American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 151 The Great Immigration

"Isn't the being you traded with a little too nice?"

Carter asked suspiciously: "Not only helped you solve the disaster caused by Shredder, but also helped me restore my youth, and even collected your soul after death? He can completely collect your soul directly."

"The signer is an old friend of mine and he helped open the back door."

Steve said: "In addition, that existence was introduced by an angel, so it must not be much different."

"Although he is a demon." Steve added secretly in his mind.

"Old friend?"

Carter was a little shocked. She thought for a moment and then asked: "Is that mage from before the one who exists?"

Steve said: "It should be outsourced."


Carter was a little confused. Such a powerful existence actually engaged in outsourcing? Isn't this a little too weird?

"Don't talk about this, that old friend told me two things."

Steve said: "The first thing is that Bucky is still alive, but he was controlled by others and is now an emotionless killer."

"What, Bucky is still alive?"

Carter was quite surprised. After all, she and Bucky were also friends. She said, "We must find Bucky and rescue him."

"Of course."

Steve nodded, and he continued: "The second thing, he said, SHIELD is not worthy of trust."

Carter was silent after hearing this. After a moment, she sighed: "Actually, after Howard died, I noticed that there was a problem with SHIELD, but no matter how I checked, I couldn't find out what the problem was."

Steve said solemnly: "This proves that there is a problem with the entire SHIELD."

"That's right."

Carter nodded and said, "I didn't have the energy to investigate this matter before, but now I have. Steve, from now on you will be in the light and I will be in the dark. Let's find out about this matter together and avenge Howard."


Steve didn't object. He thought of something and said, "By the way, Carter, the people who control Bucky may be related to SHIELD."

"The person who controls Bucky is related to SHIELD?"

This sentence gave Carter a very bad thought - could it be Hydra?

Immediately, Carter shook his head repeatedly: "Impossible, Hydra has been eliminated."

"Carter, check Nick Fury. That guy doesn't look like a good person."

Steve continued: "And he is the director, and he is suspicious by nature. There is no way SHIELD can hide its problems from him, unless he is the one with the problem."

"Nick Fury is indeed suspicious. In fact, I have never liked him very much. What he does is too extreme, but Pierce admires him very much and single-handedly pushed him to the position of director."

Carter thought for a moment, stretched out his hand and said, "Give me that business card."

Steve was stunned: "What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, you won't use it now, you will use it later when there is a big crisis."

Carter looked at Steve and said very seriously: "Steve, I will never be separated from you again. From now on, I will go wherever you go."

Steve was so moved that he hesitated and handed the business card to the other party. With Howard here, there would be no problem with the transaction.

Carter put the card away, then she turned on the speaker next to her, raised her hand, and said to Steve: "Steve, you still owe me a dance."

Steve's heart was racing. He took Carter's hand and asked, "Is that okay, ma'am?"


Carter nodded, and then the two hugged each other amid the sound of music.

A dance that was seventy years late finally came to an end at this moment.

Time flies, and we come to the last night of 2009, which is New Year’s Eve.

Times Square held celebrations as in previous years. However, the popularity this year was far less than last year. The reason is simple. There were too many disasters in 2009 and no one was interested in celebrating.

In addition, everyone has seen through that in New York, a place like this, disasters cannot stop, and there is no point in saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new.

"Spider-Woman!" "Jessica!" "Colleen!"

At this time, the Spider-Woman team flew over Times Square on flying skateboards, and the citizens cheered, obviously liking the superheroes very much.

"It's obviously the same job, but superheroes are cheered wherever they go, but for us, not only are we not appreciated, we are often looked down upon."

The heavy gun in the power armor cursed unhappily. In order to improve the image of the military, power armor often patrols the streets, and tonight is no exception.

"No way, New Yorkers really like superheroes."

Scarlett, the red-haired woman, said as she looked around for a target - she was looking for some bastard magician.

Don't get me wrong, Scarlett is just curious about magic.

"These days, if you don't wear some fancy clothes, you'd be too embarrassed to go out and help others."

Heavy Artillery complained, and Scarlett said: "Stop complaining and just watch the show, even though it's very average."

