"The Mechanical Demon King will definitely be on guard against us, right? Moreover, the game space is the Mechanical Demon King's home field. The people we send there will definitely not be able to hide it from him. Even if they can, our people are all bad guys. How can they resonate with superheroes? "

Hera objected: "Rather than waste time on this aspect, it is better to concentrate on improving our strength. Both Alessa and I still have room for improvement."

"Hera, what you said makes sense."

The devil nodded. He seemed to be a little whimsical. Sithorn smiled and said: "It's not completely impossible. We can find a kind person, let him fall, and then use time to turn back the time and change him back to his original appearance. Participate in auditions.

After he succeeds in the audition, we will remove the effect of time reversal and let him fall again. In this way, we can hide from the Machine Demon King. "

The devil looked at Sithorn in surprise. He could think of such a method. He was indeed an old silver coin.

"This guy is indeed insidious. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been exploited by them and still cooperated with them."

The devil secretly thought, Hera thought for a while and said: "This method can indeed hide the mechanical devil, but there is a problem, how can we ensure that that person can succeed in the audition?"

"We have a solution for this."

Sithorn said confidently: "Those superhero game characters come from two other universes. We all know the superheroes there. As long as we find people with similar personalities to them, they can resonate and become the chosen ones."

"Two other universes?"

Hera looked suspicious, and asked: "What are the origins of you and the Mechanical Demon King? I checked carefully and found that the Mechanical Demon King is not the demon king of this universe. He has no mark left in hell."

"Some truths are better not known."

Sithorn didn’t say much, and the demons didn’t introduce much either. After all, their origins were too terrifying.

The devil said: "Sithorn, I leave this matter to you. If you need any help, just ask."

"I won't be polite to you. If I want to resonate with you, in addition to similar personalities, I also need to have a good body."

Sithorn said: "We have many methods to transform the body, but if we don't want to arouse the suspicion of the Machine Demon King, we must use a very costly method."

The corner of the devil's mouth twitched a little. It was obvious that these guys were squeezing Him again. He gritted his teeth and said, "No problem, just ask for anything you want."

"Thank you devil."

Sithorn nodded with satisfaction and said: "As long as our people successfully sneak in, they will definitely be able to explore the secrets of the game space and even destroy it."

"Of course that's best."

The devil said. They were so confident that they didn't know that Seth and Hera turned around and informed Andrew of the news.

"Sithorn is quite creative."

Andrew smiled and said: "Hera, are you a little too nice to me? I keep asking you not to send me news, but every time there is new news, you notify me immediately. If you do this, I will be moved. "

"Who cares about you anymore? I just don't want to stay in hell for the rest of my life."

Hera snorted arrogantly, and said: "Also, you guys, you wanted to kill me before, right? Every attack came towards my vitals."

"Believe me, if I really wanted to kill you, you would have died long ago."

Andrew said: "Acting must be realistic. If you really can't stop me, I will control your body and let you avoid it in narrow ways."

Hera was stunned: "Can you control my body?"

Andrew expressed confusion: "Isn't this natural? Why are you so surprised?"

"Andrew, did anyone say that you are a bastard?" Hera gritted her teeth, how could she be so frustrated as an undercover agent?

"Yes, my women all say that about me."

Andrew laughed loudly. He did it deliberately to suppress Hera. On the one hand, it was to prevent Sithorn and the others from suspecting Hera. After all, those were old silver coins. If water was released on the battlefield, they would definitely be able to tell.

On the other hand, it is grinding Hera's heart. Being bullied will make her get used to it. By then, her jealousy will definitely decrease significantly and she will become a qualified girlfriend of the Demon King.

Of course, this requires strategy and a balance of strength and softness, otherwise it will be easy to mess up. In that case, it will not be the devil's girlfriend, but a blackened girlfriend holding a hatchet.

"Go away, who would be so unlucky to be your woman?"

Hera snorted, and Andrew smiled and began to coax the other party. Hera's inner anger quickly dissipated, but on the surface, he was still tough-talking. This woman was quite arrogant.

A disaster may last only a few hours, but subsequent troubles may take days or even months to be completely eliminated.

For example, this time, many people were buried in collapsed buildings. Even with the help of superheroes, it was impossible to rescue everyone in a short time.

The Flash has been busy saving people these days. He doesn't even have time to think about Supergirl's incompetence. Can she deal with those super villains? He only has two thoughts now: save as many people as possible to avoid greater casualties.

