American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1523 The soul is obtained

"That big man is a demigod and doesn't need my rescue."

Andrew said: "The statue just now belongs to Zeus. This world may be the world of Greek mythology. Let's be careful and don't be careless, otherwise it will easily capsize."

"That old bastard Zeus? No wonder the statue was knocked down."

Hermione was a little shocked, but also a little excited at the same time. It was actually a world where gods really existed. It was really interesting.

As for the fact that Zeus is an old bastard, it goes without saying. Anyone who knows a little bit about mythology knows that describing Zeus as an old bastard is considered polite.

"Tsk, tsk, this world is really strange, completely different from Earth."

Andrew used his consciousness to explore the world and found that the world was based on Greek mythology and was different from reality. For example, there was a place nearby where you could directly enter hell.

In addition, Zeus and other gods all live in the sky. It is the real sky, not some other space. If someone in this era invents a hot air balloon, he can reach the place where the gods live, and then, uh, be killed by the gods. die.

"The mythological systems of different countries are different. If they are consistent with reality, there will be many contradictions. For example, in the West, God created human beings, while in the Greek mythological system, Zeus created human beings."

Hermione nodded to express her understanding. At this time, Perseus floated to the surface, breathing heavily.

Perseus himself didn't notice anything wrong, but Andrew could tell that the blood of Zeus in his body had begun to awaken, and his body would gradually become stronger.

In the past, Perseus was just a mortal, but now, he will gradually transform into a demigod.

Suddenly, a black wind symbolizing death flew towards this side quickly. When Andrew saw this, he hurriedly said: "It's Hades, Hermione. Stay as close to me as possible, otherwise you will be discovered."

Hermione was shocked when she heard this. Hades' strength was at least at the level of a demon king. She didn't care about anything else and hurriedly hugged Andrew.

"Well, although the closer the better, you don't have to hold me, right? Or do you have any plans for me?"

Andrew asked with a half-smile. Hermione was stunned for a moment, and then she wanted to let go of her hand in shame and anger. As expected, she was tricked by Andrew again.

"Now that I've hugged you, don't let go. The closer you are to me, the harder it is to be discovered."

Andrew put his hand on Hermione's arm to prevent her from letting go. Hermione smelled his breath and blushed a little. Just as she was about to say something, Hades flew over.

"Foolish mortal."

Hades was very angry when he saw the celebrating soldiers. Although he hated Zeus deeply, these soldiers dared to blaspheme the gods and were simply seeking death.

Then, a group of flying demons emerged from the black wind and rushed towards the soldiers.

"Enemy attack!"

The soldiers were frightened and hurriedly raised their spears to deal with the flying demons, but they were no match for the demons. They were grabbed into the sky one by one, and then thrown down to death.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of soldiers died like ants.

Some soldiers were thrown into the sea. Unfortunately, Perseus was hit by a spear and passed out. Fortunately, he floated on the sea and did not sink.

Hermione looked very angry, and she whispered to Andrew: "Director Tianjian, won't you help those soldiers?"

"Since they dare to provoke God, they will naturally have to pay a corresponding price. Everyone must be responsible for what they do."

Andrew shook his head and said: "Besides, we have just arrived in this world, and it is not appropriate to act without authorization before we understand the situation.

After so many world fusions, I discovered a rule. Disasters will occur in all affiliated worlds, and this world should be no exception. In order to prevent disasters, we should plan before taking action. "


Hermione nodded. Although she is kind, she is not a bad person. One of the rules of magic is exchange of equal value. You have to pay for what you want, and magic is no exception.

After killing the soldiers, all the flying demons flew back into the black wind. Then, the black wind transformed into an elderly man with a very high hairline and wearing a black feather coat. He was Hades, the king of Hades.

"Hair loss is indeed a big problem in the multiverse. Even the gods can't stop it. Loki is like this, and Hades is like this."

Andrew sighed, and Hermione was a little confused. What theory is this? Also, is your focus a bit strange?

Hades did not find Andrew and Hermione, but he found Perseus. He was about to kill each other when he suddenly discovered the blood of Zeus in the other person's body.

"Son of Zeus."

Hades snorted. Except for him, the other two brothers, Zeus and Poseidon, all left a lot of blood, some of which were not even human. It must be said that their tastes were special enough.

After all, he is his nephew. Hades did not want to cause trouble and turned into a black wind and soared into the sky. He was going to find Zeus in the sky to punish mankind and at the same time, start his conspiracy.

