American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1573 Aftermath

"To kill the Machine Demon King, you need absolute strength, and this absolute strength falls on the devil. What we have to do next is actually very simple."

Sithorn continued: "Try to get the devil to leave this area as soon as possible. By the way, Hera, you can't leave this area for the time being. However, your hell is relatively small, and the time required is relatively short."

Hera nodded: "I know this. I happen to be familiar with the methods of the Hell Demon King. This is my first day as the Hell Demon King."

"With your talent, you should be able to master it quickly."

Sithorn smiled and said, this is not a compliment. Queen Hera is a big shot after all. He continued: "In addition, we must find a way to let the devil become the lord of hell, and at the same time, prevent the mechanical devil from becoming the lord of hell." The Lord of Hell.

If the Machine Demon King succeeds, we will be dead. "

Then, Sithorne explained the current situation in hell. In simple terms, it was the struggle between the four kings, the devil, the fallen angel, the power demon, and the mechanical demon.

"With this hell fusion, the fallen angels and the power demons will definitely find us soon."

Sithorn said: "The Machine Demon King may take the opportunity to do something when the time comes, so we must be prepared."

"Don't worry, if they dare to enter my territory, they will know what nightmares are."

The devil said proudly that he had 100% confidence in his own strength.

Hera thought for a while and said: "Although it is a bit troublesome, you know the Machine Demon King better than I do, so I am willing to act together with you."

"Smart move."

Sithorn smiled and said, very good, Hera successfully joined the group. This time, their strength has improved a lot and they are closer to Andrew.

Andrew doesn't know Sithorne's thoughts, otherwise he would definitely laugh, get closer to me, are you worthy?

The world of gods.

With Andrew's efforts, the little hell finally returned to the world of gods smoothly. Hades breathed a sigh of relief. If hell was completely lost, the world of gods would be greatly affected.

At this moment, Andrew suddenly grabbed Hades and took him to the core of hell. Before Hades could say anything, Andrew pushed him into the core.

Hades was stunned for a moment, and then he felt that he was completely integrated with Hell. From now on, he officially became the Lord of Hell, no longer in his previous name.

"Director Tianjian, why did you let me become the Lord of Hell?"

Hades frowned greatly. He did not want to merge with hell, because this would cause him to be completely trapped in hell. Although he could use projection to go to the human world, the power of projection was not worth mentioning.

Of course, this is not without its benefits. Hades will become stronger. At the same time, as long as hell lasts, Hades will never die.

"Two reasons."

Andrew said: "First, you must become the Lord of Hell. The magic circle arranged by Sithorn previously has sequelae. If you do not become the Lord of Hell, sooner or later your soul will be eroded by negative aura and turn into a demon."

"Damn it, I knew it wasn't that good."

Hades cursed, he did not question Andrew, in fact, he had long noticed something was wrong with his body, but he did not expect the consequences to be so serious.

"The second reason is that hell needs you as the master of hell. The small hell is too small. If no one controls it, it will not be able to function normally and may even collapse."

Andrew continued: "So, I turned you into the Lord of Hell. Your duty is to make hell and the world run smoothly."

"Is there no other way?"

Hades asked, Andrew did this, everyone else benefited, only Hades suffered a big loss.

"Don't worry, I'm very fair and won't force you. If you don't want to, just be the Lord of Hell for ten years."

Andrew said: "Ten years are enough to eliminate the hidden dangers in you. By then, I will let others replace you. In addition, being the Lord of Hell has its benefits.

The world will help Hell improve and gradually return to its original state. In the process, you will get a lot of benefits, and even break through the current level and gain strength enough to rival the Titans. "

"Is that so?"

Hades was a little moved. The problem is, Zeus is gone, and it seems that there is no use for him to increase his strength?

In his life, Hades first wanted to defeat the Titans. After defeating the Titans, he then wanted to defeat Zeus. Now that Zeus has fallen, he really doesn't know what he is going to do.

Hades never wanted to be the King of Gods because he knew he was not that material.

"Do you want to adopt a godson?"

Andrew saw what Hades was thinking and asked with a smile. Hades shook his head and said: "I am not the two guys Zeus and Poseidon. I have no interest in developing bloodline."

Andrew asked with a half-smile: "You really don't want to, don't regret it?"

Hades blinked and asked uncertainly: "Maybe, I can have it?"

Andrew smiled, summoned the body of Zeus, and with a slight click, a ray of light flew out and fell on Hades' hand.

