Chapter 164 Experiment

"The kids love it."

Hawkeye led his family to Andrew and asked, "Mr. Wang, are you coming alone?"

"They were too busy saving New York to pay attention to me."

Andrew showed his hand, and after Kingpin died, the underground world of New York was in chaos, with various gangs fighting constantly, coupled with enhanced people, lycanthropes, and people with superpowers, the public security was a mess.

As a result, Gwen was so busy every day that she didn't even have time for appointments, let alone accompany Andrew to visit dinosaurs. In fact, Gwen was very interested in dinosaurs and asked Andrew to take more videos.

As for Susan, New York is undergoing drastic changes. She is working hard with the plutocrats to save New York's economy, but she is also unavailable.

The same is true for Pepper, but fortunately Tony works overtime every day, so their relationship is not affected.

"New York..."

A flash of self-blame flashed in Barton's eyes. Just as he was about to say something, a surprised voice came from the side: "I finally found you."

Everyone turned their heads and saw a red-haired beauty with a good figure running towards them, but it was Scarlett, a red-haired woman.

Scarlett has been looking for Andrew during this time, but she didn't expect that she didn't find him in New York, but instead met him while traveling.

Scarlett trotted up to Andrew and asked straight to the point: "Can you teach me magic? You said that the rule of magic is equal exchange, and I am willing to pay the corresponding price."

Andrew ignored Scarlett. He looked at Hawkeye's daughter Leila and said, "Little girl, remember to read more. Don't be like the sister next to you who still believes in magic at such an old age."

"Well, big brother, I know."

Laila replied sweetly and gave Scarlett a look of contempt. I don't even believe in magic anymore. This big sister actually still believes in it. It's really shameful.

Scarlett was filled with shame and anger, but could not refute. Hawkeye laughed dumbly. At this moment, he saw Natasha's figure flashing past the bow of the ship out of the corner of his eye, and he frowned immediately.

Why is Natasha here? Could it be that SHIELD has a mission on the island?

Natasha did have a mission. She entered an empty room, used a satellite phone to contact Nick Fury, and asked: "Director, why are Barton and Mr. Wang also on the ship?"

"Unexpectedly, they are all going to visit the dinosaurs, so don't pay attention."

Nick Fury said: "Keep an eye on Colonel Tarbot. I have received news that the military is conducting very dangerous and illegal genetic experiments on Dinosaur Island. Just in case, we must investigate."

Nick Fury wouldn't care about ordinary experiments, but according to the news from the insider, this experiment is very crazy. If something goes wrong, it may endanger the world.

As a veteran paranoid victim, Nick Fury naturally wants to find out what's going on - at this stage, just find out.


Natasha nodded and said, "I hope there won't be any big trouble. The world has only been peaceful for more than three months."

"Fortunately it wasn't Barton who said this, otherwise something would have happened."

Nick Fury said: "This time the focus is on investigation. Try not to conflict with the military. If you are discovered, leave immediately. The military has always been ruthless in doing things. In order to keep confidentiality, they will do anything."

"Don't worry, in addition to the energy gun, I also have a piece of equipment worth hundreds of millions."

Natasha looked at the briefcase in the corner and smiled - that was the Mark V suitcase suit produced by Tony Stark.

After the demon invasion, Tony Stark finally agreed to sell a small amount of steel suits. The military bought two pieces, while SHIELD only bought one, which was the Mark 5 in Natasha's hand.

The biggest advantage of the Mark V is its portability, but its defense and firepower are not as good as other suits.

Why not buy more? Because Tony was unwilling to sell too many Iron Suits, and in addition, each suit pilot had to obtain his approval.

That is to say, the military and SHIELD really want the suit, otherwise, they would never accept such a demanding request.

"Be careful."

Nick Fury warned him and hung up the phone. He looked a little dazed when he thought of Jurassic Park. He thought that he had been an undercover agent in Jurassic Park back then.

Not only did Hawkeye notice Natasha, but Andrew also noticed it. He shook his head. This trip to Jurassic World would probably not be peaceful.

Of course, it doesn't matter. Whether it's watching dinosaurs or watching a show, he is very happy.

Soon, the yacht docked and everyone took the train to the island. Andrew did not go to the booked hotel, but directly started to visit - if he didn't visit, he might not have the chance.

Scarlett has been following Andrew. After finally meeting Andrew, she will not give up easily.

Hawkeye originally wanted to settle down first, but Natasha's appearance made him a little uneasy. After thinking about it, he decided to follow Andrew first.

Although this angel lost his angelic power due to his lifestyle, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, so he will definitely have no problem protecting a few people.

"Actually, there are many differences between these dinosaurs and dinosaurs from ancient times. Researchers used genes from other animals to repair the dinosaur's gene chain..."

