American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1564 Punisher

"Director Tianjian, what should we do next?"

Athena regretted a little what she had done. Of course, she mainly regretted not killing Medusa directly. She asked: "Medusa is the master of these grievances. All the grievances around her have been mobilized by her, and we can't escape. "

"Who said we were going to escape?"

Andrew smiled slightly, stopped suddenly, and then threw Athena in the direction of Medusa.

Athena was confused. It turned out that Director Tianjian did not use him as bait, but as a victim. Where was the positive person that he had agreed to do? Is this what a positive person would do?

At this moment, Athena, who had always been dignified and elegant, couldn't help but yell at Andrew like a shrew.

Unfortunately, before Athena could curse a few words, Medusa bit her hard with her mouth, and then other grievances rushed towards her, ready to eat her completely.

"Soul magic, the art of community of destiny."

Andrew smiled slightly, and the consciousnesses of Medusa and Athena merged instantly, and the two became one person.

He felt all the memories and feelings of Athena when she obtained Medusa, the terror when Poseidon forcibly took her, the heartbreak when Athena rejected her, the loneliness and resentment after turning into a monster.

Medusa also gained all of Athena's memories and feelings, the fear of being devoured by her biological father, the indignation of being feared and oppressed by Zeus since she was a child, and the pride of being aloof and treating humans as slaves.

At the same time, Medusa fully understood why Athena did not save herself and turned herself into a monster. She thought that she had seduced Poseidon and made the temple filthy, so she wanted to punish her.

After Athena gained all the feelings of Medusa, she truly felt regret in her heart. After knowing Athena's memories, Medusa finally understood what was going on, although she still hated her.


Athena apologized and Medusa was silent. After a moment, she said: "I will not forgive you unless you can turn me back to a normal person."

The current Medusa is calm and unaffected by resentment. This is why Andrew asked the two parties to exchange memories.

"I can not do it."

Athena smiled bitterly: "I couldn't do it before, and I can't even do it now."

"If you can't do it, I still have to kill you. It's not my turn to control this. It won't be long before I turn into a monster of resentment."

Medusa said: "When the time comes, I will kill all the gods first, and then massacre them wantonly to vent my anger and hatred. I have no objection to killing gods, but I don't want to harm humans."

Before Medusa became a monster, she was a very kind and simple woman, which was also the source of her tragedy - she was kind and simple, so she rejected Poseidon, immortality and wealth.

Most women simply cannot refuse gods. On the one hand, they have a noble status, and on the other hand, they can give women countless benefits. That's why Poseidon was so angry when he was rejected.

"I really can't do it, but my boss who cheats people to death should be able to do it."

Athena said: "We can pass the blame to him and let him solve this matter."

Medusa asked slightly sarcastically: "Athena, the majestic Athena, also recognizes people as her boss?"

"Dignified Athena? The reason why I have always been so arrogant is because of two things."

Athena shook her head. Medusa had seen his memory and was the person who was most familiar with him. Therefore, she did not hide anything and said:

"First, my background is quite magical. There is a prophecy that my brother and I will overthrow Zeus in the future. How should I put it? I feel like I am the son of destiny.

On the other hand, among the gods, I was outstanding. Over time, I became arrogant. Only now do I realize that I am not as great as I thought. "

Medusa was silent for a moment and said, "In our opinion, you have always been great."

Athena smiled bitterly and said: "Stop talking about this, go find my BOSS. He has a very dark heart and should have a way to solve this problem. Otherwise, he will not bring me in."

"Athena, do you know the most important thing about speaking ill of your boss?"

A voice suddenly sounded: "The boss cannot know."

Athena was stunned and asked: "BOSS, you can actually sense our consciousness communication? Are you also in our consciousness?"

Andrew asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Yes, I also took a look at your memories. Is there any problem?"

Athena and Medusa gritted their teeth at the same time. Can a woman's memory be messed with at will? This is privacy, do you understand?

When they thought of their little secrets being seen by Andrew, both Athena and Medusa blushed a little. This was even worse than being seen by Andrew without any clothes on.

Andrew said: "Don't worry, Athena secretly competes with Hera, Medusa, you think you are bigger than Athena, I will jump over it. I am not the kind of person with low taste."

"We are not reassured at all."

Athena and Medusa complained at the same time. Did you watch it at all? And you watched it very carefully?

