American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1525 Punishment

Death was very satisfied, and took Seth and Sithorn on the boat on the River Styx, heading towards hell.

On the way, Death and the others asked the boatman for information about this world, and quickly figured out what kind of world this was.

As multiple beings with a deep connection with the earth, they naturally know about Greek mythology. Seth said: "The master of hell is Hades. According to the myth, he hates Zeus deeply. We can win him over and let him kill him." Infernal fusion.”

"Hades is a good choice."

Sithorn nodded, and at this moment, Death said: "Deep in hell, there is a powerful life, and He is calling me."

"Powerful life?"

Sithorne and Seth were stunned. By asking the boatman, they learned that deep in hell, the old father of the three Zeus brothers, the Titan Cronus, was sealed.

"This partner seems better?"

Sithorne was a little moved. He thought for a moment and said, "The seal was placed by Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades at the same time. As soon as we move the seal, Zeus and the others will come immediately.

With our current strength, we may not be their opponents. Let us go to Cronus first, discuss with him, and then think about how to break the situation. In short, we cannot act rashly. "

Seth and Death nodded in agreement at the same time. Not only were the three Zeus brothers, but also King Andrew, they could not underestimate the enemy.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the shore. At this time, Death found a monster with a human head and a snake body spying on them. It was Medusa from Greek mythology.

Rumor has it that Medusa was an extremely beautiful woman. Athena was jealous of her beauty and turned her into a monster. Anyone who saw her eyes would be turned to stone.

It can be said that none of the gods in this mythological system is a good person. This is why humans want to resist the gods. There is no way, they are too cruel.

"A good tool. From now on, you can follow me."

Sithorn waved to Medusa, and Medusa followed Sithorn uncontrollably, entering the abyss of hell with them.

After the group left, a figure emerged from the ground and said with a headache: "Is the plot completely off track?"

This figure is none other than Andrew. Since he knows that this is the world of "Clash of the Gods", how could he not monitor hell? You know, in "Wrath of the Gods", the sequel to "Clash of the Titans", the Titans break the seal and prepare to destroy mankind.

Medusa is a very important character in the first film. The protagonist Perseus chopped off Medusa's head and used her petrification ability to finally get rid of the Kraken.

But now that Medusa is gone, the protagonist will be surprised if he comes to hell again.

Andrew shook his head and didn't care much. After all, the protagonist was already in his hands, and Perseus, the protagonist, had so much blessing from the world. Even though Andrew was used to seeing the Son of Destiny, he was still surprised.

This is the son of destiny who wants to save the world, end the age of gods, and make humans the protagonists of the world.

On the sea, Perseus was captured by the soldiers of the Kingdom of Agra, and they returned to the capital city of the Kingdom of Agra.

Perseus didn't know much about acting, so he kept an expressionless face all the way. At the same time, he was thinking that he didn't catch a single fish today. I have to say that his method was very effective, and everyone thought he was very sad.

I didn’t catch a single fish, and I have to eat grass again today. Can I not be sad?

Andrew and Hermione followed the group, and Hermione asked: "Is this person, or demigod, important?"

"You know, I can sense the favor of the world, and Perseus has a very strong favor of the world."

Andrew said: "Without us, he would be the savior. Of course, it may not be successful. Using him to explore the way is the best choice.

Even if Perseus himself is not good, I can use the blessing of the world in him to summon a superhero to save the day. The blessing of the world in him can summon a super powerful superhero. "

"Like us?"

Hermione suddenly realized that although Andrew had a bad personality, he was still very professional when it came to saving the world.

At this time, Hermione remembered what happened before and asked: "How can I quickly master the transformation technique of Director Skyward Sword? Also, what does this have to do with taking advantage of you?"

"Of course you're taking advantage of me."

Andrew said: "I won't go into details about the specific process. I won't do anything so loss-making."

It was obvious that Andrew was playing hard to get, but Hermione didn't notice. The more Andrew refused, the more she wanted to know, and she really wanted to practice the transformation into Director Tianjian.

Director Tianjian's genes are much stronger than those of other creatures.

While Andrew was 'fishing', Perseus followed the soldiers to the capital of Agra. Hermione looked at the people and felt two things from them, one was poverty, the other was fear.

Needless to say, we are poor. This is the era of city-states. The people are already poor, and they are exploited by the noble class and the god class. It is strange that they are not poor. Most people cannot even eat enough and are hungry every day.

As for the fear, it was because the nobles rebelled against the gods and they were worried about being punished by the gods.

