American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1578 Celebration

Titan continued: "Human beings have been wrong since their birth, just as full of mistakes as Zeus.

Gods, join me in destroying mankind, and then we create a new creature, a new creature that obeys our commands perfectly and is proud to be our servant. "

"Titan, shut up. Even Zeus can't stand your tricks, let alone us."

Athena snorted coldly and said: "Human beings are indeed very greedy, but if they have other intentions, someone will deal with them, so you don't have to worry."

What else Titan wanted to say was directly silenced by Athena. Athena looked at the gods and said coldly: "You have only two choices. One is to become a member of the new system, and the other is to be eliminated together with the old system. bury.

Apart from this, there is no other way. You should know how to do it and don't need me to remind you. "

The gods were so excited that they no longer dared to think wildly and waited quietly for the ceremony to begin.

At the same time, in Agra, kings from all over the world gathered in the palace - most of these kings were actually just city lords, after all, in the city-state era.

Because it was a celebration, everyone was wearing gorgeous clothes, looking colorful and dazzling. Although the kings had something on their minds, they were still in a good mood. They communicated with the kings they knew well and talked about the celebration.

"Our country holds a boating competition every year during celebrations. I invite you to watch it next time."

"The characteristic of our country is the drumming competition. The louder and louder the drum is, the more monsters will come down the mountain. The annual celebration is the time of our great harvest."

"For you, it's a celebration, for the monsters, it's a collective death."

The kings laughed, and Queen Andromeda also laughed. She liked this harmonious atmosphere very much. It would be great if it could be maintained forever. Human beings really don't need war.

Unfortunately, this is impossible. As long as there are humans, war will be inevitable. There is no doubt about this.

After a while, a king lost his composure and asked: "Queen Andromeda, what do you and the director of Sky Sword plan to do with the surrendered gods?

Also, will Director Tianjian stay in our world in the future? "

Upon hearing this, the kings stopped talking and looked at Queen Andromeda. Queen Andromeda blinked, wondering whether she should tell them about the new system.

Andrew told Queen Andromeda about the new system. She fully agreed with Andrew's plan. It was a win-win situation for both parties, which was better than anything else.

At this moment, Andrew took Hermione's hand and walked into the hall. Behind them were people from the motherland. Then, Andrew smiled and said, "You can ask me these questions directly."

Hermione was a little nervous and a little shy. After all, this was the first time she held hands with Andrew in front of acquaintances. Queen Andromeda looked at their hands together, a little surprised, and then nodded to Hermione. Congratulations.

The man from the motherland looked unhappy. He didn’t want to come. In fact, he had wanted to return to the main world for a long time, but Andrew wouldn’t let him and kept threatening him with live broadcasts. He could only obey.

"Are you the distinguished Director of Tianjian?"

The kings exclaimed and saluted Andrew one after another. This was the strongest man in the world who killed Zeus and defeated the Titans. He was also the savior of many worlds and a truly super big man.

At the same time, many kings looked at the people of their motherland in horror, with whom they had all had 'friendly contacts'.

"it's me."

Andrew took Hermione and the people of the motherland to the stage, and then he said: "Let Queen Andromeda invite you here this time, on the one hand, for the celebration, and on the other hand, to explain to you clearly what will happen next. "

Then, without any nonsense, Andrew explained the new system in detail. The kings were surprised. Some agreed, some hesitated, and some opposed.

A king shouted aggressively: "Director Tianjian, why don't you kill all the gods? Each of those gods deserves death."

"People of the motherland stared at the king who was speaking with that terrifying look."

Andrew quietly gave instructions to the people of the motherland. The people of the motherland were stunned, and then they completely understood why Andrew asked him to follow him. This guy was threatening others with himself.

The popularity of the motherland gritted its teeth. Don’t we, the people of my motherland, have no respect for face? Of course, he did not dare to say anything. He stared at the opposing king with murderous eyes. The king was startled and retreated hastily, not daring to look at the people of his motherland at all.

Others also noticed that the people of the motherland were a little frightened. The subordinate behind Director Tianjian did not seem to be a good person.

"Because they are valuable, they can make human life better. For example, if the gods are there, the weather will be smooth and the best harvest will be achieved every year."

Andrew said: “Moreover, with the new system, you don’t need to believe in them, you can completely treat them as if they don’t exist.