Although the New Year's Eve programs in Times Square are ordinary, some people watch them with gusto, such as the mutant antidote, Leeches.

"I really want to leave this room and go to Times Square to celebrate with them."

Leech, who had been imprisoned for several years, sighed secretly. At this moment, a gentle voice sounded in his and other mutants' minds at the same time: "Hello, fellow mutants, I am Professor Charles."

It is worth mentioning that leeches can disable all mutant abilities. The reason why Professor Charles's voice can reach his mind is that Andrew is helping.


The mutants were shocked. The professor actually turned on the loudspeaker of the whole family? What does he want to do?

Professor Charles wasted no time. He transmitted the image of Utopia into the minds of all mutants. Then, he said:

“This is a city built on the moon called Utopia, and I sincerely invite you to join this city.

There will be no discrimination in this city, because this is a city that belongs to us mutants. "

"A city that belongs to us mutants?"

All mutants' breathing quickened - most mutants have been discriminated against and unfairly treated, and what's worse is that this situation not only shows no signs of subside, but is getting worse.

"That's right, a city that belongs to us mutants."

Professor Charles nodded and said: "Utopia is managed by a five-member parliament. The five members are me, Magneto's grandson, and White Queen Emma..."

In Utopia, Magneto's veins jumped and he shouted at Mystique who was blocking him: "Riven, don't stop me, I'm going to kill that old guy."

Now, everyone will think that he is the grandson of Magneto. How come Charles, this bastard, didn't realize that he had such a dark heart before.

"If you really want to kill him, please use magnetism. You can't kill him with your fists."

The White Queen sneered: "Magneto's grandson."

Everyone laughed, and Magneto gritted his teeth angrily, regretting that he had chosen an eighteen-year-old body, it was so embarrassing.

Professor Charles chuckled secretly as he continued: "Compatriots, don't worry, Utopia has enough resources for you to survive. Utopia must have things that are available on earth, and Utopia also has things that are not available on earth.

As long as you are willing to sign your soul after death to a hell lord, you can be transported to Utopia immediately. "

"Sign your soul after death to the Lord of Hell?"

Although the mutants were shocked, they did not resist much because they believed Professor Charles, who would never push mutants into a pit of fire.

That's why Andrew is teaming up with Professor Charles, the spiritual leader of mutants.

"The reason why those Ypsilon-level mutants can turn back into ordinary people is because they signed a contract with the Lord of Hell. This Lord is very honest, so everyone can rest assured."

Professor Charles continued: "If anyone is unwilling to be a mutant, you can call the Lord of Hell in your heart, and he will turn you into an ordinary person. Of course, the price is the same as those of Ypsilon-level mutants."

Finally, Professor Charles said: “Compatriots, I assure you that Utopia will not let you down. Here, you will not only gain freedom and respect, but also get a house for free.

In addition, Utopia has no property taxes and universal health care..."

“We would like to go to Utopia.”

Millions of mutants couldn't wait to shout. On the one hand, they believed in Professor Charles, and on the other hand, the earth was no different from hell to them.

Some mutants asked hesitantly: "Can you bring our parents and relatives?"

Professor Charles replied: "If they are willing, they can immigrate to Utopia together. They can give birth to mutants, which means they have the X gene in their bodies and are no different from mutants."

"Very good."

The mutants were overjoyed and chose to sign soul contracts one after another.

"It's worth all the thought I put into it."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction and asked the black widows to quickly sign the contract. Because there were too many people, the black widows were so busy that they signed contracts with thousands of people at the same time.

This time, Andrew can be said to have been merciless in accepting the soul contract.

Months of hard work (others worked hard, a certain demon king was mainly responsible for formulating the plan) finally paid off at this moment.

"I am willing to immigrate. I don't want to be a guinea pig anymore. I want to go out to watch parties, go shopping, and eat in restaurants."

Leech shouted in surprise, Andrew snapped his fingers, and all the mutants who signed the contract lit up at the same time, and then they all disappeared.

It is worth mentioning that in this transmission, Andrew used the power of Kama Taj to act and conceal his possession of the space gem.

In a certain bar, Psylocke was drinking with Deadpool. She was in a bad mood because during this period, she was often attacked inexplicably.

