American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1590 Dumb Village

In short, with the joint efforts of Hera and the Fallen Demon King, the situation gradually changed from the Machine Demon King Alliance having the upper hand to an even match between the two sides.

As a result, the war situation entered a stalemate stage, with fighting happening every day, but few demon kings died, and those who died were ordinary demons.

The demon kings of the Power Demon Alliance were overjoyed when they saw this situation, because both sides would definitely spend a lot of money to win over them. There was no way, whichever side they favored would win.

Unfortunately, before their dream of getting rich could come true, the messenger was kicked out by the Demon King of Power.

Are you kidding me? Can the mighty Power Demon be bought with money? The Demon King of Power senses the battle situation and is waiting for the decisive battle to break out. When the time comes, all the demons will clearly remember who is the best in hell!

The Fallen Demon King couldn't be more satisfied with this stalemate. On the one hand, it can delay time, and on the other hand, it can contain the Mechanical Demon King in hell.

If the Machine Demon King is not here, the Fallen Demon King and Hera can join forces to defeat the Machine Demon King Alliance, so he must be there.

"Now, just wait until the time is right."

The Fallen Demon King is elated. Once he succeeds, whether it is the Mechanical Demon King, the Devil, or the Power Demon King, he will become his defeated general. He will unify hell, and then lead the hell army to kill heaven.

What the fallen demon king doesn't know is that the demon is waiting for him to start planning, and then, he will try to seize all his achievements.

As for Andrew, he is also waiting for the opportunity to kill the fallen demon king, or to severely injure the demon and teach him a profound lesson.

In this way, time passed quickly, and a few months later, we were on Earth, New York.

The city of New York was the center of the world economy a few years ago. Then, Andrew came, and disasters followed. A disaster would break out in New York every few months.

Although every disaster was blocked by Andrew, the disaster resulted in many casualties. In the worst case, buildings in Manhattan even collapsed one after another.

Under this circumstance, many New Yorkers chose to leave New York, and many companies ran away. Therefore, New York became very depressed. However, since the last celebration, New York seems to be showing signs of revival.

At the very least, housing prices in New York have begun to revive. Both apartment prices and office building prices have begun to rise.

The reason why this happens is because some people are betting that New York's economy can return to its previous state, so they invest in real estate and want to make a big fortune.

What to do if you fail? Of course he jumped off a building, what else could he do? Wall Street is in New York, and New York never lacks people who gamble with their lives.

"New York has been safe twice, and with the factors of celebration, it is normal to have some signs of revival. The question is, can it continue in the future?"

Andrew stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the entire New York. Speaking of which, he was not optimistic about the revival of New York. On the one hand, it was a disaster, and on the other hand, it was a superhero.

There are a lot of superheroes in New York now. The three major superhero companies, as well as bulk superheroes, are all over the streets of New York. It's easy to spot them.

On the surface, having more superheroes is a good thing, but in fact it is not. As Iron Man said, superheroes bring super challenges. In other words, the more superheroes, the more super villains.

Therefore, various crimes often occur in New York. Although they are stopped by superheroes, there will be some casualties. Moreover, there is a terrorist organization that has been operating in New York for a long time.

This terrorist organization is a death organization created by the people of the motherland. His purpose of creating this organization was to make headlines. As a result, it has never succeeded, and now it is not even guaranteed to be second.

Although the wishes of the motherland have not been fulfilled, in recent years, under the leadership of Death and Super Seven member Hunter, the Death organization has become more and more powerful, often coming out to cause trouble, killing many people every time.

Therefore, Andrew is not optimistic about New York. Of course, this is not important. After all, New York is not his territory. This matter is left to President Nathan and Director Newman to worry about.

"BOSS, the target person has been found."

At this time, the artificial intelligence issued a prompt, and Andrew turned around and saw three holographic projections appearing in front of him. They were a middle-aged man who looked very familiar, a pretty middle-aged woman, and a cute little girl. girl.

The man’s name is Christopher da Silva, and he looks similar to Boromir in The Lord of the Rings. The middle-aged woman is his wife Rose da Silva. As for the little girl, she is their adopted daughter, Sharon. Da Silva.

The reason why Andrew asked the artificial intelligence to search these three targets was because the Fallen Demon King was paying attention to them.

The Dark Lord possesses the fallen devil. In order to avoid being discovered by the fallen devil, he does not actively explore the memory of the fallen devil, nor sense his thoughts, but monitors his every move.

Previously, the Dark Lord discovered that the Fallen Lord was secretly monitoring the family and immediately reported it to Andrew.

