American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1634 Three Barrys

Sithorn smiled and said: "I know a lot. I know you don't believe me, but with your current strength, it is absolutely impossible to conquer the earth. I can help you become stronger, which is my sincerity."

While Sithorne was speaking, he secretly used suggestion. As we all know, the Kryptonian's magic resistance is pitifully zero. Therefore, General Zod and the others were affected and became hesitant.

Of course, just by being affected, the Kryptonians' will is as hard as steel, and even Sithorne cannot easily control them.

"We don't seem to need your help to become stronger."

Fiora said coldly, they can become stronger by basking in the sun, why do they need help from others?

"I know that as long as you get some sunshine, you will become stronger."

Sithorn smiled and said: "But you are very anxious and want to attack the earth as soon as possible. This is the reason for your defeat. If you can bask in the sun for half a year and then attack the earth, your chances of winning will be much greater."

"We cannot wait for half a year, and the earth is not qualified to let us wait that long."

General Zod said coldly, and others nodded. They looked down on the earth at all, and early detection was already the limit.

"I can save you half a year."

Sithorn smiled and said: "In just ten hours, you can complete the transformation for half a year, and I will also help you learn various Kryptonian skills, such as flying, heat rays, freezing breathing, etc."

At the same time, I will help you overcome your weaknesses after becoming stronger. For example, after you become stronger, you can hear the sounds of half the world. Without special training, you will feel a splitting headache unless you wear a defensive shield. . "

Fiora asked suspiciously: "You seem to know us Kryptonians very well?"

Others also have this suspicion. They themselves don't know that they have so many abilities after becoming stronger, but Sithorn knows everything.

Sithorn no longer pretended to be profound, and said: "This world is a new timeline. In the old timeline, I witnessed your failure with my own eyes. The earth is not so easy to defeat."

This is of course a lie, but it is not too far-fetched to say that things in another universe are in the old timeline.

General Zod said proudly: "I will not fail."

Sithorne sneered: "Haven't you already failed? You couldn't defeat your best friend who was a scientist, so the mutiny failed and you were imprisoned until now."

General Zod looks ugly, what are you talking about? He looked at Sithorn and said, "I hope you can really help us become stronger, otherwise, I will tear you apart."

"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed. However, this time it's free help. Next time, you have to pay."

Sithorn smiled, and Fiora asked: "What do you think, after we become stronger, will we still fail?"

"Yes, but you won't believe it, so let's let you encounter some setbacks first, and then we'll talk about other things."

Sithorn said, and General Zod snorted coldly. He didn't believe that the earth could stop them after they became stronger? In fact, in his opinion, even now they are enough to crush the earth.

General Zod asked: "How can you help us become stronger?"

"It's very simple. Manipulate time so that you absorb more sunlight."

The black mist incarnated by Sithorn formed an altar. Then, the altar was activated, and the surrounding time began to change. At the same time, sunlight quickly converged into the spacecraft under the influence of magic.

General Zod and the others felt that they were getting stronger crazily and couldn't help but beam with joy. They did not realize that wisps of invisible black energy were mixed with the sunlight and entering their bodies.

Are you kidding? How could Sithorn not do anything? He is an evil god. He has to live up to his own brand and have professionalism. If he doesn't deceive people, how can he get away with it if word spreads about it?

On Earth, Van Helsing and Wade were picking up girls in a bar. Wade complained: "Although it's strange for me to say this, Wolverine, you traveled across the world to pick up girls? Aren't you going to save the world?"

"I'm just saving the world. These girls are empty, lonely and cold. If I don't save them, the world will be destroyed."

Van Helsing said seriously, even Wade couldn't help but give a middle finger, "Oh, angel, that's it?"

"Don't worry, as you said, the BOSS is here too. What I have to do is very simple. When he calls for help, go over and help."

Van Helsing said: "Professional people do professional things, BOSS is responsible for the overall situation, and I am responsible for fighting. It's as simple as that."

"What you said... really makes sense."

Wade laughed loudly. He rang the bell next to him and shouted: "Handsome guys and beauties, what are you doing standing around? Sing and dance. My friend will pay for the whole show."

There was a burst of cheers in the bar, and Van Helsing's face was full of black lines. Why do you want me to pay for your treat? Also, can money from the main world be used in this world?

Van Helsing touched his chin: "Dear Archangel, wouldn't it be bad to escape the bill?"

One night passed and dawn came. For S1 Flash, this night was definitely the worst night he had ever spent.

