American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1582 Harvest

"Yes, make him look good."

Everyone nodded, including Hera, who now hated that bastard extremely.


In the world of gods, Mount Olympus, Andrew, who successfully injured the demon, laughed and said: "Gods, come with me to Agra to celebrate."

"Yes, Director Tianjian."

The gods all agreed. Then, Andrew led the gods to the city of Agra. Looking at the shining figures of the gods in the sky, the people couldn't help but panic. What was going on? Why did the gods appear again?

In contrast, tourists from New York were very excited and kept taking pictures of the gods in the sky with their mobile phones. Some people were commenting on which god was the most beautiful.

What, fear? With Director Tianjian here, there is nothing to be afraid of, just enjoy it.

"Don't worry, the gods will not hurt you anymore, because they are new gods."

Andrew smiled slightly. He did not tell the relationship between the new gods and humans because it was too troublesome. He only told everyone: "The gods will not hurt humans again in the future.

If a god harms humans, you just need to shout the name Medusa, and Medusa will come out to punish the gods for you. Medusa, once a human, is now the god of punishment, and she will always protect humans.

Of course, I state in advance that if you shout Medusa's name randomly, you will turn into a stone statue and continue to regret what you have done. "

Medusa stood up and saluted the people. The people's hearts gradually calmed down. These gods seemed to be very different from before. They were not so arrogant, but showed a kind of affinity.

"Okay, let's take your time to see the specific effects. Now, celebrate, sing, dance, and have fun."

Andrew shouted loudly, and at the same time, golden rain fell in all cities around the world. People bathed in the golden rain and felt refreshed. Some people who were sick even felt that their illness was getting better.

"Long live Director Tianjian."

The people cheered wildly, everyone fell into a sea of ​​joy, and the atmosphere of the celebration became more lively.

The people of New York were also cheering. They did not expect such benefits. Other people who watched all this through the live broadcast looked envious and jealous.

"You go down too, put away your divine light, and do whatever you want. Of course, you can't hurt anyone."

Andrew said: "Put aside your arrogance, you will find that you are actually no different from humans."

Many gods didn't take it seriously. Of course, they didn't dare to disobey Andrew's order. They put away their divine lights one after another and landed in different cities to enjoy the celebrations.

The Muses, composed of nine artistic goddesses, started her performance directly, winning waves of applause.

The people in the world of gods are in awe of the gods, so they dare not have any ideas. In contrast, the people in New York are a bit unscrupulous. Many people are looking for goddesses and want to have some special relationships with them.

These people didn't know that their goddess was very greedy for Andrew's body. Unfortunately, after Andrew made the announcement, he took Hermione and disappeared directly. The beautiful goddess and the others had no choice but to start shopping.

The God of Fire followed the God of Beauty and kept showing his attentiveness. The God of Fire looked impatient, but could not get rid of him and became more and more annoyed. Of course, the God of Fire was not angry at the God of Beauty's impatience, but became more and more obsessed with him.

There is nothing the New York people can do to find goddesses. After all, they have haloes on their bodies that ordinary women cannot find.

Of course, not everyone is like this. Van Helsing has no restrictions. He put his arms around the two beauties and said, "What, are Director Tianjian and I familiar? Of course we are. We are dearest relatives and friends, brothers and sisters."

Van Helsing discovered that modern methods of picking up girls were of little use in this world, but as long as he mentioned Director Tianjian, beauties would flock to him, so he unceremoniously followed the Romans.

Compared with Van Helsing, the people of the motherland are working hard. They have been working as tour guides and dare not show any dissatisfaction. They smile the whole time and maintain a perfect demeanor.

As for Old Serra and Samuel, they were having their own fun. This trip was not bad for them.

In addition, Hades also led a little girl around the city. The little girl was very curious about everything and kept asking Hades. Hades answered cheerfully, just like an old father.

In short, the whole world is happy, and Hermione is very satisfied. He works hard to save the world just for these smiling faces.

Andrew was also very satisfied. Of course, he was not only satisfied that everyone was happy, but also satisfied that the harvest was huge.

What did you gain this time? Needless to say, in terms of reputation, the whole world is cheering for him. You can get as much reputation as you want.

In addition to his reputation, Andrew also gained the entire Olympus pantheon, and more than half of the twelve main gods became his subordinates. At the same time, the God King changed from Zeus to Hermione. As long as Hermione is given some time, he will become a good helper for Andrew.

With Hermione and a large number of gods, Andrew's power has grown by leaps and bounds. In the future battles in hell, these gods will be of great use.