"This is the soul origin of Zeus. You can use it to create a life. He is both Zeus and not Zeus."

Andrew said: "What he will become in the future is up to you, Hades."

If Hades before, he would have crushed this light spot directly. Are you kidding me? That guy Zeus shouldn't be alive at all. How could he adopt him?

But now, Hades hesitated. After Zeus died, he realized that he did not hate him as much as he thought. He thought about it, took away the light, and asked: "Tell me, what should I name my son?" name?"

"Gou Sheng?"

Andrew said casually, Hades was speechless and decided not to ask Andrew this question again. Is this a name that anyone can come up with?

Andrew laughed loudly and took care of hell. He returned to the world with Kraken, Samuel, and Vulcan. As for hell, he left it to Hades to deal with it slowly.

The feeling of successfully taking the blame is really great. Without Hades, this mess would have been extremely troublesome.

"Is this really a positive character?"

Hades also thought of this and couldn't help but shake his head, blaming himself for being 'seduced' by Zeus. Zeus was really capable of harming people, and he still cheated him even after he died.

"Hey, wait, who said it has to be a godson, a goddaughter is also okay?"

Hades thought of something and couldn't help but touch his chin. This seemed to be a good idea.

In the human world, as hell has stabilized, the disasters in the human world have gradually subsided. However, there are still some places that need help, so the gods are still very busy.

As for the entrance to hell, the war has stopped long ago. Queen Andromeda, Perseus, Ling'e and others, are treating the injured soldiers. At the same time, there are corpses of demons everywhere. It seems that they are all different. Outwardly disgusting.

Although the injured soldiers were in pain, their faces were full of excitement. One soldier asked Queen Andromeda: "Queen, have we defeated the gods? Are we humans free?"

Queen Andromeda didn't know how to answer. It seemed like she had won, but she didn't know what was going on in hell.

"Yes, we have defeated the gods and humans are free."

At this moment, a voice sounded, and everyone turned their heads. When they saw Andrew appearing with the God of Fire and the others, they all lowered their heads and saluted.

Perseus couldn't wait to ask: "Director Tianjian, have we really won?"

"Yes, we won, Perseus, you can free your family. If you want, you can continue to be a fisherman in the future, although it is quite wasteful."

Andrew smiled, Perseus was overjoyed and immediately released the family in his heart, while the other soldiers cheered loudly, great, they won, and mankind is free.

"Director Tianjian, is it completely over?"

Queen Andromeda couldn't help but ask, and Andrew said: "The war is completely over, the gods have been defeated, but there are still many things to do next.

Queen Andromeda, I have a mission for you. "

"Please give me your instructions, Director Tianjian."

Queen Andromeda said immediately, and Andrew smiled: "Don't be so serious, I want you to invite all the kings to come to Agra City in seven days to participate in the celebration to celebrate the freedom of mankind.

At the same time, other countries are also holding celebrations, and everyone is celebrating. It should be as grand and grand as possible,"


Queen Andromeda was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "It's hard to talk about other things, but it's definitely no problem to hold a celebration. Nobles like celebrations the most, not to mention that we have defeated the gods, so there should be a celebration.

Soldiers, recover quickly. After you recover, I will take you to the celebration. "

"Long live the Queen."

All the soldiers cheered at the same time, and Andrew nodded with satisfaction. Queen Andromeda's qualifications were very good, and she became a real queen in a short period of time.

Then, Andrew continued to explain various things. At this time, Vulcan asked: "Where is my wife? Where is my wife? Why can't I still see her?"

"Your wife is rescuing people."

Andrew shook his head and handed the matter over to Queen Andromeda. He took Vulcan and Kraken and teleported to a certain coastal city. There was a tsunami here. Because there were too many disasters, the gods had no time to rescue and only half of the people were saved. , and half of the city was submerged by the waves.

At this time, the gods are rescuing survivors in the ruins, including Athena, the God of Beauty, the Goddess of Hunting, etc.

The people who were rescued were extremely grateful to the gods. The gods looked at these sincere faces and suddenly felt a little ashamed for some reason.

"What were we doing before?"

Athena lamented that she didn't know why her mind had changed so much. It might be because her thoughts had changed.

"We used to eat, drink and have fun, compare ourselves to each other, show off to each other, and at the same time, show our superiority in front of humans."

The God of Beauty said that unlike Athena, he has no regrets because he has no sense of responsibility. His goal in life is to fall in love with a handsome guy, as long as he is handsome, and if he is as ugly as Vulcan, he will get away as far as he wants.

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