American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1599 Assimilation

"You guessed it right. My father is indeed another demon king."

Alessa didn't hide it because there was no need. In the conscious world, evil thoughts could not spread the news. When this was over, the evil thoughts would merge with her, so there was no need to worry about her leaking the secret.

Alessa continued: "But he is different from the fallen demon king. He did not use me as a tool. He truly regarded me as his daughter. My evil thoughts returned to my body. This is our father's request."

"You were completely deceived. Only the fallen demon king is worthy of our trust."

Evil thoughts said: "Besides, Alessa, you have never fought before. Even if you have magical abilities, you are still no match for me. Look around you."

After hearing this, Alessa looked around and found that the entire school was burning. It turned out that the flames that Alessa blew up before fell to the ground and did not disappear. Instead, under the control of evil thoughts, they quietly burned the surrounding people. Flammable items ignite.

Because evil thoughts were secretly controlling him, the whole school was ignited in just a few words, and the school became the home of evil thoughts.

An evil smile appeared on Evil Thought's face, she raised her hands high, endless flames surrounded her and Alessa, and the temperature rose sharply.

"Your ability is very powerful, but it can only defend against flames from the front. If it attacks you from all directions, you will never be able to stop it."

The evil thought said: "Alessa, your father will not succeed. The only one who can have the last laugh is our benefactor, the Fallen Demon King. We have an obligation to help him win. More importantly, only he can help us avenge ourselves."


There was no look of shock on Alessa's face, but a smile on her face. Before she could react to her evil thoughts, two hands suddenly appeared under her feet and pulled her violently into the ground, leaving only a head on top.

This wasn't over yet. Then, there was something underground, covering Evil Thought's entire body, making her completely unable to move or activate her abilities.

Alessa said: "You think I don't know what you are doing? Sorry, I know your little trick. When my father taught me how to fight, he told me about similar situations.

On the contrary, you didn't notice that during the battle, I quietly spread my energy underground to form a clone, and then, while you were at your most proud, I sneaked up on you.

Sorry, evil thoughts, you lost this time. You said I have no fighting experience, but in fact I do. After all, I have a good father. But it is you who really have no fighting experience. In addition to abusing vegetables, you have also done What? "

"Alessa, don't think you've won. It's impossible for you to assimilate my consciousness."

The evil thoughts screamed: "I am the incarnation of evil. You can't assimilate me, you will only be assimilated by me. Alessa, how can you completely eliminate the resentment of thirty years?"

"Sorry, I can assimilate you because I have love and a father in my heart. I will never lose to you."

Alessa walked up to Evil Thought and put her hand on her head. Then, the two little girls screamed at the same time, and countless black gases appeared around them, almost covering the sky. This was the resentment in their hearts.

Before meeting Andrew, Alessa's memory was filled with resentment, and evil thoughts controlled the resentment and rushed into Alessa's body, trying to assimilate her in turn.

At this moment, Alessa's body lit up with a dazzling white light, which represented love and happiness. In the white light, various happy lives of Andrew and Alessa were vaguely visible.

For example, Andrew takes Alesha to the beach, and then he uses Alesha as a wingman to hook up with bikini beauties on the beach.

Uh, are you sure this is happiness? Alessa said that this is happiness, as long as she can be with her father, she is happiness.

Under the illumination of the white light, the black energy quickly dissipated. Alessa looked at the unbelievable evil thoughts and said: "I'm sorry, I threw everything to you before. Come back, we are one."

Under the illumination of white light and Alessa's words, the ferocious face with evil thoughts gradually turned peaceful. Then, the two little girls merged together, which meant that Alessa had surrendered the evil thoughts in her heart.

There is still evil in Alessa's heart, but she will not be controlled by evil. The evil clone is just her tool, not her master.

In the ward, the consciousness of the evil clone returned. She closed her mouth, turned her head, and looked timidly at Andrew outside. She seemed a little worried, worried that her father would not accept her like this.

Andrew gave Evil Thought a smile. Evil Thought was full of blood, and a happy smile immediately appeared on her face with Gothic makeup. Then she gathered her mood and continued acting with her body.

Alessa proudly asked Andrew for praise: "Dad, did I do a great job?"

"Of course it's great. You are my daughter, how could it be bad?"

Andrew communicated with consciousness: "Okay, let's continue acting. I won't restrict you in anything when it comes to dealing with the church. You can do whatever you want."

"That's great. Although I have killed the bishop once, it is not enough. I will kill her again."

