American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1611 Summoning

"It's you again, a native of our country, why can't you be a good person?"

The soldier boy shook his head and said in the tone of an old father: "Is it interesting to be the villain every time? Haven't you ever thought about being a truly good person, a good person respected by everyone?"

"I do want everyone's respect, but I also want the freedom to do whatever I want."

The people of the motherland said: "Soldier boy, go to hell. Today is the day you die."

While speaking, the eyes of the motherland lit up red, and two huge lasers as thick as bowls were fired at the soldier boy. The soldier boy fired red nuclear energy waves from his chest, and fiercely fought with the motherland.

The surrounding temperature rose sharply, and a large number of buildings burned with raging fire, as if the end was coming.

"Why do people of the motherland become enemies?"

Ross and Sybil, who had just woken up, stared at all this with their mouths open. Aren’t the people of the motherland superheroes? Why did you fight the soldier boy?

And that old Serra, hasn’t he changed his ways? What is all this about?

"I hate fire."

Alessa looked a little ugly. She was almost burned to death by fire. It was normal to hate fire. She thought about it and put her hand on Triangle Head's head. Triangle Head's collapsed body quickly healed.

This was not over yet. Then, the triangular iron cone head turned into an ice cone head. The surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, and even the flames were extinguished.

This is Alessa using the power of ice to strengthen her triangular head. The ice power comes from a certain monster in Europe.

The monster is an extreme environmentalist who is very angry at humans for constantly hunting fish, and wants to freeze all humans and put them in icehouses, just like they do with fish.

The world is so big, there are all kinds of monsters, and their abilities are Alessa's biggest bargaining chip.

The triangular head nodded towards Alessa and stood there silently. Of course, it was only on the surface. Secretly, he quietly pulled Rose and Sybil into the illusion of consciousness.

Rose and Sybil's eyes were dazzled, and they appeared out of thin air in a room full of technology. They were very confused. Weren't they in that place where monsters were everywhere before? Why did they suddenly come here?

"What you came here is just your consciousness, your true body is still in Silent Hill."

A voice sounded, and Rose and Sybil turned their heads, and then they shouted excitedly at the same time: "Director Tianjian!"

Yes, it was Andrew. He smiled and said: "It's me, Rose, Sybil. There is something I need your help with now."

"Director Tianjian, how can we help you?"

Sybil was puzzled, and then she said: "By the way, Director Tianjian, the world is experiencing a disaster and is in urgent need of your rescue."

"Director Tianjian, please save my daughter Sharon, she is innocent."

Rose heard this and said that in the hearts of the two women, Director Tianjian was almost like God, so as soon as they saw him, they immediately made wishes and prayed.

"It's not that I don't want to, but there's really no way to get out now."

Andrew raised his hand, and in the light curtain on the left, a scene of a battle in hell appeared. He said: "The enemies of the earth are holding me there. I can't go to Silent Hill for the time being, otherwise they would have appeared long ago."

"how so?"

Ross and Sybil were disappointed. At the same time, they were also shocked by the scale and bloodyness of the hell war. The battle scenes were really terrifying.

"Director Tianjian, without you, who else can save the world?"

Sybil said desperately: "The Motherland and Old Serra have rebelled, and Van Helsing, the Soldier Boys, and the others, although they try hard, can't stop Alessa at all."

"There is someone besides me who can save the world."

Andrew smiled: "That's you, Rose, Sybil. What I want you to do is very simple. Help me save the world."

"We help you save the world?"

Rose and Sybil were dumbfounded. Sybil was okay, at least she was a policewoman, and she had just awakened her powers, but Rose was just a housewife, okay?

Housewives save the world? This is a big joke, even the most outrageous Hollywood movies, this kind of plot will not happen, at least it must be at the level of an oil driller.

Andrew said: "I know you think I'm joking. In fact, I am joking. Well, don't look like it's true. I really want you to save the world."

Sybil couldn't help but ask: "Director Tianjian, I am willing to save the world, but how can I save the world?"

"Of course it's possible."

Andrew talked about summoning superheroes from other worlds, and then said: "You have the qualifications to summon superheroes from other worlds, and they can help you save the world."

Although there is a male protagonist in the movie Silent Hill, his role is pitiful and he does not contribute much to the plot. Therefore, the favor of the world rests with Rose, Alessa, and Sybil.

Therefore, both Rose and Sybil can summon superhero possessions.

"If it's true, I would."

