American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1665 Discussion

Thinking of something, Claire added: "Then, it's Carter's turn next, he is my classmate, the second generation, very rich, hated by people.

As I said before, there are some people who are still dissatisfied with Alex, and Carter is one of them. I don’t know why, but he is just unhappy with Alex, and even almost started fighting with Alex. "

"Yes, let's talk about him next. Maybe we should be lucky that he is a nuisance."

Andrew nodded: "Next, we will focus on protecting Carter. As long as he does not suffer a disaster, others will be fine."

"If there is no disaster, nothing will happen to others?"

Hearing Andrew's words, Claire was very puzzled: "BOSS, shouldn't it be, as long as he doesn't die, others won't die?"

"How can it be that simple?"

Andrew smiled: "If I guess correctly, if Carter escapes a disaster, death will skip him and harvest the next target."

Claire thought for a while and asked excitedly: "So, if we keep skipping, does that mean everyone will be safe?"

"Not necessarily. The God of Death will not let go of his prey easily. There is a half chance that everyone will be safe and sound, and the other half chance it will be a new round."

Andrew said that according to the movie, it was a new round. The ending of the first movie was like this. The protagonists thought they had escaped and ascended to heaven. Unexpectedly, a huge signboard fell down and killed the second male lead.

Claire exclaimed: "Ah, isn't that endless? Boss, is there a way to completely solve this matter?"

"Why are you worried? You won't die? You can take advantage of the opportunity to become a curiosity anchor and stage a hundred ways of dying every day."

Andrew said: "I believe you will become famous, and you will be famous all over the world."

"I really want to be famous, but I don't want to be famous in this way."

Claire complained, "Isn't this life too miserable for others to see how they die every day?"

"In this era, no matter how popular you are, just be popular."

Andrew said: "After you become popular, you can put advertisements during live broadcasts, or bring goods. For example, when you were cut in half, you held up a can of milk and crawled on the ground while saying, The thing I regret most is that I didn't I can drink this jug of milk before I die."

Claire imagined that scene and couldn't help laughing. She complained: "BOSS, I have to say, you are really an advertising wizard."

"It was, I always felt, that I was delayed by my career as a savior."

Andrew smiled and said: "If you want to completely solve this matter, you must find the God of Death and kill him."

Claire frowned: "Isn't this easy? The God of Death didn't show up at all to deal with us."

"So we're going to push him."

Andrew said: "Without killing you, the God of Death will not be able to do new business, so he will definitely do whatever it takes to kill you. Whether you are a human or a God of Death, as long as there is pursuit, there will be flaws. That’s true invincibility.”

Claire agreed with Andrew's view, but she said: "I'm worried that he will be scared away by you, the boss. You are the director of Tianjian. Who dares to kill in front of you?"

"So, I haven't told anyone else that I'm here. Next, I will become your classmate and follow you."

Andrew said: "From now on, your class will not have forty people, but forty-one people. The extra person is called Siko. He got on the plane with you and escaped together.

Xiko is sitting next to you, so his ranking is behind you. "

As Andrew narrated, another memory came to Claire's mind. She really had a classmate named Xi Ke, who had a good relationship with her, and he actually sat next to her on the plane.

"Wow, BOSS, isn't this amazing? You actually added a memory to my mind?"

Claire exclaimed, of course, she had nothing to panic. After all, the man in front of her was the director of Tianjian, the savior, and the representative of Wei Guangzheng, and he could not harm her.

"No, I didn't add a memory to your mind. I created a complete Xiko in the Sea of ​​Destiny."

Andrew said: “In everyone’s eyes, Siko is real, he has a complete file, a complete life, and a complete personality.

Even the God of Death couldn't tell the difference, because the name Xiko was also included in the death list of the God of Death. "

Regardless of whether the God of Death is at the level of Heavenly Father or not, he cannot see through Andrew's destiny substitute. Andrew's destiny magic is becoming more and more powerful now.

Claire was stunned, could such a thing be done? She couldn't help but ask: "BOSS, you can't really be God descending to earth, can you?"

“Do I look like God?”

Andrew smiled, and Claire's eyes suddenly widened because she saw a halo appear behind Andrew's head. Is the BOSS really God?

At this moment, the halo flickered, as if there was no power. Andrew looked back and said, "I forgot to charge it last night. Just take a few shots and it will be fine."

Claire was dumbfounded, and she complained: "God's halo is actually rechargeable? Boss, you are playing tricks on me again."