Alessa said ferociously that she would never forget this kind of deep-seated hatred, and the same was true for evil thoughts. The bishop must die.

Just then, the alarm sounded, and the other world began to replace the other world. Andrew stood up, holding a machete, ready to go out to work.

In the outside world, Rose and Sybil were asking Anna for various details. At this moment, the alarm sounded, and Anna was so frightened that she immediately picked up the basket and ran towards the church.

Rose and Sybil looked at each other and immediately followed. As for the other person present, Alessa's mother, she didn't make any big moves and just followed slowly behind them.

The mother of Alessa in this world is not only old, her clothes are torn, she still has some problems with her consciousness, and she looks crazy.

Of course, madness is not the reason why Alessa's mother is not afraid of monsters. She is not afraid of monsters because monsters will not hurt her at all.

Soon, Rose and her group fled near the church. In addition to them, there were more than a dozen people from the church who were also returning to the church. They came out to collect supplies. After all, after living for so many years, the supplies in the church had long been exhausted.

Everyone knew that only the church could protect them, so they ran very fast. At this moment, the surrounding walls began to fall off, the sky became dark, and everyone knew that the monster was coming.

Everyone ran faster. Suddenly, Anna fell down on the steps out of fear. No one of her church companions helped her, because they all knew that helping her would only kill themselves.

Rose turned around and wanted to save Anna. At this moment, the sound of a sharp weapon rubbing against the ground was heard not far away. Rose was horrified. The triangular head came again.

"Ross, let's go. If you don't go, they're going to close."

Sybil took Rose's hand and led her towards the church door. Rose hesitated and ignored Anna. Together with Sybil, they rushed into the church before the door closed.

After the people in the church closed the door, they immediately prayed under the leadership of the bishop. A layer of white light invisible to mortals shrouded the church. That was the power of faith. Alessa was unable to take revenge for so many years because of this faith.

The beliefs of these townspeople are extremely devout. They were devout before, but they are even more devout now. After all, the reason why they were not killed was entirely because of God.

"Although they believed in God, there was something wrong with their belief. Therefore, God did not come to save them. If they were traditional believers and prayed non-stop for thirty years, even the archangels would probably come."

Andrew shook his head, dragged the machete to Anna, and cut her into two halves with one knife. Compared to tearing up a living person with his hands in the movie, he was quite civilized.

Then, Andrew looked at the church and analyzed the power of faith. Around him, there were densely packed insects.

"Alessa, I can understand the triangle head. What do the bugs around him mean?"

Andrew asked with his consciousness: "Why is your father surrounded by a group of bugs?"

"Because that mother said that it was my father's bug that entered her body and I was born."

Alessa replied, and Andrew was speechless. This is really true. No, Alessa's bloodline is a bit special. This insect is probably not normal.

Andrew shook his head and waited quietly for the time to end. At this moment, he sensed something and turned his head sharply to look to the right. There was someone there.

On the right side of the church, the high priest was using a telescope to check the situation of the church. On her shoulder, there was a green snake, which was Wade.

No matter what method Wade used, in short, this snake is now the pet of the high priest, and the high priest is very satisfied with it. Although this snake is a bit wretched, it is full of spirituality and is almost like a human being.

Seeing Triangle Head looking over, the high priest was startled and hurriedly put down the telescope. She was very puzzled. She had the power of the evil god to protect her, so why was Triangle Head discovered?


Andrew's eyes slid from the high priest to the green snake, and he was a little shocked. Why is Wade here?

In fact, the appearance of the Losers Alliance and the devil in Silent Hill did not go beyond Andrew's expectations. If he didn't introduce the devil, how could he trick him? But the Losers Alliance actually dared to send Wade out, which quite surprised him.

Wade is a psycho. How can a psycho become a spy? Or is he a psychopath who likes to be lively and talkative?

"This alliance of losers is going to end, I'm afraid."

Andrew complained that he knew the high priest next to Wade and was the boss of the second part. He didn't expect that the high priest would appear at this time.

Andrew turned back and asked Alessa with his consciousness: "Alessa, besides those in the church, are there other people in Silent Hill?"

"There is also a group of people called the Tianyou Society."

Alessa nodded and said: "This God's Blessing Society is somewhat different from the bishop's church. The church believes in God, but their doctrines are twisted and no different from evil sects.

As for the Divine Providence Society, they are a completely evil sect. They want fallen spirits to come to the world. For hundreds of years, they have been entrenched in our town, waiting for the opportunity. "

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