American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1530 Summoning

Perseus didn't know why, but he still obeyed. He found an excuse and took Ling'o away. The team leader Draco was very dissatisfied with this. In fact, he had no good impressions of demigods in the first place.

"Perseus, why did you bring me here suddenly?"

In a remote corner, Ling'e looked at Perseus and asked in confusion. Perseus was about to answer when the two of them were moved to the hall by Andrew at the same time and stood in the magic circle with the princess.

Ling'e's expression changed when she saw Andrew. Although she didn't know who he was, he was obviously at the level of a god.

"No more nonsense, Perseus, your strength is far from enough to deal with the gods, so I am going to summon superheroes from other worlds to help you."

Andrew waved his hand and said: "Ling'e, you are here too. Only strength can help you get rid of your original fate. Of course, before you start, you must be loyal to me first."

"As long as I can escape this damn fate, I am willing to be loyal to you."

Ling'e was stunned for a moment, then bowed her head respectfully to Andrew. She was a smart woman who knew what it meant to assess the situation.

Ling'e is the heroine of the first film. She has a lot of worldly blessings in her body, which is enough to summon superheroes.

"Superheroes from other worlds?"

Perseus looked confused. He was just a fisherman who had never read a book and had no idea what Andrew was talking about. In fact, let alone him, even the nobles could not understand this sentence.

"Just sit down."

Andrew didn't intend to explain more and said directly. Perseus sat down happily. It would be great if he said this earlier, so he didn't have to waste his brain thinking.

Ling'e gently sat down next to Perseus. She had seen too many things and didn't like complicated men. On the contrary, Perseus' simple mind attracted her more.

Princess Andromeda also sat down. She knew more about superheroes than the other two. She was full of expectations and wondered which superhero she would resonate with?

Andrew wasted no time, activated the magic circle, and the game space descended. The consciousness of the three people passed through the game space and headed to the Marvel Universe and DC Universe.

Soon, the consciousness of the three people returned one after another, and the superheroes who resonated with them also returned.

The superhero who resonates with Princess Andromeda is the tight-fitting superwoman Kara El. Different from Andrew's impression, she has grown up now and is no longer a girl.

"Mr. Wang."

Kara was very respectful to Andrew. After all, he was "a very low-key boyfriend of Wonder Woman" and the leader of the Justice League. She said: "I already understand the matter. I will assist Princess Andromeda and save the world together."

"Very good. If you have time, you can teach Princess Andromeda some modern knowledge and theories."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. Although Kara's strength is not as good as Superman's, it is still remarkable. With her joining, his strength will be greatly enhanced.

"No problem, I admire Princess Andromeda."

Kara assured her carelessly that under the protection of Superman and others, her character had a tendency to be silly and sweet.

Princess Andromeda was very happy. She had seen how strong Kara was before, not to mention that Kara would teach her all kinds of knowledge.

Knowledge is power. Princess Andromeda thinks this sentence is very reasonable.

Then came Perseus, and a blond man with a hammer and a muscular body like a lion appeared behind him. He greeted Andrew: "Andrew, it's so nice to see you.

It's great to be able to come to this world for a business trip, I'm bored to death in Asgard. "

This man is none other than Thor, the god of thunder, who is extremely powerful. Moreover, unlike the movie universe, Thor in the Andrew Marvel universe is not blind and has a very optimistic attitude, without the feeling of bitterness and hatred.

Andrew smiled and asked: "Thor, why are you so annoyed? Could it be that Jane and Loki are competing for favor again?"

"What nonsense? Loki is my brother."

Thor said angrily: "There are many annoying things. For example, Jane doesn't let me drink. Odin actually doesn't let an Asgardian drink. Do you think Jane can't go too far?

Also, Jane controls me every day, not letting me do this or that, and wants me to be the king of Asgard and be a role model for my children.

Not that I'm talking about her, but Jane has become a completely different person since she gave birth to the baby, and I'm really annoyed. "

Thor and Jane already had a child, and Andrew (the Lord of Hell) even went to congratulate him. Thor carried the child to the battlefield when the child was just one month old. It was said to be Asgard's tradition. Gard men are born for war.

Then, uh, then Thor was pushed to the ground by Jane and beaten severely. Jane went crazy. Thor's behavior was a proper death sentence on earth.

After that, Jane put more restraints on Thor to prevent him from committing stupidity again. Thor took the trouble to do so. They were so good before the marriage, but the two couldn't wait to stick together. Why did it become like this after marriage?

