American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1535 Fanning the flames

"I am the most powerful son of Zeus, and I will definitely defeat you."

On the other side, Ares was furious and attacked frantically regardless of defense, resulting in obvious flaws.

Perseus seized the opportunity and swept across Ares' lower body with the power of thunder with his right foot. Ares fell to the ground with a bang. Then, Perseus put the hammer on Ares as quickly as possible. Rhys chest.

Ares roared and tried to get up, but couldn't get up. It was obvious that a person like Ares was not qualified to pick up Mjolnir.

Draco, Ling'e and others looked at Perseus in disbelief. He actually defeated Ares, the God of War? That's the God of War!

"You lost. Also, you are the son of Zeus. I am not. I, Perseus, am the son of a fisherman."

Perseus said coldly: "I'll let you go now. You can go away and don't trouble me again. I won't let you go next time."

Ares' eyes were red, like an enraged bull, and he glared at Perseus fiercely. Perseus didn't care, picked up Mjolnir, and signaled Ares to get out.

Perseus never thought of killing Ares because that would cause the gods to madly retaliate against humans, which would be too bad.

Ares climbed up, holding the hammer, and wanted to fight again. At this moment, Zeus's voice sounded: "Ares, return to Mount Olympus."


Ares yelled, but Zeus ignored him. He glared at Perseus resentfully, turned into golden light and flew quickly away.

Seeing Ares leave, Perseus breathed a sigh of relief. Then, the Thor's hammer in his hand disappeared, and the cool equipment also quickly disappeared.

Perseus looked at the others and found that their eyes were looking at him, full of awe. When he saw him looking over, they even held their breath and did not dare to say a word.

This is also the reason why there is no applause. Their status is much lower than that of the gods. They are not qualified at all and do not dare to applaud.

"I'm still me, nothing has changed from before."

Perseus said helplessly, Ling'o nodded, but Draco and the others remained silent. After a moment, Draco asked cautiously: "Will our mission continue?"

"Of course continue, I will never watch the monster destroy Agra."

Perseus nodded immediately. Draco breathed a sigh of relief, knelt down on one knee and said, "Perseus, we will follow you to complete this mission together and save the princess."

Others also knelt down to express their allegiance. Perseus was helpless. This was not what he wanted. However, ancient people had a strong sense of class and could no longer regard Perseus as the stupid boy he was before. After all, he was The man who defeated Ares.

"We have been waiting for so many years to finally see a human being who can defeat the gods."

At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded, and everyone turned their heads hurriedly to see a group of fallen wizards made of wood walking towards them.

The leading wizard saluted Perseus and said, "We are willing to help you complete your mission. We just ask that you help us get rid of the curse in the future."


Perseus was stunned and couldn't help turning his head to look at Draco. He was just a fisherman. He didn't know how to judge this kind of thing.

Draco said: "To accept them, we need their scorpions as mobile tools, otherwise, we may not have enough time."

"Okay, I agree to your request."

Perseus said happily, and then the group of people rode on the giant scorpions and quickly rushed to the witch's location.

At the same time, the gods were meeting again on Mount Olympus. They looked at the embarrassed Ares, their eyes full of disdain and ridicule.

Obviously, the gods already know about Ares' defeat. In this place on Mount Olympus, news can never be hidden. For example, Zeus has an affair with a certain goddess again, or Zeus turns a certain beautiful woman into a goddess. Cows hiding and stuff like that.

"Ares, I heard that you can't even defeat a demigod, or have you just awakened?"

Apollo sneered and said, he is the sun god, the son of Zeus and Leto, and his relationship with Ares has never been harmonious.

Ares blushed and shouted: "I am not defeated, and there is obviously something wrong with that guy."

Apollo was about to taunt again when Zeus said: "There is no need to talk about this matter anymore, Ares, don't bother Perseus anymore, do you hear me?"

"Why can't we cause trouble for him? He is just a lowly human being and is not qualified to be us."

Ares shouted in dissatisfaction, and Hera even said: "Zeus, Perseus cannot become a god, even if he is your descendant."

Many gods agreed with Hera's words. After all, Perseus was half human.

"Whether he can become a god is not up to me. It depends on his own circumstances. If he has the status of a god, then he is a god and no one can change it."

Zeus said majestically, and Hera was about to refute. At this moment, a sinister voice sounded: "This is not possible. Regardless of whether Perseus has a god status or not, he cannot become a god."

