American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 155 Space Carrier

Steve smashed a demon's head with his shield and shouted dissatisfied: "You shouldn't have fished out the Cube."

Nick Fury said: "It makes no sense to say this now. The top priority is to find Loki and get back the Cosmic Cube."

"The Cosmic Cube will release gamma rays, and you can start working on this."

Dr. Banner lifted the car and threw it at a four-meter-tall General Limo. General Limo punched the car from the middle, sending various parts flying everywhere. Then, it grabbed the motorcycle next to it and headed towards Dr. Banner. Smash it hard.

Dr. Banner couldn't avoid it and flew out on the spot, rolling over on the ground.

"If it weren't for the fact that my mecha is a little bit worse..."

Dr. Banner cursed and quickly got up from the ground. Even if he couldn't beat him, he would still entangle the other person to prevent him from harming the citizens.

"Mr. Stark..."

At this time, Tony received a reminder from Jarvis and said: "Don't be so troublesome. I have found Loki. He is in Stark Tower and is about to take the elevator. Dr. Reed and Barton are beside him."

Steve asked in confusion: "What did he go to Stark Tower for?"

"how could I know?"

Tony scolded: "Maybe he wants to stand in the most scenic spot in New York to admire his masterpiece. That bastard turned New York into hell."

The stone man asked: "Tony, can you use the elevator to trap them?"

"No, Reed hacked my system."

Tony asked, "Which of you has time to join me in dealing with Loki?"

The superheroes sighed: "Who can be free at a time like this?"

Nick Fury suddenly said: "You guys all go deal with Loki. The devil leaves it to us, SHIELD. By the way, Loki's scepter can control people. Don't let it hit your chest."

Tony said impatiently: "Nick Fury, I don't have time to brag now."

"I never brag, look up to the sky."

Nick Fury said proudly, and everyone looked up and saw an aerospace carrier slowly appearing over Manhattan - removing its invisibility.

The aerospace carrier is equivalent to a flying aircraft carrier. It has many Quinjet fighters and heavy firepower gun turrets on it. However, it has no defensive cover.


The superheroes' eyes lit up. S.H.I.E.L.D. actually had a flying aircraft carrier and sailed it to New York?

"Nick Fury, I'm impressed by you. I'll rush to Stark Tower first. You guys can come over as soon as possible."

Tony beamed with joy and killed the Balrog with a laser. Then, his feet sprayed flames into the sky, followed closely by Rhodes.

Others were also amazed. Although S.H.I.E.L.D. often slipped up, this time, they arrived very promptly.

Nick Fury rarely exhaled and raised his eyebrows. He was in a good mood. He loudly ordered: "Commander, start the attack."

"Yes, the Quinjet is taking off."

The commander nodded and began to issue orders. Soon, more than ten Quinjets took off and headed to other districts in New York to deal with the demons.

At the same time, the space carrier was parked above Manhattan, with various heavy firepower turrets aimed at the demons below.

Da da da!

The large-caliber automatic machine gun was activated, and a large number of demons were shot into a sieve. The remaining demons fled in terror.


A group of flying demons were furious, dodging bullets flexibly while flying quickly towards the space carrier.

The commander sneered, activated the missiles and energy cannons, and with a bang, the flying demons were killed one after another, and fell to the ground miserably.

Nick Fury and the secretly observing Hydra were very satisfied. They had spent a lot of money in vain, and the space carrier did not let them down - this was a rare project for them without corruption.

As the space carrier showed its power, some superheroes were free to use their hands. They immediately rushed to Stark Tower to deal with the 'culprit' Loki.

Soon, Tony and Rhodes rushed to the platform above Stark Tower and confronted the three Lokis who came up in the elevator.

Tony pointed his palm at Loki and shouted loudly: "Loki, stop your evil plan and send all the demons back, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

"I'm sorry, this is not something I can stop if I want."

Loki spread his hands and said, "You came just in time. I was worried that no one would appreciate my plan."

After speaking, Loki took out a small staff from his chest. Then, he raised the small staff to the top of his head. The staff shot a beam of light into the sky. The sky suddenly changed, and a space vortex quickly formed.

"What are you doing?"

Tony's expression changed, and six micro-missiles popped out from behind and shot towards Loki.

Loki raised the Mind Scepter and shot out a fan-shaped energy wave, destroying all the missiles.

"What am I doing? Of course making this scene more exciting."

Loki laughed, and just as Tony was about to say something, Jarvis reminded him: "Mr. Stark, something is coming out of the vortex."

Tony looked up hurriedly and saw a large number of flying motorcycles flying out of the whirlpool. On the motorcycles stood some obviously alien creatures.

Others also saw this scene and couldn't help but cursed: "Another alien invasion?"

Loki said proudly: "They are Chitauri biochemical soldiers. They will help the demons conquer the earth. Your human technology is nothing in front of them."

Before the plan began, the Chitauri teleported the main ship to Mephisto Hell in advance. At this moment, they sent a large number of biochemical soldiers into New York through the portal.

