American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1625 Aftermath

"Very good. Now, let's command those demon kings and demons to retreat first to preserve the strength of the alliance."

The demon looked at the battlefield and said: "This time the mechanical demon king went crazy and has been chasing those demon kings. Moreover, he did not hold back and threw the mechanical devices one after another."

"With so many people dying on Earth, of course he got angry. This time, although we failed to destroy the Earth successfully and lost a lot of troops, the gains were not small."

Sithorn looked at Alessa and said with a smile: "After the two alliances are integrated and Alessa is added, our overall strength will be greatly improved."

The devil nodded. If this were not the case, how could he pay so much? This time, overall, the devil had nothing to lose, and the Losers Alliance had nothing to lose. The only one who suffered a loss was the Fallen Demon King, who even lost himself.

The world where only the fallen demon king was injured has been achieved.

At this time, the demon's clone in Silent Hill tragically chose to self-destruct because it could not defeat the five Van Helsings, which made the demon feel heartbroken and angry.

The only good thing is that the main body of the Machine Demon King is not there, so there is no need to worry about the clone becoming the material of the curse.

Then, the devil, the Loser Alliance, and Alessa commanded the devil kings to retreat. As long as they escaped to the devil's territory, they would be safe.

In the end, about three-quarters of the demon kings successfully escaped, and the remaining one-quarter were either killed or captured. As for the demons, most of them died.

However, no one cares about the life and death of demons. There are many demons in hell. As long as they are willing to recruit soldiers, there will be as many as they can, and they will bring their own weapons. Of course, the food must be provided by the devil.

"We won, of course, which is nothing to brag about because I'm always winning."

Andrew flew in the air and said to the demon kings and demons of the Machine Demon King Alliance. The demon kings and demons cheered excitedly at the same time, their eyes full of admiration for Andrew.

Demons have always believed in the law of the jungle, and Andrew's strength has allowed him to gain countless fans of demons, even fans of the devil king.

"Although victory is inevitable, we still have to celebrate. Pack up the spoils, and then we go back and hold a celebration party on the enemy's territory, using the enemy's supplies and the enemy's succubi."

Andrew shouted loudly, and the demons cheered loudly again. This is their favorite activity, killing enemies, becoming stronger, and then celebrating.

"At this time, if I shout that I am the man who will become the Lord of Hell, will it be too mediocre?"

Andrew secretly complained, and then he handed over the celebration to the Succubus Queen and went to the main world to deal with the aftermath.

"Mechanical Demon King, no matter how arrogant you are, one day you will pay the price."

When the devil heard Andrew's declaration of victory, he couldn't help but snorted. Then, he began to help Alessa subdue the demon kings of the Fallen Alliance. This process was not too difficult, but it was not easy either. After all, the demon kings were all rebellious.

Fortunately, with the help of the big brother, the devil, and Alessa's extraordinary strength, the situation is not bad.

As for the fallen angels, it is a bit more troublesome. The fallen angels are different from other demons. They are orderly and loyal. They are very angry about the fall of the fallen devil. After all, everyone can see that the fallen devil has been tricked.

In order to subdue the Fallen Angel Legion, Sithorne, Seth, and Death took action at the same time and quietly controlled the commander and captain of the Fallen Angel Legion. After spending a lot of energy, they finally completely captured the Fallen Angel Legion.

Because of the devil's 'friendly' sponsorship, Sithorne, Seth, and Death now all have a clone of Heavenly Father. These three clones went to intercept Ganata, Hogs and the others after Alessa retreated. They also fled.

After that, these three clones returned to hell to help deal with the fallen demon king, and at the same time, they took the opportunity to reap benefits.

Although Alessa was involved in these things, she did not participate much. On the one hand, he did not have the ability in this area. On the other hand, only in this way would the devil and the loser alliance completely trust him.

If Alessa completely controls the Fallen Angel Legion and the Fallen Alliance, then she will become another Fallen Demon King, an alliance of demons and losers, and will never allow such a thing to happen.

"Dad, I am basically a puppet now. There are very few demon kings and fallen angels who obey my orders."

Alessa was a little unhappy and complained to Andrew, who smiled and said: "You have just received the magic power of the fallen demon king and haven't digested it yet. Isn't it natural to be a puppet?

When you finish digesting those magic powers and become stronger than the fallen devil, the fallen angels will definitely choose to surrender to you, because you are also a fallen angel, a fallen angel, and will only surrender to fallen angels.

As for Sithorn and their control methods, I am not bragging. In front of me, they are all scum, and I have plenty of ways to eliminate them.

