American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1576 Arrangement

"Gods don't need to breathe, but humans do."

Andrew said: "Furthermore, God's body is very powerful and can ignore the surrounding pressure, air pressure, gravity, etc., but humans cannot. They are familiar with pressure and accustomed to pressure bit by bit in the process of growing up.

Apollo suddenly changed from a god to a human being. It is normal to have such a reaction. "

It's like a person who has never been sick suddenly loses the ability not to get sick one day. At that time, a common cold may kill him.

Athena raised her hand after hearing this, and a ray of divine light fell on Apollo. Apollo suddenly felt better and looked at Athena gratefully.

"Is life so difficult for ordinary people?"

Apollo couldn't help but ask. Although his body was considered strong among ordinary people, it was nothing compared to his previous body. Therefore, he couldn't even get up now. He needed time to adapt.

"Actually, without the oppression of gods, ordinary people can live quite well."

Andrew smiled and said: "Apollo, you need time to adapt. Besides, you don't have to worry about your future life. With your appearance, you can live well anywhere. There will be a lot of women vying to support you." .”

Athena couldn't help laughing, but with Apollo's handsomeness, life really wasn't a problem. Not only women were attracted to him, but men were also attracted to him.

"Although I didn't understand it, I'm pretty sure what you said was not a good thing."

Apollo snorted coldly, and Andrew shook his head. He raised his hand and said, "Apollo, the former sun god, bid farewell. We should never meet again in this life."

"That's best."

Even like this, Apollo still has no regrets. Andrew nodded and waved Apollo to the world.

Athena used her divine eye to track Apollo and saw him landing in a small fishing village. This fishing village was the fishing village of Perseus. His family had returned here and was discussing how to get a new ship.

It turned out that the ship was capsized by the waves, and now Perseus's family was terribly poor. However, they never thought about asking for anything in Perseus's name, so they prepared everything on their own.

At this moment, Perseus's sister found Apollo in a coma, and the family gathered around him. Even though they lived in poverty, their kindness still did not fade, and they decided to take in the man first.

"It seems you helped Apollo find a good family."

Athena withdrew her gaze and said, Andrew said: "It's just a little effort. Okay, Athena, help me dig a hole and bury the Titan in it."

Athena couldn't help complaining: "Well, digging a hole to offer sacrifices, isn't this a bit too primitive?"

"There is a divine vein on Mount Olympus. Titan must merge with the divine vein before he can change the world."

Andrew said: "The next seven days will be very busy. You will be my assistant and work with me to set up the magic circle and complete the conversion of the old and new gods."

"Yes, Director Tianjian."

Athena agreed with some excitement. There were two reasons why she was excited. One was Andrew's high regard. If she participated in such a big thing, she would definitely be able to enter the core and hold the power in the future.

The other is that there are great benefits in the conversion ceremony between the old and new gods, which are enough for Athena to benefit from for life.

"Fortunately, I surrendered in time, otherwise how could there be so many benefits?"

Athena was very excited. There were many gods who wanted her position.

Then, Andrew and Athena began to transform Mount Olympus. At the same time, all the cities in the world of gods began to prepare for celebrations to celebrate mankind's victory over the gods and their freedom.

The major kings were invited by Queen Andromeda and went to Agra one after another. On the one hand, of course, they were celebrating. On the other hand, they wanted to find out the identity of the Director of Sky Sword and what to do with the remaining gods.

Without understanding this, the kings would have trouble sleeping and eating, so they had to go to Agra.

In addition to transforming Mount Olympus, Andrew also sent a large number of propaganda personnel to promote the deeds of Queen Andromeda, Perseus, and the new gods. Of course, the one who promoted the most was definitely himself. doubt.

These are all necessary. If we want to change the future, human beings, as the protagonists of the world, play a decisive role.

At the same time, the main world Earth is also celebrating. Other places are fine. New York is just like Christmas, with all kinds of decorations. Anyway, they have seven days off. Moreover, the three superhero companies spent a lot of money to subsidize this celebration. I heard Even the president will be there.

"New York has experienced too many disasters. I hope this celebration can revive New York."

President Nathan said: "On behalf of New York, I sincerely invite people from other cities and foreign tourists to come to New York to participate in the celebration. Don't worry, although the disaster is not over yet, with Director Tianjian here, you will definitely be safe."

New York has experienced so many disasters, its economy is not as good as before, and it has even lost a lot of its population. President Nathan is a New Yorker, so he naturally wants to revive New York. Moreover, New York is one of the powerhouses of the United States.

The president's call has made many people decide to go to New York. On the one hand, New York is really safe. On the other hand, it must be interesting to celebrate with another world at the same time.

