American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1643 Suppression

"Kryptonite is a stone that restrains Kryptonians."

Batman introduced the function of kryptonite in detail. S1 Batman was stunned at first, and then overjoyed. Is there such a good thing?

Then, S1 Batman wasted no time and went over the details of the Flash world.

"So that's it. Mr. Wang is waiting for the Flash to wake up on his own. He's paddling."

Batman understood. He walked to the laboratory nearby, put on the armor he made in hell, and then took a kryptonite spear, a row of kryptonite daggers, a row of special grenades, and one that can be filled with kryptonite. A stone bullet rifle, a small device that can activate kryptonite.

Before Andrew became a god, he was strict about kryptonite. After becoming a god, he relaxed these restrictions. Batman took the opportunity to get a warehouse of kryptonite and put it in the Batcave.

That's right, a warehouse, a small half of which is original kryptonite, and the other half is imitation kryptonite developed by Iron Man.

S1 Batman couldn't help but complain: "Are you really well prepared?"

"It's just a little preparation. Now that we're prepared, let's go."

Batman said, and then he took the equipment, turned it into game data, and followed S1 Batman back to the Flash world.

The process of summoning superheroes may seem long, but it is actually completed in an instant. S1 Flash turns into Spider-Flash, and S1 Batman turns into fully armed S1 Batman.

As for young Barry, well, he is still young Barry, nothing has changed.

"How come nothing happened? Hey, Batman, why do you have so many extra equipment on you?"

Young Barry was stunned for a while. Just as S1 Batman was about to speak, four Kryptonians attacked and everyone hurriedly fought back.

Barry walked quickly next to a Kryptonian, emitting lightning from time to time. The Kryptonian attacked one after another with fists, leg sweeps, and heat rays, but because he was not as fast as Barry, he was never able to hit him.

Young Barry, well, he was responsible for escaping. A Kryptonian chased him and kept attacking. He didn't dare to fight back at all and kept running away.

S1 The Flash fights the Kryptonians head-on. After possessing Spider-Man's abilities, he not only becomes much more flexible, but more importantly, has super reflexes.

The Flash is fast, but his reflexes are not as strong as Spider-Man - in his eyes, everything is in slow motion, so he can accomplish many incredible things. Unlike Spider-Man, his reflexes are so strong that he doesn't even think about it. If needed, the body does it automatically.

When the god-level speed and god-level reaction speed are superimposed, it becomes the S1 Flash who keeps hitting the Kryptonians, but the Kryptonians can't hit him at all.

If it were the Flash alone, the hit would be useless, but it was different with Spider-Man. He looked thin, but he was actually strong enough to stop a moving city train.

Therefore, the Kryptonians kept retreating after being beaten. It was obvious that Spider-Flash had the strength to confront the Kryptonians head-on.

Of course, the most effective combatant was S1 Batman. Facing the incoming Kryptonian, he rolled directly to avoid the attack and threw a grenade on the Kryptonian. The grenade exploded in the Kryptonian's chest. A green mist emerged.

The Kryptonian didn't take it seriously at first, but as the green mist was absorbed by him, his head began to feel dizzy and he even felt weak.

"Actually, Kryptonians can dodge grenades, but no matter which world the Kryptonians are in, they all like to use their bodies to take over grenades, as if not doing so would not be enough to show their strength."

Batman complained, and then he and S1 Batman raised the kryptonite spear and stabbed it into the Kryptonian's body. The Kryptonian screamed and used his remaining strength to throw S1 Batman away.

The problem is that the Kryptonite spear has penetrated the Kryptonian's body. Under the influence of the Kryptonite, he quickly became weak and even fell to his knees.

S1 Batman got up, held the Kryptonite spear, and under the Kryptonian's disbelieving eyes, pierced his heart and killed him completely.

This is the first Kryptonian in this world to die at the hands of an Earthling. When the other Kryptonians heard the screams of their own people, they turned their heads and looked at everything in disbelief.

A mere human being could actually kill their great Kryptonian?

S1 The Flash and young Barry were also shocked. The Batman from another universe was so powerful that he could even kill Kryptonians?

"Batman finally killed a Kryptonian, and it was worth all the kryptonite he had hoarded."

Andrew secretly complained that Kryptonite's restraint on the Kryptonians was really powerful. However, Kryptonite could only have a temporary effect because their opponents were not only Kryptonians but also Sithorne.

"Kryptonite is really useful. Batman, give me and the other Flash a kryptonite weapon."

Seeing this, Barry hurriedly shouted that S1 Batman was already prepared and threw two kryptonite daggers to the two Flashes.

S1 The Flash held the Kryptonite dagger and flashed past the Kryptonian. The green-lighting dagger easily cut through the Kryptonian's strong muscles. Not only that, the power of Kryptonite also made the Kryptonian weak.

