Director Newman did not ask where the murderer was, because everyone knew that it must be the hand of Death, and the way Death kills people is through accidents.

"how so?"

Alex scratched his hair, a little crazy. He just said he would protect Carter, but he and his girlfriend died.

Alex is just an ordinary college student, and to be honest, he is under a lot of pressure right now.

"Don't worry, I'll investigate first. I'm a professional exorcist, and investigating the truth is my specialty."

Van Helsing said: "Director Newman, Dave, hurry up and find Death's next target, take him to the next room for protection, and try not to cause panic."

"The next target should be Brandon."

Director Newman thought about it and immediately asked Dave to find Brandon - the college students sat together, so they died at about the same time.

In order not to attract other people's attention, Dave used magic to quietly notify Brandon. Brandon pretended to go to the toilet and followed Dave into the safe house next door.

"You said Carter and his girlfriend are dead and it's my turn next?"

Brandon is a gentle, polite, handsome guy who likes to joke, but no matter how gentle a person is, he will inevitably panic and lose his temper when facing death.

Director Newman nodded: "Yes, so we have to protect you."

"Is it useful? Carter was protected by you, so he died anyway?"

Brandon shouted excitedly, and Director Newman said: "If it were before, I would definitely tell you whether it would be useful, but now, to be honest, I am not sure.

The only thing I can be sure of is that if you don't accept our protection, you will definitely die. Brandon, one thing is the same between us and you, we all want you to live. "

"I hope you can really protect me, or should I leave a suicide note first?"

Brandon smiled bitterly. He felt Director Newman's sincerity and stopped resisting. He sat on the bed with a look of worry and panic.

Dave had learned the lesson before and did not dare to be careless again. He arranged all kinds of magic around him. Then, he said: "You guys go out, I am here to protect Brandon."

Director Newman nodded, and she was about to take people away. At this moment, Alex rushed over and said, "I'll be with Brandon. Don't worry, I won't be in danger. Brandon will have to go through several more... It’s my turn personally.”


Brandon said movedly, and then Alex entered the house. The door of the house slowly closed, and a row of fully armed guards stood guard outside.

Andrew naturally knew about Carter's death. He also knew about Freddy who took action. He was a little surprised, because there should be no Freddy in this world.

Freddy appears in the Marvel world, and there are Freddy movies in this world.

"Freddy has the aura of a monster. In other words, this matter should be caused by the devil and Sithorne. If this is the case, the God of Death is definitely not at the level of God. Heavenly Father will not be like this. A small fight.”

Andrew's thoughts changed rapidly: "In other words, this is the training plan of the devil and Sithorn and their Heavenly Father God?"

Andrew didn't know the specifics of the Heavenly Father God's training plan, but Hera had told him casually about the Heavenly Father God's training plan.


Andrew smiled slightly, didn't ask anything, and continued to listen to Sam telling his story.

Sam’s story is very simple. During team building, he had a nightmare. Then, the nightmare came true. The bus encountered a disaster. Except for him and a few colleagues who were called off by him, everyone else died.

After that, Sam's colleagues died one after another. Only he and another female colleague escaped the disaster. They thought everything was over and were going to Paris to relax, but then the plane almost exploded.

"Death's pursuit will not stop, he will start the next round."

Sam said bitterly. He thought that Andrew and Claire would be very frightened when they heard this sentence, but they didn't react at all, as if they had known better.

This made Sam a little shocked, and he asked: "Why are you so calm? I didn't tell you what happened before. Most of the reason is because I have been living in a haze these past few days. I don't know whether to continue struggling. I'm dead anyway." .”

The female colleague on the side nodded. She even thought about spending all the money, having a good time, and then committing suicide directly, without having to worry about the God of Death. She would be a top model prey.

"I've guessed it a long time ago, so I'm naturally calm."

Andrew shrugged and said, "I think this is not the only thing you are hiding, right?"

"And one more thing."

Sam hesitated and said: "If it's your turn, you just need to kill another person. No matter whether the other person is the prey of death or not, as long as you kill him, you will get a bye.

I don’t know if I should tell this. A colleague of ours was chasing us because of this. In the end, I killed him and I escaped. "

This was one of the reasons why Sam didn't tell the story. If anyone knew about it, he might become a murderer. Although self-defense was not guilty, self-defense was not so easy to identify.