There are also artifacts such as the Spear of Victory, Mount Olympus, etc. By the way, Vulcan, a technician, is also a big gain. With him, there will be no shortage of artifacts in the future.

Not only that, this time Andrew changed his mind and turned the old pantheon into a new pantheon, gaining extremely high world authority.

With world authority, coupled with the new pantheon and the support of the people, Andrew can turn the world of gods into his territory in the shortest possible time. By then, the entire world of gods will be his.

In addition, Andrew also turned Hera into an undercover agent and the Demon King of Jealousy. With her, Andrew only needed one arrogance to complete the seven deadly sins.

Moreover, with Hera here, he would know the devil's plans clearly, and he would not have to worry about being plotted against.

"The harvest this time is really huge, and that doesn't include those goddesses. Ahem, don't rush, the years are long, they come one by one, it's too wasteful to eat too fast."

Andrew smiled slightly. At this time, he thought of Hera and contacted the other party quietly. Hera immediately yelled: "Director Tianjian, do you want to kill me? How stupid was I to agree to travel through time with you? ?”

"There's a lot of resentment."

Andrew smiled and said: "Listen to me slowly fooling you, uh, no, I'm trying to persuade you."

"What you just said was a lie, right?"

Hera complained, "Can you take some snacks? If you do this, who will believe what you say?"

"How is it possible that I, Wang, have ever deceived others? In fact, people who have been deceived by me generally don't realize that they have been deceived."

Andrew smiled, and Hera became more and more annoyed. He complained again: "Are you sure you are here to appease me? Do you believe that this lady rebelled on the spot and sided with the devil?"

Andrew laughed and said, "I don't believe it, because I know you have me in your heart."

"Go away, who is so unlucky that he still has you in his heart?"

Hera cursed, Andrew laughed, and he said: "Who do you think is the unluckiest person now?"

Hera's face was a little dark. The most unlucky person now is of course Him. Just as He was about to say something, Andrew said: "Okay, no more joking, Hera, I just want to ask you, have you been suspected? Demons and failure The Alliance of Investors, do you believe in you more, or question you?"

Hera was stunned, and then said: "They do believe in me more, but this cannot erase everything you did to me.

I was injured, and my divine essence was completely wiped out by you. I can only be the devil in the future, which is completely different from what you promised me before. "

"First of all, it's just a minor injury. In order to gain their trust, it's normal to receive minor injuries."

Andrew said: “Secondly, your divine essence belongs to the divine essence of the old era, which is composed of the daughter of Titan and the wife of Zeus.

The problem is that you are not the wife of Zeus at all. From the beginning, there was something wrong with your divine nature and it must be cleared away, otherwise it will be easy for others to find out.

In addition, I will never go back on what I promised you. I have already prepared your new divine essence. "

"The essence of the new god?"

Hera was a little shocked. At this time, a scene appeared in her mind. It was a sacred tree rooted in Mount Olympus. There were many fruits growing on the sacred tree, which represented each priesthood.

At the top of the sacred tree, there are two fruits with slightly different heights. One is flashing with thunder, representing the position of the divine king, and the other represents the position of the queen.

The fruit that represents the position of Queen of Heaven has Hera's face looming on it. It is obvious that this fruit already belongs to Hera. As long as He eats it, he will immediately become Queen of Heaven.

"If I don't eliminate your old divine nature, then I'm really going to trick you, which means I'm just using you as a tool."

Andrew said: "Hera, I, King Andrew, can say that I have a clear conscience for my own people. You can rest assured about this."

The unhappiness in Hera's heart gradually disappeared. Then, He thought of something and coldly snorted: "Who agreed to be your queen? Shameless."

Andrew looked confused: "When did I tell you that I am the God King?"

"What, you are not the God King? Why do you betroth me to other gods? Have you asked my opinion?"

Hera was very angry and scolded: "Your behavior is worse than Zeus. At least Zeus will propose to me and wait for me to agree in person before pushing me to the position of Queen of Heaven."

In addition to anger, Hera also felt deep sadness. That bastard actually pushed herself to other male gods? What I said to myself before was definitely playing tricks on myself.

"You're so excited, and you still say you don't have me in your heart? Don't worry, the new God King is Hermione."

Andrew raised his hand, and the image of Hermione appeared in Hera's mind. Hera was dumbfounded. The new God King was actually the magical girl. What did this mean?

"What do you mean, you can guess for yourself, Hera, I will wait for the day when you return to Olympus."

Andrew didn't explain the matter thoroughly, which would be boring. He left a sentence and broke off contact.

Hera cursed bitterly, this bastard, and said that she would not deceive others, but after he said a lot of nonsense, her hatred completely disappeared.

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