American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1676 Backlash and Curse

The big sign that fell was made of steel and was very heavy. Once it hit, the three of them would become meatloaf at the same time.

Fortunately, Andrew predicted all this in advance. At the critical moment, he took the two women and fled to the nearby wall. The steel signboard banged on the wall, but the wall did not collapse. The three people escaped.

Andrew's disaster has officially passed. Next, it is the turn of the remaining four survivors. Because Andrew has the ability to predict, their disaster has been successfully overcome.

The God of Death hated Andrew so much that he gnashed his teeth. Unfortunately, there was no way to kill him. He could only watch helplessly as he acted arrogantly, even hugging him from left to right.

Everyone can see that both Claire and little Claire are deeply fascinated by Andrew. Well, little Claire can't tell it herself. Claire sees that she often looks at Andrew infatuatedly and can't help but snicker secretly.

Theoretical experts are only theoretical experts after all, and they don’t even know that they are falling in love with others.

"The world is about to collapse, and here's the opportunity."

Andrew's eyes flashed. In the eyes of little Claire and Claire, the world was still the same world. The next second, their eyes blurred and they returned to the main world.

But in Andrew's eyes, this false world has begun to collapse, and countless threads that make up the world are collapsing. Andrew secretly casts the magic of fate to lock the two largest threads.

These two lines belong to the God of Death and the masked man. Following these two lines, Andrew successfully found the God of Death and the masked man in hell, and also sensed the death beside them.

"With death around, it's hard to attack directly, but you can do something through the backlash of fate."

Andrew secretly thought that if the world collapsed, both the God of Death and the masked man would suffer backlash. Andrew quietly cast the curse of fate and integrated it into the world's backlash.

Soon, the world's backlash broke out, and the god of death and the masked man screamed at the same time, opening their mouths and spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Neither the God of Death nor the masked man, nor Death, noticed that the two curses of fate, backfired along the world, entered the bodies of the God of Death and the masked man, and then quickly took root and spread.

Andrew is the top Heavenly Father God. He can curse two Heavenly Father Gods or less, so he can easily catch them.

The reason why Andrew played fantasy world games with Death was because of this curse. Otherwise, he would have spent hundreds of billions of dollars every second, so he wouldn't have had time to waste like this.

Death shook his head and sent two rays of divine power into their bodies. Their bodies recovered quickly. However, the damage to their souls could not be recovered so easily and it would take a lot of time.

"That Xiko must die."

The God of Death wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with hatred. In contrast, the masked man shrugged indifferently and said, "Okay, my mission is completed. I will continue to punish those bad guys."

After saying that, the masked man turned and left. He would take the bad guys into the fantasy world, where he would punish them through various methods and make them pay for what they had done.

Of course, the masked man will not torture the bad guys directly, but in a game way, for example, picking up things in the fan, and then suddenly turning on the fan. I won’t go into details about this. After all, he only punishes the bad guys.

After the masked man left, the God of Death said: "Lord Death, don't worry, although this failed, my layout at the headquarters of the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau has been completed and can be launched at any time to kill all the remaining survivors."

"I believe in your ability."

Death smiled and said: "God of Death, your attributes match mine. Theoretically, I can lend you my divine power and make you become the Father God quickly. Of course, it is temporary."

"Can you become Heavenly Father God quickly?"

Death's eyes widened, and he was still a little confused. Since there is such a useful method, why wasn't it used before?

"It's not that simple. You must grow to a certain level before you can receive my divine power. Otherwise, you will be overwhelmed by my divine power."

Death shook his head and said: "In addition, this matter comes with a price. After breaking through Heavenly Father God, you must obtain a large number of souls in a short period of time and truly be promoted to Heavenly Father God, otherwise, you will die.

This is also the reason why I didn't tell you before. It turns out that I want you to step by step and be promoted to Heavenly Father God, which is more stable.

The method of borrowing divine power is actually a risky and desperate method. If it fails, you will definitely die. "

Death suddenly realized that everything went well for him before, and there was no need for Death to propose this method. But now, there is a problem with his death game. In order to ensure the interests, Death gave him another choice.

"Lord Death, I want to give it one last try. If this plan still fails, then I will fight."

The God of Death gritted his teeth and said: "If I really fail, the first thing I will do after I become Heavenly Father God is to completely destroy the Disaster Counter Bureau and those damn survivors."

If it really fails, the God of Death has no other choice but to fight hard. After all, the rules are there.