That small short staff is a magic prop given to Loki by Mephisto. It can open the portal connecting hell. The deeper the superposition of New York and Mephisto's hell, the larger the portal becomes. In the end, even the main All ships can come.

"Loki, I will never let you go."

Tony roared angrily. He was about to attack again when a large number of energy beams fell from the sky, but a group of biochemical soldiers attacked him and Rhodes.

Tony cursed and ran away with Rhodes.

Although there were a large number of Chitauri soldiers, the maneuverability and flexibility of the flying motorcycles were far inferior to those of the steel suits. Tony and Rhodes quickly stabilized their position and began to counterattack.

"I'm here to help you."

Human Torch rushed over, pushed with both hands, and two fireballs roared out. The two biochemical soldiers were burned to coke on the spot and fell down with black smoke.

Tony yelled, "Well done, Human Torch, don't worry about anything this time, burn it hard for me."

"Tony Stark, after knowing you for so long, you finally said a human word."

The Human Torch roared, and the flames on his body surged wildly, like the god of fire descending. Then, he kept firing flames, and a large number of Chitauri biochemical soldiers turned into fireballs and fell down screaming.

"Helicarrier, rush to Stark Tower."

Nick Fury saw the scene of Stark Tower and hurriedly shouted: "We must not let too many aliens enter New York and block them at the entrance."


The commander immediately controlled the space carrier to fly towards Stark Tower, while cleaning up those damn demons along the way.

At this time, the Spider-Woman team with flying skateboards took Steve, the Stone Man, and Natasha to fly up to Stark Tower from below.

Spider-Woman put Steve down and shouted to Jessica and Colleen: "Give me the control of the flying skateboard, I will contain those aliens, you guys get rid of Loki as soon as possible and let him shut down everything, New York Too many people have died.”


Jessica and Colleen jumped off the skateboard with Stone Man and Natasha, then handed control of the skateboard to Gwen.

The flying skateboard can be remotely controlled, and Gwen has a spider sense, so it is not difficult for her to multitask.

There were more and more aliens, and Gwen didn't dare to waste time. She soared into the sky with two flying skateboards and joined the battle.

"Loki, although Thor and I are friends, I won't hold back this time."

Steve said coldly that Loki had killed at least tens of thousands of citizens this time and he could not be left alone.

"People of Midgard, don't think that because you have once picked up Mjolnir, you are qualified to go against God."

Seeing Steve, Loki instantly remembered the revenge of the goddess being robbed. He snorted coldly, raised the mind scepter and fired energy waves at Steve.

Steve blocked the energy wave with his shield and quickly rushed towards Loki, followed closely by Colleen, Jessica, and Natasha.

Upon seeing this, Hawkeye immediately opened his bow and fired an arrow. Three bows and arrows shot at Natasha and the three girls one after another. The three girls all knew that Hawkeye's arrows were specially made and hurriedly avoided them.

"Wake up quickly, you are an Avenger."

Jessica jumped up in front of Hawkeye and slammed her fist on the opponent's head. Hawkeye turned his head to avoid it and kicked Jessica in the calf. Jessica fell to the ground with a thud.

Hawkeye was about to stab Jessica to death with a long arrow. Natasha rushed over and fired at Hawkeye repeatedly with an energy gun. Hawkeye hurriedly rolled to avoid it.

"I've been away for more than half a year, and I have to beat up a good friend as soon as I come back. It seems like I'm quite unlucky."

Although she said this, Natasha had no intention of showing mercy, and every energy bullet hit Hawkeye's vitals.

Hawkeye seized an opportunity and threw an electric arrow towards Natasha with his backhand. Natasha hurriedly avoided it. Hawkeye stood up and prepared to shoot the arrow. Jessica rushed in front of him and punched him with a heavy punch. Face door.

Seeing that Natasha and Jessica could deal with Hawkeye, Colleen rushed to help Steve deal with Loki, and the three soon fought together.

On the other side, the stone man faced Dr. Reed. The stone man shouted: "Reed, wake up quickly. You are the smartest person on earth. How can you be controlled by Loki?"

"I was not controlled by him. He allowed me to see the wonders of the universe."

Dr. Reed didn't talk nonsense. His hands lengthened and he threw them at the stone man. The stone man grabbed Dr. Reed's arm and pulled him over. Dr. Reed took the opportunity to put his feet together and kicked the stone man hard. The stone man Backing away continuously.

Dr. Reed said proudly: "Ben, although you look very powerful, you are no match for me."

"Reed, you are much more annoying than when you were not controlled."

The stone man cursed and rushed towards Dr. Reed, intending to knock him awake completely.

"what is that?"

While everyone was fighting lively, Thunderbolt's exclamation suddenly came from the communication channel. Everyone hurriedly looked up and saw a giant metal beast flying out of the whirlpool like a whale.

This is the Leviathan biochemical behemoth of the Chitauri. It can not only attack, but can also be used as a troop transport.

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