Sybil said immediately. Rose hesitated and nodded: "I don't know if I can do it, but as long as I can save Sharon, I am willing to do anything."

"Without further ado, let's get started right away."

Andrew nodded and activated the magic circle that had been arranged. Soon, Rose and Sybil's consciousness transcended the universe and entered a different world.

Ross entered the Marvel world. His consciousness floated and floated, and finally floated near a farm on Earth. There was a woman wearing ordinary clothes but with a very noble temperament. She was Odin's wife and the former Queen Frigga. .

Frigga sensed Rose's consciousness, and after a conversation, he said: "I am happy to help you. Any mother in this world will do her best to protect her children.

However, I am not strong enough to help you, so I will ask my husband to help. "

"your husband?"

Ross looked along Frigga's finger and saw a one-eyed old man with a big belly, lying on a rocking chair and drinking leisurely. Whether it was the open top or casual shorts, it all showed the identity of this person - a Ordinary earthly old man.

Rose couldn't help but ask: "Ms. Frigga, are you sure he can really help me?"

"Of course. Don't look at him like this now. Back then, he was so powerful that he shook the universe with an eternal gun that made the entire galaxy howl."

Frigga nodded and said: "At that time, He had stronger muscles than my son Thor. When he walked out, the whole deck was shaking. Unfortunately, time is not forgiving. Thousands of years have passed, and the mighty and strong man back then... Become a dead old man who drinks every day.”

"Thousands of years?" Ross was shocked and speechless. The old man was thousands of years old, could he still fight?

"Don't worry, no matter how long it takes, he will still be the God-King Odin who controls the universe."

Frigga smiled and Rose blinked. The name Odin sounds familiar? Immediately, she reacted and said in shock: "God King Odin?"

"God King Odin, I have something for you to do. Please quickly change into your equipment."

Frigga did not answer Rose, but shouted loudly to Odin. Odin yawned and said: "The world is peaceful, and Asgard has Thor, what else can you ask me to do?

If it doesn't work, you can go find little Hela. He is already a big child and can help with the family affairs.

I also made an appointment with someone to go drinking and fishing in the afternoon. Why didn’t I find fishing so interesting before? Haha, I like fishing. "

Rose looked at Frigga in shock. The meaning was obvious. Are you sure he is really the God King Odin? Are you sure he can really be used?

"Just wait a moment, you'll be fine soon."

Frigga smiled and said, then, he pulled Odin into the warehouse nearby. There were heavy bangs and bangs one after another. Rose was frightened when he heard it. It couldn't be what he thought, right?

A moment later, the warehouse door opened, and God King Odin appeared in front of Ross, wearing golden armor, holding the Eternal Spear, and riding an eight-legged Pegasus. Thunder flashed around him.

Rose was stunned. He really was the God King Odin. This look was so majestic. Well, he would have been even more handsome if his eyes hadn't been punched into panda eyes.

"Ms. Frigga, thank you very much for your help."

Rose said gratefully to Frigga who had just walked out. Frigga waved her hand and said: "You're welcome, Odin, she must rescue her daughter, do you hear me?"

"heard it."

Odin curled his lips in displeasure. Frigga had completely let herself go since she became a queen. She no longer maintained the manners of a queen. Moreover, she contracted some of the bad habits of the earth. Fortunately, no one saw what happened inside just now.

"Let's go. Go early and come back early. I have to go fishing."

Odin said, fishing makes me happy, and his favorite thing is fishing.

"Thank you, Lord God King."

Rose said respectfully, and then Odin turned into game data and followed Rose back to Silent Hill.

On the other side, Sybil went to the DC Universe. She met the Flash in Central City. When the Flash heard her intention, he immediately said: "No problem, we will set off right away, and I will try my best to save your world.

Well, don't get me wrong, I don't guarantee that I can save your world, I can only guarantee that I will do my best. "

Looking at the enthusiastic boy in front of her, Sybil was a little surprised: "Agreed so easily? Aren't you afraid of danger?"

"First, I feel the righteousness from you. Second, if someone asks me for help, I will definitely agree. I am a superhero."

The Flash smiled and said that among all the superheroes, he and Spider-Man are the two purest. If someone asks for help, they will help, that's all. Fame, money, and power are not worth anything in their eyes. carry.

"Thank you, Flash, I will work hard to become a superhero like you."

Sybil said very solemnly, and the Flash scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly: "I'm glad you said that, but I'm not that good. I'm still far from a real superhero. Of course, I will try to do my best.”

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