American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 169 Apprentice

The Indominus dragon didn't care so much, it stepped on the sand and rushed towards the food. It was very hungry and wanted to eat everything.

Steve took a deep breath and began to command: "Attack first. If that doesn't work, Tony, Rhodes, and the Human Torch. The three of you will contain it and give the Quinjet a chance to fire its energy cannon."


Everyone nodded, and Human Torch flew into the sky with blazing fire all over his body.

Then, Steve, Thing, Dr. Reed, and SHIELD agents simultaneously raised their energy rifles at the Indominus, and Tony and Rhodes also aimed machine guns and missiles at each other.

The next second, dozens of energy beams, six micro-missiles, and densely packed large-caliber bullets hit the Indominus Dragon's head at the same time.

These attacks basically all hit, but the result was that everyone was like falling into the ice cellar - whether it was energy beams, micro missiles, or large-caliber bullets, they failed to cause any damage.

The violent potion does not simply make the dinosaurs huge, but integrates various special genes into the dinosaurs.

In addition to becoming huge, the Indominus dragon also has extremely strong scales and a tail covered with spikes. Its strength is not comparable to that of pterosaurs and velociraptors.

Although it was not injured, the Indominus was still enraged. It roared and rushed towards the superheroes with great ferocity, leaving huge footprints on the beach.

Upon seeing this, the three Tonys immediately attacked the Indominus to attract its attention. At the same time, the Quinjet began to charge and prepared to fire energy cannons.

If the energy beam doesn't work, then get a bigger one.

At this moment, a huge stone roared from the sea and hit the Quinjet. The Quinjet was smashed on the spot and turned into a fireball in the air and fell downwards.


Everyone turned around in shock and saw a naked giantess leading a group of violent dinosaurs ferociously onto the beach.

"And the giantess?"

Everyone was very surprised. It was obvious that she had smashed the big rock just now.

"Speaking of which, isn't this a bit too eye-catching?"

Tony complained that if this was a movie, it would definitely be The Light.

Nick Fury's voice rang through the communicator: "That's Claire White, the president of Gene Energy Company and the owner of the violent potion. For some reason, she became a violent person."

"I understand. No wonder these dinosaurs came to the seaside city. It turns out there is a leader among them."

Tony shouted to White: "Madam, I believe you are also a victim. As long as you make the dinosaurs stop, we can help you get revenge."

"Steel, suit."

Iron Man reminded White of the culprit who caused her to become like this. She roared angrily, grabbed a stone on the beach, and threw it at Iron Man, causing a violent whistling sound in the air.

Iron Man hurriedly dodged, then, he raised his hands, and two red lasers shot into White's eyes at the same time - since they can't reach an agreement, kill the leader first.

White raised her head immediately, and two lasers hit her under the eyes, burning through her skin and muscles. Then, the lasers were blocked by solid bones and could not penetrate immediately.

"The defense is so strong?"

Iron Man's expression changed slightly, and he wanted to move the laser for cutting. At this time, White raised her left hand to block the laser. Then, she kicked hard with her right foot, and a big rock hit Tony hard with a whistling sound.

Tony hurriedly stopped to dodge the laser, and the stone hit the beach with a bang, kicking up countless sand.

White was completely enraged and commanded the violent dinosaurs to rush forward. The whole earth trembled under the feet of the dinosaurs.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly hid on both sides. Then, they raised their weapons and fired fiercely at the violent dinosaurs.

The violent dinosaurs were divided into two parts, one part chased the superheroes, and the other part ignored these 'little bugs' and rushed towards the city.


The people who had not escaped before ran away frantically, but it was too late. The mosasaurus that came ashore opened its mouth and swallowed the two people into its mouth. The other violent dinosaurs also feasted excitedly.

Seeing this, some people hurriedly hid in the building, but unfortunately, it was useless - the Tyrannosaurus rex smashed the wall and bit the humans in the hall.

"Run away."

The people in the city were completely frightened and fled frantically out of the city. Unfortunately, there were no unexpected traffic jams. The rampaging dinosaurs rushed into the streets and gulped down the food in excitement.

These dinosaurs are in the growth stage and can eat any amount of food. The more food they eat, the stronger they will be.

The screams in the city filled the superheroes with anger, but they were unable to stop the dinosaurs because they were being chased by the female giants and the Indominus.

