all three of your family."

Andrew said: "Taking a step back, even if you are not dead, can you fight against Jason? Not to mention, the devil may not let you go."

Al looked ugly. Yes, there is still Jason who has not been solved. He said: "I pray to God and let Him help me get revenge."

"God is merciful. He will not harm any believer easily, even if that believer commits a heinous sin."

Andrew said: "And what do you think God is? A wishing machine? Granting your wishes one after another."

"It's really a bit too greedy."

Al looked at Andrew and asked, "Senior, what wish should I make?"

"Transfer your destiny to me. When the time comes, I will become Spawn again and inherit everything from you."

Andrew said: "And you will change back to your original appearance, but you can't appear next to Blair right away. You have to wait until I finish everything before you appear."

"Transfer my fate to you?"

Al was stunned: "Can this be transferred? Also, senior, isn't this too unfair to you?"

"This is my destiny and why the angels sent me down."

Andrew said: "The devil of hell wants to plot heaven, how can heaven not fight back? Heaven is not the silly sweet guy in movies and TV shows who sits at home every day and waits for others to knock on the door."

"That's really silly."

Al vaguely understood the purpose of the other party coming to him. He thought for a while and said, "I will definitely have no problem giving you my destiny, but will God really hear my prayer?"

"Of course, you have to believe in God. As long as you are sincere enough, God will definitely hear your prayers."

Andrew said, Al nodded seriously, knelt in front of a cross, and began to pray devoutly.

Andrew's eyes narrowed. According to the plot in the movie "The Impostor", it won't be long before Bruce can't bear the countless people praying in his ears and uses the computer to create a prayer program.

This is nothing, modernization is a good thing, the problem is, in order to avoid trouble, Bruce made a one-button operation, all prayers, all agreed.

In other words, all prayers to God during this period will come true, including Al’s prayers.

In fact, Andrew can do this, especially since Al is easy to trick - not that he is stupid, but that he can't wait to get rid of his current fate, and he doesn't want to be Spawn at all.

The reason for borrowing God's hand is, on the one hand, to test God's strength, and on the other hand, it is to dig a hole.

God took action and transferred Al's fate to Andrew's virtual identity. Andrew is holding a handle on God and can use this handle to backfire on God at any time.

Destiny magic is the most powerful, but it is also the most dangerous. How can it be so easy to change someone else's destiny?

"As long as this plan succeeds, you don't have to worry too much about God. It's okay if He doesn't take action. If He really has any conspiracy, I will let Him know that times have changed."

Andrew smiled slightly. You must not have the intention to harm others, but you must have the intention to guard against others. You must be fully prepared to deal with every possible threat.

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