American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1593 Monster Appears

"What, you are not allowed to speak, what is the difference between that and killing me?"

Wade said angrily: "Even if I, Wade, are burned to death, hacked to death, or stabbed to death, I will never agree to your request. I, Wade, have dignity. When I speak, it is my dignity."

I will never be silenced like a certain Wade Shame, no way. "

At this moment, Wade was quite strong and strong, like a heroic warrior. Death said: "It's just a seal for one day. After it's done..."

The last words, death, were spoken in Wade's ears, and no one else heard them except Wade.

Wade's eyes widened after hearing this, and he immediately made a zipper motion on his mouth to express that he would never speak again.

Hera complained: "What about the absolute you just said? Also, where is your dignity?"

Just when Wade was about to speak, Death raised his hand and slashed through the air, cutting off Wade's ability to speak. There was no way, Wade was not trustworthy at all. Otherwise, there was no way to stop him from speaking.

Wade tried to say a few words, but all ended in silence. He looked unhappy, but he remembered the death promise and reluctantly accepted it.

In fact, Wade's ability to speak is not only blocked, but also his ability to talk to people using the power of his mind is also blocked. Now, he can only write and communicate with people, but most of his words can't keep up with the speed he wants to speak.

Then, Wade's body twisted around, and Hera asked in confusion: "What is he doing?"

"This is body language. He is asking, does the little snake he turned into have that thing?"

Death said with a black face, Hera was speechless, is this the point? Is it really reliable to send this guy out on a mission?

Regardless of whether it was reliable or not, only Wade could go. No one wasted time. Seth dug out his own eyes and wanted to embed them on Wade's forehead, but Wade opened his clothes and motioned for them to embed them on his belly button.

With a dark face, Seth forced his eyes into Wade's forehead. Then, Wade quickly changed and turned into an avocado snake covered with burn marks.

Everyone was speechless. This snake was too ugly and conspicuous, right? Seth shook his head and used magic to turn Wade into an ordinary green snake. However, the expression looked very wretched.

Wade looked unhappy. He felt that he was more handsome before. In addition, Seth had not sealed his strength yet, because he still needed to sneak into the castle of the fallen demon king and then teleport into Silent Hill.

This was not a problem for Wade. Although there were some 'accidents' along the way that made the demons and Sithorne grit their teeth, in the end, Wade still managed to reach Silent Hill.

When Wade first entered Silent Hill, most of his strength was blocked by Seth to prevent him from being noticed by the fallen demon king because of his excessive strength. Of course, this was also to prevent Wade from causing any trouble.

Bang, Wade fell to the ground. He got up and cursed. Unfortunately, no sound came out. However, even so, he still cursed because others couldn't hear it, but Seth could certainly hear it.

Seth's face was dark, but this did not prevent him from showing the scene that Wade saw. The devil and Sithorn immediately sensed the details in the scene.

Death said helplessly: "Wade, don't waste time, start working quickly."

Wade stopped yelling and cursed and started crawling around the town. Not long after, he came to a circus, where there were some heavily armed people guarding him wearing protective masks.

Wade was someone who never hid, so he went directly to the front. The guards were a little surprised when they saw a snake appear. They hadn't seen a snake in many years and really wanted it.

So, this group of people came to catch Wade. Wade smiled and planned to play a game with these people. It was the kind of game where you chase me and if you catch him, you will let him go. At this moment, a white-haired middle-aged man The woman, walked out of the building at the back.

Seeing this white-haired middle-aged woman, the guards saluted her and shouted: "High Priest."

This high priest is not the disgusting bishop in the first part, but the priestess of the Divine Providence Society in the second part.

In the movie, the high priest tried every means to capture Sharon who had escaped, but in the end Sharon discovered her true identity and turned into a monster powerful enough to fight Triangle Head.

Let's not talk about this for now. When the high priest saw the snake, he said: "Catch it and give it to those monsters. In addition, everyone should be vigilant. I sense that fate is fluctuating, and something big may happen next."


The guards nodded respectfully. The God Blessing Society has existed for hundreds of years, and its goal is to summon the fallen gods to come. I will not introduce them here for the time being. We will talk about it later.

"This woman has the power of the evil god."

In addition to seeing what Wade saw, Seth could also sense the situation on Wade's side. He said: "It's the power of the evil god, not the power of the fallen demon king. The two are different."

The devil asked: "In other words, this woman is not a pawn of the fallen devil?"

"Not necessarily. I tend to think that everyone in Silent Hill is a pawn of the fallen demon king."

