American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 166 Violent Dinosaur

"The suit is completely damaged."

Rumlow was lying on the ground trying to control the suit, but the suit didn't respond at all. He looked extremely ugly, and activated the emergency switch to turn on the suit - the emergency switch was purely mechanical and unaffected.

Rumlow, who was wearing a mask, asked Bucky and the two, "What's going on with your suits?"

"A large number of electronic components are damaged, the flight function cannot be used, missiles and pulse cannons cannot be launched, and only the most basic operational functions are left."

Bucky looked at the flashing panel in front of him and replied, and the Hydra soldier also said: "Me too."

"Winter Soldier, give me your suit."

Rumlow thought for a while and ordered to Bucky and the Hydra soldiers: "You intercept Black Widow and the others here and buy time for me."

"Yes, sir."

The Hydra soldier immediately agreed, and Bucky didn't waste any words. He opened his suit and walked out. Rumlow re-equipped the suit, turned around and fled back while carrying the box.

At this moment, Natasha swooped down and fired a pulse cannon at Rumlow, who quickly rolled to avoid it.

Just as Natasha was about to attack again, Bucky jumped up high, grabbed her calves with his iron arms and pulled her to the ground.

"As expected, it's you, the man with the iron arm."

Natasha cursed, turned around and blasted Bucky away with a pulse cannon. At this time, the Hydra soldiers rushed over and slammed their iron fists at Natasha. Natasha hurriedly retreated to avoid it.

Seeing Bucky and the Hydra soldiers entangled Natasha, Rumlow immediately got up and ran away. Natasha wanted to chase, but was surrounded by Bucky and the Hydra soldiers and couldn't even fly into the sky.

A moment later, Hawkeye and Scarlett rushed over. Hawkeye drew his long bow on the motorcycle and shot an electric arrow into the eyes of the Hydra soldier.

The Hydra soldier knew that there was something wrong with Hawkeye's arrow and hurriedly avoided it. Then, he shouted and rushed towards Hawkeye with a bang.

Hawkeye jumped off the motorcycle, and the out-of-control motorcycle hit the Hydra soldier with a lot of dirt. The Hydra soldier was knocked away on the spot and fell heavily to the ground, kicking up a lot of dust.

"It came just in time."

Natasha immediately raised her hand and fired a pulse cannon at Bucky. Bucky ducked out of the way and rushed in front of Natasha in a few steps. He attacked with the iron fist in his left hand and the dagger in his right hand, completely giving Natasha no chance to fly.

Natasha was anxious, but the Mark 5 was too weak, and she couldn't get rid of Bucky in a short period of time.

On the other side, the Hydra soldier got up from the ground, shook the dirt on his head, and rushed towards Hawkeye angrily.

Hawkeye raised his longbow, and an explosive arrow shot at the knee of the Hydra soldier. With a bang, the arrow exploded, and the Hydra soldier bent his knees and knelt on the ground.

Hawkeye was unyielding and shot three long arrows into the eyes of the Hydra soldier one after another. The Hydra soldier rolled to avoid the long arrows.

Then, the Hydra soldiers got up from the ground and continued to rush towards Hawkeye. Hawkeye used the cover of the big tree to retreat while fighting.

Scarlett controlled the tracking crossbow to lock the eyes of the Hydra soldier. Then, she pulled the trigger, and the crossbow arrow quickly shot towards the eyes of the Hydra soldier.

The Hydra soldier easily avoided it. He ignored Scarlett and continued to chase Hawkeye. Seeing this, Scarlett quietly made a gesture to Hawkeye.

Hawkeye understood that Scarlett wanted him to break the hearts of the Hydra soldiers, and immediately shot a long arrow at the Hydra soldiers.

Just as the Hydra soldiers were trying to avoid it, the arrow exploded, and a powerful sound wave erupted. Even the steel suit was thrown away. This was a sonic shock arrow.

Hawkeye drew the bow again, and the long arrow shot straight at the face of the Hydra soldier. The Hydra soldier had no time to dodge, so he could only swing his iron fist and hit the long arrow.

At this time, the arrow exploded in advance, and a ball of purple goo clattered onto the face of the suit. The Hydra soldier suddenly lost sight. This was a clay arrow.


The Hydra soldier was about to tear apart the sticky substance, when the crossbow bolt that he had avoided circled in the air and went straight into his right eye. Then, the crossbow bolt exploded with a bang.

Blood burst out and the Hydra soldiers died tragically on the spot.

"Well done, redhead."

Hawkeye nodded and was about to help Natasha. At this moment, the Ark reactor on the chest of the steel suit on the ground suddenly lit up red.

Hawkeye thought of something, his expression changed, he turned around and ran away, shouting: "Run away quickly, the Ark reactor is going to explode."

This is not controlled by Hydra soldiers, this is the program of the Iron Suit itself - when the controller dies, the suit automatically explodes.

This guy Ivan is a lunatic and never leaves any room for error.

Scarlett's expression changed and she hurriedly hid behind a nearby tree. Natasha and Bucky also hid themselves.

