American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1557 Demonic Disaster

"No, the new system is the best choice. I will try my best to persuade other gods to accept it."

Artemis lowered her head to Andrew and said respectfully: "Director Tianjian, please give us a chance."

Andrew let go and said, "Artemis, it depends on your efforts. If the conditions are met, I can give it a try."

This was actually a bit ambiguous. Fortunately, Artemis didn't think much about it. He said happily: "Director Tianjian, thank you. I will try my best to persuade everyone."

Andrew nodded and said nothing more. It felt good to pass the blame to others for what he should do.

"As long as the new system is completed, this world will be mine."

Andrew was elated. The world of gods was much larger than other worlds. Moreover, the foundation was extremely deep and the upper limit was extremely high. The first second he entered this world, he wanted to turn this world into his territory.

The problem is that it is not easy to turn such a large world into a territory, especially since there are a large number of Heavenly Father Gods here. In ancient times, there were even powerful people who surpassed Heavenly Father Gods.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Andrew decided to overthrow the original god system of this world and create a new system.

Once completed, Andrew will gain extremely high world authority, and by then, it will be much easier to turn this world into a territory.

Let's put it this way, the original difficulty was one hundred. After the plan is successful, the difficulty will become one. Moreover, the time will be greatly shortened, and the final battle will not be completed before it is completed.

Andrew has done so much for the new system, so the Titans must be released. This is why Andrew let Zeus and the others go.

Of course, there is another purpose, which will be explained in detail later. In short, everything is under Andrew's control.

After successfully passing the pot to Artemis and gaining her allegiance, Andrew raised his hand, and a large amount of data codes turned into a beautiful golden scepter covered with patterns.

"This guy actually made weapons to give to that shameless woman?"

Hermione gritted her teeth. The scepter was a commonly used weapon in the Zeus pantheon. Andrew must have made the scepter to please Artemis.

Contrary to Hermione's expectation, Andrew did not give the scepter to Artemis. He walked up to Ares and placed the scepter on him. Then, the scepter began to devour Ares' body crazily.

Ares woke up from the severe pain and wanted to resist, but was kicked unconscious by Andrew. The next second, he woke up again and was kicked unconscious again.

"So cruel."

Everyone who saw this scene secretly complained, where is the positive character that was promised? We have never seen a positive character so cruel.

Because there was no resistance, the scepter swallowed Ares whole smoothly. The pattern on it quickly changed and turned into the shape of a war hammer, which represented Ares, the God of War.

"The artifact, the God of War's scepter, is done."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. This is the simplest kind of artifact: sealing the gods in the weapon and turning it into an artifact.

It seems simple, but in fact it is very complicated. Not all weapons can seal the gods.

Moreover, the artifacts made by others can at most exert half of the power of gods, while the artifacts made by Andrew can exert 100% of the power, and what he seals is the Heavenly Father.

There is no way, if you are talented you can really do whatever you want.

After the production was completed, Andrew walked towards Hermione with the God of War scepter. Hermione's eyes widened suddenly. Could it be given to me?

At this moment, Hermione felt extremely happy. At this moment, Andrew turned a corner and walked towards Artemis. Hermione's face suddenly fell. The next second, Andrew suddenly stopped laughing.

Hermione didn't know that she had been fooled, and looked at Andrew angrily. This guy's character was so bad.

Andrew walked up to Hermione, threw the scepter to her, and said: "This is the God of War scepter for you to use first. It can increase your strength to the level of Heavenly Father God. Coupled with my genes, it is enough to truly challenge Father God.

However, Ares, the god of war, has other uses, so after the battle, this scepter must be returned to me. "

"no problem."

Hermione happily took Andrew's scepter. She didn't expect that it was really given to her instead of to Artemis. It was so good.

Andrew touched Hermione's head and taught her how to use the God of War's Scepter. The God of War Ares is sealed in the scepter. You must use it carefully, otherwise, you will be affected by him and become very violent.

Hermione listened carefully, and after she had written everything down, Andrew turned and left. Hermione looked at his back with joy on her face.

"Are you going to stop obeying?"

This thought flashed through Hermione's mind, and then she blushed and shouted to Tracy: "Don't interfere with my thoughts."

Tracy rolled his eyes. At a young age, he learned how to frame people and was a good player in palace fights.

Time passed quickly in everyone's useless efforts. Soon, the next day came, and everyone stopped to discuss what to do next.

At this moment, the surroundings suddenly shook violently, as if there was an earthquake. In fact, this was not an earthquake, but hell was shaking. Well, it seemed that it could also be called an earthquake for short.