Sithorn shook his head and said: "Let Wade get close to the high priest. She should know the world very well. Moreover, with Wade by her side, the probability of being discovered can be reduced."

"Then the question is, how should Wade get rid of the fate of becoming a snake soup and become the pet of the high priest without the ability?"

Hera asked, and everyone was stunned. This is really a problem. The problem is that it is easy to be discovered if you use your ability rashly.

"You are looking down on me. I, Wade, am known as the killer of middle-aged and elderly women. Leave this little matter to me."

Wade said arrogantly. After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at Death. Death's face was a little dark. Although he was the oldest in the universe, he didn't want to be a middle-aged and elderly woman at all.

In addition, although Wade cannot speak, he can communicate with Seth and the others through his consciousness, and others cannot hear him.

Death scolded: "Get to work quickly, don't waste time there."

"Look at me."

Wade confidently dodged the guard's spear and rushed to the high priest. Then, his body swayed very fast, like a wave.

While swaying, Wade said proudly: "Did you see it? Middle-aged and old women have a trump card. Let me tell you, no woman can escape my charm."

Everyone's faces were covered with black lines. Hera looked at Sithorn, are you sure it was a good idea to send this lunatic there?

Sithorne's face was expressionless. He was very good at predicting many things, with the exception of two things. One was Andrew's matter, and the other was Wade's matter. The former was a super old silver coin, and the latter It's super insane.

The high priest was a little stunned when he saw the swaying green snake. Why did he feel so obscene? Immediately, she kicked the opponent away, turned around and returned to the building.

Wade looked puzzled, why wasn't the other person attracted to him? This unscientific.

"I know, it's the color. Seth, quickly dispel the illusion and return me to my true colors. Let me just say, why my charm fails is all your fault!"

Wade shouted, Seth was too lazy to pay attention to him, who would a normal woman like an avocado?

Wade refused to give up, dodged the guards' attack, and chased the high priest. He was determined to pursue this high priest. As Wade said, this was a battle of dignity.

Leaving aside the story that Wade and the High Priest had to tell, on the other side, Andrew, Sybil, and Rose were cautiously entering the town of Silent Hill.

The whole town was very quiet, except for the footsteps of the three people and the sound of the wind, there was no other sound. The ashes left by burning coal fell in the sky, and the surrounding fog gave people an extremely eerie feeling.

How can I put it this way, in this kind of scene, if a few monsters don’t come out, it would feel like the designer is being disrespected.

At this moment, footsteps came from the front, and the three of them immediately became alert. Soon, a very strange monster appeared in front of the three of them.

It is indeed a monster. Its whole body is wrapped in thick skin, and its face cannot be seen. Only its arms are struggling in the skin. This is the man in the trap, symbolizing the resentment and darkness of the little girl who was unable to move after being burned.

The monsters in "Silent Hill 1" are basically related to the little girl and are not created randomly. In comparison, the second part is a little different. We will talk about this later.

In addition, this monster is one of the few monsters that can appear in the outside world. Other monsters can only appear in the inner world.

The appearance of the monster made Ross subconsciously hide behind the two policemen. The two policemen simultaneously drew their guns and pointed them at the monster. Andrew asked Sybil: "Is this a ghost?"

"Maybe someone is trying to make things mysterious."

Sybil snorted coldly, raised the gun, and shouted at the monster: "Stop, otherwise don't blame me for shooting."

The monster did not stop, but instead accelerated towards the three of them. Sybil shot decisively, hitting the monster's chest with every shot. Unfortunately, it was of little use.

At this moment, the skin on the monster's chest suddenly cracked, and a ball of black gas material sprayed towards Sybil.

Sybil had no time to escape, but fortunately Andrew pushed her in time, and the black substance fell on the ground, corroding the ground into many depressions, like strong acid.

The three of them were shocked (played by Andrew), and Rose screamed even more. Andrew and Sybil shot at each other repeatedly, making each other keep retreating, but they did not die, but became more and more fierce.

"Sibyl, we have limited bullets, so we should retreat to the nearby house first."

Andrew shouted. Sybil hesitated, and together with Andrew, she protected Rose and retreated towards the house next to her. Soon, the three of them escaped into the house and closed the door heavily. Then, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Andrew asked: "Madam, why did you come to this town? This town seems a little different from what is reported."

Ross did not hide anything and told the story again. Sybil snorted coldly: "Who knows whether what you said is true?"

Rose was very angry. She was about to speak when suddenly, an alarm sounded outside. The three of them were startled. It seemed that something bad was about to happen.

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