What makes Thor even more angry is that Loki is fanning the flames there every day, and complains from time to time, causing Jane and Frigga to often do "domestic violence" to him. Men are too difficult.

"It's normal for you to be beaten, but why doesn't Jane allow you to drink?"

Andrew expressed confusion: "You are the God King now. Isn't it easy for you to evaporate alcohol?"

Thor was a little embarrassed. He was about to answer when a phantom appeared behind Ling'e. He was elegant and well-mannered. He could tell at a glance that he was an educated person. It was Jane Foster, a Ph.D. in astrophysics who had just won the Nobel Prize some time ago. She is also the queen of Asgard.

Thor's expression changed drastically when he saw Jane. Why was she here too, for the promised vacation?

"Why don't you let him drink? Because this bastard asked Loki to put a spell on him that makes him have the same physique as a mortal in the presence of wine."

Jane scolded: "It turns out that this guy gets drunk every day and goes crazy, and even takes his children to the sky to play. That's fine. The most important thing is that he has gained weight and has lost his eight-pack abs. How can I bear this?"

"So in your eyes, children are not as good as eight-pack abs?"

Andrew complained, and Jane was a little embarrassed. The reason why she was obsessed with Thor in the first place was because of his muscles, so she was particularly concerned about this aspect. With Thor's temper and wealth at the time, how could Jane be with him if she wasn't greedy for his body? together?

Jane said: "That's not the point. The point is that the Marvel Universe is now at peace, and this guy has slacked off and has no trace of his previous demeanor.

Now he looks like a greasy middle-aged uncle in his forties, with not only a similar temperament, but also a similar figure. "

"My real age is dozens of times older than my forties."

Thor complained, he said: "Jane, you are here too, who will take care of the child? It can't be Loki, that guy might bite our child with a snake? You go back quickly, the child is in danger."

"Don't worry, Odin and Frigga are taking care of you. Also, your dear brother Loki has been missing for more than a year."

Jane said: "Men do change their minds. I used to regard my brother as my first love, but now I have been missing for more than a year and there is no reaction at all."

"Is there something wrong with your statement?"

Andrew complained again that he knew about Loki's disappearance. After all, he had been keeping an eye on Loki, but even he couldn't figure out why Loki disappeared and where was he now?

Thor said nonchalantly: "That guy Loki can't die. If he really dies one day, he must be pretending to be dead."

"What you really correct."

Jane complained, she said: "Thor, don't try to drive me back, it's fine if you don't know about it, now that I know, I will never leave.

That old bastard Zeus, I wanted to beat him up when I was reading myths and legends. Now that I have the opportunity, I will never miss it. Ling’e, don’t worry, I will definitely help you change your destiny. "

"Thank you, Queen Jane."

Ling'e said gratefully, and then said to Jane: "Just call me Jane. Anyway, that broken Asgard will go bankrupt sooner or later."

"Nonsense, Asgard will last forever."

Thor puffed his beard and glared angrily, and said, "However, the Zeus of this world is indeed more hateful than the one of our world. He must be beaten."

In order to take revenge, he turned into an enemy and defiled his wife. Even Loki, uh, well, that bastard Loki could do this kind of thing. In short, he had to beat him.

"Since you have the same ideas, I suggest you let go of your original identities and have fun in this world."

Andrew smiled and said: "How about taking it as a honeymoon?"


Thor and Jane's eyes lit up and they nodded at the same time. Thor thought for a while and said, "Then let's have fun. By the way, Jane, don't restrain me with all kinds of things anymore."

"I understand, His Majesty the God King, do you think I am willing to take care of you? If I have time, I would love to study celestial mechanics."

Jane said angrily, Thor chuckled, and then the two of them returned to the host's body at the same time, communicated with their consciousness, and discussed how to beat that old bastard Zeus.

"It seems Zeus is in trouble."

Andrew smiled and said: "Princess Andromeda, you go out to organize the army and prepare for war. Perseus and Ling'e, you return to the team, what to do, and what to do.

However, unless you encounter a god-level opponent, don't call a superhero to help. That's your trump card and you can't let the enemy know in advance. "


Perseus and Ling'e nodded at the same time. In fact, Perseus didn't quite understand. Fortunately, Ling'e was with him.

Then, Andrew waved them off, and then Princess Andromeda stood up, left the castle with confidence, and went to gather people outside.

As mentioned before, Princess Andromeda was very popular. Although many people wanted to sacrifice her to quell this disaster, there were also some people who were willing to stand by her side, so she quickly formed a team.

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