Andrew talked freely, whether it was genetic projects or the development history of dinosaurs, there was nothing he didn't know.

Barton's son and daughter looked at Andrew with admiration. This eldest brother was so knowledgeable.

Scarlett was also surprised, and her senses about Andrew had improved a lot. Although this guy was a bastard who liked to play tricks, he was really knowledgeable and talented. Of course, this was normal. After all, he had lived for hundreds of years.

Hawkeye had a jealous expression on his face - his children had been robbed, and he secretly complained: "Why does an angel know more about the history of the earth than me?"

At the same time, Colonel Tarbot, who had a weird hairstyle, was led by the employees of Gene Energy Company to the secret testing base at the back of the island.

Natasha followed them carefully with her suitcase in hand. With her method, even the military could not detect it.

"The guards are so tight, there must be something wrong."

Natasha looked at the heavily armed soldiers in front of the base and snorted secretly. Fortunately, she installed a bug on Colonel Tarbot early in the morning, so she could know what was going on inside without going in.

It is worth mentioning that Natasha's bug is specially made and cannot be prevented by ordinary means.

Inside the base, Colonel Tarbot shook hands with White and said simply: "I want to watch the experiment directly. I hope the violent potion has been successful as you said."

"No problem. Don't worry, Colonel Tarbert. The first phase of the experiment was a perfect success."

White smiled and led Colonel Tarbot to a large cage with a white mouse in it.

"let's start."

White ordered the researcher, who nodded and controlled the instrument to inject a tube of purple medicine into the body of the mouse.

The little white mouse let out a painful cry, and then its body grew rapidly. In just five minutes, it turned into a strange mouse that was larger than a cat.

The reason why we call it a strange rat is because the big rat has a lot of spikes on its body like a hedgehog, which is a manifestation of the hedgehog gene.


It was the first time for Colonel Tarbot to see a violent creature, and he looked a little surprised.

White said proudly: "This is not a completed body. It will continue to grow in the next twenty-four hours, but it requires a lot of nutrition."

Bang bang bang!

At this time, the big rat hit the cage so violently that the cage shook continuously.

"It's so powerful. Uh, isn't it too violent?"

Colonel Tarbot frowned, how could he control such a violent rage?

"This is normal, just a shot will be enough."

White laughed and said that the researchers injected a drug called R19 into the violent mice, and the violent mice immediately became much quieter.

White said confidently: "We are working on biochips. When the time comes, these violent creatures will fight for us obediently."

"very good."

A smile appeared on Colonel Tarbert's face for the first time, and he asked: "Where are those dinosaurs? How is the research going?"

"all the best."

Dr. Henry Wu opened a screen, which showed a dinosaur that was somewhat similar to Tyrannosaurus rex, but more ferocious than Tyrannosaurus rex.

"This is the Indominus rex (also called Indominus rex) that I researched. It has genes from more than ten animals such as Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor, squid, tree frogs, and vipers."

Dr. Wu introduced excitedly: "It is not only very powerful, but also has intelligence far beyond other dinosaurs. If you inject it with violent medicine, it will become a perfect war beast."

Colonel Tarbert looked at the photo of the Indominus and exclaimed: "Indominus? So beautiful."

"Colonel Tarbert, I invite you to come here this time. In addition to checking the experimental results, I also want to apply to start the next phase of the plan."

"Make the dinosaurs a violent creature," White said.

"I am very satisfied with your research results and I will report your application to the general."

Colonel Tarbot thought for a while and said, "However, I suggest you develop a biochip first, and then inject the dinosaur with a violent potion to avoid being unable to control the dinosaur."

"You can rest assured on this, we have prepared many means to control violent creatures."

White and Dr. Wu laughed at the same time, and Colonel Talbot nodded with satisfaction. With the violent behemoth, humans will not be helpless in the face of aliens and demons and can only rely on those so-called superheroes.

Colonel Tarbot has never had a good impression of superheroes. The only people who can protect the United States are American soldiers.

"Wow, Director, you can't believe how big the military's game is this time."

Outside the base, Natasha finished eavesdropping on the intelligence and reported to Nick Fury: "They are preparing to create a super dinosaur to fight aliens."

"Super dinosaur?"

Nick Fury was surprised and excited. If it really succeeds, it may not be a bad thing for the earth.

However, those bastards in the military often make mistakes, so we must keep an eye on them.

Natasha was about to continue her report. At this moment, three gray steel suits flew quickly from a distance. When Natasha saw them, her expression changed and she hurriedly said: "Director, those people have appeared. "

That group of people referred to the mysterious force that rescued Obadiah and Ivan. Natasha had been tracking them for more than half a year, but found nothing. She didn't expect them to appear here.

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