With a bang, the steel suit exploded, the surroundings shook violently, countless pieces of soil flew everywhere with the air waves, and several big trees fell down due to the shock wave.

When the dust and black smoke dissipated, there was only a large burning pit left. Natasha, Hawkeye and Scarlett got up from the ground covered in dust, looking extremely embarrassed. Fortunately, they were not injured.

At this time, Natasha discovered that Bucky was running away and shouted to Hawkeye: "You guys are chasing the man with the iron arm, and I'm going to chase the violent potion."

After shouting, Natasha immediately flew into the sky and quickly chased in the direction where Rumlow escaped.


Hawkeye nodded and chased Bucky with Scarlett - the motorcycle was damaged by the explosion.

On the other side, Rumlow ran forward for a while, and suddenly saw several large uncovered trucks driving on the dirt road, with some meat on them, some alive and some dead.

It was food prepared for carnivorous dinosaurs. Among them, the live animals were prepared for Indominus and Tyrannosaurus Rex, which the audience loved to see.

Rumlow's eyes flashed and he jumped onto a truck. Then he took out a few potions and sprinkled the potion on the meat.

"Only through pain can order be achieved. Tourists, are you ready to endure the pain?"

Rumlow smiled ferociously. He thought for a while and stuffed several bottles of medicine into the mouths of living creatures. When these medicines were bitten by the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Indominus Rex, there would be a good show.

This world needs pain.

After contaminating most of the meat, Rumlow jumped out of the truck and fled into the forest ahead. After a while, Natasha caught up here and continued to chase along the traces on the ground.

The truck driver was completely unaware of what was going on and was delivering the food to various locations as usual.

Soon, these foods were delivered to dinosaurs, such as Indominus rex, Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor, pterosaurs, etc.

Five minutes later, the carnivorous dinosaurs broke out collectively.

In the Jurassic World command room, President Claire looked at the red light on the screen and shouted in a panic: "What happened again?"

Previously, there was an explosion in the back mountain, which disturbed many tourists. Claire hurriedly sent security guards to investigate. As a result, before the security guards could find out, something happened elsewhere.

"There's a problem in the Pteranodon area."

A staff member shouted while switching the screen: "All pterosaurs have escaped."


Claire's expression changed drastically. She hurriedly looked at the screen and found a group of pterosaurs flying rapidly in the sky. Judging from the surrounding environment, they were flying towards the main area - the main area is the main gathering area for tourists, including hotels, commercial streets, etc. There are tens of thousands of tourists.

Claire immediately shouted: "Sound the warning quickly and let all tourists hide underground. In addition, the security team rushed to stop the pterosaur.

Hey, is it an angle problem? Why do these pterosaurs feel so big? "

"It's not a matter of angle, these pterosaurs are two or three times larger than before."

The staff carefully distinguished them for a while and said, "In addition, they also have some characteristics of other creatures."

"Has it really gotten bigger?"

Claire was shocked: "Is there something wrong with their genes?"

"It stands to reason not. Although their gene chains are artificially synthesized, they are very stable."

The staff member frowned. At this time, another staff member shouted in alarm: "Not only is there a problem in the pterosaur area, there is also a problem in other areas. Velociraptor, Indominus rex, Tyrannosaurus rex, all escaped from the closed area, and the wall can't stop them at all. Live them.”


Claire screamed, she didn't know why these dinosaurs went berserk, she only knew that Jurassic World was over.

In the main area, Andrew took Hawkeye's family back to the hotel. Hawkeye's daughter Laila asked puzzledly: "Brother, why don't you continue the tour? I still have a lot of dinosaurs to see?"

"Go after lunch."

Andrew sent the two children away, and then he confessed to Hawkeye's wife Laura: "I am watching a play on the balcony. You take the children to watch TV and turn up the volume. For the next play, they are not under the legal age. Age, can’t be seen.”

Laura is actually also a SHIELD agent. She asked: "Is there danger?"


Andrew said: "That's the level of destroying a city. It's a no-brainer."

"Is it a trivial matter to destroy a city?"

Laura complained, and she asked worriedly: "Will Barton be okay?"

Andrew smiled and said: "Don't worry, superheroes don't die that easily. Moreover, Natasha will protect him. Both of them are willing to sacrifice their lives for each other."

"They are the best comrades."

Laura just pretended not to understand and returned to the room with her two children to watch the dinosaur documentary.

"If only Gwen and Susan could be as open-minded as Laura."

Andrew sighed, and then he sat down on the balcony and prepared to watch the show while making tea.

Movie mode, activated.

In the main area, tourists were visiting and buying various dinosaur peripherals. At this time, the alarm sounded: "There is a safety problem on the island. Please rush to the nearest underground entrance immediately. This is not a drill. Please rush to the nearest underground entrance immediately." Entrance."

The tourists were stunned, and someone laughed and said: "Safety issue? Could it be that the dinosaurs escaped?"

Another tourist said: "Probably not. The tour guide said before that the dinosaurs on the island are 100% safe."

Someone complained: "100% safe? Suddenly I feel panicked, what should I do?"

Except for a few tourists, other tourists did not take this matter to heart, and they even had time to laugh.