"It should be an armed team from the military or a private laboratory."

Psylocke scolded: "They want to capture me for research. Now the top human beings are full of malice towards us, and those bastards are unscrupulous because of this."

"There's nothing we can do about it. We mutants are not considered human beings."

Deadpool spread his hands and said: "That's not what I said. Our creator expelled us some time ago in order to pay less taxes."

Psylocke didn't pay attention to what Deadpool said, because Deadpool often talked nonsense. At this moment, the professor's voice sounded in her mind. She hesitated for a moment and asked: "Professor, the money I have accumulated over the years can be used in Utopia." ?"

The professor smiled and said: "Utopia uses credits, but U.S. dollars can be exchanged for credits."

"That's no problem, professor. I'll immigrate immediately and leave a good house for me."

Lingdie immediately chose to sign the contract. After a moment, her body lit up with light, and Deadpool asked in shock: "Lingdie, what's going on with you? Are you upgrading or self-destructing?

If it's the latter, please tell me your bank card password quickly. Don't get me wrong. I'm not greedy for your money. I just don't want to waste it, let alone cheapen the bank. "

Psylocke asked in confusion: "Didn't you hear the professor's voice?"

"Professor's voice?"

Deadpool pointed at his head and said: "The professor doesn't dare to enter my head. If he enters my head, his head will explode."

Psylocke blinked and suddenly understood that the professor did not regard Deadpool as a mutant at all, even though he claimed to be a mutant every day.

"Maybe it's because he's afraid of being contaminated by Deadpool."

Lingdie didn't say much, she said: "Wade, goodbye."

After saying that, Psylocke disappeared, and Deadpool reached out his hand in grief and shouted: "Bank card password!"

At a base under a dam in Canada, Colonel Stryker looked at the Blue Devil he had just captured, with a smile on his face. He was going to send the Blue Devil to assassinate the president. In this way, the president would order the arrest of all mutants. .

"Mutants deserve to die."

Colonel Stryker said with a ferocious expression. At this time, the Blue Devil, Death Lily, and the illusion master Jason (Stryker's biological son) sitting in a wheelchair all had the professor's voice in their minds at the same time.

Death Yuriko had been controlled by Stryker with drugs. At this moment, she regained consciousness and shouted in her heart: "As long as I kill Stryker, I am willing to pay anything."

A majestic voice sounded in Yuriko's mind: "As you wish."

"Catch this monster out..."

Colonel Stryker was talking when suddenly, a sharp claw with blood pierced his chest. He turned around in disbelief and saw Yuriko looking at him with a ferocious face.


The soldiers were frightened. Just as they were about to attack, a large number of terrifying visions suddenly appeared in their minds. They were so frightened that they screamed and fired wildly.

Yuriko threw Colonel Stryker in front of Jason's wheelchair. Then, she ignored the bullets around her and quickly killed the surrounding soldiers like the god of death.

Soon, all the soldiers in the base were slaughtered, leaving only the mutants who were used as experimental subjects.


Yuriko looked satisfied. She returned to her original position and found that both Jason and Colonel Stryker were dead. She was stunned for a moment, then shook her head. This was Jason's own choice.

Then, all the mutants lit up with light at the same time. They looked at each other and disappeared together with their longing for the future.

After the mutants disappeared, a circle of sparks appeared out of thin air, taking away all the high-temperature Adamantium alloy. Waste was shameful, and thrift was a virtue.

"It would be good to get an Adamantium alloy robot."

"A large number of mutants disappeared out of thin air?"

SHIELD and human executives quickly received the news and quickly investigated what happened. Unfortunately, they were too late and everything was settled.

In less than half an hour, 70% of the mutants chose to immigrate to the moon and start a new life - some of them have not yet been transported and have to deal with some trivial matters. Of course, the contract has been signed.

Twenty percent of mutants choose to become ordinary people, while the last ten percent choose not to change—to continue living on earth as mutants.

It is worth mentioning that none of the mutants who did not leave the earth remember the Hell Lord. They only remember the mutants immigrating to the moon.

In addition, these people still have the opportunity to immigrate. The professor will not ignore mutants. He will always pay attention to mutants on the earth.

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