American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1645 Fort Roz

"No problem, I'd love to."

The thought of fighting with Kara made young Barry excited and quickly rushed to Van Helsing's battlefield.

Just like what Andrew said, the gravity there was different from other places. Sometimes it was light, sometimes it was heavy. Young Barry sometimes flew up and sometimes fell to the ground. It was so uncomfortable that he died.

After finally reaching the position, young Barry looked up to the sky. At this moment, a group of feathers shining with holy light fell from the sky and turned into a hand in front of young Barry.

Young Barry was stunned for a moment, then reacted and hurriedly placed the kryptonite spear on the feather palm.

Feather Palm grabbed the Kryptonite Spear, one of the feathers floated up and landed on young Barry's head, and the rest rose into the sky, bringing the Kryptonite Spear to Van Helsing.

"What's this feather? A blessing from an angel? Too bad it's not Cupid."

Young Barry scratched his head and quickly left the gravity area. Then, he rushed to Kara at full speed, his heart full of excitement and a lot of random thoughts popping up in his mind.

Fighting side by side with Kara, he helped her defeat General Zod with his great power, which impressed her. Then, the two fell in love sweetly, walked into the church, and kissed each other under the witness of relatives and friends.

"So, what should Kara and I's child be called? It's hard to choose. I wonder if the Kryptonians have any special traditions?"

Young Barry sped up his running pace, as if a happy future was right in front of him.

On the other side, Van Helsing got the Kryptonite spear, swung it hard, and easily cut the shoulder of a Kryptonian. He was overjoyed. With this weapon, it would be much easier to deal with these three guys.

"You all deserve to die."

As an archangel, Van Helsing could naturally see the tragic situation in the city. He shouted loudly, brandished the Kryptonite spear and attacked the three Kryptonians. The three Kryptonians knew the power of the Kryptonite spear and hurriedly avoided it.

"Damn it, why would something restrain us?"

Dr. Bald couldn't help but curse, wondering if he should give up transforming the earth and control the main spacecraft to attack Van Helsing with all his strength?

"Even if the spaceship attacks Van Helsing with all its strength, it is impossible to defeat him."

Sithorn's figure appeared and he said: "If you want to win, you need to find some helpers."

Dr. Bald asked: "Where can I find helpers?"

"Of course, you have a Fort Roz on Krypton, right?"

Sithorn asked with a smile. After taking control of those Kryptonians, he sacrificed their blood and successfully locked the location of Fort Roz.

In this world, Rozburg exists, just like in the DC universe. Since Sithorn understands the DC universe, he will naturally not let Rozberg go.

"How do you know about the existence of Fort Ross?"

The bald doctor was stunned. He said: "Rodsburg is where we imprison alien criminals. In addition to a large number of alien criminals, there are also a group of Kryptonians who commit heinous crimes. The leaders are Kara's aunt and uncle."

"How do I know? You don't need to pay attention."

Sithorn said: "I want you to shut down the world engine, concentrate the energy of the spacecraft, and pull Fort Roz to the earth."

The bald doctor shook his head: "I can't do it. Fort Roz is in the Phantom Zone, where time is equivalent to stopping. The spacecraft is unable to bring Fort Roz out."

"You can do it, because Fort Roz is not in the Phantom Zone at the moment. Clark Kent brought them out when he left the Phantom Zone. I will provide you with the coordinates."

Sithorne said that in the DC universe, it was Kara who accidentally entered the Phantom Zone, and in this world, she became Clark Kent, so he did not come to Earth.

"If they are not in the Phantom Zone and have the coordinates, I can transfer them here."

The bald doctor was delighted when he heard this, and then he said: "However, Mr. Sithorn, there are extremely vicious criminals there, and they may not obey our orders."

"Don't worry, as long as they enter the metropolis, they are one of our own."

Sithorn smiled and said that as soon as Fort Roz comes, Alessa will immediately turn the people inside into monsters. This is not difficult, because those criminals have been imprisoned for countless years and their hearts are already full of resentment.

Dr. Baldhead heard this and stopped talking nonsense. He stopped the world engine directly without asking General Zod, and the gravity field below disappeared immediately.

Then, Dr. Baldhead focused all his energy on the space shuttle. Soon, a space vortex appeared over the metropolis, and an alien spacecraft slowly flew out.

This alien spacecraft is Fort Roz. Countless criminals wake up inside and roar with resentment.

"Table world, fusion."

Alessa immediately used the watch world to merge with Fort Roz, and all the criminals there, including Kara's aunt and uncle, transformed at the same time and turned into monsters.

"The sun shines."

Sithorn controlled a large amount of sunlight to enter Fort Ross, and the Kryptonians inside quickly became stronger. In fact, there were more Kryptonians in Fort Ross than General Zod's men.

"I hope dad can block it. This wave is a big attack."