Andrew shook his head secretly. This was in New York. Within one minute, not to mention human figures, not even ghost figures could be seen.

Seeing that the tourists were indifferent, Claire gritted her teeth and was about to tell the truth. At this moment, a group of pterosaurs about the size of an airplane appeared in everyone's sight.

The tourists still didn't notice the danger. One tourist exclaimed: "Those pterosaurs are so big, completely different from what we have seen before."

"New variety? Hurry up and take pictures."

The tourists' words made many people look up at the pterosaurs. The pterosaurs were filled with rage and hunger due to the violent potion. When they saw so much 'food' below, they immediately swooped down and grabbed the tourists' shoulders with their claws. Take the sky with you.

Several captured tourists screamed in horror. At this time, the pterosaur threw them into the sky, and then opened its mouth to bite them off at the waist. Blood and internal organs fell down crazily.


The tourists who had been indifferent just now were completely frightened and ran away screaming. The pterosaurs roared with excitement and kept flying down to grab food for dinner. After a while, there was blood everywhere on the ground.

And this is just the beginning. A large number of giant carnivorous dinosaurs rush out from the closed area. They are full of rage and hunger. They not only eat humans, but also eat other dinosaurs.


Seeing the tragic situation on Dinosaur Island, Nick Fury couldn't help but yell. Those bastards were so crazy. In order to escape, they actually fed the violent potion to the dinosaurs, completely ignoring the lives of tens of thousands of tourists on the island.

Nick Fury asked Natasha in a deep voice: "Natasha, have you caught that guy?"

Natasha said while running away: "I lost the chase. I am being chased by two pterosaurs. Shet, no one can beat Mark 5. I want to change my suit."

"That's what that guy's for."

Nick Fury cursed and asked Barton: "Where are you?"

Barton didn't answer. After a while, he said: "The red-haired woman and I were being chased by a giant Spinosaurus, which also spits venom. If Scarlett hadn't pulled me out, I would have become blind." Eye."

"All lost."

Nick Fury looked very ugly. He thought for a while, turned to Maria Hill and asked: "Have the agents arrived at Gene Energy Company? We must find out the specific situation of the violent potion as soon as possible. In this incident, maybe It’s going to be bad.”

"We've arrived and are investigating."

Hill replied that at this time, a frontline agent called: "Brett White committed suicide by jumping from a high building. There was a fire at Gene Energy Company and all the servers were destroyed. Technicians are working on the rescue, but there is little hope.

In addition, Dr. Kate, who invented gene editing technology, disappeared some time ago. "


Nick Fury cursed, the other party was really ruthless. Not only did he snatch the potion, but he also sent people to silence him and destroy the information.

Hydra has always been more efficient than S.H.I.E.L.D.

At this time, a video was sent, but it was the bald general in charge of the violent creature plan.

The bald general asked angrily: "Nick Fury, what did your people do? Why was the laboratory destroyed? Why did the dinosaurs turn into violent creatures?"

Nick Fury snorted: "It has nothing to do with us. It was done by another group of forces. In addition, this matter is your fault. You conducted illegal genetic experiments."

The bald general was stunned, and then asked: "The other group of forces? Who is it? Are they still on the island?"

"It should still be there."

Nick Fury said: "General, I want information on the violent potion. Only in this way can we stop those violent dinosaurs."

"I don't need your help. Our military will handle this matter ourselves. Your people should stay away. If they are affected by our artillery fire, we will not be responsible."

The bald general snorted and hung up the phone. He was leading a fleet to Dinosaur Island to stop the situation from spreading and to get back the violent potion.


Nick Fury cursed again, and Hill couldn't help but shake his head. With the character of the American military, in order to calm the incident, he would never care about tourists on the island.

On Dinosaur Island, Rumlow and Bucky met, and they came to the beach together. A submarine slowly floated up from the sea - they came in a submarine, safe and hidden.

"Let those superheroes slowly save the world while we leave."

Rumlow sneered and took Bucky away in the submarine. Although something went wrong, the mission was successfully completed - conducting experiments on dinosaurs was also one of the missions.

In the main area, the situation is getting worse and worse. Not only are pterosaurs wreaking havoc, but there are also velociraptors more than five meters high that break through the wall and rush into the tourist area, taking one tourist at a time.

"Harvest time."

Seeing that the situation was about the same, Andrew snapped his fingers and pulled all the tourists into the illusion. A group of poor succubi who could only wear pieces of cloth began to work with charming smiles to earn credits for themselves.

Everything is good in the rebirth hell, but there are too many good things and they are too expensive, so the succubi can only work hard... to catch the devil and please the devil.

Of course it's fishing for Kaizi. Do you expect those succubi to work hard? In addition, signing a soul contract falls into the category of pleasing the devil.

Under the threat of dinosaurs and the temptation of succubus, most tourists choose to sign soul contracts and exchange their souls after death for safety.

"Tens of thousands of souls is not much, but this time there is extra money."

Andrew smiled and summoned the Electronic Circle - what kind of extra money? Of course those dinosaurs.

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