"Okay, I will make preparations first."

Death nodded. Transferring divine power is not an easy task. A lot of preparations must be made, and Alessa, the monster queen, must be asked to help. Otherwise, Death may not be able to withstand the divine power of death.

Alessa knew about this matter. She thought about it and told Andrew about it. Below Heavenly Father God, there is no need to say more, but matters at Heavenly Father God level still need to be reported.

"Don't worry, I'm already prepared, just wait and see the good show."

Andrew smiled and said that the God of Death has been cursed by his fate. It can be said that his fate has been destined - his destiny is to become Andrew's stepping stone.

"The God of Death will not only help me gain a lot of reputation, but it will also allow me to advance to the next level in destiny magic."

Andrew thought excitedly, even he coveted the fate of Death.

In fact, even Death looks at the God of Death with admiration and has been focusing on training him. The people of the motherland even become jealous because of this.

"Already prepared? That's good."

Alessa giggled and said, "Dad, there's no need to hold back. Anyway, that traitorous boy has surrendered to Death, and Billy has also been bribed by Sithorn. It's a pity that I'm so good to him.

Although I can still control them, if my orders conflict with Sithorne and Death's orders, they will choose Sithorne and Death, and Sithorne and Death will stop me from destroying them. "

As the monster queen, Alessa has great control over the monsters. If they can't get rid of the queen's control by themselves, but with the help of other heavenly father gods, it's hard to say.

"You asked them to help cultivate monsters. Didn't you already expect this result?"

Andrew smiled and said: "Anyway, you won't lose, right?"

"Of course I won't lose. As their abilities upgrade, my abilities will also upgrade. What's even better is that even if they die, my abilities will still exist."

Alessa said: "Actually, General Zod and the Kryptonians are my base, and other monsters are whatever."

Andrew said: "Don't worry, I will give Death and Death a surprise to help you breathe a sigh of relief."

At the headquarters of the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau, Dave, a group of elites, and the newly transferred superheroes were stationed in a hall at the same time.

In the hall, besides them, there were three survivors, Claire's classmates.

These three survivors are ranked behind Little Claire in the order of death. That is to say, if Little Claire dies, it will be the turn of one of the three of them.

Therefore, the three survivors were very nervous. One kept walking around, one kept drinking water, and the other was watching a gentleman's movie in front of so many people.

The female college student who kept drinking water couldn't help but cursed when she heard the unpleasant sound: "Can you not be disgusted?"

"I'm about to die. Who cares if it's disgusting or not? I've saved 1TB of movies. I have to watch them all today, otherwise the storage will be in vain."

The man cursed loudly. If there weren't so many tough men around him staring at him, he might have done something more evil under the pressure of death.

Everyone was speechless, 1TB? This guy is obviously a Scoia'tael who refuses to watch in public. Of course, there are many such people. For them, collecting is more interesting than watching.

The female college student became even more angry after hearing this, and shouted at the superheroes: "Don't you care?"

"This is a personal hobby, how should we control it?"

Shenhai shrugged and said that if he were not afraid of being embarrassed, he would watch it with that guy - the shame mentioned here is not that it is embarrassing to watch the movie, but that his time is relatively short and he is only slightly better than the people of his motherland.

The female college student was so angry that she kept drinking water. After drinking too much water, she naturally had to go to the toilet. She first cursed in the toilet, and then started crying. Why was she so unlucky? I have studied hard for so many years, but if I don’t enjoy it, I will die.

Dave sighed. The psychological quality of these three college students was much worse than the previous ones. Of course, it was normal for them to be afraid. There was nothing they could do. Before, no one else except Brandon could be saved.

Alex feels a lot of pressure. If these three die again, will the remaining survivors explode?

At this moment, Director Newman's voice came from the loudspeaker above: "Little Claire, Claire, Siko, they are all back safely."

"What? Great."

Dave was overjoyed, and the college student who had been walking asked in surprise: "Does that mean we are safe?"

The college students watching the movie and the female college students using the bathroom raised their heads excitedly, waiting for Director Newman's answer.

Director Newman was silent for a moment and said: "The three of them have escaped the disaster. In order, it is now your turn. In other words, you are not safe, but you are officially in danger."


The three college students yelled at each other at the same time. It turned out that this was not good news, it was very bad news.

"If they can survive, then you can too."

Upon seeing this, Director Newman immediately encouraged: "So far, only Carter and his girlfriend died at the beginning, and everyone else survived."

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