Yes, many police officers and agents have died in the pursuit.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

Tony asked Howard loudly through the radio, but received no response. At this time, Jarvis reminded: "Mr. Stark, the Peace Knights have left Dinosaur Island and disappeared."


Tony was shocked and angry. The Peace Knights actually left at this time? Without them, who would save the city? Who's going to take care of those rampaging dinosaurs?

Howard was also very puzzled. Before leaving, he asked Andrew: "BOSS, why did you let us leave? Hulk really wants to beat those big monsters."

"I said, are you using Hulk as a shield?"

Andrew said angrily: "You don't need to pay attention to the matters in the seaside city. Leave in peace."

Howard thought of something and his eyes lit up: "BOSS, are you going to take action personally?"

"With the strength of the dinosaurs, unless we use the electronic round palace, the fight will definitely affect the contractor. It's too troublesome, so I'll do it myself."

Andrew said: "Rebirth in hell, commitment first."

"That's true."

Howard nodded. The Raging Dinosaur was very powerful. Even the Peace Knights could not easily win - provided that the electronic round palace was not used to clean up the enemy.

"The earth never lacks geniuses, but geniuses may not always benefit society."

Howard shook his head and disappeared with the electronic circle palace.

"Taking out those dinosaurs is easy, the question is, what vest to use, what excuse?"

In the hotel, Andrew touched his chin and thought secretly.

At this time, Hawkeye and Scarlett returned to the hotel. The two children were very excited to see Barton back. They shouted: "Dad, it's so fun here. The hotel will also vibrate. Mom said that the hotel is simulating a Tyrannosaurus rex passing by." The way it was."


Hawkeye was surprised, and he smiled and said: "Yes, it's very fun. You continue to watch TV. In the afternoon, I will take you to a more fun place."

The two children clapped their hands happily: "That's great."

After comforting the child, Hawkeye and Scarlett walked to the balcony. Hawkeye said gratefully to Andrew: "Mr. Wang, thank you for protecting my family."

Andrew said casually: "It's easy, don't worry."

"Mr. Wang, the situation in Costa Rica is very bad. Can you provide some help?"

Scarlett couldn't help but ask. At this time, she thought of something, and added with a dark face: "Stop saying that there is no magic, we all know that you are a magician.

A magician with a bad personality who likes to play tricks, has lived hundreds of years, and still pretends to be young all day long. "

Both Andrew and Hawkeye couldn't help laughing. It was obvious that Scarlett had a deep resentment towards Andrew.

"Red-haired woman, for some reasons, Mr. Wang can only cast some ordinary magic."

Hawkeye reminded - this is SHIELD's speculation. Andrew Wang has lost most of his abilities due to his lifestyle and can only perform some small magic.

Scarlett was a little disappointed: "Is that so?"

Andrew burst into laughter. It was really interesting that the people from SHIELD took the initiative to help him make up the settings.

At this time, Alice's voice sounded in Andrew's mind: "BOSS, I just tested that Scarlett has good magic talent."

"so what?"

Andrew asked, and Alice said: "There is no shortage of scientific and technological talents in Rebirth Hell, but there has always been a lack of magic talents. Boss, no one can learn the rune technology you obtained from Asgard until now."

Rune technology is a fusion of technology and magic. Howard, Trask and others have tried but couldn't learn it.

The reason is simple. Their thinking has been completely scientific and they cannot accept things that are too idealistic, even if they are already in hell.

Andrew asked: "You want me to recruit Scarlett?"

"Yes, Scarlett graduated from college at the age of twelve. She is a genius, young enough, and her thinking is not fixed. Plus she has good magic talent. She is the best candidate to inherit rune technology."

Alice said: "BOSS, your future opponent is the Demon King of Hell. They are all magicians. We need magic talents.

In addition, rune technology is very suitable for enchanting, so it is necessary to develop some professional talents. "

"Genius plus magic talent? Maybe, hire a long-term worker from hell, uh, no, it's the chief enchantment master from hell."

Andrew touched his chin and made a decision. He said to Scarlett: "I can't help you with the matter in Costa Rica, but I can help you introduce a mage.

If he takes action, the violent dinosaur will be nothing at all. By the way, you should have seen him, and he helped solve the electronic round palace. "

"That black-robed mage?"

Hawkeye and Scarlett exclaimed at the same time, they still remember how powerful that mage was.