As a result, the airline boss in New York woke up with a smile, and all the tickets were sold out, making it difficult to get a ticket.

Not only the world of gods, but also New York is celebrating, and hell is also celebrating. The Demon King of Fallen and the Demon King of Power received invitations from demons at the same time.

"Celebration? Is this a demonstration?"

The fallen demon king, who had six pairs of jet-black wings and looked very noble and evil at the same time, let out a cold snort. It was obvious that he already knew who was merging with hell.

"The three-tailed demon king has been fused with hell twice in a row. The three-tailed demon king is indeed quite capable, but the more terrifying one is the mechanical demon king. The three-tailed demon king has been defeated by the mechanical demon king several times."

A fallen angel next to him said that the devil's reputation is not very good, and other devil kings think that he is the three-tailed devil king.

"The Machine Demon King, the Three-Tailed Demon King, how come there are so many new demon kings? I once thought that my main opponent was the Power Demon King, the Dark Demon King, but the Dark Lord fell directly."

The Fallen Demon King shook his head and said: "Inform the Three-Tailed Demon King that I will go there to see what he and the Mechanical Demon King are capable of."

"Yes, my king." The fallen angel nodded and bowed respectfully.

On the other side, the Demon King of Power, who was covered in muscles, also received the invitation. He crushed the invitation directly and said, "Want to see me? Then go and meet me. I hope these new Demon Kings will not disappoint me."

"Power Demon, you are invincible. In hell, no one is your opponent."

A demon king shrouded in a black cloak said that the reason why he and other demon kings took refuge in the demon king of power was to take advantage of his fighting power. After all, the demon king of power was famous for his muscles and no brains.

The Power Demon laughed loudly. He knew that these people had bad intentions, but they were right. He was invincible and no one could be his opponent. There was no doubt about it.

On the other side, the Mirror Demon King said angrily: "They didn't send us an invitation. These foreign demon kings are so rude."

"It's just, very rude."

The other demon kings nodded one after another, and the lazy demon king smiled and said: "Don't worry, Director Tianjian will not make it easy for him. We will wait and see the good show."

The demon kings were surprised and didn't know what Chief Tianjian was going to do. However, since the Lazy Demon King said this, they put the matter aside and continued to prepare for war.

In the world of gods, six days have passed since the defeat of the gods. Tomorrow is the time for the grand celebration. Andrew and Athena have been working hard for several days and finally completed all the arrangements.

"Athena, thank you for your hard work. Go back and rest for a while, and start the ceremony with me tomorrow."

Andrew said, and Athena said: "Without hard work, I am so lucky to be able to accomplish such a great undertaking."

"Yes, it's a great undertaking."

Andrew laughed, and then Athena left, and Andrew found a palace to live in. As for Zeus's palace, he was not interested. God knows what was in it.

"Maybe something will be gained tonight."

Andrew looked at the bright moonlight and smiled. Not long after, the two people quietly approached his palace. They soon found each other and were very dissatisfied.

The goddess on the left scolded: "Goddess of Beauty Aphrodite, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? Don't forget, you have a husband."

"Aegina, Zeus just died a few days ago, why are you here?"

The Goddess of Beauty snorted coldly. The goddess before was none other than Zeus's lover, the river goddess Aegina. Hera once destroyed a country because of her name.

"You told me, Zeus is dead."

Aegina said, just as the God of Beauty was about to say something, other goddesses arrived. Some goddesses were thin-skinned and fled immediately upon seeing this, while other goddesses did not take it seriously and did not even dare to risk their lives. What kind of queen are you?

Not many of these goddesses really love Andrew, most of them do it because of Andrew's status and power.

On the one hand, this is their nature; on the other hand, now is a period of great change. They are full of confusion about the future and naturally want to find some sense of security.

Among them, the God of Beauty is a little different. He wants Andrew to agree to his divorce from Vulcan. That marriage was forced by Zeus. He doesn't like Vulcan at all. Of course, he doesn't mind having a relationship with Andrew. That can capture the Titan alive. A man, which goddess wouldn’t be moved?

A group of goddesses were sarcastic and sarcastic at first, and then quickly started to fight. After all, they are gods, and fighting is a basic skill.

"Wow, it's so exciting. There are actually people pulling their hair. You are goddesses."

Andrew laughed as he looked inside. He had no idea, he just thought it was fun. These goddesses were not what he was waiting for tonight. They would be eaten slowly in the future. Don’t rush now. Overeating is not healthy.

At this time, a clear cold snort came from the side: "Director Tianjian, are you very proud?"

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