One more idea? Of course, where can we eat? The Flash's extreme speed requires a lot of physical strength, so he has to constantly eat high-calorie foods.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring the uniform that Mr. Wang gave me, otherwise I wouldn't have gone to such trouble."

The Flash 'robbed' a burger from the nearby burger restaurant, swallowed it quickly, and continued to save people. He had no choice but to do so. He didn't have money in this world. By the way, can U.S. dollars in different universes be used interchangeably?

After eating the burger, the Flash returned to full strength and quickly opened the blocked subway. Then, he shouted to the people inside: "The disaster has subsided, you can come out."

Contrary to Flash's expectation, the first reaction of the people inside when they heard this was not excitement or excitement, but panic. They gathered around and shook their heads like frightened rabbits, indicating that they had no intention of leaving.

Previously, the monster in the subway played a game with them, whoever spoke would die. In addition, it deliberately created many opportunities for escape, and when they thought they could escape, they would be caught and tortured.

People in the subway did not dare to speak or run away because of this, and were full of fear.

Although the Flash didn't know the specific situation, the looks in these people's eyes made him feel very distressed. He said: "Well, I know you don't know me, but I am really a superhero and a friend of Director Tianjian. The disaster is really Calm down.”

In fact, the name of The Flash is very popular on the Internet now. After all, he has saved many people. Many people are discussing who is faster, him or Locomotive. Of course, these trapped people must not know.

When they heard the name of Director Tianjian, everyone's eyes lit up. If there was anyone in this world who could make them feel at ease, it must be the savior, Director Tianjian.

However, everyone was still a little afraid to move. In the end, everyone looked at a strong man in the crowd with injuries all over his body.

This man's name is Joseph. He used to be a policeman and is now a private detective. He seized the opportunity and wanted to sneak attack on the monster. As a result, he was seriously injured because of the huge gap in strength.

However, Joseph did not give up helping everyone and pointed out the monster's traps many times, so everyone trusted him.

Joseph looked at the Flash carefully. The Flash was a little embarrassed. For some reason, this guy's eyes reminded him of Batman.

Then, Joseph stood up and said calmly: "Superhero, I want to ask you a few questions, is that okay?"


The Flash said hurriedly, and Joseph didn't talk nonsense. He asked the Flash many questions, including the origin of the disaster, the position of Director Skyward Sword, and whether President Nathan held a press conference.

The Flash answered as best he could, and Joseph analyzed it carefully. After a moment, he smiled at everyone and said, "It's true. Director Tianjian saved the world again."


Everyone was ecstatic and helped him to his feet. Then, under the leadership of Joseph, they returned to the street above. Looking at the familiar things around them, many people couldn't help but cry.

The Flash smiled and was about to save others. At this moment, he sensed something and looked up at the sky. What was going on? Why did he sense the Speed ​​Force?

Unfortunately, this ray of Speed ​​Force disappeared in a flash, and the Flash couldn't track it. He was a little suspicious. Could it be that he couldn't return to the original universe because of the Speed ​​Force?

Immediately, the Flash shook his head and set out to save people again. He could trust Andrew, and the other party would definitely be able to solve his troubles. Therefore, there was no need to worry so much. Saving people was his priority.

After the Flash left, Joseph immediately turned on his cell phone and called home, but no one answered. He was shocked, and despite the dissuasion of others, he grabbed a motorcycle and rushed home.

Why did Joseph give up being a police officer and become a private detective?

It's not because he doesn't like being a police officer, but because his wife gave birth to triplets. The police job can't support so many people, so he can only change his job to become a private detective.

Joseph had very good abilities. Although he often had problems because of his strong sense of justice, he also made a lot of money. Therefore, before the disaster happened, he lived a very happy life, but no one knew whether he could continue to be happy after that.

Soon, Joseph rushed home, but what he saw was the collapsed house. This iron-like man suddenly let out a heart-rending roar and ran towards the ruins desperately.

Unfortunately, the disaster had already occurred and could not be undone. In the end, Joseph cried loudly while holding the exhumed corpses of his wife and children.

Many people died in New York this time, so both the cremation and the funeral were kept simple. Joseph looked at the graves of his wife and children, clenched his fists, and prepared to participate in the audition.

"I can't protect them because I'm too weak. I want to become a superhero and protect others from suffering the same pain as me."

Joseph secretly thought that at this moment, he was still a good man with firm beliefs, but soon, his beliefs collapsed.

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