The Kryptonians couldn't help being shocked and hurriedly retreated. S1 Flash was overjoyed and immediately chased after him. Comparing speed, who are we Flash afraid of?

"Cool, powerful aliens are restrained by weak rocks, that's the balance of the universe."

Spider-Man said excitedly. S1 Flash was a little helpless. Spider-Man, a superhero, satisfied him in every aspect. Apart from being a talkative, this guy was super good at talking. He didn't know how other people tolerated him.

Barry also began to suppress the Kryptonians on the opposite side. Only young Barry was still running away. He shouted through the communication device of the nanosuit: "Where are my weapons? Don't forget me!"

S1 Batman said speechlessly: "If you want weapons, at least you have to come in front of me. I am responsible for delivering the weapons, not the delivery."

"That's true."

Young Barry reacted and ran quickly towards S1 Batman. The Kryptonian chasing him did not catch up, but stopped with an ugly expression. Then, he quickly told General Zod about the incident.

General Zod shouted in disbelief: "What, a weapon that restrains us Kryptonians? We Kryptonians are the most perfect race, why are we restrained?"

The Kryptonian is a soldier and doesn't know how to beat around the bush. He said directly: "I don't know why we were restrained. I only know that we were restrained."

"Damn it."

General Zod cursed. The Kryptonians possess advanced alien technology and powerful individual combat capabilities, but they have a fatal weakness. Their number is too small, only a dozen in total.

Therefore, this weapon to restrain them is a fatal threat to them. If this continues, it will not take long for them to be eliminated.

While General Zod barely resisted Kara's attack, he contacted Sithorn through the communicator: "Sithorn, I need help."

"Do you believe what I say now?"

Sithorn smiled and said: "You are no match for the people on Earth, General Zod. If you want to win, you have only one way to cooperate completely with me and obey my command.

Otherwise, you will just be completely wiped out like the original timeline and become a laughing stock in the universe. The powerful Kryptonians were wiped out by an indigenous planet. "

"This kind of thing will never happen."

General Zod roared. For him, the honor of Krypton is more important than life. He said with red eyes: "Sithorn, from now on, I will try my best to cooperate with you, and you, to let us win, must Let us Kryptonians be reborn on Earth.”

Sithorne nodded with satisfaction. After General Zod hit the wall, he turned back. In contrast, the Flash was very excited because everything went well and had no intention of looking back.

"Very good. Now, all Kryptonians silently chant in their hearts to praise Sithorne. You are the god of sacrifice and the origin of magic..."

Sithorne's voice sounded in the ears of all the Kryptonians with a strong power of temptation. The Kryptonians had low demon resistance, and General Zod had already ordered to cooperate with Sithorne, so they all followed it in their hearts.

Only General Zod didn't read. He tried his best to fight against Sithorn's magic voice to prevent himself from getting lost. Sithorn didn't care about it. When General Zod became desperate, he would naturally jump into his own trap.

Soon, these Kryptonians established a connection with Sithorne, and Sithorne's magic entered their bodies through this connection, forming a layer of magical defense to block the erosion of Kryptonite.

Young Barry was holding a kryptonite dagger, and he was attacking a Kryptonian with Barry. Although he had little experience, he was more courageous, and with Barry's main force to restrain him, the dagger in his hand successfully left a wound on the Kryptonian.

"Great, we can definitely save the world and become great heroes."

Young Barry was very excited. As long as the world could be saved, Mr. Wang would not force them to correct history, so that his family would be safe and sound.

At this moment, the Kryptonian, who was weak just now, suddenly returned to normal, grabbed the distracted young Barry, and pushed him onto Barry, and the two Flashes turned into rolling gourds at the same time.

Then, the Kryptonian grabbed the wreckage of the helicopter next to it and smashed it hard at the two Barrys.

Barry had no time to get up and escape, so he hurriedly grabbed the young Barry, used his resonance ability, and fell into the ground at the same time. With a bang, the helicopter wreckage smashed a big hole in the ground, and the grass and soil splashed, but the two Flashes were fine and rose up from the other side. .

"Everyone, be careful. The weakening effect of kryptonite on Kryptonians has disappeared for some reason. However, the killing effect should still be there."

Barry let go of young Barry and said solemnly, S1 Flash said: "That's true. That guy just wanted to sneak attack me, but luckily I dodged in time."

"No wonder Mr. Wang didn't use Kryptonite. Your real opponent is not the Kryptonians, but the existence behind the Kryptonians."

Batman said, and S1 Batman asked in shock: "The existence behind it? Are they the devils of hell that Mr. Wang mentioned before? Do they really exist?"

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