Originally, the three Zeus brothers joined forces to create the monster Kraken, also known as the Kraken, in order to deal with their father, the Titan Cronus.

After this was accomplished, Zeus took over the sky, Poseidon took over the sea, and Hades was banished to the underworld, where he was responsible for suppressing the demons and Cronus.

Hades was very dissatisfied with this. You know, in order to create Kraken, he even sacrificed his divine body. As a result, he was assigned the worst place. How could he bear this?

The problem is that Hades has no divine body and is the weakest in strength. With the character of Zeus and Poseidon, it would be a ghost if they don't bully him.

Hades has been thinking of ways to change this situation, and now that humans are resisting the gods, he sees an opportunity.

After Hades left, Andrew showed up with Hermione. Andrew said: "Okay, now that I'm gone, don't take advantage of me anymore. Although I'm a generous person, you can't always take advantage."

Hermione hurriedly let go of her hand and glared at Andrew. For the first time, she knew how shameless a person could be. What’s even more incredible is that this shameless guy is also the savior.

Andrew ignored Hermione. He raised his hand and woke up Perseus. After Perseus woke up, he looked at the sea full of wreckage and couldn't help but burst into tears when he thought of his relatives who had died before.

"I can help resurrect your relatives, but from now on, you must be loyal to me."

A voice suddenly sounded. Perseus grasped at straws and hurriedly looked up at the sky. Then, he was a little shocked. Fortunately, Hermione said that Andrew looked like he was obviously not a local.

In addition to Perseus, there was a woman looking at Andrew and Hermione in the distance. Andrew glanced in that direction, and the other woman ran away like a frightened rabbit.

Andrew ignored the woman. She was an important NPC, Ling'e, who was responsible for guiding Perseus and would later become Perseus' wife.

Perseus didn't know that much, he asked: "Who are you? And, can you really resurrect my relatives?"

"I guarantee that you will see them again, and there will be no side effects. For example, what is resurrected is just their corpses, and they are suffering every moment. Or, one life for another, after they are resurrected, Will kill you or something like that.”

Andrew said, Hermione and Perseus looked at Andrew in astonishment, why do you feel so skilled?

In fact, when ordinary people sign a contract with demons, this is basically the result. It's not that demons are evil, uh, well, they are indeed evil.

The key is that the devil not only wants human souls, but also human negative emotions. The more extreme the soul, the more useful it is to the devil. Therefore, the devil will find ways to make humans despair, angry, and sad, and then take away their souls.

Again, people who make deals with the devil will basically not end well, unless the devil is named Andrew Wang.

Andrew said: "Should we change it? Over time, they might enter the River Styx."

Hermione was a little stunned. Those people were not dead at all. Isn't Andrew's behavior a little bad?

It wouldn't matter if it were anyone else, but Andrew is the savior, the representative of greatness and integrity - although Hermione has long known that he has a bad character, taking advantage of others and having a bad character are two different things and cannot be confused.

"As long as you can resurrect my family, I am willing to serve you."

Perseus gritted his teeth and then asked with some confusion: "But, I'm just a fisherman, what can I do for you?"

Perseus did not know his identity. Of course, he knew that he was picked up. His adoptive parents were very kind and treated him as their own. Therefore, he was willing to sacrifice himself for his family.

"You are not just a fisherman. In the future, you will know your identity."

Andrew smiled, Perseus' soul was officially obtained. This was the soul of the son of destiny, the protagonist of the world.

Then, Andrew raised his hand, and several people emerged from the sea. They were Perseus' adoptive parents and sister. Perseus was overjoyed and immediately swam over to check and found that they were all alive, but not awake.

Perseus asked hurriedly: "Why haven't they woke up yet?"

"Because we still have things to do. For the time being, we can't let anyone know that they are not dead."

Andrew snapped his fingers, and Perseus' adoptive parents and sister turned into three rays of light and flew into Perseus' body.

Perseus was startled, and then he felt that his family was staying in his heart, safe and sound.

Perseus looked at Andrew in disbelief and asked, "Are you a god? A god like Zeus?"

"No, I'm not a god, I'm a guest savior."

Andrew said: "Perseus, this world is about to face a doomsday disaster, and I need you to help me prevent this disaster.

When everything is over, you and your family can continue to be happy fishermen. You can catch a lot of fish every day. This is my blessing to you. "

Hermione looked at Andrew with a strange look, asking someone to help you save the world, is it too stingy for you to just give this benefit?

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