"Just a joke."

Andrew said: "I'm not familiar with those students, so when the students are released, you have to help me communicate with them. I will mix among you and try to find the God of Death."

"No problem, leave it to me."

Claire immediately asked what she had in mind, and said coyly: "BOSS, you and I are so close and can easily arouse suspicion. How about you pretend to be my boyfriend and we appear in front of everyone as a couple?"

"Another girl who is greedy for my body."

Andrew secretly complained. He looked at Claire and asked with a half-smile: "Pretend?"

"It's just a pretense. It's all for the mission. Boss, don't worry. I promise to play the role of your girlfriend well. Even if you have to sacrifice some, I'm willing to do it."

Claire assured, but her voice became lower and lower, feeling guilty because Andrew kept looking at her.

In the end, Claire couldn't bear it anymore and said with a fake smile: "BOSS, I'm just joking, don't mind."

Andrew said: "Are you kidding? Forget it, I just thought your proposal was good and wanted to agree to it."


Claire was dumbfounded. At this moment, when she saw Andrew's teasing eyes, she immediately knew that he was playing tricks on her again, and couldn't help but give him an angry look.

Andrew did not strike while the iron was hot, and everything took its course. After all, Claire was Nathan's daughter. It was not easy for him to take the initiative to seduce her, as it would easily affect his image. A certain devil was also a person who wanted to save face.

Andrew changed the subject and said: "Among the passengers on the plane, there is a man named Sam Roden and a woman named Molly Heber. Do you know them?"

"I don't know, what happened to them?"

Claire is not very young, and her attention was instantly diverted by Andrew. Someone who can be paid attention to by Director Tianjian is definitely not an ordinary person.

"These two people are employees of the same company."

Andrew said: "Before, during their company's team building, a bus drove onto the bridge. Then, the bridge that was being repaired broke. Some people were stabbed to death by seven or eight steel bars, some were scalded to death by hot asphalt, and others were injured. Killed by car.

In short, it was very miserable. Only seven people survived. In a large company, there were only a few employees left. "

Andrew has artificial intelligence, and this information cannot be hidden from him at all. In fact, even the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau's information is not complete from him.

"Then these seven people died one after another?"

Claire asked, this was obviously another death game, and Andrew nodded: "That's right, one fell down and died tragically while jumping on the balance beam, and the other fell down the stairs while treating his eyes.

In short, one tragic death after another, only two people, Sam Roden and Molly Harbor, were left alive and boarded your plane. "

"You're saying that the God of Death's tampering on the plane was actually for the two of them, and that we were affected?"

Claire was stunned at first, and then became angry. She was actually implicated by those two people. What's even more disgusting is that they knew the truth, but they didn't say anything and just watched everyone die one after another.

Claire thought of something and asked, "That's not right, BOSS. Didn't you say before that the God of Death cannot start the next game before clearing the previous wave of targets?"

"Watson, you've discovered your blind spot."

Andrew smiled and said: "You are not the next wave of players, you have become the same wave as Sam and the others. You know, without Alex, you will all die.

In other words, you have also escaped the clutches of death, so you and Sam have merged. "

"I see."

Claire suddenly realized, she said: "BOSS, let's go find them quickly and force them to tell the truth."

"Not urgent."

Andrew said: "I will go to Director Newman first to talk about the matter and give you a certain degree of freedom. Then, we will contact Sam and the others. They should have some information."

"It's okay, everyone is holding it back."

Claire nodded, and Andrew didn't say anything more. He disappeared through the wall. The guards outside seemed to have not seen him, and there was no movement at all.

Andrew left, and Claire was a little disappointed. It was a pity that it was not dark now, otherwise she could suggest that she go to Director Newman tomorrow, and then the two of them would be in the same house as boyfriend and girlfriend...

Thinking of this, Claire couldn't help but roll on the bed holding the pillow. Girls' feelings are always spring, and American girls are no exception.

Of course, Americans fall in love relatively early, and Claire is an exception. She has superpowers and is involved in various things, so she has not fallen in love yet.

Director Newman was overjoyed after hearing Andrew's analysis. He immediately called everyone together and announced that they could move freely in the area south of the Disaster Management Bureau headquarters, but were not allowed to leave.

Everyone couldn't help but be overjoyed, but some people also raised objections: "Free activities? What if we die in an accident? Do you, the Disaster Countermeasure Bureau, want to give up on us?"

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