I have to leave eventually, and there is no god to protect you. What if bad guys invade one day, or demons crawl out of the ground? "


The kings hesitated, and then, Andrew kept persuading the kings with reason. At the same time, he used the people of his motherland to intimidate them, and with a few pre-arranged entrustments, it was easy for the kings to agree to the new system.

This is normal. The new system is very beneficial to mankind. Those who disagree have their own small thoughts. Unfortunately, they are not qualified to say anything in front of Andrew.

In this era, the king can represent all his subjects, so the consent of these kings represents the consent of all mankind.

Andrew smiled with satisfaction. Human beings agreed, which meant that the new system would not have any obstacles and would definitely succeed.

"Very well, everyone, drink this cup to the full, and then celebrate together, the victory over the gods, the freedom gained, and the birth of a new system."

Andrew raised his wine glass and shouted loudly. At the same time, a wine glass appeared in the hands of all the kings. They were stunned for a moment, and then they all raised their wine glasses and drank with Andrew.

Before, they were in awe of Andrew's strength. Now, they are grateful for Andrew's dedication and admire his wisdom. The new system will benefit all mankind.

This man is a true savior.

Then, everyone drank the wine in one gulp, and the kings' eyes lit up. This wine was so wonderful. Could it be the legendary divine wine?

Andrew did not give these kings unlimited refills. After all, they needed money. He led the kings to the balcony and shouted to the people who had already gathered below: "We won, and mankind is free. I declare that the celebration will now officially begin." .”

As Andrew spoke, shadows of him and the kings appeared in all cities, which meant that the whole world heard his words.

"Long live Director Tianjian."

The people cheered wildly. Although it was the first time to see Andrew, because of Andrew's magic power, they all knew that he was Director Tianjian, the great savior.

The whole world instantly fell into a sea of ​​joy, and there were cheers. Hermione and Queen Andromeda looked at Andrew with admiration, this man, saved the world.

This was not over yet. Andrew raised his hand, and the reflection of Agra City appeared above New York in the main world. The people of New York who had been waiting for a long time also cheered.

What surprised the people even more was that at this time, beams of light fell down, and at the same time, Andrew's voice sounded: "This is the space passage through which you can enter the major cities in the world of gods.

Please be careful not to cause damage or do anything bad. In order to prevent the viruses on your body from affecting them, and to prevent the viruses on their bodies from affecting you, you will have a layer of aperture protection.

You have three hours, and after three hours, you will return to New York. "

"And this benefit?"

At this moment, the people in New York were cheering. This trip was right. It was a different world to visit, or a different world from Greek mythology. It was really great. Maybe we could even see the gods.

The only pity is that because of the halo on her body, she cannot have close contact with the aboriginal people. Well, can the goddess break this restriction?

People who didn’t go to New York are regretful. This is a trip that can be remembered for a lifetime. Director Tianjian is also the same. We should not have announced the benefits earlier. I hope those New Yorkers will have access to the Internet when they go to another world, so that they can live their eyesight through live broadcasts. .

Then, the people couldn't wait to enter the light pillar, and their eyes were blurred. They appeared in an ancient city. They were so excited that they kept taking pictures with their mobile phones.

There are also people who go out of their way to chat with people in the city. However, language is a big barrier. The two parties cannot understand each other and can only compare and draw pictures, which is very embarrassing.

The people in the world of gods know the origins of these people, because Director Tianjian just introduced that they are tourists from other worlds.

The people in the world of gods are very curious about the visitors from other worlds, so they are willing to draw pictures with them. The two sides are currently in friendly exchanges.

In short, both the people in the world of gods and the people in the main world are very happy.

Andrew was very satisfied with his current high mood and took Hermione, Queen Andromeda, Perseus, and Ling'o to Mount Olympus.

What, where are the people of the motherland? The people of the motherland were no longer useful and were driven away by Andrew. He originally wanted to return to the main world. Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, he was surrounded by a group of New York people. He could only act as a tour guide for everyone with a fake smile.

"I'm so unlucky."

The people of the motherland secretly cursed. What is even more unfortunate is that the world currently has the Internet, so he dare not do anything but smile and make the guests happy.

At the same time, celebrations are also being held in hell. The devil's celebration is different from the human celebration. There is no singing and dancing, only women, food, and bloody killings.

Yes, bloody killing, to put it simply, is a group of demons going up to fight to entertain the demon kings.

This is the most common celebration in hell. As for singing and dancing, it depends on the hobbies of the demon kings. For example, Mephisto in the Marvel world especially likes to let human souls perform shows. Iron Man's father Howard once danced on the table. Over dance.

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