Everyone turned their heads and saw Hades running over again at some point. Zeus was an old silver coin. As soon as he saw Hades, he immediately guessed a lot of things.

"The reason Ares found Perseus so quickly was because of Hades. Hades was up to something."

Zeus knew it well, and he shouted: "Hades, if you are not guarding the Titans in Hell, why are you always coming up? Don't forget your responsibilities."

Hades was stunned for a moment, and then he felt hatred in his heart. He said: "Of course I have not forgotten my responsibilities. Don't worry, there will be no problems in hell, but here, if I don't come, there will definitely be problems."

Zeus snorted coldly: "Perseus is my son, and Ares is also my son. What could go wrong?"

"Big question, first question, Perseus is so powerful now. Once he gets the method to kill Kraken from the witch, our plan to deter humans will completely fail."

Hades shouted: "At that time, humans will no longer fear us, let alone believe in us, which means that we will all perish."

All the gods were horrified. They had only been watching Ares's excitement before. They didn't expect this. After Hades said this, they realized that Perseus becoming stronger was not a good thing for them.

Zeus was about to tell his plan when Hades continued: "The second question is that Perseus is related to the gods of another world, the world connected to us."


The gods were in an uproar. The gods from another world had actually arrived and used Perseus as a pawn?

"Hades, do you have any evidence? Don't talk nonsense?"

Zeus shouted angrily, his hair standing up like a lion, which meant that he was really angry. After all, this was a terrible accusation. Once it was confirmed, Perseus would be beyond redemption.

Facing Zeus's anger, Hades lowered his head slightly and said: "Of course I have evidence, and the hammer used by Perseus is the evidence.

The style of that hammer is completely different from our artifact, and it is so powerful that it is obviously an artifact from another world. "

"An artifact from another world?"

The gods were surprised. In fact, Hades had no actual evidence for this matter, just speculation, but he knew that this was enough because someone would be on his side.

"No wonder Perseus was able to defeat me. He turned out to be a traitor."

Ares immediately said: "Those thunder powers are not Perseus' own, they were given to him by the gods from another world. The gods from another world want to use him to defeat us and occupy this world."

"Yes, that's it. The gods from another world use Perseus to kill Kraken, and then make humans no longer believe in us."

Hera also said: "When we lose our divine power and become weak, they will take action to eradicate us completely and occupy this world. We must not let the gods of other worlds do what they want."

"That's right, we can never let them get what they want."

Hera's analysis was reasonable, and the gods shouted. Zeus frowned. He was a suspicious person, and he was also suspicious of Perseus.

"Perseus is suspicious, but Hades is even more suspicious. He is definitely planning something."

Zeus's heart moved and he said: "Perseus is indeed suspicious. I will personally investigate and find out the truth of this matter."

"My brother, you are indeed very strong, but the gods from other worlds are not weak either. If you go alone, aren't you afraid of being attacked by them?"

Hades said: "You are our God King. If something happens to you, what should we do?"

The gods nodded one after another. Even though some, uh, most of the gods were usually unhappy with Zeus, at this time, they definitely didn't want anything to happen to Zeus. After all, they still needed him to carry the banner.

"I don't usually see you caring about me so much?"

Zeus secretly complained, and Hades continued: "Let's go over together and check Perseus' artifact. If there is no problem, we will take Perseus directly and make him a god. In this way, our original plan can continue .

If there is a problem, the natural solution is to destroy him directly, negotiate with the gods from another world, or start a war. "

Hera and Ares were a little unhappy when they heard this, but seeing that no one else objected, they could only acquiesce. They glanced at Hades and wondered if he was the one sent by Zeus?

"Okay, Hades, I'll do as you say."

Zeus thought for a while and finally nodded. At this time, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, who turned Medusa into a snake demon, said: "Since we are inspecting the artifact, I suggest that the God of Fire go with him. He will definitely be able to tell the difference. Is it an artifact from another world?"

Fire God Hephaestus, one of the twelve main gods of Mount Olympus, and the artifacts of the three brothers of Zeus, were all made by him.

Thousands of years ago, Hephaestus, the god of fire, stood on the side of Hades against Zeus because he felt that Hades had done the most and could not cheat him like that.

Unfortunately, Hades failed in the end, and Hephaestus, the god of fire, was exiled to a small island by Zeus and never came back.

Athena brought up this matter at this time in order to gain favor and try to get Vulcan to build an artifact for herself.

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