"In my hometown, there is a saying that when things prosper, people suffer; when things die, people suffer."

Andrew looked at these civilians and said: "The same is true in this world. The nobles resist the gods, not for the people at all, but for themselves.

The people, on the other hand, can do nothing but endure the conflict between the nobles and the gods. Unfortunately, no matter which side fails, they will suffer. "

As an Englishman, Hermione is still a bit aristocratic in her heart. She defended the aristocracy and said: "There are also good people in the aristocracy."

Andrew didn't say much. His ideas are fundamentally different from Hermione's. Noble? What the hell is that? It should have been thrown into the trash can long ago.

The old king of Agra did not know that his soldiers had suffered heavy losses. He summoned the nobles and held a banquet in the magnificent castle to celebrate the victory.

There was a lot of food, fruit, and wine at the banquet. The fat-bellied, chatting and laughing nobles were completely different from the hungry commoners outside.

Andrew took Hermione and blended into the crowd silently. No one noticed them at all. Andrew even handed Hermione a bunch of grapes: "In this era, it should be purely natural."

"Purely natural and pollution-free?"

Hermione's eyes lit up, she tried a grape, and then shook her head in disgust. Not only was it not as sweet as the ones bought in the supermarket, it was also a bit sour.

Soon, the soldiers entered the castle. The old king, who was sitting high above, saw that the number of soldiers was wrong and hurriedly called the general over. The general whispered: "Your Majesty, we lost a lot of people, but we won, and the statue was taken by us. Destroyed.”

"very good."

The old king nodded with satisfaction. He didn't care at all how many soldiers died. He only cared that he successfully defeated the god. He believed that knocking down the statue of the god meant defeating the god.

The nobles also received the news, raised their glasses one after another, and shouted loudly: "To our king, to our queen, to our princess."

There was cheering in the banquet hall. The old king stood up with a golden wine glass and said loudly: "You shouldn't respect me, you should respect these brave soldiers who dare to fight Zeus.

The temple is burning, the statue of the god has fallen. Without our worship, the god is about to fall. Everyone, a new era will begin, an era that belongs to mankind. Let us cheer. "

The nobles cheered wildly, as if they had really defeated the gods. Hermione was very shocked when she saw this scene: "I just checked, there are no magicians among them, how on earth did they have the courage to resist the gods?

They don’t really think that humans alone can defeat gods, right? "

"That's what they think. The gods of this world rely on humans to survive. Therefore, the gods used to punish them for their resistance in the past. This made humans think that the gods were nothing special."

Andrew shook his head, and Hermione frowned: "If that's the case, that would be terrible. The gods will definitely fight back. For example, they will kill half and leave the other half. Is this a disaster?"


Andrew didn't say much. Perseus looked at this scene and felt something was wrong. At the same time, he was a little angry. If it weren't for the actions of these people, how could his family have died? Hey, no, they don’t seem to be dead?

Not all nobles were dizzy. Princess Andromeda, the most beautiful woman in Greece, frowned. She felt that these people were crazy. It was okay to resist the gods, but with such fierceness, were they really not afraid of the gods' revenge?

Seeing Princess Andromeda frowning, the queen handed her a glass of wine and said, "Why are you worried? You are the most beautiful woman in Greece. Even the gods are not as beautiful as you. Now, we are the gods."

The nobles cheered again, and this time, even Hermione thought they were crazy.

At this moment, the door was knocked open, and the flames on all the braziers were extinguished at the same time. Then, a ball of black gas mixed with sparks flew into the hall, spinning rapidly in the air.

As the black air swirled, all the surrounding soldiers were uncontrollably sucked into the black air and disappeared. The nobles were so frightened that they kept screaming and no longer looked as arrogant as before.


When Perseus saw this scene, he couldn't help but scream in shock. He remembered these black gases, which were the ones that killed hundreds of soldiers before.

When all the surrounding soldiers were sucked in, the black energy stopped and turned into Hades. Then, Hades opened his cloak, a large number of shields, and weapons roared out. The surrounding nobles were all thrown away and fell to the ground wailing.

The king and queen were frightened and retreated repeatedly, but Princess Andromeda still stood strong in front and asked loudly: "Who are you?"

"I'm Hades!"

Hades opened his hands and announced his identity. The nobles became more and more panicked. After all, Hades was the God of Death.

Then, with a wave of Hades's hand, Princess Andromeda flew out, hit the wall and fell, falling right into Andrew's arms, and Andrew gently put her down.

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