As hell shook, the gate of hell lit up, and then, balls of fire flew out from the gate of hell, like meteorites, falling towards other parts of the world.

"There are demons sealed inside the fireball. Stop them and the demons will escape."

Andrew shouted, and at the same time, he stamped his right foot hard, the ground shook, and a large amount of soil turned into flying monsters, flying up to swallow the fireballs.

Hermione and the superheroes immediately took action without saying anything, using their own methods to blast the fireball, such as Van Helsing's angel arrow, Hermione's body and bones, etc.

Although Perseus and Ling'e didn't react quickly, the Thor and Jane in their bodies were not vegetarians and immediately joined the battle.

The reaction of the gods was much slower. Fortunately, Artemis and Athena reacted quickly and destroyed the fireball with the superheroes. After they took action, the other gods suddenly realized and attacked together.

Because the gods were slow to react, some of the fireballs left the area and fell towards major cities. One of the fireballs landed in Agra and exploded.

With a bang, an unlucky building was directly torn to pieces by the explosion. Then, in the flames, a two-faced, four-armed, very tall monster with lava flowing from its body rushed out and killed everyone on sight. The people were so scared that they hurriedly ran around. escape.

This is a four-armed demon from hell, the hell of the world of gods. Demons are transformed from various negative auras. They are usually suppressed in hell and guarded by Hades.

Different from the demons in the main world, these demons are more chaotic, full of murderous intent, and completely unreasonable. In addition, the demons in this world are all mainly fire-attributed.

A group of soldiers rushed over to support, but they were no match for the four-armed demon. Soon two soldiers were cut into two pieces. The other soldiers were shocked. Some turned around and ran away, while others gritted their teeth and planned to use their His life delays time for everyone.

The demon was naturally not polite. It was about to hack the remaining soldiers to death when a figure flew over at an astonishing speed and punched it into the sea.

Halfway there, the demon exploded with a loud bang, flames scattered, and it was pronounced dead.

"Your Highness, no, Your Majesty the Queen!"

The people and soldiers were stunned at first, and then cheered. There was no doubt that the one who took action was Queen Andromeda, who had just ascended the throne.

Queen Andromeda looked at the mess around her with an ugly expression. She hurriedly contacted Andrew and asked, "Director Tianjian, is this the disaster you mentioned?"

"The disaster broke out, and demons appeared one after another around the world."

Andrew said: "Queen Andromeda, next, you and Perseus, Ling'e and the others will go to save the major countries. At the same time, meet with the kings to form an expeditionary army to fight against the devil at the entrance to hell.

I will set up a magic circle to stop the demons around the entrance to hell. Because there are so many demons, I need your help and the army's help. "

In fact, it is not necessary. As long as a magic circle is set up to intercept all demons, Andrew and the superheroes and gods can deal with all the demons. The problem is that there are many demons. If they are dealt with all the time, it will lead to fatigue and a great consumption of divine power.

At that time, if Zeus and the others take the opportunity to make a sneak attack, the situation will be very bad, so the help of the human army is needed.

At the same time, this is also a necessary step in building a new pantheon. Human beings must certainly contribute to the future of mankind. Only by uniting as one can we create a new world.

"Okay, Director Tianjian, just make arrangements."

Queen Andromeda trusted Andrew very much and nodded directly. Then, a bracelet appeared out of thin air on her wrist. It was a teleportation positioning bracelet.

With Kara's help, Queen Andromeda quickly figured out the bracelet's function, and then she teleported to a nearby city-state, where two demons were wreaking havoc.

Although ordinary soldiers can deal with demons, they must reach a certain number. Besieging a demon with just a dozen soldiers is almost like committing suicide.

Because time was short and the army had not been mobilized, the situation was very bad. People were screaming and crying everywhere, and the flames ignited the surrounding area, causing huge damage.

At the critical moment, Queen Andromeda teleported over, punched a demon, and used her frozen breath to extinguish all the flames.

The people and soldiers were stunned for a moment, and then many people shouted excitedly: "Guardian of humanity, conqueror of the Kraken, resister of gods, strongest human hero, pioneer of freedom, Her Royal Highness Princess Andromeda. !”

Queen Andromeda almost fell down. How can you remember such a long name? Also, didn’t this just happen yesterday? Why did you know about it so quickly and even recognized me?

This is of course the effect of Andrew's propaganda. In terms of propaganda, he is professional. As for why he recognized Queen Andromeda, of course it was because of the portrait that was no different from the real person.

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