Scarlett asked excitedly: "Can I really ask him for help?"

"Don't worry, I told you that magic is all about equal exchange."

Andrew said: "If you want him to take action, you have to pay a huge price, and it also depends on whether he likes you. If he doesn't like you, no matter what the price you pay, he will not help you."

"Do you like it?"

Scarlett's expression changed slightly: "What do you mean?"

Eagle Eye frowned: "Mr. Wang, isn't this bad?"

Andrew shrugged and said, "You decide for yourself, I'm just helping to introduce you."

Scarlett gritted her teeth, her expression changing. She looked in the distance towards the seaside city, imagining the miserable conditions there, gritted her teeth and said, "I'm willing to give it a try."

"Why that expression? I'm just a magic apprentice, why should I be so embarrassed?"

Andrew looked puzzled and asked: "Although being a magic apprentice requires signing a soul contract, many people can't ask for it, which means I still have some face in the magic world. Hey, why do you want to hit someone?"

Scarlett didn't want to hit anyone, she wanted to shoot Andrew in the face with the crossbow in her hand. This bastard, actually playing tricks on her again?

"Mr. Wang."

Hawkeye was speechless. Scarlett had made so much determination, but in the end she just became a magic apprentice.

"Of course you are a magic apprentice. You guys are so stupid. At his level, how can you be short of women? He can summon ten thousand succubi from hell with just one thought."

Andrew sneered: "No matter how beautiful you are, can you compare to ten thousand succubi?"

"Mr. Wang, I hope you live a long life."

Scarlett gritted her teeth and said that Andrew had lived for hundreds of years, and wishing him a long life meant that he should die immediately.

"Without any effort, I live as long as the universe. Where the universe is, I am here."

Andrew smiled and said: "Miss Scarlett, be prepared and show your best side to the other party. You only have one chance."


Scarlett was a little nervous when Andrew said that, so she hurriedly put away the tracking crossbow and arranged her clothes and hair.

"Mr. Wang, is there any chance that I can become a magic apprentice?"

Hawkeye asked with a shy face. Facing the astonished looks of Andrew and Scarlett, he asked, "What's so strange? What man doesn't have a dream of magic?"

"I don't. By the way, in the wizarding world, there is a word called Muggle, which suits you very well."

Andrew rolled his eyes. He was too lazy to talk nonsense. He stood up and circled his hands. A white circle of light appeared on the ground. Then, a large number of runes appeared around the circle. The runes combined together to form a white magic circle.


Andrew pointed towards the magic circle in the air, and the magic circle lit up with dazzling light. A large number of white feathers flew out from the magic circle, which looked very gorgeous.

"it's beautiful."

Hawkeye and Scarlett were both amazed. Hawkeye was not surprised by the white feathers. After all, Andrew was an angel.

"Mom, what is that? So beautiful."

Eagle-eyed daughter Laila pointed to the magic circle outside and asked curiously. Laura hugged her and replied, "That's magic."


Laila was stunned for a moment, and then started crying. The world of adults is really dirty. She just said that there is no magic in this world, but then she turned around and created a gorgeous magic circle.

On the balcony, Andrew made a circle with his fingers, and the white feathers merged in the air and turned into a human-shaped shadow. After a moment, the shadow solidified, and a black-robed figure appeared in front of the three people.

The black-robed figure looked down at the crowd and asked in a majestic voice: "What do you want from me?"

Hawkeye and Scarlett subconsciously held their breath and concentrated, not daring to make a sound. They secretly sighed in their hearts, this is called a magician, and that guy Andrew can tell he is an amateur at a glance.

Andrew said: "I will introduce you to a magic apprentice."

"Magic apprentice?"

The black-robed figure turned to look at Hawkeye and Scarlett, and said, "A Muggle, and a talented little girl."

Hawkeye couldn't help but said: "What on earth are Muggles? I think you are scolding me, but I have no evidence."

The black-robed figure did not answer Hawkeye. He asked Scarlett: "Before I test you, I will tell you the conditions. If you want to become my magic apprentice, you must sign a soul contract with me and dedicate your soul to me. Accordingly, , I will help you with something."

"I know, Mr. Wang has already told me."

Scarlett took a deep breath and said, "I am willing to dedicate my soul to you in exchange for you to quell this disaster."

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