Andrew laughed and said: "Okay, don't waste time, Medusa, it's difficult for you to restore your original appearance. If you don't want to become a resentful monster, there are only two ways to go."

"Which two?" Medusa asked hurriedly. She was worthy of being Athena's BOSS. Athena was helpless, but he actually had two methods.

"The first rule is to give up everything and reincarnate as a true spirit."

Andrew said: "I can reincarnate you into the royal family and let you live the best life in your next life. However, the reincarnation of a true spirit cannot take away the memory."

"Without memory, is it still me?"

Medusa shook her head: "No matter how happy or brilliant I am in my reincarnation, it has nothing to do with me. I am already dead."

"The only other way left is to change jobs."

Andrew said: "Changed into a divine punisher, specifically responsible for punishing the gods."

"God Punisher?"

Athena and Medusa were both shocked. Even Athena, who was well-informed, had never heard of the name God Punisher.

"If you want to understand the Divine Punisher, you need to start with the new system."

Andrew introduced the new system, and Medusa said happily: "If there is such a system, that would be great. Gods can no longer bully us humans casually."

"I used to be a little dissatisfied with the new system, but now I also think that the new system is better than the current system."

Athena said that if the knife didn't cut her, she wouldn't know how painful it was. Although Athena knew that humans were miserable in the past, she didn't know how miserable it was because she was not a human being.

But with the memory of Medusa, Athena fully knew how miserable human beings were, so her position changed.

"The new system is indeed good, but any system has loopholes, and the new system is no exception."

Andrew said: “In the future, there will definitely be gods that take advantage of loopholes and bully humans. Of course, because of the limitations of the system, it will only be on a small scale and secretly, which is completely different from now.

But no matter how small it is, it must be stopped. Therefore, I am going to set up the position of Divine Punisher. His existence is not aimed at humans, but at gods.

If the gods find loopholes and are not punished by the rules, then the gods' punishers will take action to punish them. "

"I want to be a divine punisher."

Medusa said excitedly that this was her dream position. Athena was also a little interested, but after thinking about it carefully, she couldn't help but shake her head.

Andrew would never let the Divine Punisher be tainted with power. That would be equivalent to creating an emperor. The Divine Punisher only punishes the gods and has no other functions. This is definitely unacceptable to Athena.

"As long as you are willing, having the identity of Divine Punisher is enough to make the resentment around you work for you. When the time comes, you will be able to get rid of the control of resentment and restore yourself."

Andrew said: "Human beings are evil, but they are also kind. As long as they see hope and a better future, they will be willing to give up their resentment."

"The problem is, the new system hasn't been established yet."

Athena suddenly thought of something and asked: "There is no new system, so where can the divine punisher come from? Director Tianjian, are you just trying to make things worse for us?"

Medusa blinked, yes, the new system has not been established yet, how can she take office?

"Athena, the new system has indeed not been established, but we can borrow the priesthood of God Punisher from the future."

Andrew smiled and said, since you can shake people from the past, why can't you borrow priesthood from the future?

"Borrow from the future?"

Athena and Medusa were both stunned. This was something they could not imagine. Can the priesthood be borrowed from the future?

Andrew smiled and said: "Of course, as long as I want, Medusa, how long can you control yourself outside? Borrowing the priesthood from the future cannot be used here, and you need to use your body."

"If the gods are not there, it can last for a few hours. If the gods are there, it may only last for ten minutes."

Medusa said, and Andrew touched his chin and asked: "If that god asks you to keep beating, how long can you last?"

Athena glared at Andrew, brother, as a positive person, can you stop doing such dirty tricks all the time? Can we do something honest?

Wade is not here, otherwise he would definitely say, Athena, now you know the consequences of offending the BOSS, right? I used to scold BOSS for being evil, and BOSS still remembers it in his little notebook.

"If I keep beating, I should be able to last a day and a night."

Medusa couldn't help but laugh. Athena glared at Medusa. They were really plastic sisters. No, they didn't seem to be sisters?

"That's easy. Okay, Medusa, next, our consciousness returns to the body, and then we start to borrow the priesthood."

Andrew said: "Athena, you can hit him as you like, you're welcome, but try not to hit him in the face. After all, he wants to save face. If you really can't think of it, you can hit him on the chest. He feels small anyway."

Medusa laughed, and Athena glared at Andrew angrily, are you really a positive person? Also, what do you mean you're welcome, am I familiar with you?

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