American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1512 Awakening

"Of course, genetic biological magic is more powerful than a druid. A druid can only turn into an animal. With genetic biological magic, as long as you get the opponent's genes, you can change anything you want."

Andrew continued: "Devils, dragons, Godzilla, humans, aliens, all can be used. This kind of magic can easily make up for your shortcomings in melee combat. At the same time, there is no appearance problem.

Well, except during battle, you can choose some better-looking monsters to transform, although it seems meaningless to me. "

"Why is it meaningless? It's very meaningful?"

Hermione complained, but Andrew didn't say much. He said: "In addition, there is genetic mutation magic. To put it simply, it is to make human genes mutate and return to their ancestors. This is very uncertain.

In addition, there is biological armor magic, which is to make creatures into armor and drive them to fight. If you want to learn this kind of magic, in addition to biology, you must also learn physics, materials science and other knowledge. "

Hermione suddenly hesitated. The magics Andrew mentioned were actually very powerful, but they had certain flaws in appearance and beauty. Well, I couldn't say flaws, but Hermione herself couldn't accept them.

It is normal for young girls to love beauty and show off.

Neither Andrew nor Ancient One urged Hermione. After all, this was Hermione's own choice and related to her path to magic.

"I want to learn genetic biological magic. When the time comes, I will find the best-looking monster to transform into."

Hermione hesitated for a while, then finally made up her mind, Andrew smiled and said: "One is not enough, you have to obtain the genes of multiple monsters so that they can be used in different situations.

Utilizing monster genes is only the first step in genetic biological magic. Next, there will be follow-up such as optimizing genes and gene fusion.

There is no end to technological magic. This is a path to becoming a god. "

Hermione's breathing was a little rapid. She was not interested in becoming a god. After all, she was still young, but she very much wanted to defeat those demon kings and protect her world.

"Don't be so excited. The better the magic, the more effort and effort it takes."

Andrew smiled and said: "Hermione, you have to learn three kinds of magic, and the price you have to pay will be three times that of others. Are you ready?"

Hermione thought about it carefully and said, "I'm ready. I'm just afraid that I won't have anything to learn, but I'm not afraid of learning too much. Please ask Director Tianjian and Teacher Gu Yi to continue teaching me magic."

Andrew and Ancient One both nodded. Hermione was the kind of student that every teacher liked. She was studious, smart, hard-working, confident, and grateful. Who wouldn't want to have such a disciple?

While Hermione was working hard, Harry was also working hard. Even if Hoggs increased the intensity of training, he had no objection and instead worked harder.

Before Harry went to the academy, he had been oppressed by his aunt and uncle. He didn't even have a room of his own and lived in the stairwell where the brooms were kept.

After entering the magical world, everyone called him the savior. While Harry was frightened, he was also very happy because this was the first time he was so valued and the first time he was so honored.

Therefore, although he is very humble on the surface, Harry actually really wants to be a savior, and he even wants to be a savior worthy of the name. This is his dream.

Now that he has the opportunity to advance his strength by leaps and bounds, Harry will certainly not fall behind. He will go all out to live up to Mr. Hoggs and his own dreams. He will protect the world.

Hoggs was very satisfied with Harry's performance. If the world had not been occupied by Andrew, he would have trained him to become the supreme mage of this world, the spokesperson of Emperor Weishan.

"It's not impossible. At worst, I'll have to work for nothing for the Machine Demon King."

Hoggs thought to himself that he believed that Harry, who worked so hard and was so talented, would definitely win this competition.

Compared to Harry and Hermione, Ron, who was unwilling to accept training and was chased around by the mechanical dog, was undoubtedly a "lotter", which was why Hogs and Gu Yi were not optimistic about Ron.

It doesn't matter if you have bad talent, and it doesn't matter if you have poor qualifications. But if you don't have good talent, poor qualifications, and you don't work hard, that's quite a problem.

This is the case with Ron. His awareness is far from enough. However, it is not a big problem because Andrew has an ace in his hand - Captain America.

Steve's charisma is outstanding. He can turn people around him into his little fans and let them learn from him.

Of course, Ron didn't know this. After finally completing the training, he lay on the ground like a dead dog and kept panting. If God could give him a chance to choose, he would definitely say to his past self: "Don't agree to that person. "

"There's quite a lot of psychological activity."

Andrew kicked Ron angrily and said, "Go and play games."

"I'll go."