In the laboratory, due to young Barry's struggle, he was also penetrated by lightning. In the end, young Barry successfully obtained the Speed ​​Force. The problem was that the S1 Flash lost the Speed ​​Force.

In other words, the S1 Flash has returned to an ordinary person. What's worse is that he has to deal with young Barry who is so excited about getting super powers that he runs around in the streets.

After young Barry got super powers, he couldn't wait to run around the streets, causing a big car accident and burning all his clothes.

Then, when he was practicing his resonance ability, he fell downstairs, causing the man downstairs to think that his wife was stealing. After all, young Barry had no clothes on.

In short, it was a mess. S1 The Flash discovered that young Barry was very different from him because his life had always been smooth sailing. He was not so reserved, but rather very flamboyant.

In addition, young Barry is extremely talented. The resonance that S1 Flash took several months to learn can be learned in minutes.

"Take this."

S1 The Flash handed a ring to young Barry and said: "Press the switch and the clothes inside will fly out, absorb the air and quickly grow in size, becoming the Flash uniform."

Young Barry was very excited and immediately pressed the ring switch. Soon, a small uniform flew out, quickly grew in size, and then fell to the ground with a snap.


Young Barry shouted excitedly, and S1 Flash said helplessly: "You should put it on as soon as it gets bigger."

The next second, lightning flashed, and young Barry put on his uniform. He lifted up his pants and said, "It's a little tight."

S1 The Flash's mouth twitched a little. Just as he was about to say something, the doorbell rang outside. He quickly asked young Barry to change clothes. Then, he went out to open the door, and then he was stunned because there was another Barry outside.

"who is it?"

Seeing that the S1 Flash was silent, young Barry came over to check. The next second, he exclaimed: "Uh, why is there still me?"

"Who are you?"

S1 Flash said with a headache: "Don't tell me that you are me too, or that I in this world are actually twins?"

Young Barry shouted: "There is no such thing. I am the only Barry in this world."

"I am the Flash from another world."

Barry shook his hand, and an apple appeared in his hand. Then, he looked at the S1 Flash and continued: "Barry, I came to you to tell you a story."

"The Flash from another world? Telling stories?"

Although S1 Flash was a little surprised, he was not too surprised. After all, he had met many Flashes. He said, "Then come in and talk, uh, this friend, who are you?"

This is S1 The Flash saw Andrew. Andrew pointed at Barry and smiled: "I am his boss and he works for me."


S1 The Flash and young Barry were both shocked. The Flash from another world actually worked for someone else?

Young Barry asked curiously: "What job are you responsible for, delivering express delivery or delivery of takeaway food?"

S1 The Flash looked at young Barry speechlessly. How could a dignified Flash do such a thing? At the very least, it must be powered by human power.

Barry smiled and said: "Be responsible for helping Mr. Wang save the world. Of course, that is not the point. The point is, Barry, the world is about to be destroyed. We must have a good talk."

"The world is about to end?"

The S1 Flash was confused, but Barry didn't talk nonsense. He walked into the house and talked to the S1 Flash about the Flashpoint universe. As a result, just after finishing the beginning of the story, the young Barry exclaimed: "Wait, what, mom was murdered, dad go to jail?

Barry, don't tell me that the original world was like that too? Is this a horror story? "

Barry asked the S1 Flash in shock: "Didn't you tell him about this?"

"How to tell him?"

S1 The Flash looked helpless. He said to young Barry: "You don't have to worry about anything. Everything has changed. I went back to the past and changed the tragedy."

"That's good."

Young Barry breathed a sigh of relief. On the contrary, Barry sighed. You think you have changed the tragedy, but in fact, you have created an even greater tragedy.

Barry continued to tell the story. Both Barrys were smart people. After hearing half of it, they knew why Barry was looking for them.

"No, history cannot be restored, I will never allow it."

Young Barry shouted loudly, with veins even popping out on his face, and his red face represented his anger.

S1 Flash also did not want to restore history. He retorted: "Although my world and your world are somewhat similar, they are not exactly the same. Your experience may not become my experience.

You see, there are no disasters in my world. It is very peaceful and does not look like it is going to be destroyed at all..."

Before S1 Flash finished speaking, the lights in the room began to flicker. Then, the TV turned into snowflakes, and a deep voice sounded: "You are not alone."

Andrew and Barry looked at S1 Flash speechlessly. They didn't expect you to have the talent of a crow's mouth. S1 Flash smiled awkwardly and said, "It's Zod, he's here."

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