"Can it still be like this?"

Claire was very surprised. She said: "This must not be told to other people. If they know, they will probably kill each other. Especially, they don't know that the hunting of the God of Death will not stop."

"Yes, once you tell it, everyone will become an accomplice of death."

Sam nodded, Andrew touched his chin and turned to look to the right. Just when Sam was speaking, a gust of wind happened to blow by. This gust of wind caused a person on the right to hear Sam's words.

This man was very shocked. When he saw Andrew looking over, he turned around with a guilty conscience and strode away.

"If nothing else, this person should be a big mouth. It won't take long for what Sam said to spread around."

Andrew snorted secretly: "Nothing happened at first, but once Carter's death is leaked, someone will definitely have evil thoughts. There is no way, humans are such creatures."

Obviously, the previous gust of wind was caused by the God of Death. Andrew immediately sensed the power of destiny behind the wind, but was unable to locate the God of Death.

On the one hand, the other party uses fate to promote this matter, which is difficult to lock directly. On the other hand, the other party has the existence of Heavenly Father and God around them, and they will interfere with destiny.

"Don't worry, it's a small accident. He can push it silently elsewhere, but if he wants to cause a big accident, he will definitely come to the earth."

Andrew thought that once the other party came to earth, he could follow the clues to find the other party and solve the matter.

"Since the God of Death is not the God of Heaven, there is no threat from this matter. Perhaps we can increase our reputation and gain some benefits at the same time."

Andrew's mind moved. Since the threat is not great, he must find a way to gain benefits - seize every opportunity to improve his strength. This is why Andrew is so powerful now.

While Andrew was thinking, the man who left found a friend and whispered: "I just heard something terrible. You are my friend. I am willing to tell you, but you have to promise not to tell it. Talking about this matter will cause big problems."

"Don't worry, I'm famous for being strict with my mouth. I will never tell anyone."

The man's friend assured him. The man nodded and repeated Sam's words. His friend's eyes lit up. So there is such a way?

"In other words, as long as you kill one person, you no longer have to worry about being chased by the God of Death?"

My friend secretly thought, of course, he has no murderous intentions for the time being. The reason is very simple. The Disaster Countermeasures Bureau can protect him, so why would he turn himself into a murderer?

Once he knows that the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau cannot protect him, this person's mind will probably change.

Although his friend had no murderous intentions, there was no doubt that his words were not as strict as he said. Soon, this 'secret that would never be told' became known to all passers-by, and even the guards heard it.

"Shet, how come such rumors arise?"

Director Newman cursed. She knew exactly what would happen if this news was mixed with the news of Carter's death.

"Hurry up and find out what's going on, and then find a way to dispel this rumor."

Chief Newman said it had to be a rumor, whether it was true or false, it was the same.

At this time, Van Helsing's clone teleported to Brandon's safe house, and he said: "I have discovered the cause of Carter's death."

Brandon, Dave, and Alex asked at the same time: "What's the reason?"

"Freddy, he was killed by Freddy."

Van Helsing said, everyone was dumbfounded, are you kidding us? Brandon said: "Mr. Angel, this joke is not funny. Freddy is a monster in the movie, not real."

Dave also said: "Yes, Van Helsing, your guess is too outrageous, right?"

"It's not as outrageous as you always being a licker. Peggy has a boyfriend, but you are still there every day to increase her popularity. You even send text messages every day asking if you want to send breakfast."

Van Helsing said with disdain, Dave's face turned red and he said nonsense words such as 'I'm not a licker', 'It's natural to dedicate myself to the goddess', 'The goddess will feel my sincerity'.

Even in this situation, everyone couldn't help but laugh, and the room was full of joy.

"I didn't expect that magicians are no different from ordinary people."

Alex looked at Dave in surprise. He thought Dave would be very mysterious, but he turned out to be an ordinary college student who can do magic.

"Okay, let's get to the point."

After easing the atmosphere, Van Helsing said: "First of all, ours is not an ordinary world. It is not impossible for Freddy to appear. Maybe he came from other worlds, just like me, too. Come to your world.

Uh, I can't seem to say this. Hey, why aren't you shocked at all? I don't even have an excuse to silence you. "

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