Ron immediately got up from the ground and rushed to the game room at the speed of a flying man. Andrew was speechless. If this guy had half the enthusiasm to play games during training, would he still need to let the mechanical dog chase him?

In the game room, Ron put on his helmet, and the surroundings suddenly changed, from an ordinary game room to a hospital. At the same time, a few lines of words appeared in front of Ron:

"Mission 1: Help Steve Rogers join the American army. After completing mission 1, start mission 2.

Note 1: This is the time of World War II. Please be careful in your words and deeds and do not leak future intelligence.

Note 2: You look like a young man now, with ten dollars and a driver's license in your pocket. "

"Isn't it Thunder Shazam's mission today?"

Ron was a little shocked, and then he murmured to himself: "Isn't this task too simple? Isn't it easy to join the army in the United States?"

At this point, the military recruiter shouted, "Steve Rogers."

Ron hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound and saw a short man walking towards the recruiter. What should I say? This man was not only short, but also very thin, making people wonder if he would be blown up by the wind.

"So thin? Well, there shouldn't be any problem, right?"

Ron thought secretly, and soon he realized that he was optimistic. This man was not only thin, but also full of diseases, and was kicked out directly.

"Are you playing tricks on me in this mission? Join the army with a body like this?"

Ron wanted to curse. He deeply doubted whether Director Tianjian was playing tricks on him. This was not the first time.

Steve was kicked out again. Although he was disappointed, he did not give up. Instead, he began to look for the next recruitment point.

When Steve was kicked out again, Ron couldn't help walking up to him and asked: "Why do you have to join the army? This is war time, and you will die if you go to the battlefield."

No matter how bad Ron's history was, he still knew how horrific the war during World War II was, and the human lives were as much as a lawn mower.

"If none of us go, then who will protect our country?"

Steve glanced at Ron and didn't show any excitement. He just said calmly but firmly: "I want to join the army to protect our country and justice."

"Can America be considered just?"

Ron secretly complained that he was from England and didn't have much affection for the United States. Of course, this did not prevent him from following Steve and trying to find ways to help him join the army. After all, he had a mission.

How long does it take to go from not taking it seriously to becoming a fan? The answer is simple. Within ten days of the mission, Ron became Steve's little fanboy.

Ron looked at Steve's breasts, which were bigger than a woman's, and secretly determined that he should have such a good figure. This is the figure a man should have.

What, you are a mage? So what, who stipulates that mages can't have muscles? He is a unique game mage.

At the same time, Ron learned what responsibility is from Steve. He recalled the tragic situation of the world some time ago and secretly clenched his fists. He should not wait for others to protect the world, but should take the initiative to protect the world and contribute to the world. own strength.

Just like Steve, no matter how weak he is, he still has to fulfill his responsibilities.

Steve not only made Ron understand what responsibility is, but also made him completely understand his father. Arthur is not a stupid good old man, he is a real hero.

"The significance of the existence of superheroes is not only to protect the world, but also to be a spiritual symbol, encouraging generations of people to pursue the heroic spirit."

Andrew shook his head. After Ron came to his senses, he no longer needed to send a mechanical dog to help him train. His strength improved rapidly through his own efforts, just like his muscles.

"Well, would Hermione like this style of Ron?"

Andrew complained, then shook his head, it was none of his business, it was not his fault, it was Ron's own choice.

What, Andrew deliberately separated Ron and Hermione, and had an agenda against Hermione? Nonsense, is he, Director of Tianjian, Mechanical Demon King, Andrew King, that kind of person?

More than half a month later, the phantom above New York disappeared, and some people breathed a sigh of relief. Although there was no monster, the phantom was there, like a sharp sword floating above their heads.

Another part of the public feels disappointed. After all, they are staring at the development on the opposite side every day. It is really interesting.

In fact, the officials are very interested in communicating with the Magic World and exchanging information, just like with Mario World, but Andrew does not have an open world channel.

This is to avoid trouble. As for helping, if the main world is really in danger, the magic world can come to help at any time. After all, Andrew is the master of the magic world.

This is not Andrew's bragging. In the past half month, a lot of things have happened in the wizarding world. For example, the goblin Gringotts completely belongs to Andrew, and all their wealth has become Andrew's wealth.

As for the process, it doesn't matter. As long as everyone knows the result, those goblins swallowed by the dragon were accidents. I believe everyone understands this. How could the majestic savior harm others?

With money, power, and fame, what can the wizarding world do against Andrew? In just half a month, statues of Andrew were placed in all the halls of the Ministry of Magic, and the magicians called him the savior.

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