Alessa secretly thought that the reason why he didn't notify Andrew was that, on the one hand, he was with Sithorn and it was difficult to notify him. On the other hand, he saw that Andrew was paddling, so it was not a problem for him. big.

"Another alien spacecraft?"

The president and the audience exclaimed at the same time. The previous ship had caused them heavy losses, and now there was a bigger one. Is it over yet? Is this world really going to perish?

"Fake, this disaster is really troublesome."

Van Helsing cursed, and countless feathers fell off his wings, turning into dense rockets and shooting towards Fort Roz in the sky.

At this moment, along with the little girl's laughter, a layer of gray fog appeared, blocking Van Helsing's rocket.

"Grey mist? No way?" Van Helsing's expression changed. Could it be that scary little girl?

"Let's play a game together, a game that can kill people."

Alessa giggled, and then, a faint mist appeared in the metropolis, and some people who were full of resentment were quickly transformed into monsters.

Not only that, a large number of monsters flew out of Fort Ross. A small number of them flew towards Van Helsing under the leadership of Aunt Kara, while the rest all entered the metropolis, killing humans wantonly and accumulating souls as quickly as possible.

Once the number of souls is enough, there will be monsters not only in Metropolis, but all over the world. Sithorn will open the door to hell, summon demons and demon kings to come, and completely destroy the world.

This is the fate of this world and no one can change it.


Van Helsing, and the two Flashes, Batman saw so many monsters, and cursed at the same time, how should we deal with so many monsters?

"I think what we should be thinking about is how not to be solved by monsters, rather than how to solve monsters."

Spider-Man said weakly, S1 Flash was speechless, what are you talking about?

At this moment, a female monster appeared on the TV. She looked very beautiful, but her eyes were cold. She said, "I heard that you are very fast. Do you have the speed of current transmission?"

As he said that, the female monster jumped out from another TV, and struck the S1 Flash on the back of the head with an iron fist from behind.

The S1 Flash seemed to have eyes on his back and nimbly avoided it. Then, he released a large amount of electric current to attack the female monster. At the same time, he said: "The electric current is not as fast as the speed of light, and the cable has resistance."

Spider-Man yelled in the consciousness of S1 Flash: "Sadako is here, it's too scary, don't drag me into the TV."

"Really? I hope you're fast enough."

The female monster snorted coldly and reentered the TV. Then, a large number of electrical appliances exploded around her, sending streams of electricity towards the nearby people.

S1 The Flash was shocked and tried his best to save the people. As soon as he pushed everyone away, the female monster suddenly appeared behind him, grabbed his shoulders, and prepared to take him into the current network.

Traveling through electric currents was the original ability of the female monster. She was the top intelligence of a certain civilization and had been serving the Kryptonians. Later, she came up with the idea of ​​exterminating life forms and was imprisoned in Fort Roz by the Kryptonians.

This woman is very lonely, so after becoming a monster, her ability is to turn other people into her own kind, but she must first pull the other person into the current network.

If it were just S1 Flash, I'm afraid this time it would be worse. Fortunately, he still has the power of Spider-Man in his body. His body reaction is faster than his consciousness, and he can directly kick the female monster away with a dragon tail swing.

Then, S1 Flash turned around and shot a large number of spider webs at the female monster. The female monster escaped into the underground cable and said: "I will definitely get you."

"Spider-Man, I now feel that what you said before is right, we should escape."

S1 The Flash sighed and left here quickly. He was not afraid of the female monster, but worried that the female monster would hurt the innocent people around him. Therefore, he had to leave first, wait until the female monster was dealt with, and then come back to deal with the Kryptonians and save them. people.

The female monster follows the current and chases after him. She likes this life very much and wants to turn the other person into her own kind.

Barry and Batman were also attacked by monsters. None of the criminals in Fort Ross had powerful abilities. After becoming monsters, they gained the power of rules and were very difficult to deal with. Barry and Batman were in a state of distress. There was absolutely no time to stop the Kryptonians.

The Kryptonians took the opportunity to kill wildly, killing a large number of people and leaving the metropolis in chaos.

"It's a big profit this time."

Alessa was very excited. The monsters in Fort Roz gave her a lot of powerful rule abilities, and she had a lot of subordinates. Sithorn was indeed a good person. She could grow to this point thanks to his efforts in training. She must Write Him a letter of praise.

In the sky, Van Helsing was besieged by Aunt Kara and a group of Kryptonian monsters and Kryptonians. Even Van Helsing found it a bit difficult.

Of course, it was just a struggle. Van Helsing used the power of the Holy Light to forcefully open more than a dozen portals. When the Kryptonian didn't know which portal to guard against, he appeared out of thin air behind a Kryptonian and pierced the opponent's body with a spear.

Before Van Helsing could be happy, he let out a scream, and a wound exactly like the other man appeared on his body.

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