At that time, there will definitely be some demon kings who choose to stand on your side. Strength is the only passport to hell. In addition, your real base is not fallen angels and demons. Have you forgotten your title? "

"Yes, I am the Queen of Monsters, and my true base is monsters."

Alessa realized that he could use the abilities of all monsters, and to him, those monsters were the most important.

"Monsters are very strong. If you develop them well, they will be stronger than any army. Moreover, your Monster Queen's ability can continue to be explored. For example, you can superimpose the power of all monsters on yourself."

Andrew said: "By the way, there is something I haven't informed you about yet. Dark Lord, say hello to my daughter."

"Your Highness the Princess."

The Dark Lord's head popped out from Alessa's shoulders and said respectfully. Alessa was stunned and asked: "Dad, how did this thing get into my body? And who is he?"

"He is the Dark Lord who is as famous as the Fallen Devil."

Andrew smiled and explained the matter briefly. Alessa suddenly realized: "It turns out that it was transferred from the fallen devil to me. Tsk, dad, you are so insidious. The fallen devil is destined to die from the beginning."

"Yes, He was destined to die from the beginning."

Andrew nodded, and he continued: "The Dark Lord is a little hell creature. He must live in other people's bodies to survive. Alessa, you find him a new body. From now on, he will be your strategist, assist you, and help you control your power. .

In addition, I will teach you how to manage your own territory. You must learn these things as soon as possible, otherwise, you will only be a puppet. "

"Thank you dad."

Alessa was overjoyed. In fact, what she was happy about was not having the Dark Lord as a strategist. Although the Dark Lord was important and powerful in combat, that was not the most important thing to her.

Alessa is happy that she can often get along with Andrew in the future. This is what he really wants.

"In addition, there is a guy named Billy in your army of monsters. He was once a member of the black robe picket team."

Andrew thought of something and said: "Although that guy has a dark mind, he is quite scheming and powerful. See for yourself if you want to subdue him and make him your confidant?"


Alessa instantly locked onto Billy who was roaring in the iceberg, and she complained: "Dad, this guy is very angry. Are you sure he was really a superhero before and not a super villain?"

"He was never a superhero, but he wasn't quite a supervillain either."

Andrew didn't say much, he said: "You can make up your own mind. Anyway, monsters are all talented people and they speak nicely."

"That's right, you can't become a monster without a certain amount of talent."

Alessa laughed, thinking of something, and said hesitantly: "Dad, you are the savior, and you definitely don't want me to turn other people into monsters. The problem is that my surface world needs a lot of monsters to grow.

Demons cannot be monsters. They are the embodiment of evil and do not have extreme emotions like humans. "

"This is not a big problem. I will throw the evil people from other worlds into your world."

Andrew smiled and said: "Those evil people have to be eliminated anyway, why not let them contribute to your surface world. I have many worlds, which should be enough for you to use."

"Great, long live dad."

Alessa was overjoyed, and the two fathers and daughters communicated for a while, and Alessa excitedly began to find a new body for the Dark Lord.

This new body must be strong enough, otherwise it will not be able to accommodate the Dark Lord. At the same time, it must have a certain ability to hide the aura, otherwise the Dark Lord will be easily discovered.

Although the conditions are harsh, there are many talents among monsters, so it is not difficult at all to find a suitable partner.

"Poor Billy, as his son's grandfather, it seems like it's my duty to take care of his wife?"

Andrew touched his chin and decided to let the soldier boy spend more time with Bejia. As for what will happen to Billy in the future, it can only depend on his own destiny.

It was Billy's own fault that he became a monster. Everything was his own choice.

Then, Andrew came to Silent Hill, and a somewhat embarrassed Van Helsing said hello first, and then cursed: "What happened to that grandson? He exploded after being beaten, and he has no martial virtue at all."

Others nodded. They hate this kind of guy the most. Odin even said: "If it were in my world, I guarantee to chop that guy's body to death, and there will be no scum left."

"Old man Odin, your bragging skills are getting better and better."

Andrew complained, he said: "Everyone, although the disaster is over, there are still many people who need help. Van Helsing, Ghost Rider, you all go and save people."

Because of the disaster, many buildings and bridges collapsed, and many people needed help.

Van Helsing, Soldier Boy, and the others naturally had no objections, and Samuel also had no objections. Saving people could increase his reputation, and he was eager for this.

"Should I go too? Am I not a professional thug?"

Ghost Rider expressed confusion, and Andrew said: "With such a cool look, how can you not display it in front of the public and enjoy everyone's cheers and admiration? By the way, bring Ghidorah with you."

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