Therefore, Andrew left a clone to sit in hell, and the original body quietly rushed back to New York to investigate the matter.

"This family? Well, this seems to be the characters from the movie Mute Village."

Andrew touched his chin and muttered to himself, "Sorry, I made the mistake. It's not Mute Tun, it's Silent Hill, a very good horror movie."

"The plan of the fallen devil to destroy the world is actually the movie Silent Hill? There are indeed many monsters in this movie, but they are not to the extent of destroying the world, right?"

Andrew frowned a little: "Moreover, all the monsters are trapped in the Mute Tun... Huh, no, in the second part, those monsters appeared outside the Mute Tun."

There are two parts of "Silent Hill". Because the directors are different, there are many contradictions in the plots of the two parts. This is also the reason why the second part was blocked. When it comes to the real world, even Andrew doesn't know how it will develop.

Andrew thought for a while and did not rush to contact the Silvas, because once they came into contact, the Fallen Demon King would definitely know about it, and in that case, things would get out of control.

"Besides Rose and Sharon, there was also a female police officer who entered the Mute Village. She was a very upright and well-figured female police officer, but she was a bit older."

Andrew's heart moved, and he appeared outside Silent Hill in West Virginia. On the outside, Silent Hill was a small town that failed due to underground coal fires.

Even today, coal still burns underground, so the town is completely abandoned, with barricades and barbed wire at the entrance to prevent anyone else from entering.

Andrew closed his eyes and sensed carefully that there were three worlds inside Silent Hill, one was the real world where coal burned, the other was the surface world, and the third was the inner world.

The surface world is a world attached to Silent Hill. Only those inside take the initiative to open the door, and people outside can enter, and they cannot leave unless they find the so-called road sign.

As for the inner world, that is, the world of ashes, it is attached to the outer world. When the time is up, the inner world will appear to replace the outer world, and various monsters will appear at the same time.

Although Andrew sensed the outer world and the inner world, he could not enter because these two worlds were wrapped in two completely different forces.

One is the power of faith, provided by the most devout believers, and the other is the power of the Demon King, which is the power of the fallen Demon King. The two forces maintain a balance with each other, causing the outside world and the inner world to be trapped in Dumbtun. .

If Andrew is willing, he can forcibly break these two worlds and end everything. However, this is not his purpose. He needs the plan to go smoothly. Only in this way can he assassinate the fallen devil and the devil.

Therefore, Andrew could not force his way in. He could only wait for the people inside to take the initiative to bring him into the surface world.

"I want to see what the Fallen Demon King is planning to do?"

Andrew smiled slightly and appeared in a nearby town. Then, he had a police uniform on him. At the same time, communicators, handcuffs and other items were all ready. In addition, there was also a very cool-looking car. motorcycle.

"Xiko, you changed cars again? You can easily make us jealous."

At this time, a motorcycle drove up in the distance, and then a heroic policewoman got out of the car. She took off her helmet, looked at Andrew's new car, and couldn't help but complain.

Xiko is a rich second-generation mounted policeman in a small town. Because his family is rich, he often changes his car, but he has a good personality and everyone in the town likes him.

"Sibyl, if you are jealous, you can consider marrying my cousin and becoming a rich man."

Andrew smiled and said, this policewoman is the main female supporting character in the movie, policewoman Sybil, who is very upright and responsible. In order to protect Rose, she was captured by the bad guys, and was eventually turned into a sacrifice and burned alive.

As for Andrew's identity, this time he does not borrow the fate of others, but creates his own destiny: directly create an identity. After the identity is born, it will automatically integrate into the timeline and have a complete past. Everyone around him knows him without any flaws.

The emergence of this ability represents Andrew's accomplishments in destiny magic. Once again, he can create a new identity out of nothing.

In addition, when the identity is cancelled, everyone will automatically forget everything about this identity.

"This ability is very suitable for being a scumbag. After playing the game, you can directly cancel your identity and run away. The other person will not even know that you have been a scumbag."

Andrew touched his chin. Of course, as handsome as him, he would definitely not be able to do such a scumbag thing. He is not that guy like Wade.

"You're that cousin who weighs over two hundred kilograms and can crush someone to death?"

Sybil looked disgusted, and then she said: "No more nonsense, let's patrol separately. What happened last time must not happen again."

Speaking of that incident, Sybil looked a little gloomy. A few months ago, a bastard passed through this town with a child. It turned out that the child was stolen by him. He also threw the child into the well and let the child A tragic death.

In the end, the child was taken out of the well by Sybil. For a responsible police officer like her, this was a lifelong shame.

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